(2012/07) Jul 2012

morning ladies

ym, im in my 10th week too... MS seems slightly better. still will throw up but frequency seems better than 9th week... 9th week was really bad... hugging toilet bowl every night...

piky, praying that all goes well for u...

my parents in law has been complaining that very difficult to cook dinner for me cuz they dont know what i want to eat (how to tell them when even i cant predict what i want to eat???). to the extent they were in the neighbourhood of my mom's workplace and went to visit her, and kind of complain to her... then also clarified many things with my mom... my mom had to explain to them that nausea is very common in first trimster along with poor appetite and it happened to her too hence they were convinced -_-"

my mil dont even believe that i have MS cuz she said nv see me vomit before... my mom was like telling her that nv see doesnt mean dont have.. and that i only throw up in the comfort of my own house so of cuz they dont see it... mom told me to just vomit in front of their face to stop all their disbeliefs... strangely, baby seems to heard the advice of my mom... yesterday after dinner, within 10 mins, i went to throw dinner up.. then they kind of shut up about me and my nausea and my poor appetite... though they did offer food to me again after i finish vomitting.. ha!
Morning Mummies...

Beat away the monday blues....I am going to see my gynae later.....crossing my fingers and toes...

i feel nothing beats own parents....initial stage we din tell my mil that I am preggy, she complained to her dotty that I am getting lazy and not helping with anything in the house....Zzzzzzzz
Thats why we decided to tell her in the end...

Fluffy....i machiam whole tummy stretching...sometimes left side sometimes right side but now that I think bt it, it's always near belly button....I guess the uterus is stretching to accomodate beanie bah...later I go ask my gynae and update...
Peapea : i'm touching on to 9week today!!!!! Really terrible 9week ar?!? Aiyoh!!! As what i expected! Yesterday after having good food with hb and pil than go home i hug toilet bowl and vomit lo!!! Wapiang! Hb say i waste food! Kns!!! =\

Why your pil so funny de.. Expect you to vomit infront of them? =.=!! my pil also dont know i vomit leh. I try to ren or avoid when they are around... =\ end up vomit more... =\

i wld like to attend the 28th gathering

Posted on Monday, December 12, 2011 - 1:02 am:
Posted on Friday, December 09, 2011 - 6:47 pm:
[Dragon Mummies Meet Up!]

Date : 28th Dec 2011
Time : 1pm
Location : Marina Square - Swensen Unit #01-206/207

1 : Angelia - #1
2. HuiChin (Halah)
3. Audrey
4. Karen
5. Angeline
6. Fluffy
7. Mai Ne
8. Bingo
9. Mahjonglove (Vivocity).
10. Mumenetan
11. Blissfulmother (#1)
12.thng (tbc)
13. bestberries

hey peapea your mil is quite funny.. and i guess she was lucky she never had ms.

i just told my bosses about my pregnancy today and they didn't even noticed! should have waited longer..but then, i went to get an mc on Friday and the stupid gp went to put "morning sickness" under the remarks so I have to explain anyways.

haiz...there goes my bonus i think..
Bestberries : notes!
mummies... Please confirm your coming... Thank!
and then this morning another colleague came over and asked if I still "worked out" ...guy ok ... i just said, yah, now with a kid, its impossible.
i'm turning 9 weeks this week, MS is getting worst! past few weeks only have nauseous feeling, but these 2 days was getting worse in evening time, i puke-d last 2 nights too. sian!
mom of 2, ah?? why bonus will be affected???

Re: parents in law
ya alison, i agree lor, own parents more understanding, higher tolerance.. i think my pils scare i starve their grandchild or sth... they keep complaining im not having enough nutrition cuz i dont have appetite to eat...

mom of 2, i also wondering lor.. like she got 3 kids lei, shouldnt she know better how pregnancy is like... to the extent she asked super funny questions like "huh, pregnancy will have morning sickness one meh?"

angelia, i shld whats app u the entire details lor... i was so tempted to msg u and complain since our mil like machiam same pattern
poor ms moms... i never puked before...touchwood but bad nausea and motion sickness. i hope bad ms means the kid is easier to handle when he/she is out.

peapea, my mom also has 3 kids but she never had ms before. my sister has 2 kids also never ms before. some people are just lucky
Mom of 2 : ah?!?! I think you hide well bah... I cant hide anymore i think.. My belly getting bigger! :p

Chloe : hi^5!!! We can hug each another for our terrible 9week liao... =\

peapea : haha! Why not? Lol ! Can whatsapp me mah... I sure reply de.. Lai lai... Tell me tell me!!! =p
mom of 2, hai.. i think they just lucky.. but my mil also strange la.. cuz when my sister in law was preggy, she throw up worse than me and eat much much lesser than me... like only one slice of bread for dinner that kind... but they dont dare to complain about her... i find it hard to believe they went to complain to my mom about me...
Morning mummies
I'm gg see gynae hope to see bb doing well as I kept on having a bad feeling.
Praying hard

Ur mil is concern abt u as they wanted u to eat well
mom of 2, angelia: so fast ah, ur belly button got reaction ald ah? My bell button was the same for #1. Just very tight.

peapea, my mil got no MS for all 5 preg too, she aborted 2 of them so for all kids no MS. So she jus wondering y I ate so little for #1.... I am in my 6 going 7 weeks...tink MS is kicking in...

I hate the increase sense of smell...wah the bawu in mrt makes me wanna die lo
eh, belly button will change one ah?? from when then change?? my tummy area starting to feel tight at times... lower abdominal a bit hard now... dont know normal or not
Good morning!! Haha I realised I am only posting during weekdays.. and guess what.. I realise the mummies who post on weekdays and weekends, different set! Keke

mom_of_2... ur belly button protude out liao??! So fast! Mine like sunking in deeper & deeper dunno why..

peapea... u r a very patient daughter-in-law.. they kenna me i sure say them in their face for complaining to my parents lo.

same here! my hubby says my sense of smell can fight with my dog liao haha! I gng out with a pack of lavender wet tissues now.. i just sniff away at the tissues when i am in crowded places like mrt. it helps

me later have to go back TMC too.. did the HVS culture on Wed, and Dr Tham confirmed i have some fungal infection caused by the pregnancy hormones.
So have new round of antibiotics... never knew pregnancy can cause UTI that refuse to go away! Dr Tham says has nothing to do with my hygiene or anything.. just the pregnancy hormones.. sobz
fluffy. i also got. sibei irritating one. i got for >2 weeks liao. i got both yeast and fungal. dr also advised me to go on pro-biotics so I bought some from the pharmacy. speaking of which..i better remember to take some now.
morning mummies...
peapea.. your pil very funny lar... my mil keep saying i am carrying a boy.. cos i vomit non-stop.. haha
MS peak at week 9!!?? i now week 7+ MS keeping me very busy liao.. i cannot imaging is gonna get worse in week 9..
my friends keep asking me to go out, but i cant, engery is very low and when evening time comes..i will feel terrible.. also i didnt tell them i am preg.. so cannot meet them.. they must be very angry with me.. haha
i keep having backache and me mum say should be gal...i check the lunar things u all give, also say gal....kekekeke dunno chun anot..

I would like to recommend my CL who did for me last CNY. She is available wef early Jan 2012 as a MTB had cancel her service due to an unforseen reason.

You need not apply any pass for her as she is holding on to a LT social visit pass in SIN.

She is neat, clean & hygenic and very pro to breastfeed. She cooking are superb and she is not calculative.

She even volunteered in making red eggs and even cooked extra food for my babies 1st month party as the food we ordered was not enough.

Her charges are very reasonable according to the market rate. Is no regrets hiring her as your CN.

I am not getting any commission from her as this would be my second time I willl be hiring her.
I am just sharing my CN with all MTBs in this forum who are looking for a responsible CN.
Lastly, she 'niang' very delicious and sweet rice wine too w/o adding any preservatives...

PM me if you need her contact...

Wishing you a smooth delivery...
Hi Angelia
I confirmed gg for the meet up on 28th.

Wah.. I now 8th week, had been eating lesser and lesser.Can only finished half portion. Told my PIL yst, they just smiled and say good. Luckily never restrict me on what to eat except the cold 100+ softdrinks i was having. Nowadays, i prepare myself earlier, eat my heartburn pills before each meal and so far, it seems to be helping.For those who are nausea/vomit at meals,can try.

Next Friday then see Dr Tham. So excited...
Morning Mummies,

My xiao long and xiao feng dun like tom yam soup... I had tom yam steamboat on Fri, then for sat and sun, the stomach keep having buring sensation... today still have abit... How to stop that feeling? If not, I will have no appetite again.
Ask u ladies, for maternity leave, we have 4mths right. Some ppl can choose to go for 3 mths then keep the 1mth? For our cases, if we go from end July-end Sep.then must we deplete off the balance 1mth by 2012?

How soon must we clear all the 4mths?
i've not been good this weekend.. been eating out alot so been taking cold drinks, alot of spicy food and ice cream!!

Feeling so guilty now... can detox all these or not huh?

paiseh I confirm for the gathering.. keep forgetting to reply cos I'm neutral to all the options. Count me in!!

OH!! Is MJ on this week huh? Mai Ne? :D
bingo, i havent been meeting friends liao too.. just tell them not well lor.. .what to do... go out suffer lei.. if need to find toilet die... when i was at week 9, i feel bad from 4pm onwards everyday without fail...

fluffy, got symptoms for all these infections?? eh, i dont want to talk back to them la.. they are just concerned but in a wrong way i feel... angelia and i are complaining to each other abt our mils now... hahahahaah
audrey.. I tink too acidic le.. have u taken milk? It should neutralise the acidic level as a home remedy if u wan to avoid medications.

i have no symptoms other den cramps and yellowish discharge initially. But i finished the course of antibiotics, no more discharge le but Dr Tham did swap test and said got fungal & yeast infection lor. For now no symptoms at all. No itch, no burn when peeing, no foul smell. Nothing at all.

I dun talk back to them too, as for now good relationship with them, but i cannot tolerate complaining behind my back leh. Sorry typical Saggitarius.. very frank and direct. Either love us or hate us. LOL~
peapea - hi five! i will feel worse when the clocks hits 4pm! so if you realise i hardly go forum at night.. cos i will just lie down and cant do anything...
Have double confirm with my gynea baby heartbeat had stopped will be doing D&C this fri and sending the bb sample for lab test as this is my 2nd miscarriage...

angelia pls help me remove my name from the namelist can thx.
Will try some milk later... Hope I dun Puke... If it doesn't get better I will take gasvicon...
I am trying to avoid medication... see if milk helps...

Oh... I am still admiring my twin's photo...
bingo - i think i got same EDD as you. i calculate myself using due date calculator. i'm gg for 1st checkup this sat, so will ask doc then. my MS is also v bad. last night i couldnt sleep whole night cos kept wanting to puke. so tired today but still truding on in office.
Morning mommies!!

I also dun rem having such bad MS during my #1 ..not sure if due to nothing on hand to do ..thus make me feel weaker.
Every morning..will wake up very hungry, but lazy to wake up early to eat..cos the tot of food and place to eat..nausea kicks in.
after food..will not feel better..will feel head dizzy and want to faint.
Only got craving for coke and salt&vinegar chips to ease my nausea..

dun think can meet up on 28th Dec, that week will be my 9th week..peak of ms ??
