(2012/07) Jul 2012

ALiSon : I added you in ler.
Joanne, tues I did a vsan today is tummy scan. One of my twins CRL 12mm.

Took injection progesterone. First spotting pinkish is tues doc says its implantation so it's ok. Today there's blood discharge took another jab. Doc says its ok might due to the scan, and nurse says its because of the balance blood. They assured me says everything is ok dun worry.


Spotting may due to carry heavy things, walk too much or stress. Once u have spotting pls stay in bed and rest, less movements as possible.
Cos normal cats got mouths...Hello meow meow no mouth...kekeke that why u like?

BTW ask one lame questions...buy nursing bras can wear now or have to wait till nursing then wear? kekeke
angelia i like kitty but dont like cat hee...

rest ur mind be a happy mummy
eat well & rest well
dont think too much
HAHAH.. Meow meow horray x 3

angelia can be the president since she so organized..then vote peapea to be the secretary since she contributed the hunk pixs.haha.
its nt a lame question i'm thinking can wear as per normal right for those nursing bra.
lucky we got experience mummies around they can guide us first timer
u know previously somebody recommand a link...so I go order...but size is like a cup bigger than my usual....i happily order but realise some got wire some dun have...so tot preggy dun wear wire...tat why...nursing bra to wear now or later...

No wire bra really make the boobs go sideway...no support one...so sad...
ALiSon : HAHAHA ! Ya... Hello Meow Meow no mouth, so i like ! LOL!

Thng : Hi^5 !! :D

Yup.. Sooner or later,we will be wearing nursing bra.. So it's okayy for you to get use now...
But dont buy so much first leh... Cause 2nd tri, nei nei will get bigger for some mummies.. Later Lang fei arr !
Mm..i tink those nursing bra is for those breastfeeding..got opening. Mostly like sport bras
then the maternity bra is no wire type..and softer. Can have extended bra hooks.
i get wireless bra fr sorella i feel more comfortable wearing it during the day.
dont buy so many first coz nei nei will grow till dunno wat extend
perhaps my nei nei "A" cup so nt much diff during pregancy =<

nursing bra is wore more convenience for u to do breast feeding am i right mummies?
Hello mummies! Suppose to go for my 1st scan next tues, but hubby decided to bring me today to another gyane cos I vomit like nobody business!! Eat 2 mouths.. Everything out!!
But still I am a happy mummy cos I HEARD my BB HEARTBEAT!!!!
Intially did tummy scan , doc said not clear, I almost wanted to faint, then varginal scan saw and heard the heartbeat! I cry.. Haha!!
I 7 weeks day 1 today, doc said to see me in 5 weeks time for Oscar test.. I said "huh so long ah?" can I see u earlier? Haha
I thought 1st tri is to see every 2 weekS? My gyane so good, help me to save $ .. Haha
Saw you all posting about charges, mine cost me $326!!!! But maybe I took more duphaston that's y add up the costs..
My edd is 28 July..
i have allergy nose therefore running nose every nite since pregancy have to stick the nose sticker to help me in breathing

flu jab must ask ur gyae izzit suitable to take during pregancy.during pregancy try not to take too much medicine too
Does duphaston make u all hungry, dunno y I dun feel hungry if I forgot to take leh. I took promptly and I always hungry....argh!

Tink I dowan to go mil hse eat tdy, my colleague wanna order KFC cos we are working late....1 thing gd abt preg is can have food request! My hb got no reason to say no...But mum n him very againist me drinking bubble tea
everyone cry when they hear their bb heartbeat
first consulation normally more x
i went gynae every 10days - 2wks as i had mc b4 muz monitor closely.
Thng : Yup. Nursing bra is for breastfeeding..

Bingo : Congrats !! An xin liao you !
aiyah, that Duphaston ex lah.. my hb also scare of that.. but bobian leh. have to take !! =/ my case worst can, i eat Duphaston will Vomit leh.. still have to eat lo.. Eat and vomit out.. MY hb lagi heart pain ! LOL !
rer-rer...avoid all tea drinks for the mmt....at the most, force hubby order and steal a sip...then that's it liao...

tea are "liang", to be it red or green...even my gynae is warning me against them...
President - Angelia
Secretary - Angelia
Organiser - Angelia
FB Admin - Angelia

Mummies.. take down ok? Any problem please contact the relevant department. ^_^
the price u pay is equivalent to what we may pay for 2 visits. (6wks and 9wks)

haha. good to see at 12wks too.. coz u can sign up their package.

I feeel tat i vomit more and headache when i eat duphaston though i only required to take 1 a day.
Fluffy : THANK YOU HOR !!!! Like that Angelia no off day liao lo ?

Anyway for FB admin, you all can look for

1. Angelia (ME)
2. HuiChinz
3. Peapea
4. Audrey
5. Fluffy

They are all at the admin team..
hi mommies

sorry going off topic but the 28th meet up is that still on? where and what time? i might have to bring my #1, is that ok? anyone else bringing #1? angelia, momof2?
Thng - I also mc before, but my gyane still suggest to see him 5 weeks later.. Is me who wanted to see him earlier.. Haha

E Tan - my gyane don't have package one.. Damn ex!! Actually wanted to go dr tham.. But hubby loves this gyane! Dr LC Foong from gleneagles..
But expect to pay much much more for delivery! But I am still considering between this two gyanes..
Peapea, i emailed the person before, regarding this. She says it is safe for pregnant women to consume.
Thng, i have been sneezing every day. Today is the worst, i sneezed until i feel cramps. Hope everything will be fine.
[Dragon Mummies Meet Up!] 

Date : 28th Dec 2011 
Time : 1pm 
Location : Marina Square - Swensen

1 : Angelia 
2. HuiChin (Halah) 
3. Audrey 
4. Karen 
5. Angeline 
6. Fluffy 
7. Mai Ne 
8. Bingo 
9. Mahjonglove (Vivocity). 
10. Mumenetan 
11. Blissfulmother 
12.thng (tbc) 
Bestberries : Hello!??!? You there ? I have receive your PM, but i didnt manage to find you in FB, i reply to your email liao.. Do add me alright ?
[Dragon Mummies Meet Up!]

Date : 28th Dec 2011
Time : 1pm
Location : Marina Square - Swensen Unit #01-206/207

1 : Angelia - #1
2. HuiChin (Halah)
3. Audrey
4. Karen
5. Angeline
6. Fluffy
7. Mai Ne
8. Bingo
9. Mahjonglove (Vivocity).
10. Mumenetan
11. Blissfulmother
12.thng (tbc)

MUMMIES , PLEASE CONFIRM , As i need to book a reservation for a big group of us ~~ Those who are bring your #1, do let me know too.. Just Key (#1) beside your nick... Thank !!! An Example above liao.. Please do so...
Etan - they neva suspect coz they stil have occasionally "spotting" or bleeding or prob some ladies cycle very irregular kind...so they never read too much into it. n ya, so lucky hor, no MS, not much weight gain, activities n lifestyle as usual...i also remember got one continue jogging n play soccer i tink..amazing. SOme of them also drink n smoke all day long, bbs were very fortunately born healthy too.

Peapea - gross hor tat scene, i wept wen i saw the bb stiff n purple on the floor (look so real lor, dunno hw they re-enact)

Karen, i also experienced very bad cramps wen i found out i preg, Dr say cramps wun so high one, so must be gastric ( i had mild food posioning then too)

Alison, i felt the Brands prune juice overpriced coz it tastes exactly like th eprune juice concentrate we can get at a cheaper price and larger quantity too..

Winningstar - if im not wrong, cant take flu jab wen preg or trying to conceive. That time my company giving out free flu jabs but i ask the nurse and also called gynae, they say better not.

Bingo - Congrats on hearing bb hb. Can sense the joy and excitement!!

Thng, Audrey - Dun worry too much! ur bbs are here to stay close close to mommy le!! sticky sticky clever beanies!!
Angelia - I understand Wat u mean.. Haha but everytime when I eat duphaston .. I will ren ren and ren not to vomit... Very sin ku...
Ah... So better not take flu jabs? I catch flu very easily leh. Can take the flu medicine doc prescribe or let it heal by itself is better?
