(2012/07) Jul 2012

Hi, I am new here. My friend suggest to me to join this forum so as to prepare myself for being a new mum.
I'm so sorry to hear that. Rest well k! *Hugs*

take care k! You rest well too and must 'bu' your body well!

how abt you see how, if can last min join us oso can! Angelia can still keep your name there mah..very bad MS ah?

I went for my 1st can on Fri and heard bb heartbeat - I was so shocked! And glad at the same time...my beanie is abt 24mm at abt 8 weeks. So touched...beanie, beanie, please stay strong and healthy with Mummy!

for your record

[Dragon Mummies Meet Up!]

Date : 28th Dec 2011
Time : 1pm
Location : Marina Square - Swensen Unit #01-206/207

1 : Angelia - #1
2. HuiChin - #1
3. Audrey
4. Karen
5. Angeline
6. Fluffy
7. Mai Ne
8. Bingo
9. Mahjonglove (Vivocity).
10. Mumenetan
11. Blissfulmother (#1)
12.thng (tbc)
13. bestberries

Need to make mini name tag or not? Heheh...if not very hard to remember everyone's name. LOL
Anyway, those mummies that added me during Weekend, i will add you all into the group later in the evening k... Hahaha! Wait arr...
hahaha...can put small stickers enuf liao :p

Last time my #1 thread mummies oso did that haha. For 1st 2 outings nia :D

Hahahah...eh but i not kidding leh. Hahah...if need tell me i go get the small stickers and write the names k. Hahaha.

Aiyo...poor u! Rest more k! Hope can see you there
mummies! why you all cut me out from the outing? i find my name disappeared
shall add it back

Posted on Monday, December 12, 2011 - 1:02 am:
Posted on Friday, December 09, 2011 - 6:47 pm:
[Dragon Mummies Meet Up!]

Date : 28th Dec 2011
Time : 1pm
Location : Marina Square - Swensen Unit #01-206/207

1 : Angelia - #1
2. HuiChin (Halah)
3. Audrey
4. Karen
5. Angeline
6. Fluffy
7. Mai Ne
8. Bingo
9. Mahjonglove (Vivocity).
10. Mumenetan
11. Blissfulmother (#1)
12.thng (tbc)
13. bestberries
14 Ayle - #1

i might bring my maid in case i can't cope but she won't be eating, so just a seat for her will be fine.

i think this is my week 11, and i have officially told my boss and my team today. phew. anyway before i can make my "annoucement", one of my female teammate said, "let me guess, you are pregnant!" so i guess they could already tell.

looking forward to meeting you all on the 28th!
Do we have to bring a stalk of rose to identify ourselves?

How do we contact each other if one of us cant make it?
I will be gg off early from work. This morning Puke like siaoz.. sianz..
hahaha.... 相亲 ah??? hahaha.... cannot imagine... so funny...

Can we post our mobile number on facebook so everyone can take note?? will tat be easier?
who booked the table? angelia? i guess on that day upon arriving just say the name of the person who booked and i think can find? 14 of us with babies should be easy to recognise, swensens at MS is not that big..
Yesterday after vomittinh food i suddenly vomited blood Scare me so much! It's a clustered of bright red blood... I think maybe I vomited too much lIao, inside my throat area or esophagus might have some abrasion!
Thinking I should see a doctor or justmonitor...
Mai Ne: you are right! Yesterday after messaging here that I have no more ms, it came back with a vengeance!

Now I know ms can come and go...

Mummies, bear with it awhile more. Soon the ms should be gone for good once we hit 2nd trimester.

Meanwhile, just keep grazing small meals!
Wah, I wanna doze off just now leh, wats wrong with me....ok I am going out for lunch le, gotta run errands, gonna be a long wk day again cos my trusty staff is on leave, left the do things careless n slow de...I can only go hm ard 8pm tdy. Tink need to standby dinner

I'm sick with coughing and phlegm but I dun dare to anyhow eat coughing syrup leh..but if the medicine info never mention that preggie cannot eat (unlike some pills), can i still consume aah?
Hi Hui Chinz,

No. I think you should see a GP to get cough syrup that is suitable for Preggie. Most of the cougy syrup off the rack are not suitable for us.
Piky: Do take care of yourself. Do a mini confinement to bu your body.

Mummies, I'm into my 9th week and the MS is making me crazy. Feeling naseous whole day and will peak after 4pm. Especially when I take shower, sure hug my toilet bowl to puke.

Yesterday, went back my mum's place for lunch. Within 3 mins after lunch, I went to the toilet and everything came out.
Angelia: I should be coming to the meet up. Cos am thinking of asking for HL until end of the year when I see my gynae this sat. Hopefully, my MS until then is not that bad.
Giantess and piky take care, rest well. Stay positive.

Welcome Lynn.

Huiching I think gd idea to make name tags. Put the nick and name so can match who is who.
Okay mummies... For the meetup right... I'll pm you all my number by this week... So anything just call
Or whatsapp me okay?

Chinz : dont want name sticker lah.. Lol!! =\

E Tan : ah? You lagi funny... Flower? Hahah! No need lah... =p

So more or less mummies are confirm right. I'll make reservation by this week too.. Than just go there and say got reservation can liao lo.. Anyway, we will be the bigger group lah , i guess.. So more or less sure can see de...
[Dragon Mummies Meet Up!]

Date : 28th Dec 2011
Time : 1pm
Location : Marina Square - Swensen Unit #01-206/207

1 : Angelia - #1
2. HuiChin (Halah)
3. Audrey
4. Karen
5. Angeline
6. Fluffy
7. Mai Ne
8. Bingo
9. Mahjonglove (Vivocity).
10. Mumenetan
11. Blissfulmother (#1)
12.thng (tbc)
13. bestberries
14 Ayle - #1

Reservation Book Under : Angelia
Total of : 16pac + 3bbies chairs
Time : 1pm
Location : Marina Square - Swensen #01-206/207
audrey.. her gal is cherelle... before she screams.. haha.

oh bellybuds got attachment to belly de ah.. i only listening as normal music. I had wanted to buy "BabyPlus" but saw a whole forum of complains abt it abt the proximity of the speaker to the baby.. and causing permanent hearing damage.. the more i read the more scared i get. So i tink maybe i rather dun be kiasu and end up harm my baby. I dunno if Bellybud works same way..

i watched documentary baby inside belly naturally already can hear our voice de.. even if u cutting vegetables etc can hear.. so i tink no need special device leh? Just my own opinion..

Dun worry la u see biggest table all ladies and got bellies is our grp le.. hohoho..
haha... its ok... let her scream... its my fault too...

the review for bellybuds like not bad... can both mummy and bb listen together one... if u add another headphones for mummy.

I so full after the fillet o fish meal... now feels sleepy and feel like puking again...
Hahaha! Fluffy , steady leh you! Know my
Pattern liao ar! Opps! =p

Audrey : hahahaha! =p Than i must carry her all the way meh? Wapiang! Can die leh! =\

I feel sooooo breathless since friday till now... Dont know why lo! Like got 100tons of stones on my chest like that! =\
another good guarantee to put you to sleep cd is the hypnobirthing one. Rainbow something. Can just borrow from library and rip the cd. no need to buy
