(2012/07) Jul 2012

maybe till jan then i start looking for clothes anyway by mid-jan im not working already got time go shop during noon less crowded.
currently running out of clothes to wear to ofc wearing repeated clothing no choice
haha look alike?! That'll be too much! Unless u really my lao bu! LOL~ Have u added my in FB??
Pub now no smoke de liao leh.. govt rule leh.. haha. The places I go is chill chill kind so no loud music also. keke. My friends all 酒鬼 leh.. chill = drink at pub/club haha.
Calling Calling..

calling for next week noon MJ kaki.. Need 1 more leg.. who's free pls raise it up..

Confirm kakis got Mai Ne, seoulover and me.. lai lai..
Hi Audrey
Congrat for seeing two babies.. U mean via tummy scan or virginal scan? How big r ur babies CRL (crown to rump length) now? What injection r u taking? Proluton or progesstrone? Is ur bleeding always there? Did gynea say why bleed? Sorry for so many questions..
Angelia hi 5 too. We all have the same craving. Sausage egg muffins.

They say male gynae more gentle because female Gynae some of them been thru preg so know the pain threshold.

Beatberries hahha which part of Singapore you stay? Coke contain caffeine, try not to take too much or limit a bit.

Am I in the July 12 mtb Facebook group already? Anyone can add me I want to see the abercomberie hotties.
Jewel.. I tink is at Mai Ne place? Mai Ne urs available, sorry ah usually is jio-er place available? Haha.

but we all stay Novena,bishan, hougang area.. so shld be ard this area lo. where u stay?

my OSCAR in Jan. 9 weeks today.
Me in west leh... think not much Jul mummies stay in west. If 19 dec onwards jio me la Im available .. cos I will be on leave till next year.

Oh... Im 11 weeks today. My OSCAR next week. Doing the scan & triple test. OSCAR is to test for Down Syndrome in case some wondering.
seoulover - mine was real external dripping blood bleeding. scared the shit out of me. on and off througout 1st trim.

majjong - i stay in the east. but i'm working full time so cant play day time mah jong like tai tai. but next wed i'm on leave. can spare a few hours in afternoon before i pick my kids from sch :p
Thng I haven apply stretch mark cream too.

Peapea yar when I see the show I am also always amaze at how she cope with 20kids. She already got a granddaughter and I dunno what her younger kids will call her granddaughter.
yes!i watched that "i din koe i was pregnant" very kuazhang lor.. gt 1 she din koe she preggie, tot stomachache went hospital a&e then nurse told her get ready to give birth. Wah lau, the hubby also shocked. They were trying for 11yrs, the gal overweight (doc say sperm count low) tot gone case liao. turn out she preggie. She din even take care of herself when preggie, go gym, carry weight, party drink alchol. haiz. my hubby watched wif me..then commented.."see ppl so relaxed.." Argh...

Hey,who is the moderator for the July MTB group? I also want to be added in FB..though office blocked.I got iphne. I wil pm moderator..
I want to play mj but I am in the west.

Jewel I am in the west too.

Beatberries u can play with them. They north east.
Etan yar I saw that episode. Dunno Singapore got such case or not? I know US got such case is norm.

Yar lor I still waiting to be added to the grp. Kekek. :p
Fluffy - im not active user of FB. In fact had to reset my pw coz i forgot wen trying to loggin to retrieve the bday msg posted in FB...heheheh

So those pics also outdated le...but lazy to upload + no time to sleep even...

aiyah will see u mommies on the next next outing bah (not 28th one coz i not ard)
Etan, MAhjong - i also feel super kua zhang lei..got one i saw is 2nd time mommy yet she din noe and went sit rollercoaster ride in last trimester, in the end gave birth in toilet!
Wat? Toilet..
Aiyah.. some mums so fortunate..dont experience MS or pain.
Strange why they din notice why menses dont come for quite a long time..also nvr see doc.

They do all kinds of stunts..babies also come out healthy. Tink they spend very little $ coz no gynae visits..haha

Peapea- i tink i PM u on adding me on fb le.
The ingrid belly band is selling 3 for $60 in ebay.
Got many options.. usually price diff is cos of materials. The spandex+lycra kind most ex. Cotton ones quite cheap.
Hi mommies,

Which channel is this " I didn't know I was pregnant" documentary on? N timing? I remembered I channel surfed n saw it before but can't remember
Wapiang!!!! So fast 1page archive liao!!! I just awake from my nap... Damn too tired! =\

MaiNe : you never tell me the time? So i can see whether can join the MJ anot...
e tan, thanks for the webbie! will go buy

angelia is the moderator... so either her or huichinz can add...

sg sc, i saw that episode!! the one who went rollercoaster and gave birth in toilet... so horrible
Angelia add me, Etan and whoever into the facebook grp. U still rem my nick in facebook right?

Seolove is channel 425.
These few days I also very sleepy around 3pm. Today "eat snake" and escaped early from office to go home and sleep.

I am experiencing very bad stomach cramps on my higher abdomen these 2 days. Anybody also share same experience?

What to use for breakouts? Can we drink anything mildly cooling? I think our system too heaty liao...
Karen : How many weeks preggy are you now huh ? Higher abdomen pain can due to the sac being push up liao.. that's why will feel crampy...
E Tan : added you in too..

Mummies that are still not yet in our Secret Group in FB, Do PM me if you wanna be added in...

Wahhahaha..i can see the Hunks pic.. aiyah.. tot it would be even better..if they are topless with shorts.
Not bad.. quite a list to drool over.

Must use iphone to zoom in.. see 6 abs..
Angelia : Just PM U...

Its TGIF today!!! I am feeling horrible after my lunch...wanna puke cannot puke...irritating..

BTW mummies...did anyone try the BRANDS Prune juice? Was wondering whether it's better than normal prune juice....and also Berry juice...
Mai Ne : Hmmmm , see how bah.. if you al got Kas than carry on lo..

E Tan : HAHAHAHAA !!! You still ZOOM IN ARR ~ =.='''

ALiSon : hmm.. haven receive any PM worr.. =/
our jul mummies group is big takes time to indentify who is who
till now i only rem a few faces hee...
if saw ur on the street cant recongnise ur too.
everyone is pretty mummies

ALiSon : You add me in FB Bah...

FB Nick : Angelia Mark Cherelle

E Tan : I now free mah.. if not i also will need to wait till night than can do de.. hahahah !!!
