(2012/07) Jul 2012

Hi mumentan,

I went to dr loke's clinic located at tampines St 81. The hospitals he will go are eastshore and TMC. His charges are rather cheap. He is a man of few words but he is very experienced. I remember before he started to stitch the area, the nurses there were saying that his skill is very neat. Haha... Some people may not like him because he may feels. Bit cold.

Hope the info helps.

Hi all,
I have told my parents & in-laws & 1 friend. Didn't tell other people yet. Hearsay it is better to let others know after 1st trimester
I supposed no harm sharing with your loved ones and closed friends bah...

Anyway I already told my parents, 2 colleagues, hinted to my 2 buddies... Lolx...

Some may be "pan dang" so don't wanna publicise until after 3 months... For logical/rational reason, don't wanna let too many people know during unstable period... What if pregnancy d/c and still have people coming to ask/congratz... Will be super sad lor... =X
Morning ladies, hope everyone has a good night sleep! I'm so glad to have you babes here. Cannot tell anyone very xin ku leh, at least here can chit chat freely.

I agree wait until after 1st trimester. Last time I told a few people, and it spread like fire in the office. I had a m/c and after that still got people come and congratulate me. Feeling really sucks...

But this time will be good. I have a good feeling about this one. Pray pray pray! Pray every mother here will have smooth delivery in jun/July! We will spread our good fortune to one another!
Hi everyone,
First time joining this thread. Expecting my 2nd child, EDD is 18 July.

Mai Ne, maybe can tell your immediate superior n ask her to keep mum for the time being. It helps if u need to go off early or on mc. I'm sure we will all get thru 1st trimester. Stay positive!
Morning ladies~~

Mai Ne : i think if your boss is big mouth.. You keep it from him/her bah..

Loopy2 : hi. Welcome onboard...
me too having #2!
morning mummies..the thread is running so fast..i just mia 1 day, tk me long time to finish all d post..hehe..

min min, yes..i read somewhere b4..so tat time i kept "an wei" myself..as long as bb is healthy, i dun mind got ms lo..

wil's mum, u also seeing dr.ang?..me too!! my 2nd appt will be on 25 nov..hope can see u at his clinic one of d day..
i hv told my mil but not my mum as she staying with me at the moment to tk cr my boy..haha..I thinking to tell my mum too but she was with my ah yi for holidays..so if i tell her, she might tell my ah yi..i thinking to tell her when i can hear bb heartbeat..but everyday just think to call her n let her know..feel bad
mornin' to all! ^^

i managed to eat roti prata without puking this mornin! *LOL* been feeling so nauseous and crossing out lots of my favourite food. hope you all ain't as bad

i told my boss last week bcos she wanted me to fly to KL, so didn't really have a choice but luckily she never leak out :p
Morning ladies, howz everyone feeling tdy?
I've been feeling so sleepy n tired recently... put on a bit of weight when bb is now only a tiny pea... argh!! Do u gals experience any weight gain?
giantress: don't dare to measure but the pants getting a bit tight :p just rest and sleep as much as possible 'cos thats where ya bb is growing!
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Morning mommies!

3rd-time MTB here. Seems like a party has already started in this thread!

@ giantress:
I've already gained 2kg even though the baby is still a pea! Compared to my prev 2 pregnancies I'm crossing my fingers that this one doesn't make me gain more than 10kg!
Hi to all mother to be, I hope u can take 1 min to help to vote for my lil boy in a Facebook contest. Pls kindly help to vote for my LIL MONSTER~
This contest will end at 5pm today so really really appreciate if you can take a min off ur busy schedule to help and vote for my lil darling. Thanks a lot for the kind help~ :D

He will be extra merry happy for Xmas if he can get the vouchers for more more toys!

Pls kindly follow these 2 steps:


hello mummies!

hmm boss big mouth...my colleague was already in tri 2, but she din want to tell anyone; due to her body type, her preggy (tummy) is not obvious and nobody know she is preggy till 6 months. but some of us know already cos the boss big mouth and tell some pple...... cos he was thinking of manpower strength..

hmmm. got a silly question to ask, will EDD change earlier and earlier?

huh, got pple so rude, u mean when say preggy, they will touch our tummy and ssay things? aiyo.. i nvr do that leh, when colleague preggy, i nvr do such things..
Hey babes,
Just checking in. Are you going to toilet often for big business ? I got stomachache (scared me), lucky is go toilet type and this morning alrdy go twice! Nvr eat much ytday and this morning only got 1 cup cereal.
Hi those who just join us... Welcome on board!

Tanny : yes... Edd will still change.. Must see the baby measurement... Yup... My mil and her sister sibei gossip de... And they will like... "wah.. The tummy round round,confirm girl arr.. Sharp sharp confirm boy arr(those old folk tale)" so i super dont like!!! Than when i was having my #1 that time, they even touch my tummy and say "aiyoh... MUST BE boy boy arr.. First 1 boyboy more good" , wapiang! I hear liao also DL!!! That's why i dont wanna break the egg to them first... Hahaha!
mai ne: yup, i will, at least for these 3 days. before that constipation

sherlyn: haha my mum (she didn't know) was complaining to my sister that it's not fun going shopping with me 'cos everytime she went into some shops, i'll find some nearby seats to sit
So your #1 a boy or girl? lol

When i was having my #1, I weighed myself every morning. lol. then the wt will determine what I will hv for lunch. Managed to control my weight gain at around 12 kg. then at last 2 wks or so, gynae say i never put on wt, which is no good. So I ping ming eat n eat. Hoping to gain some wt but also worried that I can't fit into my maternity clothes cos it was already tight!
Hi Mummies!
My cousin just ask me to attend her hens' night.. Haiz..not sure how to reject her..especially i know its all going to be alchol all the way.

So tough not to tell anyone till its stable. I am not sure if i m being lazy or normal... had been feeling sleepy all the time. Do you gals feel tat way too?

I also stop taking caffeine these 2 days as I read online that preggie shd stay out of caffeine during 1st trimester. No sashimi.. and no raw oyster..
wondering if it would be too early to book my apt with gynae for 10Dec? My hubby say i kiasu..
What would be the best time to go for a scan?I am in my 4th wk.I am hoping to scan soon to make its okay. Would it be fine if i schedule to scan on week7-8?
Ya i can understand... dat day my family went brussels sprouts, i can only watch them drink the beer n eat the mussels while im chomping away on my fish n chips
i miss sashimi!!!
Yes, definitely sleepy most of the time. Yesterday was waiting for DH and was leaning on a pole and almost fell asleep. lol.

My jeans is also getting tight around the waist. But I don't know if it's b'cos I got preggy around my DH's b'day and the wt gain is from all the feasting. Haha.
heyhey Ladies! Morning.. wa! what a long thread! had so much fun reading and giggling at your comments! haha..

I read that some of you are comtemplating telling your bosses... how ah. how to open the mouth to say... after 1st trimester or say now.. my boss also DUA CHUI de.. hahaha.. the whole industry will know!!!

E TAN: woot... i love sashimi and oysters too!! haha.. i think oysters i will avoid.. but sashimi.. heard can.. BUT must go to higher class jap restaurants then eat it... sigh.. i also duno how long i can tahan not to eat this eat that.. stress..

and... u not kiasu la i think.. haha cos i my appt is tomorrow.. wahahaha.. somehow duno why i dun really trust the test kit... i tried twice la.. maybe i no confidence in myself.. haha.. i read somewhere.. when u know preggy.. best to let gynae check immediately.. then subsequently dun need too soon to check again... i also duno if tmr i can be able to see anything on the screen.. but just go to peace..

OH.. last thing.... do ur still use knife and cut things? i used it everyday.. cos have to cut fruits ma... then my HB tell me not to... sigh then like that how to makan STEAK and all?? also fork and knife aint it?

anyways.. for those who are hvg MS or appetite change.. dun fret.. it means a new life is in you! =)
haha.so glad its not just me tat is greedy.LOL
I was tempted to leave early from work each day to go home and rest.

I read abt the weight gain, very worried that I will become fat and cant lose weight after that. Had been drinking milk with cereals everyday.So far, my apetite had been good. Can eat well at meals.hopefully i wil be like my mum no MS at all when she had us.
Hi Huiling
For Dr Loke, is there always a long Q at the clinic? I know there is one near St81,child clinic..forever packed.
Does he have any package for wk12 onwards?
oh, that day i just drank half a cup of kopi.. oh no.. hope all goes well.

so what should / can we drink, besides plain water, milo. chinese tea ok bah? can drink like longan red date ok right? barley (warm) ok?

smalleyespy : WAh, yrs worse? wow industry knows? that time when i was on mc, my industry also knows.. pple like my vendors, suppliers call and ask Wah, u on MC? Ok a not? My boss big mouth.

I also use knife everyday leh... cut ginger, cut apples. Ok bah.. I dont stay with in laws, so got to cook leh..

Angelia : So EDD usually moves forward is it?
hi all, is it normal to have a small bump if im only 4-5 weeks? i just tested positive yesterday and the TCM doc is prescribing me an tai yao... ask me to go gynae on 3mth or so...
Ya, I'm also wondering how to tell my boss. How did girls inform? Just go up and say, "Boss, I got something to tell you. I'm pregnant."? Haha...like very funny leh. I'm never good at making "announcements". Somemore I just started work last month, although I'm a transfer case (from one department to another), don't know how she will take it.

My appetite also good lor. Except for yesterday, think morning breakfast of Mr. Bean pancake and soya bean milk didn't go well. Although I didn't puke out, I was feeling horrible and very bloated until I only ate 3 mouths of food for lunch. Make me so moody yesterday lor. Haha. Think I don't dare have that for breakfast liao.

I'm already overweight leh. So also very worried. Don't know if possible to don't gain anymore weight or not. Haha. Think this Sat, doc has to advise me bah. Scared he will scold me. Haha
Hello all!

I have informed my boss cuz I haven't been feeling well and need to be on mc for bedrest. And I'm the only one doing the job so need to give them time for replacement etc

No choice also to tell close friends cuz I got two of them getting married and want me to be jie mei but my mom told me nt to cuz scare clash.

Still having poor appetite and nausea though nt throwing up.

Tanny, my gynae told me it is ok to drink one cup of tea / coffee everyday. But I only have appetite for water and milo. Avoiding cold drinks too
Hmm think I will be informing my boss in 2-3 weeks time as I need to chk with him about my assignment when I go back after my 3 mths unpaid leave...

I will send a formal email to him n HR checking then separately I will send him an SMS to tell him I m expecting and get him to keep to himself first :p
Gee... Maybe can tell the boss that you need to take leave to see the gynae? Haha... Very direct bah... ;)

I dun think there will be any problems with knives since most women in olden days have to cook at home... and they bore healthy children too... Just be more careful when handling sharp objects...

I will miss all the sashimi... koi pearl milk tea... raw oysters... pineapples too... sobz sobz...
sherlyn, i think that is a good idea. we should give our bosses some lead time to prepare. also helps if we are unwell and need mc or take leave. my boss was willing to give me excuse time off if i need to see gynae on a work day... just tell our bosses to keep it to them first... i think they will understand...

my colleagues also suspecting im preggy cuz im keep taking mc and leave and no appetite to eat
E TaN: i also feel that i have gained weight! i dun dare to wear my jeans! hahaha.. aiyo.. how huh.. if not still so small already feel bloated.. i cannot imagine the rest of the months.. i cannot get thru my house door! lol..

Tanny: wahahha.. YES... my boss WILL spread to the whole industry... due to the nature of the industry la huh.. ppl's mouth wag like nobody biz.. and i can tell u.. worse part is. maybe it first spread ME who is preggers.. later the story will change to become my COLL preggy.. haha.. about the knife thing.. ya la huh... No choice! have to use means have to use ma! haha

Lady Dee: Ur so funny.. hahaha.. i think i feel like writing email to my boss.. i duno how to tell HIM leh.. i cannot even bring myself to tell my dad leh.. cos i feel like tat my dad knows i have already DONE THAT u get wat i mean. haha abit paisay leh...

my appetite.. on and off.. i only dun wana eat cos i have constipation.. i v scared of that.. thats why i will dread to eat... lol so far i dun have MS yet... i duno if its good or bad.. dun have then like duno if BB is there.. if have MS.. i duno how i am gona TAHAN !!! haha.. but i do cry more easily leh.. abit only like watch drama or watever la.. abit only my tears will roll... i feel crazy! hahaha
smalleyespy, i tot the pantang thing is not to use sharp object on bed? if not it is still ok to use knife etc. wah ur boss really loudhailer lei...

anyway, my last gynae visit shown that i lost weight... think due to poor appetite so losing weight... bloat very easily now.. eat few mouthful dont want to eat liao
smalleyespy>Hahaha....u're funny too! But I know exactly what you mean! 'Cos I also thought about that...I mean the dad part. 'Cos till now my dad still treats me as his "baby" girl, and now his baby girl is pregnant....means.....Hahaha....I can't imagine what's going through his mind. lol.
hahaha..Gosh,I think i just hit the soft spot abt weight for all mummies.haha.
I think its okay to eat more just eat healthy. That way, we can shed fast.

Now I got craving for Bubble Tea.. i always like to drink Koi with ice jelly. Had to give up for time being. Ystd went for japanese ramen where they hve free flow bean sprouts.. Tat we also have to refrain frm eating for awhile.

I tink we can stil use knivies and stuff. Just dont carry heavy stuff.

I read that we shd read and watch happy shows.. but I am a fan of CSI.Cant imagine need to stay off those shows. Guess need to find Korean drama.. more funny.

I watched a documentary tat day, about a couple having 14 kids.. Gosh..wonder how they survive..haaha
i booked appt wanted to go colour my hair just before i tested positive. Now cannot.. also cannot cut this cut that, cannot move things.. my wedding anniversary and birthday all cannot eat my fave medium rare steaks or sashimi... boohoo!!!~
So anxious about my first gynae visit next Wed... Didn't manage to book a female cos I wanted senior consultant who accepts evening consultations... Can't imagine another man other than my hubby looking at me down there... =X

Btw... Seems like no one is really asking... Safe to have sex during this period? Or better seek clearance from gynae? Juz got married 2 months back... Will be sad if have to stop so fast... Lolx...
My favourite koi is grass jelly with pearl milk tea L size... :D

My last cup was last Wed... Sashimi... Pineapple... Ops... I broke many rules during the week b4 I tested positive...
haha.. smiley.. u r funny..hhaa. i tink still can ML till your stomach is due 2wks.

I have made my apt wif gynae.Was actually thinking which to go for Benjamin Tham or Paul Tseng. In the end, fix apt wif Benjamin Tham since he had a package for 12wks onwards plus his clinic at Sun Plaza..can find lots easily.
My LM is 16/10 and the nurse arranged 1/12 to see him. Not sure can scan anything or not so early

Lady Dee: wahahaha.. ya... i dun dare to think daddy is imagining me in bed with hubs.. wahaha..

E TAN: why bean sprouts cannot eat? Hmm.. kimchi all these leh? i love leh.. i just ate mushroom soup from the soup spoon.. with a bun... DAMN full!! Gay Kiang ordered Large... BUT still finished it all.. Aiyoyo!! i cannot stand myself.. hahaha

Fluffy- Cannot dye hair? actually iread can la.. nails also can paint.. as long as u dont inhale.. but of cos up to individual and see wat ur gynae say.. sad de leh.. CNY coming.. nails and hair cannot do.. plus body pong... snort... but yes.. we still love our babies.. .lol

Angelia: woohoo.. really! thats good.. but 1st trimester can? my HB worry.. say scared injure bb. wahaha... siao one la.. kk i shall tell him CAN!! hahahaha

SmileyLOTS- tonite u can go home and ACTION already!! mai tu liao! hahahah
