(2012/07) Jul 2012

fluffy, i dont mind le hahaha yum yum so hungry now... but the thought of dinner is home cooked meals by my fil makes me feel turned off

i know some ppl will say so nice got home cooked food, but my fil really cooks badly... like he doesnt taste his cooking so we often end up with bland or too salty food or all deep fried food... very very turned off... even sometimes my hubby see liao also bth and dont want to eat.... now i just feel like eating cup noodles or laksa... wonder if it is very rude to tabao up instead

thanks for the tips on bb ear drum

i'm planning to go malacca in end mar hee...my birthday trip first time drive there izzit easy?
I oso went climbing leh..at the volcano crater at Bandung..Haahahah...when I came bk to SG I was thinking to myself - what WAS I thinking??

Whoa I oso wanna eat satay! Sob...
the health plan wise.. most insurance companies have the mother+baby plan now. Most of them falls under the "Endownment plan" category which means u have to contribute mthly for 10 years, 15 years etc.

Any investment trader or financial savvy person (not working in insurance company) will tell u never take up endowments or investment linked policies. U just dun gain much from it.. most of the time u lose money in the so called "investments" cos they r poorly managed & pegged to financial economy and the medical coverage is insufficient when u need it. For better peace of mind, i suggest u look into signing up 100% coverage hospitalisation plans for baby Day 1 from birth. Cost only about $200 a yr, u can get the best doc, best ward, best hospital if ur baby *touchwood* admits hospital.

but the drawback is congenital deformities detected before the sign up, will not be covered. Hmmm ask around ba.. just sharing what I know..
Most insurance agents will sell u what they earn most, not what u need most.

OMG we really same fate la.. my in laws not good at cooking too.. dats y i looking fwd to eat out most of the time.. eh 1 day after u finish work we go Whampoa eat rojak eat dinner den I go home la? haha.

1 person 250 sticks.. that one need c-section to put inside le la.. hahah!! :D

North-south highway straight road up.. can't miss it. I self-drive up before myself.. no prob!
Me and hubby is planning to travel up to Melaka before CNY way before I was preg. But now I am more worry I can't tahan the long journey le...

Haiz.. still thinking if to go anot le.
Share share the prudential plan...

The shield plan can buy from age 0 of baby right? Btw I know if parents are aviva, baby gets it free. Unfortunaltey my HB and I are not...

Fluffy : I also dun like endowment / investm linked plan. Prefer those health which is shield I guess. Looking out to see if any other plans..
fluffy, you also ah! wah!!! we shld really jie bai liao lor... then he still told my mom very difficult to cook for me.... then my hubs dont like to buy food from outside all the time.. so very sian... i think later im gg to tell him i bth need to buy laksa instead... heee

i think i will just buy insurance once bb born.. like what fluffy said, the earlier buy (like from day 1), premium is cheaper
ur great self-drive to malacca
li hai
i haven re-visit malacca for a long time heard lots of yummy food there so i'm thinking drive up shld be ok coz can stop over if im feeling unwell.
Thng- I always drive to malacca.. the drive is ok.. cos all straight road nia... but only duno if u can tahan the journey.. so try to stop once in a while... tell u first ah.. its VERY the HOT ah! haha.. but the food is YUMMY so really worth it..
tanny, aviva has this medishield plan where if both parents have medishield, if baby needs hospitalization (up to 21 years old i think), baby gets coverage by medishield too and hence reduce bill size...

health plans that has the word "shield" are mainly medishield plans just that a premier version of the basic medishield plan.

you cant buy shield plan for baby. cuz shield plan only exist from the moment you have a cpf account

can look out for those whole life insurance plan where you pay for 15 years and then covered for life kind... im using one by ntuc but i cant remember the name... ha
Hi hi
Wah.. I didn't come in a day n sooo many post.. Toooo lazy to read d archives.. Any interesting news to share?

Btw my boss misinterpreted my email which was supposed to be sent out last wed but it reach her only yesdae. She thot I m extending my HL... as a friend..she advise since I m high risk kinda etc.. Might b better I consider to rest for d whole Preg..
I did ask abt probation impacts etc but she did not yet put a thot on it.. I explored npl for ist tri but we did not touched deeply into d topic as I mentioned I shd be able to pass d tiring lethargic phase of trim 1.
Her concern is bb doesn't come easy so I got to set my priority.. I ask to access how I can cope first .. N she is nice to say if I do feel stress etc have a speak with her n she'll see wat she, d team or company can do for me...
Seriously I feel guilty towards my team n frankly I m not performing at my peak. It's a struggle between work performance n needs to remains stressful for d preg... Very tough balance...
I've Aviva plan!!!! ^^ hahaha!!! And dont have to pay a single cent! Cause all deduct from Medisave instead! Cherelle also under me and hb de Aviva!
if i go deliver... Can deduct the hospital fee from Aviva! Muahahahhaha!!! =p

Anyone wanna buy Aviva find me! I've friends doing this!
The prudential one u can sign up immediately when ur baby born so that it'll be inforce asap (abt 2weeks-1 mth)

My own plan is with Prudential (Prushield A Premier + Extra), I know there are other companies who have similar plans, try asking around. This plan I heard the agents only earn abt $50, so they wun recommend u one.. they always ask u take endowment/ILP those they earn alot yr after yr. My 2 agents (1 prudential, 1 AXA) already give up convincing me to sign those plans, cos they know I know it doesn't make sense, they just can't smoke me.

but the hospitalisation plan is really good, i claimed tonnes under it and i ask my sis & cousins to sign for their child too. Cos babies when young, easy easy admit for observation de leh. U wouldn't to worry abt financial for that. Just give them the best.

I sign the plan few years back, barely 7 mths later got breast lump, went Mt E choose the best surgeon, sleep good ward, only day surgery but I claimed $18+k :p

In short, stick to Hospitalisation Plans & Term life.. 1 take care when we still living, the other take care when we bye bye. Dun expect to make money from insurance investments. A common mistake alot of ppl make.

i also not insurance agent.Haha.
if ur plan can deduct full from Medisave, den its not 100% cover. U can check with ur agent. Medisave-paid component will not cover any excess and co-insurance, to have 100% coverage, u MUST topup cash.
For delivery, u can use full medisave if the bill not high (usually if normal delivery+4 or 2 bedded), whether or not u have insurance.

sorry ah.. need to tell u.. cos my sister made same mistake under Aviva.. and realise too late. I not sure why many Aviva agents seem to tell their clients that.
i think i bought the hospital one under Aviva deduct via medisave do we need renew contract my agent jump co loh no update since tat.
im nt gd in insurance policy issue can say blur sotong
Peapea : i think so? =X must go back check the doc leh...

Fluffy : really? Dont know can claim up to how much leh.. Your sister bought which Aviva plan? Plan A, B or C?
fluffy, i think it means that if want those additional benefits need to top up cash right?? think hubby and i has that...
angelia, then very near wor! I am always there during weekend. Must have gotten gd compensation fr the enbloc? I like the sambal fish at LOr 38/40...can't rmbr, tanjong rhu bao gonna be near u!
I forgot which plan name, but i know its not 100% covered cos like u, she also paid via medisave entirely.

its a standard ruling for all insurance companies, regardless which company it is all the same. U nvr pay cash, definitedly u need to pay excess & co-insurance. This is the part where u need to pay balance in cash, thats why premium also will be cash topup.

u can ask Aviva lor. FYI, in terms of critical illness care, Aviva covers the least amongst all the insurance companies in sg.

I'm not an insurance agent but I'm trained in finance, insurance & investments, in consultancy management the past 3 yrs.. while i may not know every single insurance policies, but the basic skeleton is the same. And part of my job have to keep track of the new insurances in the market so that I can analyse for my clients. Just sharing what i know.. N because of my job, and hubby's financial knowledge, we analyse the policies to every detail and always give the agents a hard time when they try to sell us something useless :p

yap, there must be a cash component for a 100% coverage. Unless u pay cash for some other plans la

erm i tink i dun comment too much on this le la.. i tink most of us of our own trusted agent, i dun wan to offend anyone, so just ask carefully again & again lor. Dun wait for things to happen, the agents can just black+white sweep u easily away. If anyone need any more advice on this matter, can PM me here or in FB, I'll be willing to help where I can.

cheers! ^^
Fluffy : oh? Hmm... Think i better go ask my friend!!! Kns.. I thought what so good! Chey... =\ thank for sharing... Later i go whatsapp him and ask ask ask liao. Ahaha! =)
while stocks last i believe... hahaha

try 7+ close to 8... lesser ppl... not so long wait.. sometimes i reach at 8+ nobody... very fast...
I rec the letter can't rem say wat rem it's due le no agent contact me too
I gonna go home find the letter out again
Thanks for info
ya ask properly better la.. when things happen ah, friends also can become not friends lo.

my sis paid $3k+ as a result of this "friend" that her hubby intro lo. Now they also not friends liao.
Aviva is one of the cheapest, but the benefits also one of the least.

ah soooo early.. hubby just went out.. I tink 9+ den can reach leh.. got chance?
btw i replied ur msg in FB liao.
wa.. ya! huichinz! i suddenly also wana eat indian rojak!! slurp... and i dun mind eat ROTI PRATA NOW!! wahahahahahaha

wa.. the insurance plan very cheem. i no more brain juice to read thoroughly.. haha.. i makan first later then i come back

Happy dinner!!
I stylo.. Didn't drink Milo yet vomit while chunks of Milo taste n gastric juice.. My intestines really turning upside down Le... Yet after that totally no appetite despite hungry...
Telling myself to bear with it..
Have been sooooo soooo sleepy in the late afternoon ard 4pm. Every time after work, bathe already sure KO. Didn't have time to post in our forum even...

So happy coz hb buying katong laksa n durian home for me... Wahahahah!!! Can't wait till he's back... Stomach making so much noise already.

Btw, anyone notice if skin tone like near the neck or back area getting darker?
Fluffly : aviva least benefits? My hubby is AIA shield and mine is pru a shield (same as u). both of us buy top up extra plan paying cash abt $300/ yr/ person. So my hosp delivery expenses can claim under our shield and shield extra plans?

Then my baby aged O cannot buy pru shield plan since no cpf ac. Then how to cover hospitalisation bills? I dont wan those endowment plan - i wan like my pru shield plan like me. So how to cover them? Hmm... when I access by I phone - I can't send pm. But u can pm me your answer. So new born can only buy those private non shield hospitalization plans?
baby's plans can use parent's medisave ma, just like if baby hospitalised, can use parent's medisave to pay if u dun have insurance cos baby no money no cpf ma

AIA & Pru are comparable. Yap my cash component also abt $300/yr, my sis' youngest girl just born mid Oct, i got my sis to sign up immediately once she discharge I ask my agent go do for her, cos her older daughter recently diagnosed blood disorder, so better be safe faster sign, already inforce last mth liao, yearly abt $200, can't rmbr exact amt but is same plan as me premier A+ extra.

Aviva least benefits i'm referring to the critical care coverage, it covers much lesser illness than other companies, I had this point confirm by an internal staff (a friend) in the claims dept.

I am not aware of any plan in the market that can claim delivery expenses. U can claim medisave, not insurance. U can see inside ur coverage, delivery is not included de. Cos its not a "illness" ma, just like plastic surgery also cannot claim, unless it is necessary reconstructive surgery.

hope that helps
best berries - actually my girl is only 7.5 months, there are still alot more stages you've been through and i have not. perhaps toddlers are just harder to put to bed, so i don't really know how to advice.

here's my personal experience. my girl was 3.4kg at birth, and has been the 90th percentile at her age group since then. she started sleeping through the night at 9 weeks (11pm - 7.30am) and i went back to work at 10th wk. i believe part of reason she was successful at sleeping through the night was bcos she was a bigger baby (and cld take more milk at earlier age and thus sleep through the night) and the swaddling. Swaddling worked all the way until about 4-5 months when she outgrew the wraps, then we introduced the pacifier. At 6 mths she started waking up at 3-4am again which was a nightmare for us, so we introduced the cereal in her last feed. That got her to sleep through again.

Paisay being lor so, but i think she's still manageable now is bcos of routine. milk, off lights, blanket, pacifier then zzz

mom of 2 - 9.30 - 10pm is not bad wor. totally understand the part about 'your thing' putting him to sleep. if my hubs is not around, then i guess i'll try to do that all the time too

i heard yaolan not good for baby's back. plus someone has to keep shaking the thing!

smalleyespy - you can ask for anti nausea medication. i got it for both #1 and #2. i can't rem the name though.

love asa - welcome back!
Smalleyespy> mine at ritz carlton.

Still outside now...so tired.....my sleeping time almost here. Haha. Nowadays, by this time, I nua-ing on bed liao. Haha.
Winningstar : aiyoh! It's normal that nipple become bigger and darker! My hb say my nipple now become to bb not him liao. Hahahahaha!!! Than somemore my nei got alot of scratch mark! Lagi worst... I soooo worry lah!! Everyday bua the scratchmark cream till bth!!! =\
Winningstar : no lah... Just to soothe the nipple lo... Cause my nei and nipple become bigger... The pigeon nipple cream is to prevent crack too....

Hey mummies..
I have a brand new, unopened Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil ( works along with Clarins Stretch Mark Control to maximize combat of stretch mark). Bought juz 2days back.. I
Anyone keen to take over from me??
