(2012/07) Jul 2012

stretched mark cream: don buy those got fragrance...i almost puke when i apply the cocoa butter cream...buay tahan the smell..

good morning mummies!

fluffy - i also have craving for kway teow last night! hubby went out to buy at 12 midnight.. haha....
the vet mentioned the pet must be de-worm, i also not sure how the worm gonna affect us, so just play safe lor...
your dog so young! so cute still kiss your tummy.. haha..
i have 2 senior citizens at home.. 14 years old and 13 years old.. old dogs liao.. but still always act cute, always want me to carry! haha
wow that's a good way to ask your family member clear the poo poo.. you are so blessed.. haha

angelia - your dog sure miss you alot.. sure cant wait for your new place to be ready then can stay with you..

peapea - cos i dont wanna go so early..
i did blood test with another gyane, and so far the blood test looks good.. that gyane mentioned no need to go so early.. best to go ard 7 weeks+
so i listen.. end up i book appt with Dr Tham.. haha
I feel so bad....
hey mommies, i saw on the spreadsheet some of you are with #2. Does any of your #1 like hi-5? There are live performances at milennia walk this Saturday onwards for a few days. maybe we can meet up ? my son loves hi-5!
Reading reviews on stretch mark creams now. Seems like a lot are having trouble with the Palmer's one. So I guess, that one is out.

I wanna try Bio-oil. But I don't know if the ingredients are safe.
i read that there is another brand topi cream and not too exp too. Think in Jun2012 they are doing a spree. cost abt $32+

I had some stretchmark on tighs as I used to be quite fat and slim down. Thus, got stretchmarks.
Lately my stomach got itchy..not sure if its the stretching or just skin dry.
masaomi - my #1 like Hi-5 too. Will be bringing her to watch. There are many x'mas shows at the malls now, planning the schedule...lol

U mentioned ur last gynae was with ACJ, which gynae were u seeing. U changing gynae for #2?

Thank god, today no more bleeding. I suspect the blood is from the stool (body heaty). Will be making appointment to see gynae nevertheless, to have a peace of mind.
hei ladies,
wat r u eating to curb the vomitting? These 2 days I feel like puking..Hot water doesnt help.
Any great ideas? Giddy also..argh...
hi mommies, on a pantang issue.. if you gave bai jin but did not attend the funeral.. later on you were given the sweets from funeral.. is it ok to eat?
Hello mummies... Finally a little rest time for me.. Wapiang taking care of my #1 really can pan san ! =\ and now i still doing some little Bulk purchase on Double Pram. Make me lagi worst.. =.=! Hectic !!!

Candy!!!!! Want change Double Pram mah?!? Hahahaha!

Bingo : hannor! Everytime when i go back with mygirl. My dog will happy like siao. Lol !!!
Ya, it was on Monday before I went to the gynae and had that peace of mind. Maybe he saw me few days sit there crying a little and tok to my tummy.. so that day i squat down pat his head, he went to kiss my tummy. I was so shocked cos he never did that before. But he been a little emo since last week, cos we stopped letting him sleep on the bed with us.

Machiam like I having #2 and the #1 sense and jealous lor. haha.

I also hoping to fix an appt next week go see baby leh.. i tink after last Friday incident I am quite paranoid now, i need to every week see baby make sure baby is doing well. Cos I read wk 5 - wk 8 very crucial period. Thank god i at Wk 7 tmr liao..
I take preserved 无花果 or preserved guava. It helps for me. Giddy may be due to low sugar content, u try low sugar ribena? For me after i knew i am preggie I drank only plain water every day but realised I get faint spells easily, so I take some ribena and I am fine.
fluffy, heee, i understand how u feel lei... like just feel like keep scanning all the time and see how it goes right

craving for char siew rice and laksa pasta now!!! so strange!
i'm craving for char kway tiao now. haha.

i have 2 toy poodles at home too, i tried not to carry them now, but they are sooo sticky to me!
Gosh, I now know how u ladies feel..Past few wks, I dont feel the impact.. Argh..
I just went down to buy some "Sour plum"to tahan but afraid too salty..
I din know there is low sugar ribena? I will go check it out.. Thanks.

I only took Mio,Hot milk and plain water. So boring. I love to drink teh peng, bubble tea.. gosh.. miss it!!
fluffy, i'm also at week 7 tmr! hi 5^!

totally understand how u feel, i also feel like going for scan asap, cos my next appointment is 3 dec. seems so longggg from now...
Happy Jul> I changed doc - used to see Dr Khi, she's nice but found that actually she's not too pro-natural birth.
and the main reason I'm changing becoz I hate the nurses at ACJ and the waiting time is too long. Dr Paul Tseng's
clinic is just behind ACJ, and the nurses there I find are much nicer than ACJ's. The last time I went to ACJ, ask
for just a glass of warm water like asking them for gold like that. There's only one plump nurse at ACJ who's ok. The
rest are really bitchy and annoying. That's why I'm changing.

yah good go and have a peace of mind. plus doc can give you mc too to let you rest (if you're working)
Hey Fluffy, ginger seems to help me a bit. Been drinking ginger tea everyday now. My maid makes it for me. She cuts then pounds the ginger, then add some gula melaka in it.
yes exactly!! Paranoid I know, not good but i just can't help it esp after being told i may lose my baby.. now doc says baby is ok le.. but can't help worrying still.

Laksa pasta sounds yummy.. i had tom yum pasta at pastamania yesterday noon.. yummy!! :D

opps did we spread the kwayteow madness to u? lOl~

I bought like 1 carton last week at NTUC Finest, 3 packs for $2+ only haha. My hubby v kiasu, i say buy 3 he say buy more la. U read the packet carefully got indicate, it looks exactly same as the normal one just the extra "Less Sweet".
Ya man!! I used to drink 1 KOI per day!! After 1st trimester I'll reward myself 1 cup maybe.. :D
Morning mummies,

Today the vomit feeling is very jia lak! Need to take mc from work. Anything to stop it? Besides warm water, sour plums...
yeah!! ^5!! I so look fwd to every Friday now.. hehe

oh i super fear ginger now leh.. every morning drink ginger latte (instant kind) den dinner will steam fish with LOTS of ginger..

other times of the day i super avoid ginger liao.
Scared. Haha!~
oh man, I'm also super loving tom yum stuff right now. yum. I dont dare take kway teow coz friend said to avoid oily food to prevent nausea
haha fluffy, sort of, after reading all the 'kway teow' post, i have huge craving now!

my nauseous feeling is very bad too, worst still, cannot vomit. keep popping sour plum these 2 days.
masaomi dear, spicy also have to avoid too much.. chilli not good for baby skin.. although i dunno now got skin liao or not. hehe~
I am a chilli queen lor, even porridge also put chilli kind.. and I am feeling sooooo horrible every meal now cannot put chilli.. withdrawal symptoms le.. *sniff sniff, shiver*

are ur plums the very sour kind? not too sour leh, it might make u hungry instead!! :D
but after my indo maid told me she took chilli throughout her two pregnancies. I think its ok to take chilli liao..as long as not too hot
fluffy same, i take chilli even with porridge... i prefer spicy food now cuz got more taste and help increase my appetite

good to avoid oily food if you feeling nausea... it might make it worse....
Hahaha...Fluffy, you damn power! Porridge oso put chilli! LOL.
Hi-5 la! I oso damn scared of ginger siah...eeeeeiikkk

Issit really cannot eat spicy?
fluffy, sour and salty kind. ya makes me hungry haha, but i dont have appetite to eat. so xin ku leh. hungry but cannot eat.

i'm a chilli lover too, esp chilli padi and sambal belachan. but i have since stop taking cos my dad said later bb's skin not nice and heaty also...

BUT i think occasionally still ok bah? hor? just dont take too spicy kind. haha.
at home everyone forbid me to take chilli.. seems my sis and my 3 cousins who gave birth this yr all did not eat chilli.. so when I really need a fix, i have to eat it without them knowing..

when i msg my mum I am pregnant le.. her reply was "No more chilli le hor, chilli queen"

but hor 1 of my cousin her complexion and her hubby's also not nice one la, both tanned skinned, alot of pimples n big pores kind, but her diet was v v strict during pregnancy and her baby come out is fair skin with rosy cheeks til now 1 yr old le still very rosy.. i like so i trying to follow her diet now.. keke :D
ohh what's her diet like? eat more beancurd? soya milk?

hehe, one of my colleague drink soya milk (mr.bean kind) everyday during her last 2 trimesters and her bb complexion really good leh.
Angelia: i will wait til few months before pop then buy...now my girl don like pram...every time go out w pram, but nvr open de lor...haiz...
are you still cutting your girl nail during her sleep?cos old folk say cannot cut things on bed...but i bo bian..only my girl sleep then can cut...ask ah lau cut,he give excuses...how?
ya!! she drink mr bean/jollibean soya milk (no sugar) everyday from 2nd trimester! Then also 2nd trimester start no chilli, no papaya, no mango, no tea, no coffee, no cold drinks, no raw foods (sashimi, salads), no seafood (except fish). She take folic, calcium, fish oil and Friso Mum for supplements.

her baby really very pretty, and 2nd mth can flip, 3rd month can sit walker run ard, 5th month grow teeth liao, 9mths walk liao. Super fast. And hor both my cousin and her hubby only completed secondary sch education, so even they say the daughter cfm smarter den them. haha. So i really believe is what she eat, cos the genes not like that one. haha`
Candy : icic.. i very kiasu... now got the pram promotion, i jidao grab.. hahahah !!

huh ? why are you still cutting your girl nail when sleep ? Can sit them up and cut mah ? my girl , i will sit her down than cut for her lo... she is okay ...
heyhey!! Good arvo!!

PIky- Try drinking PRUNE Juice.. v good!! one day one glass... bao u can go Toilet.. i also used to have bad case of constipation.. but prune juice is good.. the del monte one.. certified good for expectant mothers too cos have calcium and folic acid too!

LadyDee- I will go and buy Bio-oil today to try and let u know.. my fren used it for scar and the scar diminished significantly... can i put the oil on my breast or not huh.. my breast also have like slight flakes of skin.. duno is it cos its expanding at a rate thats NOT to my liking!! sigh...

masaomi- ginger tea is good for simi.. for nausea and air? or have other effects?

haha.. fluffy.. ur cousin's baby.. seems sooo cute.. haha... quite funny dun have their genes as per how they put it... lol... i also blif the development of ur BB depends on wat u eat... but SURE have GENEs also la dey!! hahaha..

oh my MIL just called.. tell me cannot eat LYCHEE!! cos will make BB complexion no good... sigh.. if i can remember la huh.. hahaha..

i also love spicy now.. gg out for lunch to eat the KOREAN SPICY SOUP!! wahahaha and KIMCHI!!!!!!!!!! kk but i will avoid the sprouts... haha.. cya girls later.. hva great lunch
I had bad gastric pain last night and it affected my sleep

So can drink soya milk or not to drink soya milk??

any recommendation for the calcium pills to eat??
smalleye > ginger good for nausea, according to Dr Paul Tseng. He say ginger capsules also can, but i prefer to sip the tea.

ourlovestory > my mom say too much soya milk also not good. i think moderate la. not everyday. I'm just taking fancl's calcium pill now, coz it tastes good. but doc say actually at this stage only folic acid is necessary
i am taking folic acid, vit c which i have been taking all along. then my gynea gave me calcium pills and multi-v. i find it too much!

my coll told me dont have to start calcium pills so early. what about u girls?
hi all mummy to be

i'm new here. Just went for Gynae check i'm in 5wk+.
Quite excited abt this pregancy as had miscarriage before therefore feeling stress over it.
Anyone whom didnt experience morning sickness ?
Welcome thng and congrats! I'm one of those who don't experience morning sickness. Don't stress...relax and be happy! Enjoy and hope it's a sticky bb for you!
Hi Lady dee,
I didnt experience morning sickness feel like a bit weird weird.I eat a lot too this days do you?

Just feeling tired easily.
Today my colleague asking me why am i nt wearing heels to work OMG !!!
How to ans them ?
Congrats Thng!

I also have the same "shoe" questions.. all the curious faces are looking at me.. i just said i need to walk a lot now... :p
Thng> Yes, very good appetite. Haha...except on days when I feel extremely bloated.

Erm, say time to rest ur feet? Haha. Or that heels are causing you bunion so have to change to flats?
Angelia : my girl backside got needle...she cannot sit still de...very active...i wonder what had i done during my last pregnancy...think maybe play xbox 3 too much...jump here jump there...hee...so i can only wait til she sleep deep deep then cut lo...

Welcome thng...n congratz...Yey Im feeling so tire easily...sometimes my hand on keyboard but the head nodding off...Haha...this week boss not around..can rest a bit..

brownie> tell them flats are in vogue now! "why my flats not nice meh?"

lovestory> the fancl tablet is big but its yoghurt flavoured and its the chewable type so just chew chew
