(2012/07) Jul 2012

Good morning, mummies! I am new to the forum, EDD 05.07.12. Hope to share with you useful information along the way!

For a start, my MS began to stop after week 10. Now I just have bloated tummy issue. I am worried though as my tummy is still quite small. I lost 1kg over 1st trimester.. do you experience the same thing?

Oh btw, I am going for OSCAR tmr.. so anxious now!

Morn mommies!

Aylie- mind to retype wat pump u using? Lazy scroll thru threadhehhe...I dun care bat brAnd, jus so long as it serves mi n its purpose well...tks

Thng- aiyoh ur bb is a very sticky one. Pls always tink positively k? Dun husiluanxiang!!u r almost past 1st tri le. Let's jiayou!!!
Morning mommies!

Haven't been chatting for the past few days 'cos I've been busy clearing all my work before I fly off to Melbourne tonight! Finally finish, only left some odds and ends like filing.

It's winter solstice today. MIL gave me tang yuan early in the morning. Hehe....first time I have this since my family is ang moh pai. Haha.
Have a nice vacation Lady Dee!
baywater - your #2's age is quite near my #1. my girl is turning 8 months end of this month.

backache? ask hubs for back massage? i like to sit on my ikea lazy chair cos it relaxes the back. good for feeding #1 too.

sg_sg - i used the UNImom pump, you can buy from kiddy palace. they have demo at some of the baby fairs. it's better than my avent single electric and it's affordable, about SGD200+. if you're on intending to buy the avent bottles, buy a converter so you can pump straight into the avent bottles, don't need to transfer from pump bottles to feeding bottles. converter is like 10 bucks or so.
I am back!!!

Mom of 2, thanks for the info. I saw them... But I dun think I can carry both at the same time...

Week 9 is not an easy time to pass.... Have been vomitting and losing appetite, eat vomit, eat vomit but nothing wants to come out.... so xin ku... I dun think this Christmas will be fun...
baywater : your girl born on Feb ?

Audrey : i took the e-online maid course liao.. very easy !! if you still think of hiring, can go do.... 10question nia... =P
oh... dun scare me...

I went to see my gynae yesterday, i told him that i have been vomitting and he says "GOOD"
I told him, I have discharge and smells... he says "its Ok, that is not impt"

Then he told me to go OSCAR in 3 weeks time and see him again on 1st Feb.

I just dun feel like working.... urrgghh....
Hi ceraine
Hi hi!! Wave.. I think i know u.. Do u know me?? So happy to know that ur bfp naturally!! Congrat to u and so happy to see a familar name here.. Like met old friend..;)

Hi gals
If hv constipation as till bleeding too.. Can we take prune juice?? Else wht else can we take to ease the constipation?

Thk u...
Aylie- tks for the nformation. Will go kiddy palace look see next yr most prob coz nw bz planning for trip too...

Lady Dee- enjoy ur trip. I be near u...at Perth over Xmas... Hehehe but realli scared of ms on flight. Nw at week 9, headache n fake vomitting very serious...dunno hw I'll survive. Some more AU customs so strict dunno can bring my sng buay in anot...

Ourlovestory- today is tangyuan day? hw come like so frequent these days? Is sit twice a year event? I happen to but a pkt of frozen tangyuan tat day, maybe I shod boil them then!!
Hello all, I have a new symptom to add... Only came about in my 11 week. I am feeling very dizzy today. The whole room keep spinning. I am so scare I will faint. So stressful...

Peapea: are all your ms gone already.. You are approaching 2nd trimester. Congrats!
today is dong-zhi so all of us will eat tang yuan at home! i do not have how many times per year, my mil cook and i will just eat! ha ha ha....
Joanne: prune juice is good. They have one with folic acid and it's recommended for preggy woman.
I drink that and I found it helped with my constipation. But I have weird taste bud these days, I find that drinking it makes me wanna gag. Want to puke but nothing comes out... SuPer xin ku ar!!!!!
ym : go grab some sweet and eat.. Dizziness is due to low blood...

mom of 2 : ya, i do liao.. Than now waiting for hb to go hired the maid lo... sometime, i just get very angry cause he everything also wait and wait de.. must kp him than he do... hahahah ! =P Since i have already done the course than i will now kp him to go see maid liao.. HAHAHA ! =P
Sg sc> Enjoy your trip too! But most of my trip will be at tasmania actually. First time there and I can't have the fresh oysters! sobs. bb better be grateful. Haha. I don't have MS so I think I should be fine on the plane. But I'm concern over the food smell, 'cos now nose very sensitive to smell, overwhelming and I will keep gagging non-stop! Your sng buay if bo bian then throw at air-port lor, then buy again.

Ok...half day today....need to go home and pack. Gonna start packing the office and pang kang!
all of you going for trips make me feel like holiday again. how to go overseas with a 8 month old and a little bean??!
ym, nope, i still have MS and nausea. but not as frequent and not as bad. once the feeling come, i throw up, i feel ok liao.. energy coming back too... like got strength to nag at my bosses this morning so enjoying that part. makes my mood very happy too

but, the insomnia is starting and that is terrible
Angelia: oh.. So it's low blood. I haven't been eating much maybe that's why. I will go grab sone sweets. Thanks.

Ourlovestory: cranberry is good for uti prevention. The concentrated one from gnc is really good for uti but taste abut strong.
Hi YM and Sherlyn
Thk you for advise.. Btw YM, what brand of the prune juice got folic inside one?? Special...

Hi Audrey
U can see babies shape at 9th wk? U went scan every two wks too? Both abt same size? When is ur edd?
i was there in 2009 August! hmm not sure if you are the same person hhehee.. but sometimes i do go back and read up a bit, maybe saw your name there hehe..

Anyway, this is my no.2 already! After the miscarriage in 2009.
Hi Shann
Sadly, i hv 3 times and twice in year 2009 so shd be me chat with u before..;) u wait so long to try again? Congrat to u.. Lets forget the past.. When is ur edd and u r at how many wk now?
thanks for the encouragment
i must think positive
i'm taking half day leave gg home rest feel so tired today.

SG SC & pea pea
enjoy ur trip

u saw ah long ah feng
they waving hands at you ?
Hi ladies,

I have being a silent reader for 1 mth plus. i m currently in 9weeks and 3 days. my EDD is 24 Jul 2012. MS is bad so is nausea too that my appetite only allow a few mouth of food.

Wont be commenting much cos i pantang. will join you ladies after i pass my 1st trim. will continue to read but wont comment. ^^
Seems like most of you have the BF set le. Mm. I will probably start sourcing ard when in 2nd Trimester or end of it.. So excited abt buying stuff..haha. Love shopping.

Tmr gg to gynae and can see BB..
Hopefully tmr Q at TMC wldnt be too long..then after that long wkeend.. Yeah!
Sorry , who ask abt medela freestyle? I got! Very compact n light, easy to bring to wk, but the power nt as gd as the Pisa. My ex Wkplc was far fr my hm tats y I got the freestyle. I join some mummies in my previous thread for spree tat we got fr usa. Tink I paid $400+. tink I must stock up on the pump parts nearer to delivery
