(2012/07) Jul 2012

Hello Karen, I do not have the bitter aftertaste but almost all food is tasteless to me now or only those which are very salty i will be able to taste it...
All these food talk makes me have craving suddenly. But I'm ultra bloated now and there's a strange aftertaste in my mouth, like forever. Know I won't feel like eating after a few mouthful.

Feels like having the sweet potatoes that Audrey mention! Peapea: so it's safe to consume nutrisoy on a regular basis? I love it! Can't seem to down much plain water these days, needs to drink something sweeten.

Ourlovestory: peanut should be ok in moderation ;) some feels that shd avoid coz of possible allergy to nuts in future. Hmmm..but I doubt so lah.
Karen: me! I've strange aftertaste, not sure if it's bitterness. But it's always there. And I prefer blan food these days. The dish that I usually had tasted salty.
Hi Audrey
How often does ur helper come by your place?
I m thinking of getting part time help for my place. Is there any min.hr? I'm stayin in the east too.

Wah,ur sweetpotatoe indeed expensive.. Overseas type more exp.. but wont it make u burp more?
ourlovestory: better dun drink Barley is too cooling not suitable to drink now. Red dates and longan can drink now.

ETan: my helper comes 2 times a month. my house not very dirty one... (haha.. Opps! I got a hubby that likes the house to be clean and neat.) she iron my clothes too. Her min hour is 4 hours. She will normally come and iron clothes, wash toilets, change bedsheets, clean windows, wipe all my display, dining table, leather sofa, kitchen cabinet, vacumm and mop.

she does alot of things. but u must nego with her first. what u need her to do, what not to do. after one time, no need to tell her what to do, she automatic will do one. as my mom's place and my place she has been doing so she knows what is our pattern/requirement.
Hi Mink, though I'm not a mummy yet, he is my gynea. FYI, Dr Adrain's clinic @ sengkang is closed on Wed, Sun & PH.

Opening hrs:

Mon: 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Tues: 6pm - 9pm
Thurs: 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Fri: 6pm - 9pm
Sat: 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Thanks thanks! I had just a glass of barley.. should be ok right? :S

I think those basic cleaning is good enough for now, as long as the house is clean!
I seldom clean my windows, there is a layer of dirt there now! hahahahhaa....
Hi all fellow mummies

Had been a silent reader & this is my 1st time posting in this thread.

I juz came back from my gynae appt. baby is 6w3d old. EDD is 15 July 2012. This is my 2nd pregnancy.

Had been feeling bloated, nauseous and vomitting since last week. According to gynae, MS in 2nd pregnancy will be jialat.
ourlovestory, with baby around ur house has to be very clean. windows has to clean. no dust no dirt no germs no bacteria.

all mummies, please try not to use short forms, I dun understand and some mummies dun understand as well. thanks.
Angelina : hi ! Welcome to join us.. Wooo.. We got the same EDD!! How old is your #1?

Hello Ladies ~~ today is 吐死我 day!!
wapiang ! MS more and more worst!
Hello mtbs...!

Hi Hi Angelia... same here, i've been feeling unwell these days.. my head is spinning, no appetite but must eat every 2 hours if not nausea getting bad...
Everyday must drag myself go to office..

My #1 not like this
Wil's mom : *wave* ~ haiyo!! This #2 really different sia... I every 2hours jiu hungry sia... =.=!! more worst. My hb say i super waste food. Eat liao haven digest jiu vomit out... Than vomit liao hungry again. Lol ! =\
Hi mummies

I'm expecting #2 in July too and edd to be confirmed when i go for my appt next week
anyone seeing Dr Woo in Tiong Bahru, anyone too?
Wahhh u can vomit out arr? I think it's better than cant!!!

I cant vomit at all.. only feel like vomiting..very xin ku ..

Do u feel sleepy? I sleepy all the time..

I've typed in my info in the chart.
For those who is choosing same hospital & edd difference
only few days, high chance can visit eachother haha..
Sekali our bed next to each other haha... ~so excited~
Angelia- my #1 is a girl already 2+ years old. I oso will vomit before the food digest. Now I find that If I eat porridge, the food stays. Have been eating porridge since monday.

Today go c gynae, she told me MS would be worst during 9 weeks. I oso don't know how liao. Now 6 weeks already 吐到半死. Can't imagine the peak during 9 weeks. This #2 is really more xin ku but we xin ku also means baby growing well.
Wil's mom : is i try to vomit myself at first de. Than after one attempt, i keep on vomit liao lo!!! Bobian lah. Damn sickening sia the feeling!

Angeline : wahh! Hee! My #1 also a babygirl!
hmm.. Yes! Now i also 吐到要死! Jialat lo.. That's why my hb say i super waste food. Eat liao vomit. Vomit liao hungry! LOL! =\
Lil thing, think can try add some lemon slices to water. Think everything in moderation shld be ok. Think can try isotonic drinks too cuz if often got vomitting, isotonic drinks can help replace ions.

Strangely, I only like plain water now.

Don't have bitter taste in mouth but tastebuds responding differently. Like most food taste bland or strange. Need more salt now
Peapea... Ya.. Most of the foods taste strange in my tongue. Only hv appetite with spicy thing : p
Tis add my constipation...
asrias - i never touch my dog poo poo liao.. now hubby is the one doing everything..
actually, we brought our dogs for vaccination after i learnt about my pregnancy and the vet give my dogs de-worm pill to kill all the worms in the body if any..
so few mummies having dogs ah? haha

andrea phua - i also only 4 weeks+, find out i am preg when i am 3 weeks+.. when are you seeing your gyane? me 12 Dec when i am 7 weeks+..

peapea - the 4 of us go see Dr Tham together.. haha then after that go shopping together..
*burp* me just had craving for char kway teow!! If this happens every night I'm dead shit! And hubby very bad influence "wan to eat just eat!" zzzz...

Me also got doggie at home! Have a soon 4yrs old Papillon who is soooo emo these few days and on Mon he kissed my tummy!! Where baby is, for the first time ever!!! Eh y will the de-worm help us leh? It can spread to us ma? Just curious, though mine got regularly de-worm. Oh I haven touched his poo for very very long.. at home, everyone fights to clear his shit, as whoever clears it often somehow always kenna 4D!
Since i dont buy 4d, i let others have a chance. Haha!!
I also got a Dog at my mum's place. Cause now with inlaw cannot bring over as mil scare of dog! Must wait till my flat here than can bring back... =\ my dog already 3year with me le. So on off , i'll bring mygirl back and play with my dog..

Can I check if this is normal? Yday, I went toilet to do big biz. During cleaning up, there were fresh blood on the toilet paper. Scared the hell of me. I cleaned up my v area again to double confirm but there isn't. Just worry if this could be spotting?
ra: spring maternity, kiddy palace sells..when i had #1, i din buy much maternity clothes...can still wear my dress n shirt...important is to get 2-3 maternity pants...

happyjul: maybe for today, u put panty liner...then check got spotting bo...take care..
morning everyone!

wil's mum, no wonder im starting to have constipation now too... been having constipation for last few days... now i look super bloated and machiam got baby bump...

bingo! ya! we go shopping tog after that! hahaha... why ur appt with dr tham so late?

candy, is it too early to buy maternity pants now?? i havent been wearing pants since i found out cuz i scare not comfortable... partly also cuz i feel my pants will be tight... contemplating buying new pants
peapea...hee...its ok to buy maternity pants now..there is adjustable strip at the side...can accommodate our tummy from now till 9 months..
im having constipation too eat quite alot but come out very little my tummy even bloated like im 3-4mths preggy...

And tml im going for my 2nd appt hope can detect beanie hb quite nervous lor cos don noe whats the progress inside.. Haha
Peapea, I tested positive last Thursday and went to buy maternity clothing on Sunday. haha
abit too early so hopefully everything goes well.
My #2 should be due in late July.

Cant wait for my first gynae visit 2 weeks later. The wait seems long.
morning lady dee, I used the clarins one last time. still got bits of stretch mark, but i didn't use it throughout the pregnancy. My friend did and she didn't have stretch marks. Is this your first pregnancy? remember to apply also on the thighs and near butt area coz everywhere will get stretched....
