(2012/07) Jul 2012

Hi carol, don't have all these tests. So far receipts shows consultation, scan and urine test and duphaston if I'm taking that week .

Which doc you seeing?
my gynae is @ TMC per visit cost me $200+
my hubby is above age 35 gynae didnt ask him do any test yet
but i heard from my friend if both parties is above certain age need do more test but urs cost $900 is ridiculous lei

i'm new to this thread. just found out 2 days ago that i'm 6 wks preggers. ive been eating non stop these few days. nasi lemak, buns, cupcakes, curry puffs, etc. i can eat non stop and dont feel full. how ? dont want to be hippo by end of 1st trimester

its my 2nd pregnancy, but so different from the 1st. didnt have much symptoms the 1st time
Morning mommies! TGIF!

ourlovestory> Maybe leh. I'm in my 9th week and this whole week I slept no later than 10pm leh. So I missed all these late night forum talk. And I'm still super sleep now 'cos my hb sounded like a chu-chu train yesterday night, snore and snore until I keep waking up.
Morning mummies, sunny day today! Cheer up! Forget abt ms stay cheerful! I just puke also... It's not over right? Remember to keep ur mouth busy eating and drinking to prevent all the puking.

Last night slept with hunger this morng wake up puke.

Already told ah long and ah feng mummy and daddy today see u both so later must wave at us ok? So excited! My hubby working say he insist want to see our babies, keep askin me to change the time I told him no!!! So now he coming from work and meet me at kk....

Jam on the expressway....
Hi Carol, finally welcome & hope to see u during meetups soon! The ladies here are very fun and helpful, so anything u wan know just shoot

Erm, urs visits sounds quite ex to be frank.
My appt on Wed (8wd6) , was the most ex at $290 and i do the breakdown for u:

consultation $60
scan $30

(Followup for UTI due to pregnancy)
Urine test $15
HVS Culture $60
Travacort cream $$13

(Supplements & Vitamins)
duphaston x 21 tabs $31.50
Obimin x 1 bott $20
Fish Oil x 1 box $30
Calcium x 1 bott $11.50

So far hubby haven do any test yet, neither did doc mentioned anything and most of my visits are abt $120. Oscar on Jan, gynae says is about $400.

U wan to consider changing gynae ma? Ur gynae sounds like burning 1 big hole leh. I recall u had more visits den me during our IUI journey too.. if my memory serves me right I spent 1/3 of what u spent rmbr?

There are many good gynaes at TMC too, u can go have a 2nd opinion and see how u feel with them. I shortlisted 2, visited both and I decided and sticking with Dr Benjamin Tham. The ladies here under him likes him too. He is very patient, funny, caring & responsible esp during emergency cases.
Morning !!
hey ask u gals ha.. is it okay to eat bak ku teh?
i tot i read somewhere says cant.
My frens asking me to go eat today but they din koe i preggie..
Mai Ne...
Me!! I wan play afternoon also de. gng back to work in Jan only. So next week, next next week also on leave :D My contact in FB hor.. count me in! Cos my hse to ur hse very near also. hehehe :D

My lunch stayed, only dinner came out. So next time dinner bak chor mee. Lunch still can eat lobster :p I can't believe u are 1979!? U look way younger den me la!!

I din know cannot eat.. but i went to ate once and went home with terrible heartburn though I was not hungry. I suspected is the herbs or pepper cause some reflux, just felt stuck for me. Cannot vomit cannot go down. I ate at the Founder Bak Kut Teh @ Balestier.. soup is the peppery kind.

Haha just as i predicted! Ur hubby will know u angry so make nice breakfast for u in morning hehe. He is still sweet de la.. no angry le la
Fluffy : where got sweet? Bird nest nia leh!!! I still want Roti Prata!!! Hahahaha... Jialat.. Craving sia... Btw, i may head down to ToaPayoh later.. Hahaha! You goin out?
HAHHA. angelia is definitely diff to please.. give her good food.. she stil want Roti..haha

But if i were ur hubby, I also scare to go home empty handed..Never provoke a hungry woman..

So nice hor.. u all gg on leave and playing Mj..
e tan,
i got craving for founder bak ku teh too but cannot eat coz normally they use herbs to cook so during preggy somer herbs we cant take it.

ur cute lei say ur hubby sound like chu chu train
i cant sleep well at nite too slept at 11+ but turn here & there 4am i will wake up go toilet automatic so i dont have enough sleep so tired every day.

welcome to our chat !
i thought birdnest no need so fast take ?
saw news mention b4 birdnest decrease price i gonna stock up soon for later consume.
Haha u wan to be same like me only craving for all the CHEAP food huh?? LOL~
Intend to go out eat lunch only lo, only til 6pm mit fren gng Orchid Hotel eat ramen.. before that free!!
TPY Bishan near near, i long time no go TPY le, dun mind go there eat lunch too
U cfm gng le ma?

first trimester dun take too much, the brew kind dun take more den once a mth. I took twice and told my mum to stop til 2nd trimester in 3 weeks time. Now christmas season got discount eh, my mum buy ZTP, MIL buy HockHua both got discount leh. I heard from friends Hashima is a cheaper alternative if u wan to save some money but get almost same effects. But its harder to prepare cos need to pick out and clean very thoroughly.

i cant open the link. think my office pc dont allow access

fluffy - how come so good can take so much leave ? you clearing leave or get MC from doc ? i also want to take leave


have you told anyone abt pregnancy already ? other than close relatives. i keep craving for spicy food at lunch, until my colleagues suspect and ask me. i tell them 'no'
I am self-employed, so i take leave, I eat myself only, haha. My gynae issue me as hospitalisation leave just for documentation la, started off cos I had unstable pregnancy in Nov and doc order me to have CRIB rest (Complete rest in bed) so make me bit paranoid, and decided to just have a good stressfree 1st trimester. Nothing comes above my baby now.

I am finishing the report on the FBI and Mt Alvernia Ladies card, haha. Will present to u soon I gather all info.
oscar test cost $900??? jaw drop!!

ladies, TGIF!!! i'm on half day leave today, going to shop for xmas again. haha. yesterday went to costume shop and rented Hanbok for my D&D next weekend, so good wearing hanbok, no need to hide tummy and can eat until siao!
Hi Fluffy
ur scan only cost $30? u must be kidding.
I spend $100 each time scan.
consultation varios sometimes $50 or $100.
They never breakdown the cost, usually only breakdown into consultation, medicine and ultrascan.
Yah, i spent much much more than u did.
On Wed check up, breakdown was consultation 50, ultrascan 100, lab test 650 plus GST.
I saw the lab test from the TMC slip which included various test, not too sure if u need to do that in ur next visit with OSCAR.
My next visit is 3 Jan for OSCAR and other blood test at TMC. how abt u?
coz she did my IUI, so i tot of stick on her no choice leh.
I am 35 this yr and hubby 39, anyone has same experience why hubby needs to do blood test?

Hi ladies
my gynae is Dr. Yvonne Soong at TMC level 4.
any feedback?
Finally can get to sit down n eat my bfast! Alamak so bz, my zor bo team lead is on MC, left me n 1 staff cos 1 staff on leave and my colleague on leave. Can't wait for the day to pass....I wanna die le
e tan, cannot eat bak kut teh cuz got some herbs inside will dilute blood... i took it once without knowing and had spotting... play safe ok...

audrey, you really calling ah long ah fong ah??? if both same gender how???? update us later!
I'm sure ur hubby will be extremely excited to see Ah Long & Ah Fong! Even we are excited lor. Hope they are also active today and u can see them play badminton too!! :D Keep us updated!
u wearing hanbok rem take pix show ur must be pretty in it.
shopping at orchard so tempting guess i can only go shopping at orchard is Jan after i stop working.

i'm 30 & my hubby is 38 this year gynae didnt ask him do any test lei i check with her again on mon as i'm gg down to checkup can see bb so excited.
my consulation cost $90 lei
my gynae Dr Yvoone Chan @ TMC level 6
E Tan : yes ! My hb know that when i am hungry, i am a MAD woman ! LOL !! =P

thng : can take bird nest.. but no need everyday...

Fluffy : i think our hb sure love us to the max.. cause we only crave for Cheapo food ! LOL ~~ Yaya, i confirm going back ToaPayoh.. but i think afternoon or 2-3pm like that.. cause i waiting for my dad to come pick me leh.. he go in Malaysia... Hmmm... ToaPayoh nothing to shop de lo.. hahah ! i just wanna go get my Monster's fan leh... yesterday never buy ~ Lol... Anyway, this coming Sunday i going to have a 8course dinner ! hoho !! Fil's birthday... Hb say got Lobster... jialat... i think all in all out again de... =/
thng, yup will take lots of pic and post in fb! hehe.

audrey, update us on ah long ah feng after ur checkup kk. so excited for u!
bestberries : or you wanna give me your info so i update for you ? if yes than you follow the format below...

SMH Nick :
# of child :
Doc :
Hospital :
Age :

Than i will update into our spreadsheet.
thanks for update got discount tat day hubby ask Hock Hua,best part he ask is blood birdnest haa..we cant take tat one ah told him tat's is super x range
hope this weekends i can do some shopping i stop shopping for weeks le hand itchy lol...
i dont know how to cook birdnest one i ask my xiao mei cook for me hee...she's expert
scully eat lobster fully absorb by bb lei he know gd stuff cannot waste.

angelia & fluffy,
i no craving for any food at night hungry i also didnt eat dont wan disturb hubby.

oh no last nite i was so emotional thinking i'm leaving my co i cry loh...
Ya my scan is really $30, and Dr Tham even encourage us to bring thumbdrive so his nurse can save down more images of your baby for you, he prints out only 1 pc for $30.
In fact my other shortlisted gynae, his scan only $24 and everything cheaper but I like Dr Tham more so chose him. Dr Tham was the Deputy Head of O&G at KKH before he started his own practise at TMC.. so expertise wise, i dun tink he shld be lacking.

U don't have to stick with her just cos u did IUI with her leh, rmbr i did mine at KK and I chose my own gynae now too. Just need to tell the gynae we conceive thru IUI, but our pregnancy is just like any other pregnancies so the doc dun need any special expertise for it.

My OSCAR also Jan 3! At 8.30am.
angelia, eh that time i ate lobster was ok lei... bb very guai... nv make me vomit.... hahahaah

someone stole my pencil at work! so irritated! and its the only pencil that i have!!
Hi girls
so beside OSCAR, did u do any lab tests ard 12 wks period?
why i need to undergo so many test? is it becoz I am doing IUI?
probably only Fluffy and I are at the same boat.
Hi Thng
yes, pls do help me to ask
Hi Fluffy
wow we are at the same time. I also schedule 3 Jan at 8.30am.

Besides that do u do other lab test?

I prefer female gynae though, my hubby said this is our precious baby, he doesn't want to change. and since we already spent so so much money, no point to change at mid-way.
I am just curios why i need to do so many tests and the rest of mummies do need to do....
thng : i also hope mybb absorb the Hao liao ! LOL !

Peapea : Really ar ? I hope this sunday i can eat gao gao without vomit lo.. if not all wasted !!
My last visit already 9 weeks but dr never mention Oscar to me leh. My next visit I will be 11 weeks le. How huh?

Short of 2 kakis!! Anymore can play next week?? Angelia?
If those test are cos u did IUI, i shld be doing too. But both gynaes I visited, none told me to. Furthermore even KK where I did my IUI did tell me babies conceived thru IUI is just like normal pregnancy. Except that we have higher chance of ectopic, everything is the same, no higher risk of anything too.

I am only aware of OSCAR at 12 weeks, and detailed scan ard 5mths that costs more $. Nothing more than dat unless u request to test for something else. For me my sis daughter has a rare blood disorder, so i requested to test for that.

I really suggest u see another doc for 2nd opinion. Rmbr we also previously qns ur doc's practise when she allowed u IUI with 8 eggs when it is considered super high risk?

both my mum and MIL dun like bloodnest, the ZTP ppl also tell me it got a "xing" smell like fish and some ppl dun like the heavy colour. So we bought the 1 liang $280 range. I tink is good enuf la, bloodnest very ex and look very scary leh. Eh I also dunno how to cook, my mum quite pro at it. hee.

Mai Ne:
Ask for it! OSCAR is highly encouraged by doctors now, esp we above 30, they dun even recommend the blood test option cos "higher risk". Or maybe for religious reasons ur gynae dun suggest? I not sure leh. But both my gynae told me abt it, and my cousin 21 yrs old just gave birth also did OSCAR lo.
angelia, im gg to eat korean bbq tmr for dinner... i plan to take anti-vomitting pill before that... if not ah, waste money... wahahahaha

carol, i dont have so many test.. until now also nv do blood test... only urine test like one time...

Mai Ne, maybe your gynae feel no need for it??
Morning ladies

TGIF and I'm leave today! Just had Mac breakfast.

Welcome carol,
Before my 1st pregnancy, we also did some pre pregnancy blood test. It's those to test for rubella, thalasemania etc. But it was around $200-$300. If you hv doubts, best to clarify with your gynae. Usually, when my gynae send us for any tests, she will explain the purpose, costs involved and if the results are positive/negative wat are the next course of action etc. So we that we can make an informed decision.

Re: ba ku teh. Heard cannot take coz some hv herbs and it's not appropriate for 1st tri.

I'm in my week 10. Find that my ms is getting better. Appetite also better. Mixed feeling about this ...
IUI with 8 eggs?????????????? nv hear ppl IUI with so many eggs lei!

fluffy and thng, my aunt nagged at me and my mom... told us can only eat from 4th month onwards for birdnest... cuz eat earlier baby might have allergy probs next time... so sian... so i have to wait somemore
Hi Fluffy
Thanks for the update..haha. very nice of u to do the comparison and share.

Hi Thng
Thanks for the advise on BKT. Guess i beta eat something else..

Hi Carol
I paid $30 for the ultrasound scan. Is it the same u got?
Fluffy and i had the same doc at TMC.

Gosh, had mac bfast today.. now want to puke liao.
oh ya e tan, you are right, gaviscon in liquid form taste so much better than the tablets... i went to buy some satchets packs so easier to bring out
i have lung issues since young, so I tink my mum kiasu wan to start me earlier lor. But she ownself say cannot take more den once a mth during 1st trimester.. i take her word for it lor cos she also remind me many times cannot take herbs now.. i guess she's more careful den me. Again, when it comes to eating.. always got clash between diff generations. haha.

yap by right above 3 eggs have to convert to IVF, in US that famous mum with Octoplets, the doctor was barred from practise cos he allowed the woman to conceive with 8 eggs. If i not wrong now Sg, even IVF can put max 2 eggs liao.

anyone did pap's smear test too ?
izzit necessary

my mil say the say thing only start eating when like 4th mth
waiting for durian season they say eat durian is gd too.
