(2012/07) Jul 2012

mummies..I emailed Kodomo n puréen asking for some samples as I'm afraid my bb may haf sensitive skin..well Kodomo says there will b samples when we deliver at d hospitals n puréen says I can pick up some samples during d motherhood fair
so just tk note yea

Rykiel, I got the #wp fr agent n I check on website u gave. My maid got no wk history here so agent Nvr bluff. I need to go get the ip camera le! Like so many things to buy.... She gonna b here ard 2 mths b4 my edd.....
kawaii_baby: eat fruits n vegetables!! hehe boiled carrots or broccoli..
now I tend to walk kinda slower dan usual though I wanna keep an active side of me but I think my body will feel d aches else my legs will feel "sour"..

last night rain was terrible..d thunder was so
loud n I woke up which end up my bb oso woke up n start kicking..stop only after d thunder n d rain stopped..
qin, normally people will try for c-sect first unless got complications or risks e.g. diabetes, high BP, or not progressing. my kid kena jammed and caused some blood in urine. they suspect abrasion. and also my dilation stopped at 6 or 7cm only after a long while i.e. not progressing. so after some time i was asked to do c-sect. but everything need your consent one. can you imagine pain pain down there and still need to sign this and that form while lying down.

denise, i think i'll ask but like not alot of folks were asked to do GBS. i wonder if they do it during delivery.

rykiel, i think it's the milk in kopi leh. and high sugary stuff that I have been taking.

laura, hold on... my girl size still win hands-down so far. hahahahhaha.... one all!!! :D

joy, my edd is 6 jul. boss allow me to work from home from 37wk. then take ML starting d-day. so no waste. actually more like i tell my boss my plan and he just comply. haha

cherish, your #1 also planned c-sect? #2 date fixed liao? not brave lah. i find going for c-sect like major op. even scarier. so kudos to you.

kawaii, oh yah!!!! i remembered got start with "s"! sorry sunbelle. for healthy snacks, should be the usuals - fruits, veggies, nuts, yoghurt etc. the usual boring stuff hahaha.

starting yesterday, i have been puking and can't sleep at night. morning still need to drive to work and girl kicking all the way while driving. dunno how lor. odd to ask hubby to drive me to and from work when we stay so far away. but drive myself like also scary cos sleepy and uncomfy. u ladies? still driving or taking mrt? got seats?
oh, hv i told u ladies how workaholic some of the colleagues are? not close to me but i know or heard of them.

one manager worked until her contraction starts in office. then she just took her delivery bag, and hopped into a taxi, giving instructions to her staff while the guy carried her stuff for her and ushered her into the cab. the guy was more kan cheong than her and he din managed to hear much of her instructions.

another one best. work until one day she felt she needed to go to toilet and it's around 7 or 8pm at night. she went and gone into labor! luckily got another colleague worked late also and helped her with delivery and called ambulance.

classic right?

so that's how i related the stories to my ang moh boss and that kinda freaked him out. i assured him that as workaholic as i might be, i'm not going to do that. so once reached 37wk, i hope he let me work from home full time. hehhehehee...
ur colleagues stories are really classical. cant believe really hv such things happened.
u are fortunate to hv such a good boss. when i was in 1st trimester, i had very bad MS. vomitted in train, felt giddy and bad nausea. asked my boss if i could work from home when i felt unwell and she didn't allowed. when told her my problem, she acted like didnt heard it and asked other question. So i agak agak knows her style lor.

wanted to try natural delivery for #1 but was told bb might be too big. so in the end, went for c-sect. For #2, yes planning and haven't decided the date yet. most probably will be 1st wk of july.

kawaii baby,
i also experience more chest tightness recently. the frequency seems to increase.

i still take train to work. usually will wait for the next train. i feel that if i walk into a crowded train, those who manage to grab seats seem to wish i don't enter their carriage lor. Hahah!
Hm, so far on bedrest i've snacked on loaker, snicker, toberone, dried mango, raisin, julie peanut butter biscuit, oreo, butter cookie, digestive, nuts, etc. Oh no! Sounds terrible now that i've listed them out! Dun think I can stomach brocoli & carrot leh :p

Liligal, your colleague delivered in office?!
yah... her #2. delivered in office ladies' toilet i.e. in one of the cubicles! luckily got the other malay colleague who came in to toilet also and helped her.
My dear lili_gal: I'm in week 32 and my boy's est weight by US is over 2kg already. These 2 days starts to feel my tummy getting bigger and tighter so I wonder what's his weight now.
hahahaha laura, i'm also in wk32. looking at it yes...u r still the ultimate queen!

yah my tummy also very tight. when she moves, i literally get reflux aka heartburn. and my droopy E-cup is not helping at all. let's hope wk37 come soon.

you going for planned c-sect or natural?
cherish, urs is the female single boss right? thankfully my boss is guy and has a wife who was very demanding... still is. they had 3 teenage kids already so that kind of helped. but so mean!!! unwell and cannot work from home? so u gotta take sick leave or what? i think usually if u hv not gone thru it u might not appreciate the difficulty.

last time b4 i had kids, i see this colleague super cool. work at computer then jus pull out dustbin, puke, wrap it up, go throw and rinse her mouth. it happened a few times in a day. but that time we din ask her to go home cos we din know it was so bad feeling for her since she looked so cool. then i had #1 and even tho i din get to puke but already feeling lousy. now with the pukey #2 pregnancy, i super kao tao to her now. we should have voice out and let her go home. too late liao....

hey.. i am telling lotsa stories today!

currently I am inviting a few family with maternity, newborn, babies or kids to enjoy our complimentary phototaking session in our Studio. (Located at Trivex, 5mins away from Tai Seng Mrt).

Any interested parties ? Please email me at [email protected]
morning cherish n all mummies.. yes its really good if can continue to slp in..
i start the day with kfc porridge breakfast..whahahah..

liligal: ur colleague story is really inspiring.. whahaha.. telling us mummy we can overcome all obstacles..hehe..
n so cool lah u can work from home..ur boss quite good.. if only i can work from home too..whahha..

kawaii_baby: just eat watever u want..or rather watever u crave..
dun hold back.. but if u feeling heaty..please stop..n try to control those high chocolate intakes=)
lili_gal: Yes, I win, but this kind of winning I also don't want. Haiz... *roll eyeballs*

Last night stripped until left with undie to see my "figure" and (WOW!) tummy big oh! Took a pic and whatsapp to HB and he also stunned. It's like a standard basketball but double the size. Tomorrow going for check-up again and I wonder what Dr SF Loh will say this time.

Last night took blood sugar level again 2hrs after dinner and I almost fainted after looking at the reading - 9.3mmol/L (((DAMN!)))

Tomorrow going to stock up my fridge with nothing but lots of vegetables.
*cry* (T.T)
Laura: u got twins lei.. so of coz big lah=)
hehe.. mine still look small dunoe isit coz i already on the plus size n when my gfs saw me when i was sitting down she commented: u look d same before u were preg..
haha.. dunoe its a compliment or not..

n dun torture urself during pregnancy period lah..
after u give birth u alot of food cannot eat liao lei..
i now craving for sashimi n raw oyster!!!
whahah.. oso cannot eat.. so eat watever u can now oso.=) just moderate n not too much..
laura, yes yes my hubby recently used other animals to describe me. very mean. now i've upgraded from pig to hippo. even since #2, i hvnt took a single photo of my preggy state compared to last time. i better start taking.
hvnt slept well last 2 nights and so busy at work. now super sleepy. really can't concentrate. sigh... i want to sleep!!!!
Are u stocking up baby wipes? And how many pkts will u or already stocked up? I hv ard 12pkts for #1, #2 n thot this should be enough. But heard fr friend she's stocking ard 40 for only a child.
cherish, so many?!?!?! for us, if we are at home, we will most prob go wash backside if poo poo. and use wet towels to wipe if pee. cos baby wipes has chemicals no matter what. we do stock up on tissues though e.g. use tissues to wipe a bit first before going to wash backside.
This thread moves too fast for me to catch up!

Realised that most of us are at least in our 30th week or more now. All the water retention, bodyaches, heartburn, puking, etc will be over very soon! Jia you, everyone!

Kawaii_baby, for how long must you be on bedrest? I was put on bedrest during my first trimester and it was totally unbearable for me. So I can understand all your food choices! LOL. That's how I gained all my pregnancy weight.

lili-gal, thanks for sharing your stories. I can tell that to my colleagues to 'scare' them. Hehehehe... I've plans to start working from home in June too. But logging on to my office network from home is a pain. The connection can be painfully slow and might just frustrate me enough to go back to office afterall.

Laura, you have to take care... must kick carbs and sugar from your diet! I think meat is ok so you can keep your ham and sausages. Hehhee... but then again, if you have bad water retention like me, then ham and sausages are not good.

Sigh... can't wait for bb to be out. I need to rebond my hair VERY badly.
lili_gal, I ban my hubby from commenting on my physical appearance... Heh. I think I look like a ball (I'm only 1.52m!!!) and really hate to have my pictures taken now altho everyone keeps telling me that I should take a picture each mth as remembrance.

joy_javen, lucky that you still look that same. I think it's really becos you have not gained much weight thru'out this pregnancy. I've gained more than 10 kg already and I just hit 30th week.

cherish, so far I only have a few packs for FOC samples for wet wipes! I think I've to 'catch up' at the motherhood fair!
Laura: oops haha..
too many mummies on the thread n i tend to get mix up with all the mummies stories!!!
whahhah.. sorry..
anyway i think once awhile 1 pc 2 pc of sausages n ham still oki lah=)

lili gal: whahah.. wat a muddle head i am=p
it took me 2 hrs to fall aslp last nite n i kept waking up every 2-3hrs=(
the rain n d void deck cats calling 'spring' ket me awake..

cherish: my gf ask me to buy 1 carton frm motherhood fair n keep stock since its relatively cheaper.. n she recommend pureen(d orange packet de).. she say as long as no open it wun dry up.. so i guess i will buy a carton since will use it often..n jurong to expo is really far.. so such fair goes once a yr can liao..haha..

bhoo: actually if wanna say i did gain wor.. coz my last check up shot up by 3kg.. if i maintan d 1kg gaining i prob had gained 6kg but till now i gained a total of 8kg!!!!
Joy: seriously, don't worry about ur 8kg.. There are many of us here who are in double digit gains and we'd be so envious of your 8kg! I gained 8kg in my send trim!! Omg.. Haven't gone for my 32wk chk but by 28 wks I already gained 12kg.. Haiz.. So much for the ideal wt gain of a TOTAL of 12-15kg thruout pregnancy.. And we r supposed to gain most in last trim right?

I'm so in trouble lah.. Don't knw how to lose all this weight eventually.. >.<"
Hi gals,

I was so bz at work cos the 2 staff tendered and then goes on MC, 1 wk notice cos havnt pass probation n we are all clearing their shit. The 2nd staff actually tendered via email, can liddat meh????

I dun dare to weigh myself, the last I did was during oscar, tink I was 74/76kg.....I was 56kg b4 I got married n gave birth to #1 leh.....Sad! I dun care abt weight ald, just counting down. My hb dun dare to make comments abt my size n weight. During #1 time, he called me Mama Pooh bear cos my tee too short, show the tummy n somemore the tummy hairy! I tink I walk like a dinosaur nw!!!
Hi mummy lee n Laura
Thks for ur advise on how to boil the oats..;) btw, mummylee, how long u cook the oats on fire?

Wah!! Thread run so fast tt i am rushing to finish all.. As training temp staff so no time to read thread during office hr...
Nice weather to sleep today.. Why not sat or sun today...;(

Hi rykiel
U get ur camera white or black? I choose black as worry dirty easily..;)

Btw gals, do we need apply anything on baby skin after bath huh? I forget what to apply liao? I know powder is not so gd for them..kindly advise..;) thk u..
hika: haha.. coz i m originally 70kg..n i m someone who very hard to lose weight de.. easily gained.. hard to lose.. whahah..
anyway heard those jamu massage is good to lose weight oso..

rer-rer: i tot ur gyne will monitor ur weight every mth u go for check up??
anyway i dun think via email can resign lei..must serve notice..else ur company haf the right not to pay them=)

joanne: powder no good mah?? i only know ru yi oil..

btw ladies, what is swaddle use for?? need to use for how long??
my hubby say for first few days only..
jo, i dun apply anything after bath leh... some folks put oil or lotion.

swaddle is to write baby right? i jus use traditional nappy cloth. some babies like tight and secure feel. my #1 doesn't like but my fren's kid loved it and cry when not bundled or loose. in USA they dun hv that so they call it swaddles. that's what i thot. no?

on weight gain, i'm at 9kg to 10kg now. me not worried cos last time i gained around 14kg and once i weaned my boy off after 1.5yrs of BF-ing, i suddenly became skinnier than last time even tho i still eat like pig. hehehee... so i kinda hope this time will be the same. key is BF!!!! very very important but my assets shrunk half to one cup size.

my male colleagues are saying that my hubby is either very stupid or super brave to call me all these animal names. i'm holding back from getting back on him first cos tmr is my birthday and i kinda wanted him to plan surprises. if the day doesn't turn out well... he'll get it BIG TIME for calling me names and not doing my bday well esp when i'm a preggy!!!!

joy, me also muddle head too!!! hehehe... me also can't sleep. and if finally slept got woken up also by rain or my need to pee or just some odd noise.
really hope d-day comes fast!!!!

rer-rer, sounds bad at work. take care. my company all tender with email one. no one types letters here anymore. for many years already. but usually manager will follow up with a face to face chat after receiving email. standard protocol.

bhoo, yah, i find even normal portrait pics for top half of body also doesn't look good nw. face also can't make it in photos, like swollen pig. i started to have sun spots or freckles or dark spots on my face now. very upset. used whitening stuff from SKII, ASTALIFT, shiseido but like all doesn't work.
if u planning to get kodomo wipes, watsons is selling at $2 per pkt. i find very cheap. wanted to grab few pkts just now but my backache was stopping me. i could only shopped 2 stores and that's it. had to take a cab back to work. And i hv strangers asking me again, how come still working with ur big big tummy ard? >.<
suddenly, i find the time passes so slow for every wk.

i didnt' apply anything for my boy after bath but i know there are some who apply lotion.

i will know how much i gain by tmr. going for my check up. think i dont dare to see too as i find my intake really a lot. hubby already told me to lose weight after #2 as we going to close shop liao. then i told him if i plump plump, he will feel cozy if i hug him. hahaha
joy_javen: i eat the wrigleys' double mint lemon ones. haha no use de. but tdy my voice came back aft chocs la. had wanted take mc on thur n fri. ended up i gt better voice recovered. only get coughs. LOL!

ML: my edd 02/08 , shud b tking 23rd jul (1wk b4) or 30th jul (the same week).

kawaii_baby: like 受委屈lor. hai.. nt my fault also ma. but for me im ytd thing tdy suan ler. i niamniam finish tdy he came in i still talked to him. bo bian. boss~

rer-rer: check liao feel more at ease right the WP. mine nw i waiting her arrival date. thn get 2more cams for the room n kitchen? than tadah. start planning what i need her to do daily, weekly, fortnightly &amp; monthly bah.

liligal: what kopi u drink? i drink those kopidiam kopi, else 3-in-1 i drink oldtown the canesugar de, than machine de i drink the capsule from the CBTL machine. hahaha. i tink we all have cravings la. totally stop also cannot dio bohz =x

cherish: i stocked up one carton =x hahaha. so far la. cos diapers too early to buy now. i sure tio kok head one. wetwipes we can use also at hm so i bought one carton use.

hika: weight gain wise i tink last trimester will end up more. i gained 10kg so far n counting also!!! after 1st mth v fast all gone one. dun worry!

joanne: u got ur camera liao ar? how goot boh? i got black! cos my desktop all in black =x hehehehe..

karena: no worries! all the best! cheers!
cherish, me too.. time pass so slow. i was at 31wk happily but now like getting thru 32wk is such a torture. tmr then i'm 33wk!!!! really so long.

karena, your #1 good size? if ok for #1, i think usually #2 will be fine. all the best and keep us posted yah?
rykiel, i low class lah... free nescafe machine coffee in my pantry. i usually click on the "mocha" selection.
apparently coffee causes heartburn too. i really wanted to stop this morning but brain not working if i dun take one.

btw, for baby wipes, i like this tollyjoy one with the plastic covering on top. cos wun dry up so fast vs the sticker opening type.
i also like the tollyjoy baby wipes... have been using them even before i was pregnant.. been considering to change to kodomo now since Watson having such good offer..

lucky for me, did not have any heartburn so far.. bohpi it will stay this way till end of pregnancy.. so far my only discomfort is the rash on my tummy &amp; my huge swollen feet
liligal: the CBTL machine also from my office, i dun own one la!! LOL!! i drink the espresso one =x hahaha, drink the de-caf one nt nice der. =x wipes i like carlson &amp; huggies one!!
lili_gal: yeah the recent middle of nite rain really make it even harder to slp..
yeah i told my hubby that n he said sld be no need bah.. haha.. i oso dunoe..

i envy u sia..if only i can lose weight when i breastfeed(provided its sucessfully)..
i see my fren went on a very strict diet n lost weight..after give birth or rather after confinment she ate 2 hard boil egg white for breakfast,steam chicken w/o skin for lunch n boiled veggies for dinner.. no carbo at all..
i think if i follow her my hubby gonna scold me like hell.. hahaha..

Karena: dun think so much
as long as when u give birth ur bb is healthy can liao=)
dun give urself stress yeah.. if u want everyday drink milk in the morning n nite=)

cherish: haha.. my hubby oso say i plump good to hug.. so he say okie.. but not those very plump type..meaty meaty kind.. lolx.. he dun allow me to lose weight.. he say maintain can liao..

Rykiel: hahaha.. yi du gong du??
anywya drink more water bah=) haf lotsa of rest..

zhen: tollyjoy wipes is good?? my fren recommend me to use pureen n i grab 3 small pkts over at expo d last time round.. another friend recommend me to use korea organic wipes..i m all so confuse..
but i think i will just use pureen bah n buy a carton of it at motherhood fair=)
1 carton of wipes is how many packets? I heard of babies being allergic to certain brands of wipes so I tot maybe should buy like many many different brands to try... Tollyjoy, Pureen, Huggies, Kodomo, Pigeon, heehhe ... Best is if can get samples!!!

I've been collecting samples of diapers, wet wipes and baby lotion!!!
bhoo: where did u get the samples of diapers n wet wipes n baby lotion from??
i oso dunoe how many lei.. i tot of the same thing too..that is why i told my hubby i dun wan to buy shampoo n body soap first.. think detergent shld be okie though..wet wipes i think shld be okie too?? but see how lah.. coz i dun wan later my hubby scold me kiasu/kiasi.. whahaha..
joy, i have been using tollyjoy all these while, so far so good, like it as it doesnt dry up that fast. and i usually use the one with aloe vera which is more moisturing to the skin..

i agree with bhoo... babies might be allergic to certain brands, so best to get sample &amp; try out before deciding which is the best for our precious one..
Rykiel, ya, have to forget about it &amp; move on.. else it’s just torturing ourself.

liligal, wah your colleague must have had a quick, almost pain-free delivery!

bhoo, hopefully bedrest for another 3 wks only (until wk34)!

Snacks.. haven’t add muffins, cakes, ice-cream :p Mum bought the banana walnut &amp; cranberry muffin today. Realized the muffins all taste the same, just that the “extra ingredient” is different (eg. choc chip replaced by cranberry). Still prefer the choc chip

joy_javen, for choc, so far I’ve been able to limit to 2 small triangles of toberone a day &amp; I eat 1 snicker bar over a few days.. hope this is still ok.. (not counting nutella heehee)

Took my weight at gynae today when went for jab, only +100g compared to 10days ago. What happened to all the snacks??

Is swaddle the same as receiving blanket? Is this what muslin is used for?

Can we eat sashimi during confinement or while breastfeeding? Haven’t eaten since preg..

joy, if i follow ur fren's diet, i tink i'll lose meaning in life, be miserable everyday and purposely faint every few steps. total BF-ing creates wonders. i direct latch... so even better cos the force is strong after 6mths vs the pump.

for wipes, i jus like the cover cos it's plastic and can "click" to close vs the sticker type.

joy &amp; cherish, your hubbies are so nice!!! mine likes round plump plump stuff but nt on his wife!

kawaii, which colleague? all were in pain but i think the toilet girl's was #2. supposedly easier and faster. my fren's #3 literally pop out himself at 4kg b4 the gynae arrived. btw, u really eat a lot of carbs leh... i'm eating more sugary diary stuff e.g. ice creams, yoghurt, cheese. very good that u din grow. i ate sashimi in small amounts now also (shouldn't!) and BF-ing should be totally no issue unless ur baby has allergies.
