(2012/07) Jul 2012

Hi Lim.. I delivered @tmc. I find it good! Tis x i'll choose there again.
Btw howmany wks u r in? when did u start feel hungry?

Btw which mummies are seeing Dr Lawrence Ang? He helped me with my #1. I'm seeing him tis sat!

Angelia.. Yes yes! Hopefully can listen to bb heart beat by then..

How's cherelle? Still stick like stamp? Hehe
Btw i'm going to select flat tis sunday hahaha
morning everyone!

haha, currently only me and hub, my sis and a good friend knew about it. not intending to tell my parents or mil 'cos want to wait after first 3 months. both will be their first grandkid ^^

as for fruits (including food), my gynae just told me to eat as per normal...

i went to visit my gynae last Wednesday, no queue la, but i think my next visit (next Sat) will be quite packed (according to the nurse).

ra: my friend's gynae is Dr Kenneth Edward Lee. they were saying that he's okay but either you will love him or hate him 'cos he's the kind of doc where he will only tell you what you need to know, and that everything is okay.
My lmp is 30th sept. Edd should be 6th July. But my menses not accurate, before 30th sept was abt 35-37 days. Plus hb away on business trip in oct 17-21. So we bd on 14th n 22nd. Also dunno if from which date.

Started hungry about 6 weeks onwards. But no appetite. Extremely hungry but eat a little every time. Hb says he dun even dare to order food for himself cos gotta finish up mine.

Good for you at tmc. I just hear hear only abt the busy nurses, never really experience it myself.

Seeing the gynae this week, praying very hard this one sticky sticky.
Wil's mom : ohh.. Than wouldn be able to see you in TMC this saturday le.. I am going to gynae this saturday too... Hopefully also can hear something...

Cherelle is okay from her cough , but flu still on off lo... Plus she is like cannot live without me type... Superglue till cannot... =\ i am already half dying... Not enough sleep plus she keep on want carry... =\
Babes, have you started vomiting already? I'm still Just very nauseas and have gag feeling. Dizzy and lethargic, other than very hungry... And breasts very very sore..
what is "sticky beanies"?

mai ne: puked yesterday. nauseous like getting worse this week. boobs getting more sore too. even had to wear it at night to prevent from accidentally hitting it. does that mean definitely have to change new bras?
Hi Angelia,
I think i should also wait til 3mth then tell the news. Sometimes its better to say it later to avoid any disappointment.
I have started reading some books to get myself prepared.

For those with MS, are you all on your 6th weeks onwards? For me, i think prob. stil early 4th Wk only..no symptoms for me.

Hi Huiling
Can I know which doc you are getting,which hospital is he linked up with? I am thinking if I should look for one near my place then dnt have to travel tat far. I stay in the East too
Min min : actually it depend on individual leh.. For my #1, i from C become D.. Than after i stop Bf-ing, i become back C... =\ some ppls boob will grow some like no change de... Maybe you try to wear those non-wire want.. Will not feel that sore...

E Tan : yup. I never tell my inlaws at all... Yup.. Was at my week6...

Wil's mom : scarly we can visit each another when deliver.. Ahahaha!! I think super far....

Have a good CL to recommend. Have already recommended her to 4 mummies in SMH. SHe is booked till next yr Aprl currently.

SHe was my CL for my twins in this Jan, taking care of them herself even during night time :)

SHe cooks nice confinement food ( for yourself and family ), and does baby laundry :)

can email me for more details

[email protected]
My in-laws and parents know about it already. My DH told my mil, who told my mum and fil. My mum, of 'cos, told my dad.

Actually I only planned to inform after I go for a gynae check and had a "all clear". 'Cause I don't think I can hold it to after the 1st trimester with all the symptoms and all.

In fact, my mum already suspected when I first tested, as I avoided cold drinks, sashimi and alcohol.
Lady Dee: since they knew it then just pray that everything will be fine

for me, i got into "pregnancy" mode a few months ago to prep myself. and my gastric always gave me lots of problems. so even if i feel bloated or what, my mum will just tell me to stop eating all the spicy and oily food. the only thing that will make her suspect is... my menses are not here yet. but then again, it's always delayed :p
Hi All!!

First and foremost, am very glad to have found this forum!!!

I am a 1st time mommy too! my EDD should be on 20th July 2012! Have yet to visit gynae though.. but have scheduled it for this thurs!

I did the home kit test TWICE, as i felt so uncertain and so unreal..

So far i do not have very huge changes in my appetite yet.. BUT i know my temper and my mood is super bad! haha..

Also, am experiencing constipation!! Heard about Lactulose.. Is it safe, or should i wait till i make the 1st visit to Gynae?

Last but not least, i find it really hard to hide it from my frens, as i'm actually a hardcore smoker and drinker.. have since cut down since 2 weeks before i found out i was preggy..

Sorry for this long post as i am really so HAPPY to have found a venue for me to voice out how i feel!!

Take care Ladies!!
Angelia and Wil's mum!! I will be choosing TMC for delivery too!!! Hee. Maybe we can see each other then! My edd changed to 7th July! Dr tham said it is good date to remember.

By the way Angelia, dr tham is at TMC liao. No longer at kkh

Mai Ne, thanks for ur prayer =). I'm having appetite prob like u. Nowadays when we eat out hubby only order one portion for both of us to share
smalleyespy: congrats! what's Lactulose? if it's medicine, probably check with gynae first? i only know not allowed to take any panadols except the extremely normal ones.
thanks minmin! haha... actually i also duno wats that.. should be some liquid laxatives thats mild enuf for MTBs.. but still have that effect.. yeap.. i agree i should wait till i see gynae first.. who is your gynae? good? i am making a 1st visit to Dr KH CHAN at Gleneagles...

so wont be sure till after this thurs.. when's ur due date? haha.. quite excited hor... i hvnt told anyone yet.. not even my parents.. cos still feel very unsure.. till cleared by doc this thurs..
Peapea : oh?!? Hahaha!!! If the 3of us is here.. Can visit each another leh!!! =p

Smalleyespy : hi.. Welcome...
hahaha! I use to be hardcore smoker and drinker too... Quitted from my #1... You can do it de.. Jiayou!!

I have following items for sale:

1. Baby Plus: $160
Preloved. Condition 8.5/10 with Box, instruction manual and pouch. Full set.

2. Pigeon wipes with casing (Brand NEW): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

3. Similac Mom (Brand NEW): $15
Expiry Date: 29th Jan 2014

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
smalleyespy: my gynae is dr ching at mt A. but i think he's available in kkh and mt E too. so far, i only saw him once, last wed and he seems quite nice and friendly :D

will be having my 2nd appt next sat. EDD at 12 july. yup, very excited! wanted to tell my friends but my sis kept telling me to be a little bit "ban-dang" and stopped me from doing so many things! :p
by the way, be sure to check if your gynae's clinic is under the medisave scheme. 'cos for pre-natal check ups, i think can claim up to $450 from medisave
HI Angelia!! haha.... sigh guess u know how tong ku i am.. actually its really not that bad, somehow .. u automatically cut off all those vices immediately.. but only thing was feeling very guilty when i tested positive.. cos the day before .. i was still smoking and drinking.. hope my bb forgives me and stays healthy.. haha

Minmin: oh.. have to check that de ah..! Ok.. shall call them tomorrow morning.. cannot call now.. cos colleagues might hear.. haha... my hubby also ban dang.. so cham.. i shall REN!! will keep u guys updated after my check up on thurs!!!

wa.. if no good.. i will hop to TMC too!! wahaha.. heard Dr Adrian Chan is not bad too... AND .. can be the same hospital as Angelia, Wil's mom and Peapea! wahahaha

P/s: i just bought prune juice during lunch... lets see if it helps with the constipation! eeks!
Smalleyespy : yess!!! I feel you... I lagi worst hor... Last time still dont know preggy with my #1 that time, i everyday sure drink de.. And smoke too.. Than when i found out i am preggy with my #1, i am already 6week worr... Cause i always have late mense or even will 1-2month nv come de.. So i didnt suspect at all.. Until when one day i finish work than cab down to pub and meet my hb and friend, than suddenly
Feel like puking in cab.. So i feel weird.. Than nv think
Too much still drink.. Next day just nice is a Saturday than i go buy pregnancy kit than found out de... Hahahaha! My hb still scold me lo... =\ than after found out.. I quit drinking totally but not smoke yet.. I lessen the cig to 3 aday... Up till when i was going 3rd month than stopped.. Cause i smell the smell will feel like vomitting.. So that's how i stop!
E tan: I will be week 6 tomorrow. No MS yet but hungry almost every 2 hours since end Week 4. Symptoms are hunger, fatigue, on/off cramps and white yellowish discharge...
hi mummies,

I am letting go (becoz not using this brand) the pigeon newborn starter set with 2 pacifier at $40.

The set is selling $46.90 at kiddy palace and the pacifier is $4.90 each at kiddy palace.

So basically you will save $16.70.

I can meet at bugis mrt, buangkok mrt or seng kang mrt for self collection. Do pm me if you are interested.

hi all, just wondering. is anyone drinking any milk from milk powder? the nurses at the clinic gave me quite a few samples of it but i'm just wondering if there's any good use in drinking those
hahaha.. Angelia! i think we would have been super good frens if we had known each other earlier!! wahahaha.. u seem like my typa fren!! hahahah..

wa.. u power.. how old ur #1 already? haha.. i know sthg wrong and tested when i only can smoke half a stick and wanted to tor already.. plus the neh damn painful.. haha.. BUT honestly.. i really still have that urge to DRINK!!! i always see ppl drink beer.. or beer advertisements.. i cannot TAHAN AH!! hahahaha

Neways hor.. called the DR KH CHAN already.. he said cannot use medisave... hiyo... duno also.. i go get a confirmation from this doctor on pregnancy first then i come and decide..

have a great evening ahead everyone!!!
Angelia: I am 30 this year! hahaha... but ya la huh.. still jiak buay dua!!! haha

wow 8 months!! that means ur 2nd one so soon! haha.. good hor like that.. one shot.. give birth to all.. then close factory.. then start the boozing and chimney activities again. wahaha.. will u go back to all those after you think u have had enough kids?
Smalleyespy : hmmm.. Good question.. I haven think of that yet leh.. Hahaha.. See how lo... Now with my #1, i already headache liao.. Superglue to me... =|
Dear mummies,

I felt "chuan" at times, and now 8 weeks plus, last visit to gynae is 5 weeks. I feel uneasy and thought of going to visit my gynae earlier. my next appointment is next tues but am i too paranoid to go earlier?

Joanne : some time will "Chuan" de... Uneasy also will.. Cause the body is still preparing itself for the baby inside... So our body tend to work extra hard... Just take a breathe in breathe out slowly.. Dont drink cold water when you feel "chuan"... Get a hot water and slowly glurp down...
if you're still worried.. You may also visit your gynae...
Piky : One of the most commonly used and safest medicines during pregnancy is cough syrup.  While the main ingredients in cough syrup such as Guaifenesin tend to be safe while you are pregnant, you should watch for other ingredients such as antihistamines or decongestants and check with your physician before using any such medicines.

While many over-the-counter cough syrups are safe, the big concern here is the alcohol they contain. Even though the amount of alcohol consumed in a few teaspoons of cough syrup is minimal, it's wise to ask your physician or pharmacist to recommend a cough syrup with no- or low-alcohol content.

If you go Polyclinic , they will prescribe one call " Dextromethorphan ", it's safe for preggy like us...
Peapea: I have the same EDD as you!

I'm also not planning to tell the people around me like colleagues till a later stage coz my pregnancy not v stable yet. But I have an upcoming DnD and they will sure find it strange if i'm nt drinking....thinking of what excuses to give them. Haha
Hello everyone, how's your day so far? Today everyone is asking me why am I wearing flats already.. (cos I always wear high high heels).. And keep asking me if I got good news.. I'm like.. Wth... If I got good news... Shouldn't you guys not ask me now...

Today I told my mum. But ask her keep quiet. Not even to my dad or in laws. I find it a relief to talk to her... N now can straight away call her for advice, like this can eat or not, that can do or not.. She just text me ask me if I'm tired, sleepy, xin ku or not... I recommend telling your own mum.. The feeling is incredible.. Maybe it's the hormones...:p
Oh peapea! I know a doctor who is also born on the 7th July. She is a very compassionate, determined and clever doctor. I'm sure your bb will be one too!
haha.. babybump! lemme know how u handle your colls at your D&D! lol.. my fren just asked me out for dinner.. and i chose Anoinette... she said.. HUH? there? No beer leh... u can ah? hahaha.. i duno HOW to reply her! sigh... so i said.. oh.. erm.. on medication... duno how to keep up with all these white lies... !!

LimMaiNe: wa.... u make me wana cry when u said to tell mom... wa.. haha.. ya ur right.. must be the hormones!! but i suddenly miss my mom.. have not told her yet..!! am trying to REN till thurs when its all CONFIRM plus chop by the doc first... Glad u found joy & peace in telling ur mom! good for you!

Good night ladies!!
Hi mummies and mtb, I already told my mum, the moment the test kit tested positive. Reason: So that she can help me manage my emotions and can ask her for advise on what to eat and what not to eat

But I haven't my in laws.
Reason: The moment we tell them, they will tell the whole village as it's both side 1st grandchild. They wil be eager to "Bao" sun zi...

Bear : hahaha! Same as me!

Mum : she still can help me jaga mygirl when needed... And most important is cook nice nice food when i am back!

Inlaws : never help me jaga nevermind.. Than the whole kampong know nevermind.. Those ahyi's still will look look see see touch touch the tummy and say things! Which i dont like.. Cause my #1, they also like that... So no way am i going to tell until 3-4month later...
