(2012/07) Jul 2012

Piky : same!!!!!! Mine is on the left!!!! My gynae say cause my #1 & #2 too early so the cease is there... =.=!!!! it's 3.5cm worr... =\

hi all! i just joined! first-time mom-to-be and totally lost and excited! :D

just went to see a gynae (dr ching @ mt A) on wednesday and confirmed prenancy. in my week 5, edd at 12 jul

by the way, i saw a lot of "LMP" and "MS", what does it mean?
Min min : LMP - Last Mense Period something like that i forget too...

MS - Morning Sickness

Welcome to join and congrat to your #1 coming on the way.
angelia: thanks! ^^

ah... now i know. my LMP 25 Sep. doc said confirmed late else wouldn't be just at my wk5

MS... just feeling nauseous. hungry also nauseous. too full also. >.<
Min min : maybe you "O" late lo... But anyway tadaaaa, still got baby mah.. So who care whether "O" late or early... Hahahah! =p
Min min: same as me cannot too full cannot go hungry. Once I feel hungry I need to find snack *faint* I feel like eating too much haha...

BTW my LMP is on 1st sept my cycle is almost 2mth and I'm having #1 :D
hi mummies..congrats!! I also tested +ve yesterday..tis is my 2nd bb..

i m so kiasu cox i tested 3 times to make sure is confirmed..haha..

Last time during my 1st, i went see gynae immediately i tested positive..but tis time round, I will go maybe next week..
angelia: yes! i'm having my #1! hahaha :p

piky: ya, me too. couldn't sleep last night 'cos so freaking hungry so in the end woke up and drank milo. now i'm munching fruits :p
Qing er : hey! Your #1 how old? Your nick abit familiAr as y previous one worr... =|

min min : good! First bb dragon! Hahaha!! My #1 is Rabbit .. Heehee... Yess yess.. Keep feeling hungry.. Jialat!!! Must control alittle bit.. Hahaha. I still have leftover fats from my #1 !
min min, may i know what do you see in your scan for 5 wk? i am seeing gynae next week which shld be my 5th wk too...and i am not sure what will i see?
angelia: difficult to control le. i tried not to eat for 30 minutes, then my stomach started growling already -.-'''

valerie: eh... one small empty black hole and a small little circle somewhere in the middle (which is not very visible). the doc was saying that the small circle is supposed to be the baby la, then the empty hole is the.. sac? the photo scan which the doc gave states something like GS=15.48mm but i dunno what GS meant, with GA and EDD. doc asked me to go in 3 weeks time, which he said, will see better. now nothing to see
Hi.. i tested positive last week too.. my last menses was 20 Sep but when i went for scan last sat, doc said fetus is between 4-5 weeks, too small for scan so she can't determine for sure. But in this forum, most of your last menses was in Oct!

i have a rabbit girl, so i am hoping for a dragon boy!
No symptoms at all this time round, unlike my #1, i had all the nausea, nipple sore, urine frequently etc, this time round there's completely nothing :/ i'm abit worried though but next appointment is another 2 weeks.

any #2 mummies here?
Min min : yeah! It's hard to control! I have been munching and munching... Dont know this round going to gain how much again. Cham! =\

aylie : hi there!!! Me and Wil's mom are #2 time mummy... You also have a rabbit girl? Me too!!! Which month is your rabbit girl born in ?
Angelia: did u gain a lot previously? May I know what's the weight to be gain for whole pregnancy? A friend was saying 10kg, anything more than that, it's yours O.O
Wow so many new ppl! Welcome everyone!

Piky ur nick seems familiar. Were u from ttc #1 thread?

My tailbone hurts as well but nothing beat MS so far.

Lady dee, I only have sensitive nipples. No swollen boobs etc. My hubby is worried next time no milk for bb. Hahahaha

Super hungry now. Waiting for hubs to wake up and bring me go eat breakfast
Morning mummies/mummies to be...

Min min : my first pregnancy i gain 9kg... Manage to shed off the extras fats and additional of 3kg more during first 2month... But after i stop breastfeeding @ 6th month.. My weight gain back bits by bits!
now i have 3kgs to back to pre- preggy weight...

Hmm.. From what i know is try not to exceed 20kg gain thoughout.. Cause scare hard to shed off after preggy...
Peapea :Tell your hb, no swollen boobs doesnt mean no milk worr... Hahaha!!! Actually my breast also not that big when i am having my #1... But i also got milk mah... Bm is thru hardwork...
starting my milk ss very little only.. I xi sheng my sleepness and latch and power pump.. Than end up milk ss than go up de... But i am hardcore latch and power pump lah.. So really very tough for me..
Morning mtbs... It's weekend

~Wave~wave angelia... How r u? Hope u r surviving well..

I'm heading jb.. A bit jam here..

I gained 18kg but managed to go back pre preggie weight after 6 mths.. As long as u determine to get rid of those unwanted fat.. u can do it but must within yr bb 1 year.. After that will be difficult! And age also plays important part!

Tis time i'll try not to gain toomuch. I'm more conscious on healthy food!
Let's eat healthily and become a pretty mum to be!!!
Wil's mom : hahahaha!!! WAVE WAVE!!!!! ^^/ me arr... Still okay lo... But #1 keep on want carry... Than have to bite teeth and carry her lo.. =\ wah! You going jb?!? Please hor.. Take good care okay!!!
I am so very worried I'll put on too much weight.. I don't know if I am bloated now or getting fat.. it feels hard but I'm only 5 weeks and my pants getting tight! OMG!!
Heavy rain @jb now... How abt spore?

Lying on bed .. eat.. watch dvd.. sleep.. eat.. How not to put on weight haizzzz
Wil's mom : hahaha! Shiock lo you! Still can eat ,lie on bed &amp; sleep.. I also want!
but i still have to takecare of my girl!

Fluffy : i DO HATE that smell too... Sooooo yucky!!!!
Angelia, i was in ttc no2 thread last time..i think u were there also rite? hehe..my boy already 18mths+ now..

me too kan cheong n went to see gynae tis morning..just 4 week so couldnt see anything..gynae asked me to go bk 2 weeks later..hopefully can see heartbeat by time..now easy to feel tired n got slightly cramp..gynae got gave me utrogestan, also an tai yao..
Ok, I also got duphaston and folic acid. My Tcm also give me an tai Yao in powder form...I haven eaten yet.. So wondering should I take...
I got folic acid &amp; Duphaston. Nurse said its a hormone pill to stablilise the pregnancy.

Hi Mookie,
thanks for the recipes.. Ya my MIL &amp; mum take turns to brew me the bird nest, they forbid me to take the bottled kind. Cannot eat too much also.. cos its "liang". But at least make me feel good eating something tonic for baby
Hi all!

I'm a first time mummy here! Just seen my gynae over the weekend and EDD shd be in Jul 2012.

Same as fluffy, my pants and shorts are all getting v tight! In fact ppl already commenting that I've put on weight. So sad...when should be a good time to start wearing maternity wear?
Hi I am a first time mummy. I just tested positive on sat. My EDD based on iphone is 13 Jul. Haven't gone to a gynae yet, so now scouting for one.
Selling Capella S230 premium cony stroller @ $250.
* Used less than 10 times. Bought this year!


Selling Avent electronic/manual single breastpump @ $190
100% Brand new in packaging!
Comes with Free breast shield!

Prices can be negociated!
Sms @ 98899784
Me "si mian" cant slp at all
don noe isit becos afternoon slp too much or what.. Tml go work sure become zombie hahaha
Hi all,
I tested positive over the weekend and am happy to be able to join you ladies in this 9 months ride! ;)
According to online calculator, EDD shd be 12-13 July. Intending to make an appt for gynea visit this weekend.
I'm a first time mummy!
Good morning mummies..

Angelia, I m seeing Dr. Lawrence Ang now..changed my gynae..previous one good but expensive..:p

Piky : icic... Aiyoh... Hope you are not zombie today k...

Lil'thing : hi there... Welcome to join us... Which gynae you'll be visiting?

Qing-er : hi.. Hmmm.. Dr ang arr.. I heard that he is good too.. Now hardly can find cheap gynae bah.. My current gynae which is also my #1 gynae is cheap... But waiting time super long...

Any mummies... Can kpo kpo, how old are you all?!? Hahaha!!! Random question! =p
