(2012/08) Aug 2012

Morning ladies, how come honey cannot use metal spoon? I have been using metal spoon all along. I tried honey n lemon for a week Liao, still coughing.
Thanks sherry, ya how come no fish? I never take chicken for weeks Liao but I still take fish. Chuan bei sounds familiar, will check it out. I read nan xing bei xing cannot take for pregnancy leh.

Hazel & AG: heard seafood generally create Phelgm so fish also best to avoid.. Eggs too! Surprising, I saw some home remedy to steam orange (cut off bit of the top), sprinkle salt n cover the top back n steam for 15 mins.. Take eat the orange.. But ain't sure if it works haha
Nan Xing bei Xing cannot eat ah.. Aiyo, I got drink le.. Maybe if free, I go ask the TCM.. Tot it's just almonds le haha
sherry, i still take nan xing bei xing once a week in my apple soup. but since its a big pot for the whole family so i guess not much harm. I read a recipe before saying that bitter almond contains a slight trace of toxins hence not suitable for pregnant woman. difficult to avoid fish esp I coughed for 6 weeks liao.

btw, do u ladies still see TCM? I dont dare to take their medicine leh cos scared they anyhow give.
@AG: think u need to tell them tt u preggy lo...usually once they know, they will give preggy safe med...else if they anyhow give or keep asking u to buy this n that to bu your body, then i think u can avoid tt TCM le...

for me, tt time i went to see a TCM for my persistent cough (btw, i coughed for about 3mths until my MS subsided then cough miraculously got well) but she din give any med after knowing tt i was on an tai yao...but told me alot of things to avoid eating...

mainly, for fruits, only can eat apple but like coffe, before 3pm...no chicken, so only fish n pork...eat mainly soupy stuff...even when outside but dun drink the soup (more for dining out)...

oh...she also said tt maybe bb or myself was allergic to certain things, eg medications, vitamins, food, drinks, but cant really tell which is the culprit...

err...sad to say, i din follow...coz i suspected my cough was coz bb trying to tell me not feeling well...and prob it's true in my case ba... =P
zratsniwt, u cough for 3 mths wah that's very long. My colleague told me that her last pregnancy she coughed too long that her placenta dropped/lowered, now I am so panaroid. I am so lazy to eat fruits now, usually drink juice or just eat strawberry with my boy. btw, how come you mentioned dun drink outside soup, whats the reason?
btw, anyone knows if cough can take bird nest?
oh mummies, for those bottled concentrated bird nest, how do you all consume it? every morning or nite 1 tablespoon? and do we have to keep in the fridge? thanks
same for me..i depend purely on latching for 1st 6 weeks

if baby is not a preemie, its not advisable to use a pump during the intial days as the milk will be colostrum and its more sticky...half the time the colostrum gets stuck in the pump parts and bottle and baby wont get to drink much

i think can...im coughing for 3 weeks plus too...i still took warm bird nest

thanks for info! think will wait till the june fair to buy stuff
Thks gals for ur kind advise...;)
The transfer maid tt i want is taken so i no need delimma now.. Can take my time to choose n asks the maid to come in on May.. ;) all of u hv been so helpful..;)
i think depends on hospital?
my frend who delivered in TMC single room recently, baby room in with mummy all the time unless they need do jabs and checks and stuff then its back to nursery
joanne - lol i hope the maid i got is nt the transfer maid u wanted haha cause when i made payment finally they told me another couple was looking at her haha
after u give birth or just before they will ask you if you intend bf .. just tel them they will bring bb to you when time up
i think it depends on the mother as well as the hospital... usually bb is kept in the nursery cos they said that the temperature there is the optimal for them! in our ward, maybe too cold or something lah..

but the LC nurses at TMC recommended for the baby to be room in together with the mother. the thing is for first time mommy, it's good so that you can try hands on how to take care of the baby yourself and in any doubt can ask the nurses! =( i kind of regretted not doing it for my first one..

oh.. but it also depends on whether you went thru csect or normal delivery! csect is a bit harder to get off the bed and needs more rest lah.. =)
mummyR: Thanks haha thought can faster stimulate the breast so milk comes in faster when baby not around to latch on. Will be good if they only bring baby back for checks/injections.

Jijz: Ok i better ask my hospital about this. Can start to hands-on with the hubs as well.
i delivered in tmc and had c-sect for #1 and the nurse bring the baby to me whenever i wish unless bath time or etc .. if not when the baby needs feeding will be brought to me lor as i was bf-ing my boy but i asked the nurses to bring the baby back to nursery though as I felt quite tired haha
ayukie, $400 very cheap leh, my current maid is already getting $450 with 1 off day.
jljz, on the first day that
I delivered naturally, i was like zombie and not fully awake most of the time. for mummies having 3rd baby, how do you cope if you deliver naturally, meaning last minute have to go hospital, then how about your elder kid? I started thinking about this and wonder how to handle this part like if need to go in the middle of the night, then how, bring my boy along...haha
AG> You can see the following URL to see where to buy http://www.yummihouse.com/wheretobuy.html. Processed honey can use metal spoon but not genuine wild honey or honey with active UMF content. This is because the meta spoon will interact with the active content in the honey. If you want to go to the TCM way, can try the cough herbal tea from zhong hua medicine hall (a lot of its shops around singapore) that contain nan xing bei xing and one more important herb which I forget. That is very safe for bb. Also can try taking "chen pi" dried orange skin that is also sold in chinese medicine hall.

Although if we are not preggy I would say ignore it. Previously I was coughing like mad (before I got to know to take honey), I tried avoid certain food still cough, so I fed up and heck care, I go back to eating the food I refrain and continue coughing until one miracle day, it just stopped. XD But after I start taking wild honey regularly I seldom cough or easily get phlegm anymore.

I paid $420 (no off day) + $265 (full levy cos bb haven born) for my indo maid. The rate for filipino is usually $450 now. Indo and mynmmar usual is $400. These does not include off day. Do take note that starting from next yr, the amount will increase cos the no of off day for maids will be weekly instead of monthly.

Oh I wonder if any mommies know if they allow spouse to stay overnight if mommy staying in double bed room in mt A? Due to financial constraint, me and hubby have decided that double room is more economical. I know single bed room hubby can sleep on sofa but he's just fine bringing a sleeping bag and sleep on the floor if nurse allow. =p
i think they dont allow staying over unless its single room...or if double room but u have no neighbour, then prob can?

i have the same worry....how to prepare and handle #1?
AG, i m taking one tablespoon daily of concentrated bird nest.

If i buy the medela freestyle breastpump, the warranty starts immediately right?
work permit is for 2 yrs right?
so now get just nw can tahan 2 yrs lor the same rate ..

double bedder i doubt so cause privacy issue bah ..
<font color="0000ff">starfantasy84</font>
<font color="0000ff">years back when i was hospitalised at Mt A, nobody is allowed to stay overnight with me in a 2 bedder ward. reason being, it will caused inconvenince to the person staying in the same room as me.</font>
I wonder if they are more lenient now especially if the other bed is empty or i pull the curtain to separate? Sad to say that the price different between 2 different room is enough for me to buy the medela freestyle, so am at a dilemma. The hard thing for me also is because I have never slept alone since I was born so I don't know if I'll be able to rest well without hubby by my side. Haizz..

Ayukie > Ya, the work permit is for 2 yrs. But some maid will know of this change and can ask for day off or more pay. Although one can say follow the contract but then if maid can also decide to return to the maid agency to get a new employer with new benefits. Or worst, wait everyday show you black face.
at TMC double bed cant stay overnight..

when i had my no 1..i requested for full breastfeeding..so every 3 hr regardless of me sleeping or eating.nurse will bring bb in for milk..so first time mummy..not to worry abt the feeding..nurse will know..
I think as long as not single room u won't be able to get hubby to stay overnite. even if there's nobody sharing the double room cos u never know when someone will come in.. n they charge for hubby staying over..
Star - from start have to be clear with maid lor. Getting a maid is like buy big small see luck one
Pull curtain the nurse will pull one but still privacy issue lah .. U be too tired to worry abt sleeping alone else get single bedder lor
@AG: yah...i coughed for abt 3 mths lo...on and off de... nowadays no more liao...but hor, when i uncomfortable, i will still cough now wor...heh... dun drink the soup from outside is coz they usually add MSG...so better not to drink too much MSG...

Re: 2-bedder
think it's more of not to bring about inconvenience to the other mummy ba...coz i think the mummies not really fully clothed ba...i not so sure coz i'm first time mummy la...but i suppose if u bf and all, u wont really have a bra on?
I gt nursing bra cause gt visitors also but at night remove lah but first day wearing the hospital gown cannot get up so can't wear
for my #1, i stayed in single bedded, but now I will go for 2 bedded anyway hb cannot stay over cos need to look after #1. but breastfeeding would be a challenge if the other hb is always around hor, go toilet also troublesome.

starfantasy, yummihouse honey also has active UMF isit?
Ayukie > agree that get maid is see luck one..

BBL > U mean even walk out of the room u also braless?

Haiz, then I have to give up the idea of hubby staying overnight with me. But is mount A very strict on the visting hours? Now I'm thinking if hubby can stay whole day with me instead, go back home at night to shower and sleep only.
AG > Can pull curtain one right? That should divide up the room. The active UMF is mainly associated with manukan honey which is produced in the western countries. Although yummihouse honey did not specify the exact amt of active UMF content, they have various types of honey with different prices. The older or rarer the honey the more nutrients (aka more active content) the more expensive.
Seriously, i find single bedded better cause if the other mummy need to breastfeed, u probably dont get to rest esp if the feeds are at different timing..
But given the baby boom.. i wonder if we can get a bed in the first place hehehe
kelly, my baby was in the room with me most of the time during the day unless the nurses need to bring him for checks etc.. but i did indicate total breastfeeding so they wont give him fm and also told them to bring him to me when it's time, even during the night.. in the 1st few days wont have milk, only some colostrum.. latching baby is to stimulate the milk to come in and to let them take in as much colostrum as possible.. only time i pumped was when baby was having some jaundice and had to stay in the nursery under the blue light, so i used the hospital pump and asked the nurses to cup feed him..
sherry of cos single bedded better but for the sake of about 1K, I think no choice :p
thanks starfantasy, I need to buy another bottle of honey so will check out yummihouse. i almost finished by manuka honey cos i have been taking it every other day.
=) yah.. with the baby boom.. 2 bedded and normal single wards should be quite filled up! when i had my #1... i got no normal single bed and had to upgrade to the so called "premium" one! =( ex lor! told hubby this time round maybe put me in 2 bedded and he doesn't need to stay over to help me...
Hello Mummies,

Talking about the type of rooms... I thought we can claim partial Medisave? I saw on the Mt A web, we can claim up to $3500? So if their single room is $3470.... meaning we don't have to fork out money right?
Anyway when should we start booking the hospital package ? really kinda worried that our choice bedding is fully taken up becos of baby boommmzz...

When was your stay in KKH? glad to hear some positive remarks about KKH. Which gynae are you seeing?

Totally agreed with you about breastfeeding, it takes some effort to do it, but very very worth it!! About the manual pump I never used one, I used the Medela PISA last time (2 years back), but at the very late stage of breastfeeding i.e. around 15 months then realized hand express also very good. Better in clearing the ducts, and when let down actually fast also.

I'm a working mum. That's why i feel so lethargy after work and still need to play with my gal of 2 years old. When im not pregnant, i will bring her to play ground, neighbour's house or shops nearby to spend the evening, before my hubby comes home. Now pregnant, i find it challenging to bring her out, cos i feel very tired. So at home, either storybooks, or TV/IPhone. Storybooks reading is only when she is very cooperative or drinking milk from her bottles.

You're a catholic, me too. My hubby also free thinker. Wonder when will the miracle happens that he will accept Lord.
After I gave birth to my gal, I really believe God really has the best arrangement for us, so i learnt to trust Him totally. My gal was borned prematurely at 30 weeks. Lot of tough times, but everything turned up fine.
i think even with the booking it is still first come first serve basis and subject to availability.. correct me if i'm wrong!
Yes braless too

If buy one bottle of yummy honey. It's more ex. Min to buy 6 plus member get discounted price. I am member. If u wan u can PM me
hahaa... like BBL, i went braless too!!! even when there are guests coming to visit me! hahaa... heck lah! already look so haggard after giving birth i already dun care liao!

but this time round i hope can wear nice nice and put on makeup!!!
Can we drink honey, cos children under age of 1yrs old cannot take hungry, so hb dun let me drink cos he said i drink = bb drink

Haha ayukie
Maybe really same maid we toking abt as mine oso myramma, oso $400 salary.. So coincident.. Where ur agency? Sims avenue? By when ur maid suppose to come in?
