(2012/07) Jul 2012

Hi Mummies, I would like to share this piece of info on maternity shots by a good photographer.

He is currently having a soft launch promo which is going at just S$250. It includes a 2hr shoot, about 10-15 images edited and returned in low res JPG and 3 prints. More optional upgrades to the packages are available for customisations. Edits and prints go thru olor enhancements and touchups, prints are done with premium print makers. Website: http://www.3littlepics.com/. Contact: Tey Yong How +65 9793 2031. Can preview his profile on FB

Thng : as i said... Bf is never a easy task... Need alot of efforts and time... When i gave birth to Cherelle, my supply also very low... But i gave myself 2weeks to latch on as much as i can and pump even though no milk out. After that slowly my supply kick up and i can produce more than Cherelle per day feed... Just is we have to work real hard... Breastfeeding is about latch on sitmulate and tell the brain that you need more.... So yup... We will all help each another when the time come alright... But first, you have to get support from your hb and family... That's the most first step!
haha no prob. but dont buy now. coz as with all gadgets, prices go down all the time and new models come out frequently. so maybe buy 8th month so you got one month to play with it.
My skin seems to become more sensitive . Become red after using my normal cleanser . Have to change the whole regime ? How come so many changes to our body ?!
mom of 2, Angelia, Aylie,
Manduca - oh i see! I tot it's a special new term for nursing covers etc. Hahaha...Thks for explaining. Is the baby bjorn good? Or is this Manduca better? Anyone?

wow superb supply! So envy...hope my #2 turn will be good supply too.
hui chinz. i only used manduca for a while. i have another sling - sleepywrap which is more difficult to use, but once baby is in there, he falls asleep v quickly. quite impt to get a carrier for dad too, since actually they should help to carry more. my hubs didn't like manduca, thinks it's too hot. he's got another japanese brand one...yah..we bought too much. first time parents just buy buy buy.

audrey - i just saw on the web sleepywrap can carry two babies at once! http://www.babyslingsandcarriers.com/baby_wrap_carriers
Water Dragons – Years 1952 and 2012

Water calms the Dragon’s fire. Water Dragons are able to see things from other points of view. They don’t have the need to always be right. Their decisions, if well-researched, are usually better since they allow other’s to become involved.
Chinz : depend on you bah. To me, i find that Manduca support is better.. Cause there's a belt on the waist there.. So your shoulder wouldn feel that pain when carrying bb...
candy - i also have a ring sling, and my friend gave me a pupsik sling. I don't really "get" both slings and i find the 1 shoulder and constant adjustments hard to manage. in the end i gave up and bought the manduca. but i agree, if latching, a sling is easier to camouflage a baby

Hui Chinz - baby bjorn uses a different system where it hangs baby at the crotch and weight distribution on parent's shoulders. most parents say crotch system not good for baby boys. personally i bot manduca because it's got a waist belt to distribute the weight across the hip and shoulders. it's seats the baby in a natural sitting position.

for 2nd time mothers, do you still sling/ baby carry your #1? i know angelia said she doesn't anymore.

bestberries - your avent duo good? i would have gotten it if i didn't discover my current one.
Mom of 2 - u also using the PISA? I find that the motor not strong lei...if on max, the motor sound goes, "shuishhh..shuishhhhh...shuishhhhhhhhh" in beats of 2 secs each...my nursing colleagues in the same nursing room also commented hw come my motor like bo luck one...tats y it affected my ss, need pump very long also not say alot. Other pple pump 20 mins max then they get the vol i pump 45 mins also like tat. Dunno is i got prob or motor ...

tinking of getting the avent duo electric coz i heard reviews not bad too...
oh another thing coz my set is US spree buy one, so no warranty...

bestberries, hw much issit for ur avent set?

Mommies wif #1 oredi, can share share wat brands/models of breastpump u got?
i dunno whether it's the PISA? how to tell? but once when i thought the thing broke down or breaking down, end up it's because the tubing not connected properly. so maybe you wanna check that. the motor should last for a bit? coz i saw tmc parentcraft all using it. plus they use it everyday for so many moms. should b quite sturdy right?
mom of 2 - tats the +ve review i got for PISA, say can use for their #1,2,3 all no prob but mine like CMI lei... tats y i wanna get another one, reason being no need lug to/fro work and hopefully the 2nd one i get helps mi in my bf career tis time!

Ceraine, i guess waving coz hands n legs all formed le, n they moving ard alot, so prob it looks like they're waving at some point. I also wanna see waving tml!!
sorry.. quiet me today.. almost dead.
spent almost $600 at John Little's cardmember preview sale buying bedsheets. Den keh-kiang eat bread and vomit til i no strength now..
wanted to bake christmas cookies tonight.. looks like i have to do it in my dreams... zzzzzzzzz
Sgsc: breastpump really depends on individual leh. I bought 2 breastpump, ameda & medela freestyle. Personally i feel that medela works better for me. Got more breastmilk out of it. Bought the US set freestyle cos no nid use voltage converter like PISA.

Aylie: I dun carry my #1 too cos she's already 28mths. Likes to run around & walk by herself.
Angeline - so i shld go try out the pumps hor. I noe parent craft had such services but the thought of so many other pple using it makes mi have second thoughts...

Winningstar - same here..my #1 thruout the months of scanning always sleeping one, hardly see her moving an inch till the sonographer had to poke her disturb her sleep...then only move abit nia...
Fluffy - wah 600 on bedsheets?? wat abt bb items? any good deals there?

so tired dun bake le lar, shop whole day le rest more impt....
haha winningstar - on the contrary, not at all! been very active since birth. roll here n there, then now can walk dun wan, wan to run ard, cannot sit stil for >1 min kind...sigh
i bought quiltcover sets for Christmas gifts! 600TC at 70% disc.. abt $89 per set for King size only. Cheap! Run out of ideas already!! Bought lingerie, stretchmark oil. Avent has been excluded for the sale, there are sale for carseats, and other stuffs though. Buy $260 got extra $36 off with coupon. Then the usual 3% rebate applies.. so it was quite cheap.

Trying something new.. hopefully succeed can bring to Xmas party for friends n family
Ceraine : yes... I've open a secret fb group for July mummies.. You add me in FB bah...

Fb nick : Angelia Mark Cherelle

After you add me already pm me on fb your smh nick so i can add you in...
Fluffy Tks for the update. Sounds like a steal then esp the quilt cover sets.. Sale till wen? received their brochure but hb jus chucked under the stack of newspapers... Must tell him can run but he cannot hide!! Whahaha
Winning star- its ok one if they choose to rest more to conserve energy then come out disturb everybody.. Haha..u noe ah everytime wen we pick my gal up aft a full day at mom's house, can see my parents visibly tired lei..both will KO on sofa so poor thing like tat
sg_sc - if you are not brand conscious, then i would highly recommend my pump. cheap and efficient. i was exclusively pumping from 2 weeks to about 4+months with enough to store until #1 was 6 months. each pump i did about 1 full avent bottle about 270-290ml til almost want to spill out. towards the 4th month, i can do 400ml so you can understand why she can drink until 6 mths. btw my girl drinks alot since she is quite big size

you should go and shop around and see which system you like then ask for reviews
Morning mummies
Wanna ask will vomit improve when gg into 10wks I'm so worried last nite no vomit lei due to previous mc is around this wk I'm freaking out
thng, ms will subside as time passes. So try not to b to panic first. Relax n enjoy the pregnancy. If u r really not comfortable, u can also chk with ur gyne of do a scan to hv assurance. ;)
Mom of 2, my vote goes to Pisa too. Hv been using is for my no 1&2. Serving me extremely well. N yes, tmc parentcraft is using it too.

But u need to send it for serving to ensure the strength of pump etc. $50 if u hv expired warranty n $70 is u doesn't hv.
Thng, if u have seen heartbeat, from week 9-11, no bleeding, 1-2% will lose baby, with bleeding 4% lost. So our prognosis is good. Don't scare yourself. Focus on that 98%!!!

12 weeks today!!! but lil pea decided to wake up at 4am and i couldnt get back to sleep from then on.... sibei tired... gg to be hyper and say nonsense later. hahahah

im thinking of getting medela freestyle..is it good?
Peapea! 12 weeks! Have u done your Oscar? Anyone did at radlink at paragon before? I couldn't book TMC so managed to get a slot at radlink next week.
baywater & lim mai ne
my last gynea check was @ 8wks...so far so gd maybe i think too much

pea pea
12wks already can announce in a wk time ur new comer
baywater - how old is your girl now?

someone left the aircon in the office overnight at 19 degrees! OMG i'm freezing here.

maine - huh, how can they not have slots for oscar at the hospital??
Thng.. I understand.. I also mc before. Very paranoid de. Sometimes nei no sore, will go squeeze it if it's still painful. The statistic says after viewing heartbeat on sono, more than 90% viability le. So just keep focusing that you are the 90%!!!

Peapea.. I'm doing next Friday 30th.. I try not to think abt it too much... Shudders.
