(2012/07) Jul 2012

wah increase by so much. i think i paid $1900 last year. YM> better meet up or talk to cl and interview her before u decide on one. i kenna one cl from hell last year. she MLM to all those ppl who come and visit me. and kept giving out her number when we go to clinics for checkup. then baby cry, my hubby still gotto wake her up to attend to baby.

ya, i know 2300 not cheap... but like what you said, if do good job i dont mind... my friend like had difficult pregnancy, but her confinement seems super easy... no complaints from her... baby handled by nanny at night.. so i decided to trust this nanny... hahaha

i think still need to give ang bao on top of the fee... someone in jan has engaged her to do a 40 days long confinement!
OO.. $200 quite reasonable for deposit.Rem to ask her if u need to apply permit for her.Mine is asking for 2.2k i think or 2.3k. We only talked vaguely over the phone on her availability. Prob will discuss more when we met up in Jan. I told her beta to meet when my 1st term is up.
I wanted to get my fren's CL but then she says must get permit for her.. wich is like $200 extra then she start her last task end June i scare time not possible (mine EDD 23 Jul).

I actually din want to get a CL so soon but after calling like 4 CL.. all not available End Jul.. i abit panic..haha.

Call me kiasu..but i rather be that trouble my Mil or my mum about it.
mom_of_2, ur CL sound terrible.

I also just booked my CL today. She helped me previously. I didnt asked her whether she got increase her charge. I was already paying $2200 in yr 2010. I supposed she going to charge me the same this time round too. $2200 is alot already.
I am taking calicum, iron and fish oil(DHA) pills now. Aiyo, so many pills and all of them are big big one. N my nausea is getting bad to worse. stress.
But for those who has plan to get a maid, can get the maid early so that the CL can train the maid during the confinement period as well. My CL trained my current maid quite well, in fact, my maid knows how to cook some of the confinement dishes and the herbal soup n the red date water. But my dear daughter is too active and i dont want to tire myself, get a CL better.
i think market rate is 2.3k
oh no i gonna source soon since freeback from ur all CL all fully booked
my frd did tell me some of them engage CL more than 1mth.
i need tell the CL i got a dog at home right incase she scared of dog hee...
but one good thing i like about my CL is she can handle both my parents and my in law. She will help me entertain them when they are here. My in law are not easy easy ppl... so i was very glad that somebody can handle them. I think this is quite important, I heard many story, CL and in law cant get well.

Really quite bad. u got her fr agent?
Hi Thng, are you still in office? I am still in ofc!! i have tons of things to clear, and my staff is clearing leave and yet i still can't clear my leave! SIGH. let's encourage one another.

mom of 2 - i also got a horrible CL such that i fired her after 2 weeks. BU TA HAN! i think we can compare CL stories and see who got worst, but i seriously also don't want to go and recall such horrible experiences. i am now very sure i will not hire a malaysian CL. anyone knows how much a SG CL will cost? any contacts?

Mom of 2 : i am here here.... Aiyoh!! Cherelle stick like a glue lo!!! Make me no time! =\ jialat! Will Ryan very sticky to you?!?!?

She keep on want me carry leh! I really no energy liao...
Aylie n angela..
Oh really.. Great.. I miss bah Kut teh!!
Sorry yah too busy at work n reply now.

Wah u gers are gd.. Still can go Xmas shopping, meet Frd dinner etc.. I totally no energy !!!!

Jialat tmr got offsite team building with 2-hr farm tour.. Already tell boss I can't take d walk yet still wan me go.. Sm more starts at 7.45am n ends with BBQ dinner till 8pm... Really duno how I can dong so many hrs

I am feeling tight n pain at sides.. U guys feel so?? Or I really " sprained" myself.. Boss boss n collex told me shd not be feeling tightness at wk 8 + lei... N I m feeling bad spine/ tailbone pain

CL taken up so fast yah.. Jialatzz Hubb only intends start checking in mid Jan after trim 1.

Also heard most infant care taken up Le.. Stress sia
Any mummies start to drink milk for preg lady? I was just thinking since I am not eating much, should drink milk for preg lady to replace nutrients for bb...

I also havent check out on CL yet.. Maybe cos MS is too overwhelming .. No mood to do anything now...
My Sis saw me today said I look like I have terminal illness rather than looking Preg...
Don't know to find it funny or angry... Haha
Ceraine - yah can go eat BKT

I think you just go to your team building but make some excuse in the afternoon to leave so no need to stay for BBQ? I think the smell of food plus the oiliness and smoke is a good excuse to leave early.

Angelia and mom of 2 - are you guys the main caretaker of your kids? My girl is not that sticky to anyone in particular. Between me and my husband, she prefers daddy to carry (maybe bcos i don't carry her much now), but she is also not sticky to him or my parents who take care of her in the day. I think it's so sweet when your kids prefer you to any other caretaker lah.
Wah I seem to have a hearty appetite cos I pig out v often due to frequent hunger....I snack more often and gained some weight. Think the gynae will complain that I'm overweight....

I haven't thought of CL yet, got a maid but don't know if should get a CL. No recommendation yet but I heard some ppl got their CL through agency, don't know how gd are they....
I try nt to wk ot no energy to wk le.ur right dec lots of ppl on leave.
U too go home early

Ur schedule for tmr seems tedidious lei
If really can't tahan tell ur boss u need go home rest

I haven start drinking formula milk for pregant mummy but I hv been drink goats milk bought from hay dairies.

Ur gal very sticky to u ,u muz be tiring
Wei da de mummy
Bingo, I'm just drinking normal milk....is there a special formula for pregnant mummies?
Don't be too concerned abt what others say, most importantly is that both ur bb and u are healthy....
Aylie : yup! From i give birth to Cherelle till now, all the way is i takecare of her de...

Thng : too sticky, i tired leh.. Sighhh
Sblbee - yup there is a special milk for preg lady.. Can't really remember the brand name Liao.. They will sell at NTUC etc

Thng - So normal milk can drink? I saw in the earlier post some mummies said best not to drink normal milk though I still drink abit at times..
Sblbee : i gotta a CL from agency for my #1 just this year... To me.. Agency is sort of a assurance bah.. Within 2week, if you're not happy with the CL, you can request for a replacement. I use PEM confinement agency... Their service was alright.. And the CL that i've got also good. She teach me alot... And ofcause she really cook nice and yummy food.. For taking care of bb wise, i let her handle totally. She is very alert to mygirl. So i feel more secure...
Milk wise :

You can continue drinking nonfat or low-fat milk during pregnancy . The fat in whole milk is saturated and not healthy for your heart or overall health.

To reduce the amount of saturated fat in your diet, choose 1 percent or skim (nonfat) milk at any stage of your life, including pregnancy. Fat should instead come from healthy fats such as those in fish (those safe for pregnancy), olive oil, canola oil, walnuts, flaxseed and flaxseed oil, nuts and nut butters, and avocados.

To get adequate amounts of calcium during pregnancy, drink three 8-ounce glasses (24 ounces) of nonfat milk each day, or eat a variety of other calcium-rich foods such as yogurt, cheese, dark leafy greens (such as kale and spinach), almonds and calcium-fortified orange juice.

Soy milk is a great low-fat alternative to cow's milk. Just be sure to choose brands that have added calcium.
Hiaz... My boss stress on TEAM BONDING n she exPects 100% participation..
Actually d team is staying over tonight n she has expected I do so too!!!!
Abit disappointed with her coz on 1 hand asking me to take care, dun strain myself n really feels I should "take a long break for work" to an tai.. But on d other hand when I told her I can't cope with d physical tiredness.. She is like still " forcing" me to go... Hiaz... If so, in first place dun say so nice optional!!! My colleague was also shocked boss WANs me go when I conveyed my discomfort..
No words to say!! Worst if, if I exceed my limit of spine ability.. N overstrain.. I can end up lying in bed few days... Hiaz told Hubb prob that's her way of seeing how much I can blend in n if no.. Hv gd reasons ask me go when probation is up...
Chat with u guys tmr.. I go rest Le..
Can get anmum milk powder for preggies..
I m taking Immunocal which helps in immunity n builds in with nutrients.. Bingo... Did u drink???
Ceraine : try to tell your gynae about this. And ask him to write a referal letter to your boss to shut his/her mouth! Actually, for preggy lady, it's not really advisable to sit for too long.. Cause our spine will be in pain... The weight it us is already very xin ku le.. She/he should understand... FYI, our waterbag is already 3kg.
Aylie- my boy used to stick to me, then now he sticks to my dad coz he's with him during the day. But he's not always there but when he's there, I reckon in my boy's eyes , he's the most fun coz his eyes light up and he smiles at him like he strike 4d. Later I see if I can find picture - post it on Facebook and you'll see it.
Love it that he is sticky to family member and not maid. I'd b jealous if he prefers maid. Esp since I'm working. I still get separation anxiety and wish I can spend > time w him. But I'm glad my dad is sometimes there.
She took 10yrs to conceive but was suPer hyper n productive at work.. So prob she can't understand...
Coz I told her I hv blood disorder complication etc n spinal issue hence she felt I shd really put bb as priority.. That's abit angry when she say go lah.. If really can't then u dun join d trip. What for right.. N ask me wait alone in conference room for 2hrs.. Very stupid lor!!!!!
I know she might h her reserves n probably worry d rest of team say she Bian xin... But most ppl shd know my status now lah.. Plus 4 wks bk she openly discussed my preg in car n I can't get her shut up!!!
If I really dun feel well I will ask to leave early..
Sm more this evening she say me so many activities dun wan participate ( jokingly) I m like.. Not as if u duno my status.. But I know she means wat she say..

Howto complain.. I need this job.. It's a gd salaried job n critical now lor... All I wan is to get d confirmation letter first.. But it seems eeeiii.. Abit far-fetched...

Gota wake at 6am.. Hope I can hv a gd zzz...
Sorry hor.. Post so long n I abit grouchy today
Morning mummies TGIF

Think positive & cheer up
Don't let it affect ur mood
Try ur best @ work if too tired go get mc rest at home.
Not all bosses is understanding
morning everyone! finally it is friday! cant wait to sleep in tmr...

Ceraine, worse come to worse, monday take mc... hee... scare her a bit... later u try to siam whatever you can... she cant force you too. MOM law is for employee to share news of pregnancy with employer asap so that employer can help to create safe environment for employee to work in.

i tried breathe right yesterday. end up, the regular adult size too big for me!! i had to use the kids one instead... almost fainted... hmmm it helps a bit, less congested.. but i think cuz im having running nose too, so that part cant be help?
Hi morning, ladies!!!

Bingo, Angelia and Ceraine, thanks for the advice on the milk! I didn't know there's so much to take note about my diet and I'm still taking what I'm eating normally. U gals have really done so much research.

Angelia, I intend to engage the same agency asmy hubby's friend cos do not have personal contacts and also like what u have mentioned, have added security in terms of getting a replacement :p

Hi ladies, just wondering if u gals have "informed" ur boss abt ur pregnancy? How did u all do it? I don't know to break the news to her as it's my first time and my boss is a single lady so I'm afraid that she won't be happy with the news as next year will be a busy year ahead....so worried now as I'll be having my work review with her end of this month.
sblbee, i told my boss once i found out im pregnant. it helps cuz i took mc very often from then on. and cuz im a one woman show. so give them several month notice to find replacement for me while im on ML.

i just told her, i found out im expecting
u using the kids size of breath right as long its suits u & help u
seems like i hv the same symtoms as you i having running nose the moment i step into air cond room loh but cant sleep w/o air cond lei so i use breath right.

just inform her saying you're pregant govt law protect pregant woman one no worries.
no co would dare challenge govt later kena blacklisted ill treat employee.

for milk,
i drinking chocolate fav. goat's milk for hay dairies & occasionally drink HL chocolate milk.
i didnt try on pregant mummies powder milk yet as i dont like milk only take CHOCOLATE fav milk
Morning mommies! TGIF!

Hope no one was tripped on the train yesterday.

I'm super tired now as the wedding dinner only finished at 11.30pm and I only went to sleep at around 1am. Then at 6am, I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep.

Now feel super heaty (pu zhua), throat very uncomfortable. And I gagged don't know how many times already until I think I would really throw up but maybe 'cos tummy no food so haven't throw up yet. But I gagged until like I had forced out air/gas...like become an exaggerated burp like that. Xin ku ah....
Hi ladies, just to check. Confinement lady is employed for 1 month only right ? What is next after the 1 month. We or maid handle ourselves ?
Morning mummies!
Yesterday hubby saw me naked and commented : woah very big Liao hor...

I told him : sorry, not for you to enjoy.. Dun you dare think touch me!

Poor hubby...

I think I grow about 1 cup size alrdy.. And my abdominal has a lot of fine hairs growing out.. I'm turning into mummy chimpanzee!
Morning! ha everyone is saying TGIF! i cant wait to catch up on my sleep over the weekend too

Lady Dee, i got the same feeling too. woke up with a sore throat. My MS is the kind that i will keep gagging and coughing, esp in the mornings, coz feel like vommitting. but so far have never vommitted out. dunno which is worse. i find that it gets a bit better after i have some food.
maine, wah!! so fast ah!! im still waiting for mine to grow... wahahahaha

lady dee, morning i will usually gag.. but oh well.. i dont really mind though xin ku... heee... very sadist like that hor
Mai Ne> Lucky you...the cup size I mean. Haha...I never grow leh....Hahaha.

yoony> Ya, my symptoms and yours exactly the same. But today is terrible, normally I would gag, cough and stop there. Today is like the full-blown vommitting action, with the tongue thrown out and air/gas actually came out, if you know what I mean.

Today like very quiet....haha...
Hi ladies, thanks for ur advice! I'll inform her during my work review with her then....

TGIF!!! Going for my first gynae appt later, hope and pray everything will be ok....Have a gd day and do rest well over the weekend, ladies! I doubt I can rest as I got 4 gatherings during the weekends....
mai ne
my neh neh nvr increase cup sobz..

lady dee,yonny
my vomiting worsen just b4 i go to bed last nite was so xin ku vomit till i cry hubby see me like so poor thing told him i dont mind as long bb is growing well.

think most ppl have co event today all resting at home at nite dress up nice nice attend & WIN BIG PRIZES

i engage CL lady too call one which my frd using now shes nt available guess next yr is a hot yr ur better source out ur CL soon.

u can engage CL for more than a mth
for me i engage 1mth only then the rest i got to handle myself have to learn

Lim Mai Ne - so good your neh grew 1 cup..i think mine still the same...and i hv lots of fine hair on my tummy too!

last time i heard hairy tummy is usually boy! but my gynae told me not true.

i am having headache!!!!! should i eat panadol??? cannot concentrate on work at all but got to finish report so cannot go back.
