(2012/07) Jul 2012

hi all
yah, i found myself so hopeless. many of my girlfriends also suggest me to go for another gynae.
you have any female gynae can recommend?
but i doubt my hubby willing to change.
but tks God, my pregnancy so far so good...except puking and lost weight.

I tot my Wed visit will cost cheaper coz i never ask for medicine (too exp, so i told gynae that i have a lot extra and in-laws also bot me a lot), end up cost ard 900 crazy.
i think i will call up and ask for more details.

i just had sausage egg mcmuffin meal for brekkie! yum yum haha. luckily still no MS yet...i realize my MS usually come at night..

mahjong, i rent my hanbok at Masquerade, Lavendar Street. $50 for 3 days rental. quite reasonable...quite alot of costume varieties there..so can drop by to take a look.

what's ur D&D theme this year? mine is colors of asia, so hanbok is the most flare type i can wear haha, at first i wanna wearing indian saree de, but must show tummy, then cannot liao.
thng, i did pap smear one month before i conceived... gynae just wanted to make sure everything ok...

dont eat too much durian though.. eating durian is good, baby will be big and have nice black hair.. but too much durian too sweet for us and also later baby too big, need c-section... so must control

everything in moderation!!

fluffy, you are right, SG now only allow max 2 eggs... used to be 3.. 8 eggs really too much.... eh hi^5, i also got lung probs since young... wheezing and need inhaler and nebulizer at times...
e tan and thng, i think dont even eat the meat... cuz that time my mil cooked BKT and i only ate the ingredients inside but nv drink the soup, end up also spotting... they said got one herb inside will cause blood to dilute... so im now kiasu and kiasee, just avoid BKT altogether
the rental chrgs is cheap wor..
too bad my co dont have D&D one
perhaps next time we can rent for kids 1yr old birthday party
my ms depends anytime of the day also can experience
tat day i saw a documentary "14 and counting" tat family .. got 14 kids.. Gosh.. i tink the mum wld be like having MS every mth.
Cant imagine.. scary..
We like having 1 -2 already.. counting down le..
It is not just a matter of money but also the doctor's integrity being questionable if she put u thru tests that are not necessary. How to trust her professionalism and advices shld an issue arise? Most important, is how u feel with her.

I previously seen Dr Adelina Wong (TMC), I still go to her for woman issues and I recommended her to my friend whom she helped to deliver her twins via IVF and she liked her too. Did not choose her as my gynae cos her delivery charges more ex(but still way cheaper den ur gynae) and I have preference for male gynae. She is very gentle and nice too, she was listed as 1 of the top 3 gynaes in Sg.

Yvonne Chan (TMC) seems like having good reviews too, likewise Cordelia Han from Raffles Hospital. U may wan to ask ard for more info.
thanks for advice then i ask my gynae can i do pap smears too coz my last test was 2yrs ago.
playsafe better do
oh izzit eat the bak ku teh meat also cannot ah ok noted.
etan do take note : NO BAK KU TEH

ur right - durian eat in moderation
high in sugar too
Chloe : Hi^5 !!! Me too had sausage egg mcmuffin meal just now.. hahahah !
U all so free... Some eating mac also... So good me eating kaya roti while waiting to see my gynae. Later then post pics of ah long and ah feng.... So happy!!!!!
Can help me update? I can't access in office too

SMH Nick : rer-rer
EDD : 31 Jul 2012
# of child : #2
Doc : Dr Adrian Woodworth
Hospital : TMC
Age : 32
e tan, that 14 and counting is now 20 and counting... she just announced not long ago she is expecting her 20th child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fluffy, i prefer male gynae too.. hee... cuz i think they more gentle somehow
Hi Carol,

My gynae is Dr Yvonne Chan at #6. She is also quite ex. But your one sound even more ex. But why you choose her to be your gynae. If she is ok, then you just stick with her. Is it because you are 35 yrs old, you need more test?I think u should just openly asked her to explain why you need to do that expensive blood tests. Last pregnancy, Dr chan did send us for a blood test to test di zhong hai ping xue zhang( suddenly forget the english term). You can apply TMC First baby incentive card, then can enjoy discount for TMC checkup. THe application fee is about$1xx, but it can deduct $100 of your hospital stay during delivery. So far, my card is valid till 2012/March, and my friend tried. The discount is still applicable to those who is having #2 as long as the card has not expired
im with Dr Yvoonne Chan @ TMC level 6,she's a bit x but we feel comfortable so dont mind paying a bit more.
actually we prefer geneagle, MT A, MT E hospital the nurses is better but my gynea only deliver at TMC

SMH Nick : bestberry
EDD : dunno yet
# of child : 3
Doc : not confirm
Hospital : NUH
Age : 33

just curious, since i cant open the link, am i the oldest here or most no. of kids ?

fluffy - oic. you are q self-disclipne to get MC even tho self-employed. i'll just take holiday 365 days a year

thng, mahjong - thanks for the welcome. ooh, i like to play MJ too

I also want to eat mac breakfast. this morning i had nasi lemak bf, 1 chic wing, 3 samosa. still hungry and nauseas

can drink coke in 1st tri ? before i found out abt pregnancy, i was on like 2-3 cups of coffee a day, 1 can of coke now and then, shopping and walking a lot. eat laksa, see hum, char kuay teow, cos really didnt think i was preggers. now i feel so guilty. havent even gone for 1st scan. i've had several disappointments before, eg mc, so i'm trying not to be overly excited
we both same gynae when ur next checkup sclly we can bump to each other at there.
got such TMC first bb incentive card ah i didnt know lei
apply at wea?
^5 sia la.. we lung also same, choose gynae also same, hubby same "company".. also can jie bai liao. hahaha! I always feel male gynae more gentle also, female gynae cos they also go thru same thing themselves, sometimes they get nonchalent to our complains. Some good some no good la.. gotta try den know

Oh dear u better stop the see hum la! I love cockles too but cannot la, esp they like to do it like 70% cooked. Max 1 cup of coffee a day! Anything with caffeine must control. So that includes tea, coke, root beer! Sticky babies!!
Angelia, hi 5^ back! hehe.

bestberries, before preggie, i had coffee every morning, but i've stopped ever since i knew i'm preggie although my gynae told me 1 glass per day is fine...i still think stop is better la. hehe. as for coke, i think moderate should be ok bah.
i had mc b4 this is my 2nd pregancy im kaisu went to checkup as early as wk 5.
coz earlier i went doc can monitor my condition i was given duphaston to take incase.
around wk 6 i got spotting was given an tai injection too.
everyday i will tell bb stay healthy & we luv you.
bestberries, coke is also consider as caffeine.. so max of 1 cup of caffeine per day...

fluffy! ya! so many similarities... both our babies took a while to come too... we should see like if one day can go see dr tham same day or not... hahahahaha... some female gynae do pap smear super painful... i think logic same as urs... nonchalent lor...

carol, i just saw that your scan is $100 per time.. that is really ex... should seek 2nd opinion... cuz now only 1st trimster lei... still got some time to go... if every visit so ex, pocket big big hole
fluffy & peapea
ur really so ciao hi-five ^V^

i'm coffee addict but the moment i tested positive i stop drinking only slip a bit from hubby's cup during weekends hee..
eh angelia and fluffy, remember yesterday we saw those hunky guys from abercombie?? apparently today is store opening! got even more hunky guys outside the shop!!
Hello mummies, my MS is getting worse
seriously dunno what to have for lunch. So bored at work. Should have taken half day to rest at home. TGIF!

My baby really hates to eat bread. Just tried my luck ate a bun and everything came out. Every single time! Walk pass Breadtalk, Delifrance also will wan to puke. Go TMC must use side door else main door the Delifrance whiff can send me flying to the toilet.

Ok.... who wan to go Abercrombie later? :D :D
Wapiang!!!! Not wear shirt than wear what?!?!? Singlet ar?!? *Slurp!!!!*

haha pain cos TOO BIG ar??
no wear shirt wear nothing leh. Only ah pek wear singlet inside t-shirt lor. kekeke ;p U must be drooling now.. yesterday was u jump up seeing them lo! Me and peapea din even notice til u scream. Haha.
angelia, too much fish ah... heeeee

eh, i uploaded the abercrombie pic onto our group wall liao.... yum yum yum.....

if my lil pea is a boy, i shall look at the pic more often... so lil pea will turn out just as good looking... wahahahahaha
ur so cute

i'm contented with my korean actor from the show my princess haa...shake his hand & he smile at me during my attend to Mnet award
this sun got repeat i gonna rewatch again.
Fluffy : dont know got big anot leh! Later ask hb feel! Muahahahah!!! Yes i am the one say "Wah! Muscular guys!!!" hahahaha!

Peapea : i just had fish yesterday than today neinei sibei pain!
eat other food then avoid bread.

eat what then can increase milk for bb ah, i watch the channel u show the kelvin soo wife looks so sad coz she dont supply enough milk for her bb
angelia- ur nehneh still will super pain ah? mine was before i tested positive.. but now at 8ws TODAY! hahaha.. i dun feel super pain.. just more sensitive on the nipple part.. BUT i would really hope for it to stop growing!!! lol.. ur apply the stretch mark cream on the nehneh too not? i apply also leh.. cos i scared sag cos too heavy!!

fluffy.. i now very against western food and food thats fulla cheese! last time my fav! now i prefer chinese food *(last time i HATE chinese)..

today i also emo... wana resign.. cos cannot stand my Boss.. sigh .. but guess i shall ren ba.. now how to find other job while preggers? new co even if they employ u.. they are no obligated to pay maternity leave for u wor... sob... so just ren and take shit ba...

its fri already.. hope everyone will have a HUGE appetite and keep in watever food u ladies eat!!

Have a splendid weekend!!
now cannot eat papaya right i read somewea say cannot eat
so now must eat more fish hee...

my neh neh no big i only need bra extension
Hi mommies,

Looks like I missed out a lot when I was away! Anw I wanna ask if it's okay for us to visit other mummies in hospital who have given birth? The reason I asked is cos my pregnancy's unstable. Sigh. Visited Dr Tham on e 7th.. He says I'm bleeding internally.. I told him all along I'm not spotting at all.. He says cos the blood is on top of the sac.. That's y didn't flow out.. Need to take duphaston twice daily n go for injections twice a week for e nx 2 weeks.. So now I thot I better play safe n be pan tang

But really v boring to stay at home.. My fren just gave birth on the 7th so thot of visiting her..

Btw, Mai ne> u jio mj, is it? I can play in the afternoons, no problem! Where do u stay? I live in Hougang area

oh ya i wan feedback hor.. i went to buy the new Palmer's Skin Therapy Oil (Rosehip fragrance) for stretchmarks. Is good and cheap de lor! I apply all over belly, thigh, butt, breast.. and even the pimples that popped up along the cleavage, all disappear within 2 days. Amazing!! So far i find it a good alternative to the CLarins one which i dun like the smell. N its duper cheap!

papaya helps breast grow leh. but too much not good for baby.. cos will cause jaundice.

scan i dun tink it shld cost abt $50 la. cos i tink most doc charge abt 30-35.

me the most weird thing is, I used to be the only one amongst my friends & family to HATE chocolate, now i love it. haha.

me also same, realised i buy the bra extension, doing quite ok liao. But at night i need to sleep with non-wire bra.

yeah!! MJ!! Mai Ne stay novena, me bishan, u hougang all very near. heehee!! me on leave til next yr!
