(2012/07) Jul 2012

eh, my colleague left at 4:30!!! and he's a guy and not pregnant! ok i'm leaving too!!! catch u ladies again....ciao ciao.

joy_javen, I got my samples from many places. From my gynae's office, events organised by Drypers, from Huggies and Kao merries websites .. then also got some thru coupon cut-outs that I got at Mt Alvernia. Hehee... but even with these samples, still need to buy lar cos samples only few pieces. So I intend to go get small packages of many brands to try try. Buy enuff to last for 1 mth then see what baby likes then can buy in bulk after that.

kawaii_baby, what's the reason for your bedrest? Another 3 more weeks very pass very fast. Hang in there and relax =)

I think Singapore weather so hot, most pple just use muslin (ie traditional cloth nappies) as swaddle/receiving blanket/blanket cos it is thin, comfy, easy to wash and dry ... at least that is what I see my sister and sis in-law doing. I intend to do the same too. July/Aug is going to be super hot mths. I think the last thing that can happen to our babies is for them to catch a cold?
joy_javen: ya it wrks beter for me this way! hehehe

kawaii_baby: ya lor, end of the day we still employees. so might as well move on n work. the bosses dun benefit or lose at all.
Getting free samples...
I'm not so into net surfing for freebies but luckily I got a guru at home doing that for me - HB. I keep having to go to SingPost to collect bulky items under my name and I have no idea why these ppl know me.(Dryers, Dumax...etc) LOL!
Laura, you are so lucky your hb is so involved. Mine just leave all these to me cos he claims he does not know anything! I also dunno anything but I bother to go find out from friends and check online. Really annoying. Talk abt it only get my blood boil!
You see me good, I see you good lah!
No doubt my HB is involve in this area but I didn't mention that he have yet to get ready BB's bedroom and also furnitures for BB.
Thks gals
Yeh.. I oso think ru yi oil is enough..;) now i recall liao.. Hee...
Thread moves so fast.......

Hi Rykiel
Will u be telling ur maid tt u hv a camera installed? Yes, i buy black one but havent receive yet.. Request to deliver this Sat.. Hope can easily install..;)

Hi Karena
Like to check with u when ur #1bb born at 2.1kg, does he needs to go to nicu or special care? Or if he is full term bb n just weight little so no need go special care n can discharge together with u?? Thk u n hope ur bb has gain weight when u go scan tomorow.. Enjoy..;)
Just saw my gyne today. Baby put on 300g so she's 1.8kg at 33weeks, amniotic fluid decreasing still which is why my overall weight gain is 100g over the past 2 weeks.
Gyne told me, coz of my aging placenta - they look speckled with white spots - the fluid is low. there's nothing I can do, coz its all natural. Talk bout feeling helpless.
Which means instead of popping in 7 weeks, she said be prepared to pop in 3-4 weeks. Gulp!
heheheee... so happy. my hubby created a timetable on what we are going to do tomorrow for my birthday! ok.. even tho it's nothing much i.e. just eat this and that and go out for a while, it's still better than no plan and nua!!! now he's more or less forgiven for calling me animal names.

btw, are you all having bad heartburn or reflux? mine dunno why very very bad and just short of vomiting only. but it's like if i want to, i can easily vomit.

laura, envy #4! mine nt too bad recently (ok, i'm bias cos he got plan for my bday). we got the room ready for CL and #2, got pretty much everything except sterilizer. last part will be hospital bag (my item), assemble the cot and wash all the stuff. but not so involved until go search online and get goodies!!!!

karena, ur #1 is good and healthy right? if so, then no need to worry. dun affect baby. think good happy thots and keep saying words of encouragement. yeah and pray! i have reverse problems... hahahaha....
kalmen, 3-4wks is full term liao. meaning it's ok to pop. full development already. i hoping to pop around then. also, it seemed tat u r able to pop naturally! so it's all good!!!
Happy birthday liligal!
i haven't used nipple cream and didnt heard this before. only time i used the cream was during expressing as nipples cracked.
Happy birthday lili_gal! Have a great day out with your HB today =)

Kawaii_baby, take care!

Kalmen22, you can start counting down already. So exciting. I think delivering at ard 37/38 week is good enuff. Carry to full 40 weeks can be very 辛苦. As it is I already feel the full strain on my butt, thighs and calves when I walk.

Qin, I think nipple cream is to soften the skin. I bought the Lansinoh nipple cream and they recommend using it during 3rd trimester to 'prep' your skin for breastfeeding. I'm thinking of starting that soon. No harm having a head start right? =)
liligal: Happy birthday and enjoy!!

my bb is 1.7kg at wk32 but i am way overweight so i need to cut down on my intake

counting down the weeks and i am getting scared! my bb still no turn yet..
how about your bb??

i am also using nipple cream like once a week now only.. i do not use it everyday coz it is very oily..

i bought some nursing bra from sping maternity.. not bad.. how many sets should we prepare??
Liligal, happy birthday to u...

Cherish n Bhoo n ourlovestory, i asked is becoz yest i go kiddy palace see nipple cream and the instruction there is to used it before delivery so as to improve milk supply. Bhoo, since u said no harm applying, den i gona buy one also. How much is lansinoh nipple cream? Hmmz... Now i applying clarin stretchmark cream on my nipple coz abit dry
thanks for the info. I will go try it out
happy birthday lili_gal

bjoo: i just started using nipple cream this week. was told to start early as it will help to moistuize & soften the skin like you mentioned. think this will helps to prevent sore/cracked nipple during BF..

ourlovestory: how much is the nursing bra at spring maternity? i am hunting for them too.. not too sure how many sets to prepare.. but was told to bring at least 3-4 set for my stay at hospital..
Zhen, the non padded one which is comfortable is 29.90 and the padded one is ranging from 36.90 to 39.90. I also bought one from those motherhood fair which is around 22 but i find that a bit big as I do not have big boobs. You must also consider that you need a tiny space for your breast pads
I have got 3 sets now so not too sure if i should buy more?

I think we are mostly naked with just the hospital gown when staying in the hospital? we need to bring bra or sleepwear??

Happy Bdae Lili_gal~~ enjoy ur bdae to the fullest yea=)
anyway coz my hubby also round round like brother bear mah.. haha.. but oki lah i told him after give birth liao we must go exercise liao else later many health problems.. i dun wan that..

zhen: hmm okie maybe i will buy different brands of wet wipes n dan decide again which to use=)

kawaii_baby: hehe oki lah chocolate will make pple happy so just eat=)
anyway for sashimi i did asked my gyne before n his reply: not too many as long as its handle in the right manner n its fresh..
so I ate twice already thruout the pregnancy.. hehe..

bhoo: i see okie doki.. i will try to collect samples if i can=p whahah..
yesterday hubby wanna buy a pack of mammy poko new born 52pcs/pkt.. but i told him we already got 2 pkts of newborn pampers n huggies le..plus tmc oso will give 1 pkt.. dun even know bb size..scare later too small dan wasted..

laura: so nice of ur hubby to go search for it..
my hubby just let me do everything n find out what we need to buy.. he will just go to the motherhood fair n buy watever is needed..

ourlovestory: i wanted to buy the other time at the spring fair..but hor didnt really fit quite nicely=( hard to find a nice n comfy maternity bra!!! anyway what is nipple cream use for??

kalmen22: that time u mentioned abt the maternity bra emma janes right?? from where again?? usa or europe?? coz my gf haf flights to uk so i might ask her to help me buy.. n how much per piece?? n the size n cup size isit the same as the normal bra u r wearing??
joy: the nipple cream is used to moisturise your nipple as i have some hardern point at my nipple which i scare might be blocking the milk flow, but i do not use it everyday.
ourlovestory: i see.. dunno if i need to use or not..coz i do sometimes see dry skin flakes..
as for hospital which hosp u r staying?? i think tmc got give u a booklet tht shows what will be provided. =)
Hello mommies, met with my fren over lunch and suddenly a topic about "will you consume your placenta" ... I know there are services to make them into capsules form... Have any mommy try or even consider???
joanne: yes i will let her know. ill tell her the camera is not to monitor u see u got work anot. the camera is for me to see my baby. haha.. can anot? anw. i asked agent b4, n agent tell me the filipinos have been told at their embassies that most employers have camera at hm ler. so not an issue. most impt toilet n their slpin area dun put. =) privacy. rgds to bb weight my #1 was 2.2only, no need any other special care, i cant remember if he went hm same day as me ant leh. er i go hm ask my hub 2nite!

liligal: happy birthday to u ! =)

mummydee: placenta encapsulation? previously i asked here b4 also! hehe i had wanted to try, not much medical health benefits, only for 养颜. some ppl take liao will outbreak of pimples instead of getting v radiant, dpen on each indv. body. i hear liao i =O i backed out. the muslims will bury it, out of respect and duno what others for the placenta protecting n keeping the baby safe n sound in them.
Qin, My fren got my Lansinoh nipple cream from US. I paid ard S$25 for 2 tubes. I think that's pretty damn cheap. Heh ...

I bought a nursing bra from thebirthshop to try. It's ard S$30+ for the padded one. It's not as comfy as I would like it to be. Pretty scratchy ard the band... Think I will try other brands. But right now I also dun dare to buy too many cos our boobs can still grow during the last mth right?

joy_javen, you can get emma jane from ASOS. They are ard S$30+... I'm intending to get one to try too.
Bhoo, oic... I saw kiddy palace one tube different brand selling $20+

Nursing bra i bought from gmarket. It's cheap but it takes 3 weeks to arrive.
I attended the prenatal class by Wong bb at TMC and eating placenta is strongly discouraged! Was mentioned that the placenta actually stores the discharges (not sure what u call it medically; its all the unwanted stuff) from the baby. So why do people wan to eat it anyway? What benefits does it have? For beauty? I dare not eat mine anyway... I'm quite scared by the thought of it.

My fren is gg US. Shall ask her to look out for the nipple cream. What other maternity stuff is good to get there?
ourlovestory: me too! i'll be at glenE too! when is your edd? for me, the nurses did ask how many bedder i want.. but that's about it..
Qin: yeah i know Gmarket oso haf n i oso know there r some bp going on.. but i dun dare to buy coz of the size.. is maternity bra actually necessary? haha.. can wear our existing bra n just put the nursing pad can liao??
maybe i should apply some nipple cream then..so that it won't be too dry at later stage.

I'm just back from my check up. bb weighs 1.8kg at wk32 =)
Joy, can wear normal bra but best is without wire. Nursing bra is for convenient when pump during work. No need remove the whole bra.
mummylee, my edd is 13 july.. what about yours?
the nurse did not ask me anything.. so when do we get to know our package? only on the day we pop the bb out?

joy, actully u take off everything to breastfeed when you are home.. nursing bra is good when bf outside or maybe at night i guess...
Bhoo, ur lansinoh cream is so cheap. I saw other brands like avent, pigeon all $20+++. I saw gmarket selling lansinoh nipple cream for $17.50
cherish: same here! just did up some stuffs for boss until wan cross-eyed. feeling sleepy aft lunch and the lil one is rolling n rolling inside. hahaha.
Hi ladies.....the thread moves so fast I can hardly catch my breath!!! Hee hee...end up only reading and not being able to catch up with the commenting ;P
Can consider Medela nipple cream as well....many of my friends using says it's really good.

tanny: can ask your friend to buy baby clothes as well...Carter, Osh Kosh, Old Navy, Gap...they are all very very cheap and nice!
They are now havin sale...I just bought a batch online :E
hello ladies!!! thanks for all the birthday wishes! feel so loved!!!

but oddly, my son broke out in rashes today. so one item on the plan to bring him out in the afternoon will have to be canned.

nevertheless, good day so far. thanks again dears.

LFCfan, yes yes. you too?
ourlovestory: u may want to check with ur gyne n cfm if ur bed had been book blah blha blah.. n ask them what u need to know??

thanks mummies who answered my qns.. it always seems i m kinda lost somewhere..not knowing what to buy what to choose what is it use for~~~ oh my!!! lotsa of things for me to learn!!!

Marie Ang: can i ask which website do u go n see all the above bb clothes?

Rykiel, what is the feeling like when bb rolling inside... I can feel bb like no space to turn and when moving around, some parts of tummy will feel hard. When go sayang, bb will movr away. Is this the feeling? Haha...
