(2012/07) Jul 2012

Hi Angelia: I'm intending to see dr kee from TMC. Recommended by my friend. Anybody elsa seeing him?
I'm 29 this yr.

Anyone experience any preggy symptoms? Ive been having slightly off white watery discharge. Quite disturbing...
Is it normal? Other than that, I think my eating habit goes a bit haywire too.

Lil'thing : icic.. I'm going TMC as well.. But not Dr kee..
white discharge is normal.. As long as not blood can ler...
haha! I have alot of Preggy symptoms and even worst than my #1... But dfferent pregnancy different symptoms bah.. :p
Angelia, is true but Dr. Ang is very cheap compare my previous..he is nice n experience gynae
ur is it Dr. Adrian Woodworth?

Lil'thing, I dun hv any preggy symptoms le except crampy..last few weeks b4 i knew i m pregnant, I got sore breast but now seem no more..
Morning Mummies.....

I've made my appt to see the gynae this Sat! Excited. Hope to be able to see something. Haha.

I keep gagging in this morning. Usually I won't or the most 1-2 times a day. Today 5-6 times already.
Qing er : nope... Mine is AL Lim from TMC... #05-05... A quite experience gynae... He is the one that encourage me to go natural without epidural.. Haha!

Lady dee : great.. Can see the little beannie soon.. Haha! Me too going to gynae this Saturday.
Hopefully i get to see something soon... =]
Dear Fluffy,
May I know the reason why you are seeing doc Ben and still need to go KKH for HCG test please ? Coz I am seeing him end of this week too. Pls share tx.
wow..cool..so brave mummy! I took epidural last time..

How u think abt TMC? Heard some bad comments..I think I will stick to same hospital, Mt.A..service is good..

All the best to u tis Saturday!!
Angelia: I can get so much discharge it will wet my panty liner (Sori, TMI) that's why was disturbed by it.

Qing-er: I think maybe ur sore breast is still ard but we have gotten to use to it. My pain was unbearable when I first realise it, but now, it's getting more bearable to touch etc, so i deduce it to getting used to the pain?

I have some symptoms like gagging and sudden extreme hunger pang that cause my hands to shiver and have fainting spell..but sometimes i wonder if it's coz by myself. *laughs*

Wow, looks like many of us are intending to see the gynea this weekend! hmmm, how do we count the weeks ar? From LMP or O more accurate?
Qing er : hahaha! Actually also because of having a bet with hb so i die die go without epidural lo... Actually my labour for my #1 quite fast leh! I 7plus go hospital cause waterbag burst. Than 9plus 10, i start my contraction.. 12am plus , give birth liao... Was quite heng to have fast labour bah...
and yup! Actually i heard alot of the TMC news from friends too.. Saying service very jialat lah.. Attitude very what lah.. But so
Far, i am okay with them leh.. No problem when i having my #1 leh...

Lil'thing : if you are worried than check with your gynae and see what he/she say bah...
me too having discharge.. But not that lot..
giddy spell, i keep tio... That's why i also scare now.. Cause i'm still taking care of my #1. And i always alone at home with her.. So i try not to always carry her lo... And i keep feeling tired! Wanna sleep sleep and sleep! But hais... I cant! Unless i nap awhile with mygirl...
I also have sudden hunger pang but after I eat a few mouth, I will feel full. Last time I always laugh at my friends who are like that that they have worms in their stomach 'cos I used to have a friend who had and he's always like that. Now, I feel that way lor....hahaha....

And anyone alternating between constipation and diarrhoea? 'Cos I'm like that leh....constipate 1-2 days then next day diarrhoea.
Lil'thing, I dun think i got sore breast le..haha..but just feel very tired..i wish can sleep now esp after lunch

Angelia, ur indeed very fast..i think all depends on luck, every hospital got good & bad reviews..
Hi, i also feel nausea, and super hungry, but see the food I cannot eat. Tink of food, no appetite. Breasts v swollen and painful. I also have discharge, a bit whitish-yellow... Mostly gag feeling, haven actually vomited..dunno if it's due to the duphaston. I'm on it twice a day 10mcg each.
Oh, last night I also Si mian until almost 3am... Now super tired and sleepy... Is it normal? I only napped like 1.5 hrs on Sunday noon...
Afternoon mtb!

lady dee: ya, me also alt btwn diarrhoea n constipation. got diarrhoea today early in the morning before my alarm clock went off

and i think my bb dun like char kway tiao. just puked my lunch out a while ago >.<
Mai ne: High 5 i also si mian close to 2am i force myself to slp cos i have to wake at 5.30am now really like zombie in office hahaha..
Qing er : yup... I sooo heng lah.. Haha.. I dont know leh.. Hais.. I am okay with TMC but the review make me abit pull back.. But well.. I think hb also want TMC bah.. Nearer to us too... ^^
LMN: i hardly si mian nowadays.. once i hit the bed (unless i'm hungry), i'll K.O in a few minutes *LOL*
min min, so fast u got ms?

Angelia, I dun dare to tk d risk..my hb told me tmc got limited parking lot..if got chance, wil go there hv a look..u staying at north area?
I also hardly si mian. I slept till very late on sunday and I still slept well last night. While my DH, who followed my sleep timing, si mian last night. Haha. He was making lots of noise, doing stuff in the room and I only woke up for a while to ask him what is he doing. He said he couldn't sleep and ask me if I could. I replied him yes and promptly fell right back to sleep. Haha.
qing-er: dunno le. today is the first time i actually puke out. before tt is only hungry or nauseous.
min min, do tk good care ya! ms means bb is healthy..

during my #1 last time, i got serious ms till 5mths..puke watever i ate, super "xingu"..
Qing er : yup!!! My mum's house at Toa Payoh.. Than i staying with inlaw at Geylang there... Yes. TMC super limited parking nia... But the Valet do the job mah.. Hahaha! =p

Hmmm... For me, i seldom si mian lah.. Unless i hungry.. Hahaha!!! To me is not enough sleep lo... I can sleep sleep and sleep... Because of #1, i really cannot si mian.. If not die... Hahaha!
Hello everyone who is new!!

Lil'thing, congrats!!

I agree with angelia, don't worry abt parking at TMC cuz the valet will do the job. More imptly is good gynae and can click

Just saw dr ben tham today. Still having spotting. Saw bb via vaginal scan 6w2d. Saw a flickering hb too. Hubby was able to hear the hb though I find it funny cuz dr tham said 3 beats per min and it is normal. But I guess I must trust him

The bad news is, there is blood outside the gestational sac. Which means not stable pregnancy. Really worrying. On one week mc for now. Really have to pray hard
hi, i a new here.. a first time mum.. my edd should be 01 July 2012.
till now have not went for my antenatal visit at the gynae yet.. my first appt is at 28 nov 2011 at kk..
hubby not too keen in kk cos he say maybe in kk, services/ follow up check up wont be too gd and prompt cos it's a govt aided hospital.. is this true? he suggested gg gleneagles.. anyone noes of any gd gynae there? should i change? please advise. thanks.
Peapeab: hello !!! *wave* glad that everything is
Alright and you heard bb hb... I cant wait to go mine on Saturday. Hmmm.. Still gynae give you MC to rest.. Than for this week.. You just try not to move around too much okay.. Rest rest rest! ^^

appletech : hi there.. Welcome onboard!
first.. Lets congrats on your first bb..
hmmm.. For gynae and hosital wise.. I guess you have to discuss with your hb about it... Or if you have any preference gynae.. You may also check whether do they deliver there... Hmm.. Actually not exactly kkh is not good worr. Cause i heard good review from my friends... They do have good and excellent service.
Appletech, i am currently seeing gynae at gleneagles. Highly recommend him as he is always so caring and friendly. My gynae always call me personally to inform me of each bt results. Pm me if u r interested
hi appletech, congrats! think its best if you have recommendations from friends that you know. and most importantly, you must be comfortable with the gynae
Hi mummies,

If you are looking for Maternity Clothes, you can look thru FB - Little Collections ([email protected])

THey changed their Pre-Order due date to this coming wed, so if u gals are still interested in ordering muz be fast.. =D
Dearest mummies &amp; mums-to-be...

Can't stand just reading all your posts &amp; not participating anymore... Lolx...

I'm new here too... Just found out that I was pregnant last week using home test kit... If it's God's will, my EDD is 13th Jul 2012... It will be my 1st time too... *Gulp*

God bless you all... Pray that you be kept safe &amp; sound until delivery... Heehee...
Btw... read in other threads... Most important is getting a good gynae... Private is usually better than public since it's paying $$$ for quality and service...

So if KKH is your choice, make sure you are under "The Private Suite" under the care of a senior consultant... Then no worries lah... I just made an appointment for next Wed evening with Dr John Tee... ;)
SmileyLOTS : hi~~ welcome to join us... Haha! It's good to join at least if got questions can share and ask others mah.. Hahaha! Pray that all of us will be safe and sound throughout bah!
Appletech : you can check out in here those recommended gynae in Singapore and where they can deliver...

I'm a 1st time new mum and just tested +ve over e wkend. My EDD shd be 25 Jul.

Planning to look for a gynae in another 3wks.

Feeling excited and alittle scared about the news. Just wondering if you guys had shared the good news wif your mum or inlaws yet? Or shd we wait till its stable after 3mths?
Its so tough to keep mum abt it.. haha.

Hi fuyusuki,
Can I know how much are you paying for gynae in Gleneagles? My GP recommend a gynae there but I am afraid it maybe alittle on the high side.
Appletech : just for your info.. Here is some i personally think is great.

KKH - Dr Benjamin Tham &amp; Dr Anthony Siow

Gleneagle - 1 : Dr Irene Chua ( she was previously with KKH but change to Gleneagle on Oct 2011 )
2 : Dr Mary Yang
3 : Dr Tanny Chan
E Tan : hi~ welcome on board !

For my case, my hb, mum and my own brother know only.. I insist dont wanna let inlaws know until i am stable at 3month... Cause my mil is those (i dont know how to comment type) so i keep mum!
Hi Bodor
in response to your qns, because I conceived thru IUI at KK, so the HCG test is their followup at wk 5. And since Dr Ben will only see me at wk 6 as the nurse say anything before that cannot see, they wun give me an earlier appt unless there r complications like spotting/bleeding etc.

Thus for me it is just that 1 checkup at KK and subsequently I'll be at TMC but delivery at Mt A.
No worries it not b'cos of any issues with Dr Ben. I was just ganjiong to make sure my HCG level is high
does any mummies know what fruits we can eat? I googled and only found banana &amp; avocado.. both is sooo not juicy

But I was told by many ppl not to eat papaya &amp; watermelon.. and avoid too much orange.

what safe to eat? I dun mind troublesome so long baby healthy and comes out no jaundice and good skin..
Fluffy : Bananas,Guavas , Strawberry, Kiwi , Apple are the safe fruits during pregnancy.. In fact my gynae suggested having bananas...also u can look at watermelons(In season)..They're full of water, least in calories and pretty filling.
Watermelon are alright! But not too much.. Maybe 1-2pcs... Not matter what.. Just eat in moderate will be fine...

And no pineapples are allow for sure!
Hi Fluffy,

During my first pregnancy, I ate all types of fruits - durians, pineapples, mangos, oranges etc. My parents and my parents in laws just told me I just make sure I eat everything in moderation.

Dear all, I just had my vaginal scan and my edd is on 5th July! Yeah!
my gyn's clinic is at tampines.

Haha... I still feel sooooo excited reading all the postings!

Hi HuiLing I actually heard durians very good for pregnant woman leh! I'm so gng to get some soon

I'm still waiting for my scan.. zzzzzzz
Opps.. i was too excited and shared the news with my frens

As for food, my MIL told me to stay away from watermelon too coz too "cooling"
Fluffy : durian can be... But again MODERATE hor... Cause too much later bb will be big leh... And will red red.. Cause durian heaty mah...

Huiling : hi... Congrats!!! At least you see something from the VS lo.. I only see water bag.. Lol !!!

Giantress : hmmm.. Old ppls usually say cannot eat watermelon.. But as i say.. 1-2pcs is alright de.. Just dont eat too much... Cause if the weather is damn heaty and you cant have cold drink, this and that will die leh.. Hahaha!!!
Hi all,

Have been reading this thread and finally decided to join in ;p

I was pregnant with bb due in May, but had a miscarriage. Very surprised (and happy) to get a positive again. Because of this, I don't really know how many weeks I'm in, can only estimate that bb is due in July.

Praying that this time, I'll have a sticky bb!
Good morning, Welcome and congrats all new July MTB. Yesterday I'm so hungry at every 2 hours interval. Almost fainted.

Peapea, we will pray for you.

I'm gg to Mt A because the nuns there will pray for every mother and child. N I heard the nurses there are all very good. For TMC, I heard sometimes not enough nurses, they will just let your baby cry and cry...so I'm a little scared.

Good morning mummies..

wave~wave~Angelia.. : )

Wow so many newcomers here!!! Welcome... Hopefully tis boat sailing smooth smooth till everyone pop pop next Jul : )

Since next yr is bb boom, those who visited gynae find the q very very long??
