(2012/07) Jul 2012

Joanne: it depends on whether you're getting the instant kind or the one which you have to cook. i prefer the one that have to cook, tho more troublesome but delicious! here's how you do it:
1. boil some water
2. put in oats (put more if you prefer a thicker texture and lesser if you prefer it more liquid)you may want to put more so that it's easier to add water than add oats.
3. then some condensed milk (if you like it sweet)
tada! it's ready! this is just one of the method.. but i love it.. simple and yummy!

Joanne: I am LaurA oh...
I am only in my 32nd and I also have no idea why suddenly doctor wants to see me in a weeks time, maybe my BP taken from my last visit no good.
Quaker oats very easy. I bought the red pack which is instant. Put hot water can already. As for the taste, that's why I added with Milo. My standard breakfast is, oat+milo and 2 slices of wholemeal bread with low salt butter. Very filling.
hi laura,

my BP is always high there one. so now i measure my readings at home too. i will show them. no choice. cos i always kan cheong when i measure there hehee

cherish, raise your feets up and soon you will have lesser water rentention problems hehee
Laura, i was told not to drink milo, cereal 3 in 1 kind coz it contain sugar coz i have slight gestational diabetes. Even milo without sugar or milk also cannot

Joanne, now i drank HL milk or anmum (3 spoon as recommended by nutrientist). My nutrientist said drink milk is ok but not sweet.
Qin: I have no worries on that cos I tried taking my blood sugar level after consuming the aforementioned and I'm fine. By the way, no 3-in-1 for me and I drink the Australia recipe Milo and not those produced from M'sia which contains more sugar even w/o adding more into it.
mummies i think my issue is that i drank more dan a glass of milk every day.. n my weight usually is gain abt 1kg or lesser each mth check up.. so my doctor was shock when it went up to 3kg within a mth..
he ask me to just eat normally n dun suddenly change my diet.. whahaha..

oki so i m not the only person who having difficulty with breathing n feel like puking eh??
hope everything will be fine.. i cnt wait for the motherhood fair actually..
wanna grab hold of all the things needed for bb.. whahha..
think i maybe will bring along a trolly(those market trolly) n put whatever heavy stuff into it instead of carrying=X
Laura, oic... I see my nutrientist and when she see me eat beehoon mee, kuey, milo, yakult, yogurt, chicken rice, mr bean pancake n soya drink and although my blood sugar level normal, also got scolded by her.
it's so hot outside today!!

Qin, sunbelle,
thanks for the advise. just managed to get an empty box in office to raise up my feet. i always feel my bladder is so full when going home from work. so scared later i cant control and pee nowadays.
Qin: You so fat meh? I mean, at least I am very sure that no one here can beat my weight, and I feel that no doubt your nutritionist's advice is for your own good but I think this person might be a bit paranoid.
ya, so hot tis few days!! cant imagine wat life will b like during confinement.....

btw saw GSS sales here, looks kinda gd, u gals can take a look niidudotcom
the bosses r so .... the work tension im getting nw is so stress. b4 lunch i just got screwed by bigboss. =( not my fault. also kena. hais..

talkin abt the weather, if confinement like that i tink i sure keep ki-siao-ing flaring temper!!!
i guess the hot weather is making everyday in bad mood recently.. my heat rash is still enjoying his companion with me after 5 days.. wonder how long this rash gona last

i guess i am more fortunate when it come to work.. bosses are rather understanding, and im like a protected animal in the dept (maybe becos too long no1 in the dept is pregnant)...

im hoping the weather will turn better in july/aug when we are having our confinement *prayprays*
zhen: ya realli must *popipopi*.. so envy u. my here seems im the first i ever heard of la. even the ladyboss also unsure hw to do the ML claim. that wad my HR said la. duno hw true thou.
ourlovestory, same same... my boss is very nice and allowed me to work from home full time when i reach wk37. but but i think he's abit torn. like on one hand starting to miss me but on the other, piling me more stuff so that i can do more during this time before i go off in mid-jun. i'm taking it one step at a time. dun wana affect the baby. but me abit workaholic, like to hv activities going. heheee..

cherish, when i was single, i can only empathize but really can't understand the preggers. so yah, it's tough for them. eh, btw, u check ur swollen legs due to what. if water retention, then u better drink more water. if due to not putting legs up, u shud know what to do. some say calcium helps.

joy & rer-rer, me too! i jus puked bad last night. the entire dinner + vit C is out. and then went to sleep, kena gastric in the middle of night and can't sleep thereafter. i very upset. last time with #1 no puking at all even in 1st tri!

ladies ladies, i'm still the one with the biggest kid and i'm only 1.56m!!! and funnily, i dun drink milk or eat oats. except for occassional milo and daily coffee with milk! really not sure what happened. both hubby & i are not big people leh.

me also looking for motherhood fair cos we called pigeon (yah hubby loyal supporter) and their 3-in-1 sterilizer & warmer only available then. i left only that liao. :D so diff from last kid where i was grossly ill-prepared.

qin, so special. got nutritionist some more?

eh, you all know about GBS? anybody other than mrs C doing it now?
Liligal, no choice leh... After i did my glucose test, i was diagnose wif gestational diabete. Den my gynae refer me to nutrientist. Now every gynae appt, i hav to go 2 places. One is to visit nutrientist and consultation fee $30. The other is gynae appointment.
but gynea schedule me for growth scan in 2 weeks time le. makes me feel as if my kiddo isnt growing well? or is it just a routine check in general?
liligal: big gd ma. no gd meh? mine small small i 28wks only 1kg. hur.. over the next few weeks c bb got grow bigger ant ! =)

so sleepy at wrk.. aft lunch till now the heart nt here, flew back home to my bed.. missing my blankie alr.. awwWWwwww~
whether i have a tummy in front or not, my work load is still the same and my boss never think that I will be going on maternity leave soon??

when is the motherhood fair?

why cannot dirnk milo? I just drank one cup this morning!

i just ate 2 sets of meals during lunch today! ha ha ha... eat like a pig now and think about sliming later!
i also suspect Nan milk cause bb bigger, cos i find it sweet too. for #1, i drank anmum, bb was average weight 3kg during birth.
now i take calcium supplement & cheese only, hope got enough calcium
rykiel, big big can't come out naturally!!! i dun want another c-sect leh.. but from the stats so far in this forum, my chances of c-sect seemed high.

argh, i got reflux and nearly puked at my seat! funny....
cherish, yes... really scared of the cut up. i really watched too many horror documentaries already. also better for bb and me if really natural.

sob sob. really hope to control now. i better control my carbs and sweets like what qin mentioned. but i'm really surprised lor. last time i was 3kg heavier than now!!! let me go check how big was my #1 at this point in time to compare. also i think my gynae ultrasound not super clear so hopefully he estimated wrongly!!!!
Denise, i posted this question to my gynae and she said growth scan is to check if the bb is growing. They will measure everything including the length of leg n hand etc... During the normal routine visit, the gynae only measure the bb body length only. I will be scheduled for growth scan at 35 weeks.
Ladies...you all can all stand aside. Even though I stand 1.67m but I weigh 3-digits.

Qin: What was your test result for the OGGT? Mine was @ 9.4mmol/L after 2hrs.
(normal max should only be 7.8mmol/L)
Hi gals, trying so hard to fight the zzzz monster.I called up MOM, confirm that my maid's app is approved and I was trying to check on the maid to see if she had worked in sg b4 or wat, they dowan to give me the WP#. I called the agency n agency tell me they book the maid's flight, on waiting list on 20th may which is this sunday! She will be here for medical check, test n training so abt end of mth to early june she can be "collected"! I am having panic attack cos I havnt get a new cupboard for the boys so that I can pass the toyogo drawers to her. I need to get a side table with lock function to lock all my valuables n passport/docs....Alamak
rer-rer: i actually dun hv the maid i choose WP no. to check previous employment records. thn one mummy check from here http://www.mom.gov.sg/services-forms/Pages/wp-online-fdw.aspx , i called to check also in the first place, only know approved. but once u log in here u can see alot of information. u go try.

cherish: i sorethroat liao but to keep myself awake i gobbling chocolates!!! LOL!

liligal: nw u wk? bb weight? what ur gynae advise?
my gynae did not do a growth scan for me last time. this time i doubt he'll request. actually... if can save money, i dun mind not doing it. hehehee...

laura, you win!!! hahahhaa... but i really wonder.. why my kid so big!!!!?!?!? really hope my gynae not accurate.

rer-rer, the "collection" is odd especially when we are talking about human beings!!! hahaha...

rykiel, me now in 32wks. when i did my check up around 31wks, he just said average at 1.87kg for kid and said ok. but base on past experience, i think this is not very zhun cos last time he predicted my kid around 3-3.2kg but it came out 3.52kg! i just chatted with some colleagues here cos i panicked already and their gynaes tell them 3.5kg but turned out 3kg. now i'm hoping my girl will be nice nice 2.7 or 2.8kg only but most importantly, come out on her own naturally and not kena jammed like my boy last time.

btw, really nobody else doing GBS?
liligal: fwah. ur kena jammed sound v scary to me!!! mayb ur bb grow on ur kopi u drink everyday! not milk. hehehehe~~ i rembr u drink kopi everyday right?
cherish: hahaa. the loaker chocolate waffle biscuit v addictive..i eat n drink alot of water. hahaha. nw the voice like toad u know? MUAHAHHA! YEAH~~~ gg off wrk in 10mins!!!
lili_gal: Thank you!

Qin: Your gynea also the very kan cheong type leh! Only 7.9 and want you to see nutritionist? Too much lah! Or your gynea see you loaded? hee hee hee
wow the thread moving quite fast sia..
i dunoe what i m missing..
what is GBS??

rykiel: control control.. try to eat mint sweet?or those honey sweets??

u know ah..each time i go haf my scan.. i see d edd on the machine i was like oh my bb edd move forward ah.. n my gyne say dun see tat edd.. its not accurate.. now i m kinda scare..
coz during my 1st week, my mil will take leave n stay home to do confinement for me..but hor.. she leaving on the 19th to 22nd(which i told her to go ahead since mine is 31st) but i just hear my colleague june thread some already give birth already..
i just hope my bb will be good boy n stay until 31st july.. or at least 30th july midnite i oso happy.. whahah.. (coz 31st july's lunar date is the same as my hubby eng date) whaha n oso is the same as my future hse unit number=p (if that is the case 4d can save abit)lol..

anyway i ask u mummies ah.. when u intend to apply for ur ml ah??
my edd is 31st july n i intend to work till 27th july(so i can save up on ml n look after bb)
Laura: your Gynae said 7.7 mmol/l 2 hrs after meal is ok? I have to keep mine below 6.7 mmol/l 2 hrs after meal lei...
Laura, i m not sure leh... She ask me attend a day course cost me $300+ deduct fully by medisave. I learn alot from the course. Den now one week got to test blood sugar level. Everytime i poke my finger i will tend to jump
lucky not everyday test, if not i will faint. One day poke so many times... I m doubtful on what my nutrientist said, drink 4 cups of milk a day, is equivalent to 1 litre of HL milk lor... Zzz
U one day still hv to poke many times? Really xin ku ni le.

I didn't do gbs test too. u're brave. Hope u will hv natural delivery this round. Jia you jia you!!
so very tired n glad that am on way home.
feeling super hungry, think I can gobble anything

my edd is 2nd week july. most prob ll take leave
fr 01/07

Catching up with posts.. :p

bhoo, exactly! Sometimes I’ll freak out when I think about a baby in the house!

hika, no harm asking for HL, it depends on the gynae. During my first trimester, I asked for HL because of bleeding but gynae gave max of 2 days MC for each visit.

liligal, think the leading crew is soulsista.

cherish, ourlovestory, rer-rer, my boss too! I took lots of MC during first trimester because of bleeding. When I started second trimester, she wanted to give me more work. She’s also single (divorce), no kid, late-40s. She’s also the cause of most of my breakdowns..

oops, I drink milo everyday! The local recipe because cheaper than the Australian recipe.. Used to drink tea everyday, but switch to milo after preg.

Rykiel, last time I was also wronged by big boss but I couldn’t possibly reply that it’s not my fault, but my colleague’s.. I just kept quiet.. colleague may not appreciate, but better than getting blackmark by colleague & next time more difficult to get things done..

E Tan, Joy, I also have difficulty breathing at times, it’s as if lungs not enough space to expand..

And aches on whichever side I sleep on..

I also want to go motherhood fair.. but very sure gynae will not allow…

liligal, mine was 1.6kg at 29wk, up from 1.2kg at 27wk.. 400g in 2wks..

What are some "less harmful" snacks for itchy teeth? I all day long lying in bed, keep thinking of things to occupy my teeth..
