(2012/07) Jul 2012

mom of 2 - i can't use the cry it out method either. totally fail on me. plus the 1 thing we tried to do it, i noticed that she's very clingy the next few days and we felt so guilty

Finally home! wanna koon straight. Haha.

Angelia>the elancyl stretch mark cream safe to use now? I also wanna start bua-ing it.
really envy you mummies who have craving and can still enjoy food. I feel like puking when I look at food, only after I puke, then I can eat... sigh

Help.. I am awake now because the nausea gets really bad when i lie down.. cant even sleep. My dinner is threatening to come out of my stomach... cannot tahan ah!!!!! Waiting to puke, then eat something before i sleep so I wouldnt have to wake up with a gastric...

When is this going to end.. second trimester, pls bring an end to all these!! =(
I was also awaken by dream.. Pee.. N start nauseous feel.. decides go for Milo n Meiji biscuit, n getting more nauseous now.. Plus bad headache... N keeps thinking of job stability... reminds myself stay calm,do wat I can n get by day by day.. Yesdae ist day I bk to work n d effects are coming in..
Juz pray for gd zzz everynight... So gota energy to continue nxt day...

U try to cut down on heavy stuff before u zz.. ESP if u hv poor digestion like me.. Else nauseous n vomit will visit us during zzz or before zzz...
I been throwing up before zzz for d last few nights Le..if go on empty stomach.. Hiaz,will merlion too

Thou realize after fd.. Walk abit... Then merlion chance lower
Went see gynae yesterday for scan n see bb. So excited n happy that Dr say bb is growing well

However got nagging from her that I put on 1kg within 3 weeks as I started with heavy weight from beginning so she hopes I can control what I eat. She assumed that I do not have MS since my appetite so good, but I surprised her by saying I do have MS but I still eat haha...

Nevertheless, my MS's peak seems to shift earlier starting tis week, during noon time. Usually mine is after 4pm, so starting tis week at least puke twice instead of once. Appetite seems getting poorer cos dun really hv cravings anymore. M into my 10th week nw.
Hi all, I'm new to this motherhood forum. Haven't got my EDD yet but look forward to seeking advice and tips from fellow mummies-to-be here.
Sblbee : hello! Welcome to join us...

Lady Dee : yup! Why not? I've been using it when i see the tu tu train line! =\

morning Mummies.... ^^

I cannot tahan already. Took 2 more days mc from work. Imagine waking up at 3am.... Puke and feeling horrible...
Do I go GP to take mc or go to my gynae for mc??
Hi fluffy
50each also quite alot..HAHHA. must wait til april. I was thinking the moment i finished 1st term. i will want to ask hubby drive up le.haha.

Smalleyepea, I know where u refering. THat stretch have? Mmm. probably wil go check out this wekend..I cant go tonight cos I got body massage schedule

U mean if we put on weight within 3wks..the gynae will scold? Actually i tink I also put on weight. Simply heck care..got craving for curry, fast food. Heard that if we put on wight now,its for us. Later term then will belong to bb. Bb like pea now.
Angelia, thanks for the welcome!!! Glad to see so many mummies-to-be here....I'm still unaware of what to do, so its really exciting to see all of u happily discussing abt things....hopefully will have a better idea after my first gynae appt tomorrow
Mom of 2, huichinz- my girls are 2.5 yrs old. Last nite was classic eg. They obviously didn't nap in school cos super cranky at dinner, gave them milk at 8 pm. I Bo hue them n pretend to sleep. They talk and disturb each other, get angry, cry, naughty corner, smack hands, more milk, carry to sayang, wet their pants, look for lost toy . Finally 10.15pm both asleep. I try Bo hue, angry, motherly, discipline method all in the 2 hrs. See bey tu LAN

aylie- sigh u r one of those w cooperative bbies. My twins were q tiny at birth but that's no excuse for the naughtiness now. Tonight will ask my hubby to discipline
whoa u really ARE angry! LOL...totally understand somemore your case x2. Ren...u can do it! Last time I forced Falisha to sleep on her own ti lam...we havent bot her a proper bed yet, but she's been sleeping with us for very long aredy. Am trying to get her sleep on her own 'space' so that when we get her room ready she'll be ready too and of course in time when bb arrives. Haihs...she always sneak back to our bed in the middle of the night. So many times me and hubby tot either one of us brot her up our bed, turn out she ownself sneak back on one. Hahah...can die leh. So much of a discipline. Bleah...

After hearing most of u having so bad MS, I feel so guilty of having so good appetite...am trying to curb it...cos aredy fat, cannot gain too much weight. Later my gynae sure scold me again
bestberries> hahaha i think now they are 2.5 it's a bit more difficult. but you have to be consistent for any method to work. the bo hue method, when i first taught my hubby, he also couldn't follow. keep talking or scolding baby. but finally he stopped talking to him, just keep shoving him the milk bottle when he try to get off the bed.. eventually he got it. and now usually after more than 150ml he will be groggy..even if he goes off the bed he knows how to climb back in himself.

aylie> i even tried the cry it out for nap time. til the boy cried and vomited. i really hated the CIO method la. but initially i had to do it coz i didn't like the idea of maid carrying baby to sleep all the time, and also coz initially i also had to go study part time at night. my aunt said use the sarong in the day, then bed/cot at night. I'm tempted coz i remember helping my mom with my younger bro with the sarong last time. seemed to be quite easy.
Morning ladies!

Haha....Chinz...me too. I don't have MS also...the most gag only. Most of the time good appetite especially now at 10 weeks. Before that only dinner can't eat much, now can eat at any time. Haha. My gynae says I'm lucky. Hehe. My mom says I'm lucky too 'cos my mom has bad MS so she knows she's pregnant even before she tests.

I'm also trying to curb 'cos already fat. Don't know if I'm starting to show or it's still all my fats. My gynae never weigh me yet and haven't say much about my weight. Think I now having phobia to weigh leh.
Morning mummies. This morning 7 plus woke up w stomachache. Told myself not to panic, feels like a big diarrhea. True enough, go toilet and had quite a severe diarrhea. 下死我!when I wipe, I saw a spot of blood, but dun tink it's from the v... Sigh.. Shall I visit the GP to make sure everything's alright? Now 肚子怪怪的。like wanna diarrhea, but also feel like hungry. Any advice?
Lady Dee,
Hahaha...same! I oso gag...and super bloated stomach. But once pass that small 'period' my tummy become ok again. Can die loh...

My mum ask me, issit you getting fatter or ur tummy really showing aredy? But the thing is, my tummy feels 'tight' and hard leh, like I read this article on the uterus expanding hence 'pushing' your stomach and intestines higher. So I guess for me is abit of this too..
Chinz>My mum also ask me that! So does my hubby. Haha. I told my hubby is b'cos last time can suck in the tummy mah. Now still can suck in a bit, so I assume that's the fats. But suck a bit liao then cannot already, like become stuck. So I guess it hit the max and that's the uterus.

Now I'm still wearing my normal jeans to work but I have to wear it below the tummy already. I used to wear it higher so can tuck in the fats but if I do that now, like cannot breathe.
Valerie, ourlovestory,
mine is oso upper tummy very hard! Same same!

yours is small tummy, mine is BIG tummy loh. LOL

Hhaha...Lady Dee,
still can suck in ah! and still can wear your jeans! Mine chuck one side liao...so sad. Just bot myself 2 new jeans wear only afew times now start to collect dust aredy. Bleah...
Valerie>Mine is loose and bouncey too! Haha. Especially when I'm sitting down. Gonna meet-up for x'mas feast with my ex-colleagues tmr. I have one guy ex-colleague buay paiseh one...dunno if he's gonna comment or directly ask me if I'm getting fatter. >.<

Chinz>Ya, still can wear my jeans at the hips. Haha. But it's quite sad to think that my hips are now smaller than my tummy! hahahaha....
Lady Dee,

So excited abt my company Xmas party tonite. Hahah...cos can leave ofis by 5:30pm hopefully! LOL...can dress up for the party! Woohoo...no mood to do work! Hahah...hope I can win some good vouchers for shopping! Lil' beanie, please bring Mummy some luck k

Anyone got ofis Xmas party coming up?
My x'mas party in office was last week. Got Muscato lor....cannot drink. But ours small scale, not dinner, no lucky draw. Just food and drinks at the pantry.

Chinz, hope you win something! But I really notice I become luckier after having beanie. Hehe.

I'm on half day today! Going home to dress up to get ready for my friend's wedding....and probably going earlier with my other non-working friends to disturb the bride. Haha.
Hui chin> actually i can remember myself trying to sneak back into my parents bed when I was young. so we have to put ourselves in their shoes too. I think it's just a matter of time before they get used to being on their own.
what color is your pee? mine always yellow although i try to drink lots of water.

ytd i sneezed and tummy so painful. i wonder if it's like an earthquake for the little fella
Woohooooo.... I just came back from Malaysia!!! Went to taman Sentosa to have Bak Ku Teh!!!! Without hb knowing!!! Ahahahha!!! My parent drive me and Cherelle in! Slurp~~ soooo shiok now ! ;)
mom of 2, mine is very yellow in the morning esp after taking fish oil and first pee of the day... think it is normal??

just bought breathe right... hopefully it helps....
bestberries - sorry to hear that. but twins are like double blessing, and like many in this forum, i wished i had twins man! my hub has the twins gene since his cousin has twins but that's the single case so i think no hope for twins liao cos this pregnancy doc already confirmed 1 baby. but i'm sure they will grow up to understand your pains and efforts esp since they might have twins on their own next time! i don't know if it is too late to start routine and disciplining as i think it's going to be even hard to train them when they get older. imagine when they become teenagers! start from young.

maybe i got a cooperative kid lah, but i think we started her routine at birth so it's easier now. plus my hubby is the disciplinarian, there are some strict rules (like must sleep in cot on her own, lights off means no playing no talking to her, and if she's naughty he will really scold her.) and i think although she's only 7.5mths, she knows she did wrong cos she will cry when my hubs scold her. but she is still a daddy's girl...

mom of 2 - me too, i hate the CIO method. totally useless. i am an instinctive parent, meaning i trust my instincts and the CIO method just totally fails man. after 2-3 loud cries i will feel heart pain and go pick her up. my hubs is alot fiercer to her but she is still closer to him! Hmph!

pee yellow, could it be your multivits? certains multivits cause that.

i am going for my blood test tomorrow, and i haven't seen my little bean since mid Nov. should i ask for a scan btw to take a look at LB? my gynae is super relak man, i just realised she scheduled my next scan in early February! i got the OSCAR scan on the 30th Dec, i think that's why she did that. i hope i chose the right doc man, i am wondering if i should have gone by to my #1 doc.
Eh happy also will cry easily lor! :D

i tink next week my whole office will know I'm preggie liao though am still on leave til jan, not attending company's christmas party. Last night and this morning got few of them ask to meet me pass me christmas pressies and also arrange thanksgiving lunches for me.. i see le tears flow down lor.. Reminded me of how i not in office but they ask me out to throw surprise birthday party for me..

so touched.. I on leave since Nov, still got ppl rmbr me and specially ask me out.. I tot this yr Christmas will be more quiet de cos many parties I avoiding.. Emoooooooooo~~~~~~~ *sniff sniff, sobz*

can't wait to go back to work now!!! 2012... 我一定很爱你!!! :D

Out Christmas shopping lo~~~~~~ ^^
i think it's ok to eat Bak ku teh. i haven't eat for this pregnancy but i ate during my #1. i also ate sashimi this time around and ate tom yum and laksa. all food should be ok but just be in moderation. i also take chicken essence and birds nest too, but that one must really be in moderation as i heard first tri can't "bu" too much and bird nest may contain feathers and may not be good for lungs.
Peapea : hahaha!! Only morning quiet liao mah.. Now going back my mum's place i wanna KO liao.. Damn tired... =\

Ceraine : why not? Dont take those herb type de BKT lo...

Chloe : slurp slurp!!! I should have take pictures and upload hor.. But i too hungry lah.. All in my stomach liao. Muahaha! =p
hi mummies..how r u? Hope everyone is doing great..been more than a week didnt visit here as my grandma jst passed away..

wil be away from 2moro till end dec..wish everyone a very Merry Xmas n Happy New Year!!
i took half day morning as woke up feeling tired rushing urgent payment now then got time to catch up forum.

u went JB ate ba ku teh i miss ba ku teh


i'm using breath right everynite now bought the sensitive nose one i find it useful to me

Michy Welcome !!
anyone still do manicure? i have D&amp;D this saturday, feel like doing manicure...i used to do soft gel nails for all my past years' D&amp;D. now cannot liao...was wondering if normal manicure is ok?
