(2012/08) Aug 2012

what BBL, buy 6 bottles..how to finish it? member how much discount...
aixin, i am also exhausted after work, still got to read books to my 3yo boy. i have been using the leapfrog tag pen and asking him to read to me haha.
bright, the single room price has not included all other fees like your gynae fees, epi, additional equip you may use like forceps etc, if csec more exp, even thing that baby use also will be charged.

i think so too...can book but cant guarantee anything cos all EDD, wont know exact day of delivery
just pray on that u deliver, not too many ppl delivered
mine was natural but happened to be some good date and the hospital was packed!
Haha.... I think after giving birth, we all dont care anymore. Got visitors come just put on blanket. Anyway those who come to visit us in hospital usually very closed ones.
And whether hubby stay in or not, also too tired, just sleep.
But if mummy giving birth by C-section, I think maybe really need someone to stay with you more. Cos i've seen mummy after C-section harder to move around and need to sit on wheel chair.
yr hubby is so funny
wateveer u eat..all filter thru u then to bb thru placenta leh...n yes its true that bb below the age of 1 cant take honey

i am not sure of the price. i think memeber is 60 a bottle non member is 80-90 per bottle.. so diff type of honey price also diff.. n according to them, their honey are wild so each batch is different but all will go thru analaysis to deteremine their uses..
i bought 18 bottle one shot to upgrade to their gold member..
AG is right....alot of things not included yet
no matter what sure need cash
i stayed single bedder in TMC in 2009 for natural delivery with epi
after medisave, cash i paid $2600 including gynea fees, PD fees, etc
i rem then TMC has installment free plans
nahnah > I don't think you can book the type of room cos like mummyR said we won't know exact date of delivery. And I confirm this with at least mount A, cos I was also like you thinking it would be like booking hotel. Haha. So no need to pay any deposit or anything, u only pay when you discharge. Also the "booking" should be done by your gynae clinic, it more like informing the hospital that you will be going there to go birth only. And choice of room is only decided when you admit to the hospital (for mount A).

Sherry > I would love to go for single bed also, but the money I can save from staying at single bed is enough to let me buy a good medela automated pump which I'm seriously thinking of getting.

Bright > That depends what type of delivery you have. If normal can only claim up to 1.6k. Do note that these packages do not include a lot of other things like your gynae delivery fees, pediatrician fees and other consumerables, eg extra dose of epidural. So normally you still have to fork out around 2k in cash (I'm estimated based on my colleagues recent delivery at mount A).
i think i forked out about $3K+ for my #1 after medisave with assisted delivery and 1 bedded in 2009. but now gleneagles price increase liao, i saw that their 2 bedded is now the price for previous 1 bedded.
bbl, i did put on some bb cream in the hospital when I was fit to get up. cant imagine my look without makeup and seeing ppl. talking about this, i think i need to make a pair of new glasses.
Dawn > ur hubby so funny. Then you tell him la, if based on his logic, bb should only drink milk, so does that mean you can only drink milk too? XD The reason why kids below 1 yr cannot drink is because their body digestive and immunity system might not have matured enough to withstand a certain bacteria in honey that are not harmful to adults.

AG > Actually per bottle is not a lot. For example, if me and my hubby drink once every morning and night, 1 week can finish 1 bottle already. Cos per serving is take 1 big spoonful. Besides wild honey has no expiry date, so even u keep for 10 yrs still can drink (that's another difference between pure wild honey and processed honey). Silver member discount is around 20%, gold member is 30% and can buy their S grade honey. To be a silver member, you need to buy 1 set of honey which is 6 bottles, to be gold member, you need to buy 3 sets. But membership is for life one. When you go to the yummy house, don't be afraid to try different honey, they are usually pretty generous, you can ask to try this particular cocoa honey (S grade) if you are a chocolate lover. Cos the bees mostly harvest the honey from cocoa trees, the cocoa honey is very fragant with a tinge cocoa smell and when you eat it pure, it has a aftertaste of chocolate!
hi ladies...

if stay in 2 beded room, hb is sometimes "allowed" to sleep in the waiting area in hosp. but remember hor, i think ur hb need much rest too. n sleeping in sofa sitting down can be very uncomfortable.

for assistance, can always ask nurse to acc u to toilet or to bf, since their service is also included.

last time even though normal delivery, one of my leg cannot b moved (due to epi) for 1day. my hb didnt stay over. so i couldnt carry baby from bassinet to bf. just buzz them n ask them to carry to me. they even help me to latch n prepare the pillows to prop baby. hehehe.
wah u know the pricing so well ah..u also gold member>
i have their S grade honey with me..nv drink cos too precious already...
some ppl say rubbing trigger contraction?
but yet i read reports that its good bonding with baby cos baby can feel mummy's touch!
anyway i rub my tummy alot...sometimes cos its really itchy! and most of the time its just a habit :p
need to add in other cost for u n bb.
like if bb need the blue light for jaundice, u need meds for flu/ fever, need forceps/ vaccum and the vaccination, gynae cost, cost of epi, the cost of anesthesiologist, even extra diapers and think next time FM also need to pay.

don rub tummy in a circular action cos that will stimulate the uterus to tighten and may cause MC as advise by my gynae, so if u doing tat often n getting cramps, that may b the reason of ur cramps.

i also go braless but nv walk ard, jus stay in my ward.
BBL > Ya, I love honey since young and since it's beneficial to health I just consume it when I can afford. I also have the S grade cocoa honey and only occassionally eat it like a lolipop. It's like induging in chocolate but without the sin. XD

JC, mummyR > I also love to rub my tummy but I do so very gently, like sayang action like that. Cos I also believe bb will be able to feel it. I think you have to rub pretty hard in order to trigger contraction ba..haha. And if tummy itchy can use those stretch creams, I personally use the mustela double action and it works wonders on those itchness.
AG > Last time I was taking to detox and slim down for my wedding ma. Now my hubby takes it once a day but for me occassionally cos now I more focus on drinking milk or soya milk, and tummy not enough space to accomodate so much liquids at one go. Hahaha

Oh and there's another unproven benefit of honey, it seems to treat hemorroids. Cos before starting drinking regularly, hubby often get it and now no more for very very long liao. =p
hello mummies.. mia for awhile le ;)

went to robinson fair and my damage is S$155 (after$30 rebate). mainly for my #1. Find that it's worth buying the items than in Taka sale.

maid: already chosen mine and i agree is based on luck. i'm paying 420 for my indon maid. but now my main concern is, i've no spare rm for her to slp!! is it ok if she sleeps in the living rm? really a headache.
what promo do they have at robinsons?
have $30 off $180?
i also feel robinsons sale more worth it...will try pop by this weekend
rainbow: She can sleep with your parents or kids room, or even in the study room. Sleeping in the living room is generally not a good idea since there are always ppl walking around and she won't be able to sleep until everyone else has gone to sleep (in my case, I usually sleep at 1+ AM but my maid sleeps around 10+PM).
starfantasy, I intend to let her sleep with my mum and #1. My sis was asking me "u mean u allow her to slp in aircon?" How ah? As I combined my mbr with another bedroom, i'm left with 2 rms now. ;(

Mummy R, discount ranging from 20% - 30% and if our purchase hit min S$180, there's an additional $30 off! Not applicable for cosmetics thou. Avent is at 25% off and majority at 30% off.
huh... so rubbing left to right is ok but not circular motion right? sometimes i rub up and down. ok la.. then i just rub left to right.. die liao.. cos when applying lotion also in circular motion even when showering! I better remind myself not to do that anymore.

Its a habit to rub it. also likes rubbing it while talking to the baby.. think just left n right should be ok right? >__<
hello all mummies! i just went for my scan this morning and confirmed it is a baby girl! kiddo was moving around due to the pressure of the ultrasound thingy, and she was using her hands to block the pressure. very funny!

i am finally start doing my shopping, starting tmr when i am in Manila!

also, doc say my OSCAR scan - low in blood which i will take iron pills, and hep B , which i will need to jab after delivery. hope all goes well!
have fun shopping! think the prices u mentioned previously are quite cheap


rainbow hi5, i also combined 2 rooms to 1, so left 2 rooms in total only. i also let my maid sleep with my mum in aircon, when my mum not in on weekends, she dont on aircon. my boy sleeps in my room, now with #2, i also dunno how to squeeze everyone into my room...headache.
rainbow - think cannot let her sleep in living room lor ..

joanne - erm balestier there near the quality hotel but they gt branches lah haha my friend recommend me the maid 1 ..
rainbow - erm let her sleep in aircon also can wad not as if you deliberately on aircon for her . my maid most prob will be sleeping with my boy and i just bought 2 fans as well haha
AG, if she slps in the rm with my mum than she'll hv to make milk for my boy! cos my boy drinking pattern on good days (12am, 3-4am &amp; 7-8am) on bad days (12am, 1.45am, 4am, 6am, 8am!!!)
rainbow, how old is your boy? how come still so many nite feeds? last time for my boy, i weaned him off nite feeding when he is about 4-6 mths old, u can drag the nite feeding hours longer like if he wakes up at 4am for milk, you drag till 5am then give him on day 1, then day 2/3, drag till 6am then give him so as time pass, he will get used to it. or try giving him water instead of milk. you need to stop his nite feed else when the baby comes, u dont need to sleep liao.
all along my boy sleeps with me so I take care of him at nite, so depends on your arrangement.
AG, he's 15mths! I also wonder y he needs so many feeds too. I checked with pd, she says some toddler has this pattern so we just hv to feed
I tried all le, give water/pacifier but he will scream and scream till he has his milk.
rubbing tummy:
rubbing is fine jus not in circular motion.
do tat only in tri 3 if u want contractions to kick in.

Congrats, next up shop shop shop

if can don let maid sleep in living area, not so nice if ur hb walk in n out also not very inconvenient
Hellooo mummies!! *Wave*

Joining u all to be mtb in Aug!! ;)

I'm expecting my 2nd bb and in my week 15+ nw, gender unknown yet but hoping a boy this time round cos my #1 is a girl ;)
maybe can talk to ur boy?
my girl self wean from nite feed when she was ard 3mths (last feed ard 10pm)then will wake up ard 7am again for milk.
but my MIL deem tat she is too young to wean off dawn feed so dream feed my girl. even till now when my girl with her she give her dawn feed at 4am but my girl sleeps thru with me.

or maybe give more milk or some solids before bed time so he feels fuller?
Jojo: Thanks!
Haha first time mom so dont know much. I think i'll ask the nurses to use cup for feeding like you mentioned if needed.
Hi mummies!

Is it ok to eat salad when pregnant? I've got some constipation after a bout of tummy flu. The salad from quiznos always helps me along with that but dunno whether can take or not?

Re: tummy rubbing
In my pre- natal class, the nurse say can cause contraction if in circular motion.
rainbow, can let him just cry and drag each feeding. i cannot imagine u having to dreamfeed both kids in future. in fact 15mths already, i salute u.
aixin, i didnt stay at kkh before but visited a fren who just delivered in Feb.. I find the 1 bedder room not bad... feels bigger than TMC 1-bedder..

rainbow, there's robinsons sales now? do u know till when? hope it applies to pigeon wipes! haha..

kelly, try to latch if possible.. else, pump out and cup feed if really bobian, like when they couldnt bring bb to me coz he had to stay under the blue light.. i didnt wana introduce bottle until at least 3 wks.. dun wan bb to prefer bottles or start biting me when latching..
AG, he'll cry till like wanna tear the house down. We tried dragging and he just kept crying/screaming. That's y my sis say if #2 is out, i'll hv to rotate to feed. haiz..

BBL, has became a habit le.

jojo, the sale is today only.

you may try to tell him sternly when he request for milk, call his name, tell him he is a big baby already so no more milk in the middle of the night.
I did that to my gal, the first time after telling her, i try to delay but in the end still give her milk. But next few days she stopped that.
jojo > watsons having sales for the pigeon wipes.. its cheaper than what i bought at taka. Fainted. 8.95 for packs of 3 so that is 17.90 for 6 packs.. i bought 19.50 for 6 packs at the taka fair.. heart broken. I bought a carton which means i paid 6.40 more to buy at Taka. sighs.

Hope the deal is good enough.
hi all! thanks for the wishes.

hi Miko, salad is good for you, i take them all the time for my vege intake. do note though i am talking abt salads in SG, i dont take them out of SG (esp when water source is dubious and not drinkable), also when they are with meats as they may not handle it well in terms of preparation if cooking of the meat is required.
ic rainbow.. thanks for the info..

oh JC, is it? I must go down to watsons and get some then.. normally pigeon wipes no further disc de.. unless go the chinatown toiletries shop it'll be 18.50 i think.. so 17.90 is a good price.. but best i've seen so far is the robinson's special 25% voucher, works out to be $14.60 for 6 packs.. hope the sale until wkend then i can go grab! thanks!
