(2012/07) Jul 2012

btw morning everyone! i'm wearing my skirt totally unzipped with top covering it today, but my belly is big enuff to hold it up liao.

mom of 2, so cute! u shld go buy the bella band.. then can cover tummy... i dont dare to wear 2 piece now.. esp skirt
morning mummies!

mom of 2 - totally unzipped?! power!

had a rough night. my maid is totally pissing me off with stupid, inconsequential small things (like don't know how to wash hands before making milk), and taking so so so long to make the milk because don't know the cold/ hot water combination. UGH. my hubby told me not to scold the maid cos it creates a negative home environment for my #1. Feel so wei qu! Wondering if i should just send the maid back once and for all, or just keep her so that i don't have to retrain another maid who might be equally terrible!

bad start to the day.
Mom of 2: Me too. Can only zip my skirt halfway through ... I was measuring my own weight this morning n have gained 1kg despite feeling weak all the while. Funny.
unzipped but shirt is covering it all so no one can tell. belly band, i think it'd be too hot? I can't wear too much - feel hot esp at the end of the pregnancy so I wont bother about it. plus im the type that always loses odds and ends. like last time i bought bra extenders...all also dunno disappeared where.

i dont dare to weigh..hope i dont gain 16kg like last time. baby only 2.68kg, i still had extra 11kg after giving birth. :\
aylie> my maid also like that. my hubby like to defend her somemore. qi so wo.

it's not like you never told her to wash hands before preparing food before right? i think if she's not too bad, then tahan loh. like you say, probably get another equally bad.
Mom of 2. Yap he's very or extremely pro natural delivery. Just imagine, my first one by him n she overdue by 2 wks. His comment - hmm she happy n comfy inside, so no worry. Let her decide when she want to say hello.

Most gyne will ask u to induce the Bb out by 39 wks. Lol. True, by the end of wk 42, she out n healthy Bb weighting 3.6kg. ;).

He's man of few words. Need to ask him if u feel unsure. He promote heathly n balance diet to giving sup. Till date, I hvnt hv any sup from him apart from folic

He earn himself gd reputition in tmc n great respect from tmc nurses. They will usually b very careful with u knowing tat u r his patient. So I've no problem with the nurses during my 2 preg n delivery at tmc.

Losing weight after delivery

Breastfeed is the best way to lose weight. Manage to throw away 20kg after each preg by 4 -5 mth thru bf. ;)
Aylie, cool down n happy tots. Is ur maid new?? They need abt 6 mths to settle down. Keep reminding. If not, like me, I post notes on the item which needs more details.

Like, on my elder gal, how many scope of milk powder for her n my little one too. How much water to put into the sterilizer.
A marker on a cup for her to know how much hot water to add for my Bb.

It's tiring at first, but it will save lots of hmm unhappy things later.

In the beginning, all this has to be drawn out, cos her english isn't tat gd.
Hi Hi morning ladies!
I was on MC ystd... feel sick and MS was so bad.
Just dont feel good.. kept puking and stomach felt weird wif lot of gas..

Hi Thngy
U sure u wan to take up Tingkat? I just finished the 2 wks trial from NEO garden and have stopped le. Their soup quite salty and food quite cold when we eat by the time we got home. Need to reheat and put them on plates. Ended up muz wash plates. My hubby rather go opp to buy dinner. HOt and fresh..

Your hubby same as mine.. keep asking me to do those prental exercise on the book and walk around more..Dont keep zzz..

I got a question to ask: How long shd we bf the baby till?
baywater - she's not a new maid, she's been with me for 9 mths. she has her good points but when it comes to being work smart, she is really not. imagine, i teach her how to use the washing machine for 1st 3 months she still doesn't get it. we pasted stickers on the buttons and wrote instructions in her notepad, and still wrong. the color ran in the clothes, and my electrical bill shot through the roof ($300+/ mth). in the end, we have to take over the washing ourselves.

same with milk. how can i possibly to teach someone how to wash hands? she actually can squeeze the handsoap in her hands, then open the tap, run the water and that's it. what's the point of the soap?? and to take 3 tries to get the water right - pouring it in, pouring it out, pouring it in, and out, wah biang, my girl crying for milk and she really cannot make it! i don't know how to describe her!!

for repetitive, tedious, manual labor, she is good. for instance, she hand washes my girls clothes and it's clean. my house is also squeaky clean.

UGH paisay i just need to vent it out here!
mom of 2, Im also seeing Paul Tseng...he was my gynae for #1 as well...his stitching is good...after delivery, i had pain because of piles n not from the stitch..

he is very pro natural...n fatherly man...i also carried my #1 over due n din induce like what baywater mentioned...

n he supports hypnobirthing which was important for me...one important criteria that i choose my gynae..practically i think i can give birth in jungle...Haha..cos it was a drug free birth n no needle involve..
mom of 2...Yup i had duola w me...she is my fren n my daughter's god mother...so,it's free la...hee..

E tan...breastfeeding can b continued as long as u r comfortable w it...i had a fren who is still breastfeeding her 2 yr old kid..i breastfeed my girl til last week...cos supply drop after pregnant..
woah candy - no epidural? how long was your birth? hypnobirth? i've never heard of that. did you feel any pain during birth?
Yap. Paul is gd with stitches. ;)

Candy u also hv piles issue after delivery?? Soo painful. ;(

Neo garden tingket is hmm is not wat I can take it. Pack home to eat is better n well might b cheaper n u hv a choice wat u want. Tried it too n din like it.


Recommended is for the 1st 6 mths. My no one, I latch her till she turns 15 mths n she survived on emb for the next 3 mths. Working then, mummy can't take it

My second one, latch 100% till I'm 5 wks preg, cos no more bf for her.
. My original target was at least 18 mths. Sob sob.

They r so cute will they latch. Miss it. My first one miss it terribly n my second one miss it too
how much does your friend charge normally? I'm thinking of getting a doula. but i scared if hypnobirthing fail and i end up need epidural, then double the cost.
aylie...my labour is 20 hours..but the most intorable pain lasted 2 hours...pain is still felt...but we use breathing method to so called "breath" the baby down...n think of rose petals opening slowly...n some other imaginations to distract...

E tan..in additional,WHO suggest exclusive breastfeeding til 6 months
baywater i enjoy breastfeeding too, but not towards the end, coz he started to bite until i bled and skin came out. i think maybe coz working too supply drop he got frustrated.
E tan: I am also thinking of going for tingkat. My hubby comes home late n I have no energy to go buy food for myself as my home is quite far from the foodcourt. I tried Jessie catering before, but stopped becos I heard microwaved food not good for baby. I will always use microwave to heat up the tingkat food. But now I think I will use steamer instead for baby sake. Tingkat food not that healthy right?
Hi candy,
u mentioned no needles involved. do u mean for hypnobirthing, after birth dun even need to stitch up? How is the recovery process den?
I'm interested in hypnobirth after reading the recent Motherhood mag. thanks!
I usually tot most mum bf till 6mths.. wah. 2yrs.. really peifu le. Saw the show DaddY 101..the newborn baby's mum had so much problem bf.. see le also scared..

I am thinking of switching to brew soup myself,buy those tonic and ribs cook using slow cook.By the time home, can drink.
drink till full. Can slim down also..haha.

How soon should we arrange for hopsital tour?
If we do in 4-5th mth, is it too kiasu?
candy - pei fu for the natural birthing. i was in labour for more than 24 hrs, and i took epidural 4 hours after bursting the waterbag in the morning, after a sleepless night. during epidural administration, i can actually feel the probing which cause the doc to stop and re-administer the anesthesia again. now i have some phobia.

my girl had some problems latching on, she is extremely sleepy and no matter what i did, she wouldn't wake up to drink more than 5 mins so for the 1st 2 weeks of her life, i bf every hour until i almost wanted to stop. then i started to pump and it was a lifesaver. i pumped for 4 months and she was on bm until 6 mths. not sure if i want to try latching the #2 again or go straight to pumping exclusively for #2.
thanks candy.. abit too much for me. prob try it myself again.

dunno if i can bring my mom in labour with me instead of hubs? he just facebooks or watches tv. not much help until pushing part.
you so good! Lose weight thru BF. I only bf my #1 for abt 6months, but she stopped latching after 2 weeks so I only pump.

E Tan,
Oh no, hope you feel better today~!
Breast is the best! hahaha...actually BF is up to you, depends on how long you want.
For me ideally should last at least 1 year (minimal). I wanted to BF longer but after 6months no supply liao
Thanks Huichinz
Today much better.. *keeping fingers crossed* that i can tahan til end of the day. Wanted to work from home but need to settle some work.
For BF, think must wait and see how its goes liao.haha. but 1yr also seems long hor.haha.
But if can lose weight i dun mind la..haha
Evil mum.haha
we almost the same leh! My #1 oso din like to latch - duno issit becos she finds my neh too big always suffocating her...hahah..so boh bian I had to pump till my 6th mth when I was at work my BF dropped like mad so I stopped liao.

I wanna try again for my #2 - till baby dun wanna latch anymore then pump bah. Heheh..
Etan, you can bf as long as you wish, but bf is not an easy task. WHO recommend to bf for 6mths at least.
If you need to return to work then u may wish to pump regularly in the office.

Bf is good but does not mean you cant chose to give FM if you want to.
I've problem latching my no 2 too. She doesn't know how to latch n I end up with bleeding n rotten nipples. Very pain.

Then I went to get help ;). Thereafter my gal only latching only n refuse bottle. I've such heartache training her bottle cos no more bm.

Overall, I'll still choose to bf all my kids. ;)

Hui chuiz, u can do it too. Just persist n things will happen. ;)
so this preggie is your #3 ah! Hehehe...

Same leh..I oso kena latch by #1 until nipples cracked...PAIN!

I oso hope I can lose more weight this time round...haihs. I got leftover from #1 preggie abt 7kg still cannot lose siah. Haihs..and I gained abt 15kg from #1 preggie leh! Sianz.
Oh u gals so fast talk abt bf n sch! I brought #1 out ytd cos his bday n I was so tired!!!! I sneeze whole day after facial. My facialist asked y I suddenly got so many oil seeds n tiny bumps...... On mc tdy, my boss n all no one replied... I sent msg after midnite, tink they pissed I m on mc, haha! Went robinsons for shopping spree. Wanted to buy cny clothes for #1 but all clothes that r nice n on sales r for girls. I got myself another fitflop. That model is broader n on 20%, robinsons member get additional $30 off if u spend $180 or more
Some items ald on sale n member get additional 10% more. I forgot when we shld go for nt n detailed scan. I totally forgot
Bf-ing is never a easy task!!!! But still for the first 6month, it's really good for our baby... But arr!!! Bf-ing bb may have problems too!!!

Exclusive bf also will jialat cause when you intend to stop, bb may reject FM totally and go for milk strike.

My friend's boy reject FM after she intend to stop after 9month of bf career... The boy go on milk strike... Tsktsk! So i would suggest if you all wanna bf ofcause is good.. But if can, give 1-2times of FM during the night... Let them get use the taste and smell of the FM , you intend to give.
and for your info.. FM is not for us to choose also. Is bb that choose FM worr... So you have to get sample and try for the first few times.. If not if you buy 1small tin also will end up wasted.
Aiyo! Yea yea agree with u! Dun just feed BM only...at night can give FM cos some babies cannot wait for you to heat up your milk (if you aredy express). SO might as well let them used to both FM & BM, if not will be like Angelia say, kenna reject!
Chinz : hahaha!!! Tested and proven mah... Plus i really got friend's bb like that , so i learn lo... Even i sure got enough to feed Cherelle. But at least 1feed in the night, i gave FM... And luckily i did!

Cause when i fully switch Cherelle to Fm that time, i know which FM, she okay and which is not... =p
wah, u all so fast talking about bf and FM... scaring me now...........

just finished talking for close to 3 hours... i feel exhausted... stamina not good nowadays
jus now lunch gonna die liao...become passive smoker for 45 mins thruout...whichever the wind direction blows coz we were surrounded left right and behind by table of smokers n couldnt have much reaction coz noone noes abt my preg yet. Now I feeling groggy and short of breath as I was trying to hold back my breath most of the time...
Feeling so sleepy now after lunch.. Do you gals happen to feel sleepy after meals? I have been taking naps after meals, plus found that i got double chin now.. Gosh!

Any one got good recommendation to repel gas from our body? Does ginger help?
e tan, keep farting and burping... hahahahaha... i used ru yi oil sometimes...

chinz, u know hor, here talking about BF, our fb grp talking abt pri sch... wah now i stressed lei...... i shall follow dont know who to focus on an tai first

I just log in I saw my name!!!! I just had pepper lunch and now heading to yishun to collect my stuffs!

Ah long and ah feng very healthy just waved at mummy and daddy this morning. Gynae told me to go for OSCAR in 3 weeks time and next appt on 1st feb!!! I took 14 days HL too!!! In case I need to nua I can just dun go! Hahaha....

Tomorrow then talk to u all... Dun talk behind my back huh... Haha....
