(2012/07) Jul 2012

hard decision for me as i just started working in new co just got my confirmation on the day i tested positive but my piority is my bb.

now thinking shld i quit or stay on ?? any advice

i wear crocs b4 nt tat comfortable lei perhaps new range is more comfortable.

*if your getting fitflop sprees update me too thanks...seems is comfortable to wea during preggy

hi mummies..i just bought a fitflop couple of days ago..now wearing it..is very light..saw some preggy women wearing it also..so far ok, but the comfortable level not as good as the pig skin shoes i bought last time..if u r og member, got 10% discount.
i have a pair of crocs, yup, it's really comfy and light.

other than that, i only have another pair of flats. have been wearing it to work for 2 weeks already. haha. so i'm going to shop for more flats over this weekend!

my colleagues also kept asking me why am i wearing flats lor. ||-_-
Will our feet expand a lot? I wanna buy the prada ballerina flats but I'm scared wear a while cannot wear.

N my skirts all cannot wear already... I can squeeze in but it's tight around the tummy and I dun wanna squash bb. So, what staples wear can we buy now and where?

Today I went gynae and baby is 7 weeks at 9.4mm.

Dont quit. Ask for no paid leave first.

I have no idea why i have spotting too. I dont have a single spot during my first pregnancy. But i was spotting on n off since week 5 for this 2nd pregnancy. Given jab and Duphaston ... MC. I was heavily spotting on Monday(like first day of Mense). But my gynae checked, inside is ok. As so far, all the spotting are dark brown red and pink colour, should be of the old blood. However, if the discharge is bright red, then it is more dangerous. I suspect is the food that i took. I took frog leg soup with dang gui on Sunday dinner, then i was spotting after the dinner already. I read that Dang gui will dilute blood... is a big no no for pregnancy.
hi chloe,u bought so much shoes already ? hee....i heard our feet will expand but i dunno when.

hi tinggy...thanks for the advice.

my in-law mention to me cannot take tonic drinks yet.
ourlovestory, i taking DHA in the form of omega 3 pills. Heard is good for bb brain. Tinggy, I was taking "Liu 4 Wei 4 tang 1" for few days when i spot ard the 5 th week. I wondered if spotting is caused by that also. Are u getting better now?
i tink u shldn't quit first. Just let u boss know ur situation, if u r given MC, they can't fault u. If they really cannot accept and make things difficult for u den u say bye. Else, just keep status quo, the 4 mths paid maternity is good income too.

Mai Ne!
Yes will swell leh! I wanna buy the ferragamo flats but i very worried shld i buy a size bigger too! so i tink i'll hold til 2nd trimester see how..
wa ur baby so big already! Mine 6 wks only 6.3.. actually will we really squash baby with our clothes ah?

just sharing, i bought 2 skirts from here.. cheap and comfy and i tink can last thruout pregnancy cos very stretchable. And i tried it with my blazer, looks presentable enuf yet comfy.
fluffy-u mention the pts as i need take leave to visit gynae & boss did mention wanna increase my workload haiz...

i go check it out at the link you provided.
thanks for sharing
Hello Mummies....

Finally got a little time again!!!! Aiyoh! Mygirl today very sticky till the max! I sit on sofa, she in walker also wanna hold on my finger... =\ go make milk for her in kitchen, she also must hold on my finger and go with me. Alamak... =.=!!!

candy : Caitlyn will like that mah?!?

Welcome those new mummies that just join...

Again.. Please kindly update your info here for our referrence okay?
heehee... Paisay ar mummies.. Just doing my job to keep this spreadsheet updated and on going...

Dear All Mummies and mummies to be~

Im currently 6 weeks pregnant, second pregnancy, full time stay at home mum.

Have you all engage a CL already?
get ur gynae to issue MC instead when u go for ur checkups, or even better fix appts during evening/weekend clinics if ur gynae have? ur boss know u pregnant yet increase ur workload?!

Hmm see how it goes and hw much u can take it lo.. but dun dun tire urself cos of work, not worth it. Sound out ur hubby if he is also supportive if u quit and have a good pregnancy too.. it'll makes things much easier if he supports it.
hubby is supportive ask me to stop working if i really cant cope.
Treasure this bb a lot so wanna play safe.
thanks for the advice ^V^
Fluffy : she had become sticky when i'm preggy liao. But now is even worst! More sticky... I dont wanna carry her, she still hit my legs want me baobao... =.=!!! haisyo!!! I'm drained leh...
Hi July mummies!
Busy day at work for me!

all the measurements of Bb, sac etc, are so confusing! I had my first v scan last sat, gynea said Bb(excluding sac) ard 2mm. Wed tummy scan at 6w3d, gynea draw a line across and said 2.2cm!!
Gg for HB scan this sat..prays hard!

Winningstar: accordin to my friend's TCM sinseh, (she just gave birth in sept) Liu4 wei4 tang1 and si4 shen2 tang1 are the safest herbal soup for preggy to consume. But again, think moderate is the best ;)

Re: shoes
Been wanting to get some too, and I think I will get fitflop in 2nd or 3rd tri. According to my mummies friends, advice given was to get "flats" with a bit of heels. Coz when tum tum gets too big, will be tiring to walk on total flat flats.. Calves will be suan1 tong4. For now, think flats and non slip crocs are good ;)
Angelia, i can imagine.. must be hard on u.. inside that one need u not to carry heavy, outside this one also ur baobei needs u carry.. tell her also she wun understand.. nvm, 6+ liao.. daddy coming home rescue mummy soon right
Fluffy : my hb work finish at 8-9pm de.. Earliest is 7plus which very rare lo.. Hais... I also hope daddy can be back earlier.. I wanna KO liao lo... Just now morning, i order Mac than need to bring my girl down to collect, cause my main gate controller is with my hb. Than when i bring her down that time, i suddenly feel giddy like wanna faint like that lo... Sibei scary... Maybe my low blood is reacting liao... Hais...
Wah u be careful leh! Overwork ah! I tink u also go buy the less sweet ribena la.. i got low blood too.. and ribena is my good friend haha. Cannot risk leh, somemore ur hse got stairs kind pls be careful..!
for low blood sugar...alternatively, can buy glucolin (dono spell correctly)....last time as child we drink de...blue colour tin...
Fluffy : yup! I already ask hb to help me buy some ribena stock back liao.. Haisyo!! Now i really scare scare. Sian at home but dont even dare to think of go out!
just wish to lie down the bed nia.. But hais... I cant.. My little monster still need me.. =\

candy : hmm.. Mine is sticky plus whiny.. Damn jialat! Okokay. You update when you see your beannie heartbeat okay..
lol! u also call ur girl little monster, seems nowadays kids can be terror ah.. i wish i hope i pray i can call mine little angel from birth all the way!!! haha~
Fluffy and Karen, thanks!

I used to buy blogshop clothes, so sad cannot buy now... Gmarket is good! Thanks fluffy again!

So now we can apply stretchmark creams le?

Lilthing, normally scan we look at crl, which is crown to rump length. Not the sac. I read online actually only from week 6, then can start to measure. So let's say dr measure 4mm, then gestational age should be 6 weeks 4 days. Something like that. But everything is ar gar ar gar, because every baby birth weight is different, sure got some big some small. Mummies, pls correct me if I'm wrong.
Fluffy : well... We shall see okay.. Hahaha!!! I call my girl precious gem when she is good girl. But naughty time become little monster. Hahah!
Mai Ne: yes yes...start applying stretch mark cream ler...cos by the tym we see stretch mark then apply, too late to apply liao...we gonna build up the elastic fibre first...
Hello, thanks everyone for your advice. I bought a working pants from mum r us, and the mustela stretch mark cream. It smells really nice and the claim says 96% of the women do not have stretch mark after using it... I'm impressed! But ex lor $59.90 for 1 tube.

Just ate dinner and feel Like puking now. Yesterday puke everything out.

Pls update me on the royal jelly... N bird's nest k... I also want bb Bai Bai pang pang.
LadyDee-mine is cream based.. the counter lady offered me the oil sample.. i asked her how to apply.. she said.. oil day time.. cream nite time.. i was like.. huh? so mafan.. so i bought the more famous cream..

angelia- ur my idol! super strong and great mama!

haha.. fluffy!! u eat and puke.. then BB eat wat? haha..

anyways... mommies.. am having bad gastric now.. i read someone also had this ytd or sthg.. how did u get rid of it.. or to feel better? so kang kor!!! sit also not lie also not.... summre tmr i am travelling already.. argh... sucky! sigh..

teach me how to relief all the gas and bloatedness in my tummy too!! =..(
Mai ne..Im not sure about the royal jelly part...for bird nest, first 3 months don take first...subsequently can take once or twice a month...cannot take too many bird nest cos its liang...
Smalleyespy, I also have bad gastric n gas . Can ask gynae to prescribe some antacid to neutralize your acid . I find when u eat enough food, then u won't have gastric.
thng - welcome and i understand how you feel..i had m/c last year.. now really very careful and everything also scare.. just now went out with hubby.. he like bodyguard.. stop children from running near me, block the lift for me etc etc.. haha
let's believe that we are gonna to carry bb in our arms!

mummies, cannot cut things on bed.. but not our bed can? i went to trim my eyebrow earlier, was lying on a bed and as usual they will cut the hair abit.. ok right?!
Winningstar, I ate antacid before.. But find it strong.. Sigh.. If I still feel horrible, will get it.. I usually get the pain late afternoon after I drink prune juice.. Duno shld stop or cont.. Stop then cnt go toilet.. Drink then pain... I eat alot alot alot now!! Haha mayb gastric!! Tummy cannot tahan sudden intake haha.. Thanks!
Hmm. So far I have no problem with big biz leh. Maybe u should take fisomum? Is a milk powder which contains probotics for better digestion .
Wow! The mustela one also ex ah. I wanted to get that too. Think sat is the time to walk walk and shop around! Haha.

Bingo> if you not pan tang, anything also can la. I not pan tang about that so I cut my nails on bed also.
Oh... N I bought 1 bra... No wire... The nice lady at mum r us very helpful..n she did say the wired bra is not good for us and it's painful. But maternity bra quite ugly... Any idea where can buy nice ones?
Mei Ne: thanks for the info! Will try to get a scan pic from the gynea and chk the crl ;)

For bird nest, I learnt that we shd try not to take too regularly during pregnancy. Though good for Bb skin, it is suspected to be the cause of phlegm. Can drink as much as we want after birth to "bu" ourselves and Bb thru BF, hehe!
And I think I read some mummies are taking much
ginger now? Maybe can try to cut down coz too much ginger may coz Bb to have high level of jaundice wor.
