(2012/07) Jul 2012

hello ladies, seems like quite a few of u are travelling. Sigh... think i won't b travelling for a long long time. Alot of my frens say will b grounded for a few yrs...

By the way, i realise some days i will puke after every meal, some days totally no puking. Does any of u experience the same??
Hi-5 Candy! Hehehe...

I'm going to Bandung nia. Thanks to the stoopid BKK situation I had alotta problems with Airasia. Been dealing with them for like close to a month then finally I got back what I paid for in credit refund and just booked yesterday! I'm going next week! Woohoo! Never been so 'gan kor' making plans for holiday siah. I hope it'll be a good trip.

'share' with you all my simple lunch. hahaha...

bodor - wow your appt so fast.. 03 Dec... mine still long long way... haha
my sister have 2 kids also didnt vomit through out her pregnancy.. maybe we should count that as blessing. haha

haha we are really queen at home.. now my hubby does all the housework, cooking, bathing the dogs etc.. sometimes i pity him, come back from work so tired still need to serve me... haha
any mummies have dogs at home?
Hey Bingo,

I have 4 dogs with my MIL which i visit everyweek. Must be careful not to touch their poo poo or wash your hands very very clean. Cos the doc say theres some bacteria/parasite in the poo poo which is bad for the baby.
hello!! back in office liao!

so bodor, bingo and fluffy, the 4 of us are all under dr tham! i actually asked dr tham when we found out edd was 07/07 whether he confirm gg to be around or not... ha!

eh... u all so fast buy maternity wear liao ah?? starting to some work dresses cant wear liao cuz too bloated... im thinking of buying some pants but not sure if i shld get maternity pants??

by the way, any ladies here experience itching of tummy and lower abdomen?? shld i start using lotion to moisturise my skin?
Re: Puking
I only feel that on some evenings when I go home from work taking bus leh. Haha...

I oso feel the same feeling of itchiness when I was 3 months with my #1. Better start early cos I procastinated and end up having bad red stretchmarks. Sob. By then too late liao. My tummy looked like a ruler pasted on it except the lines are in red. Haihs.
hi Peapea,
Count me in! I may be seeing Dr. Tham too.my 1st apt next week.No dogs at home.. but I have a dog at my mum's place.

Argh!!I'm struggling to stay awake.. esp. after lunch.. sianz..

Does any of u have plans to find maid in future?
E tan! welcome to list of dr tham's patients! ha! when are u seeing him? im gg to see him on monday (28th)

no plans to find maid... thinking of infant care or i will deposit with my mum but my mum is working in a market so might need to find part time nanny with one of her customers so baby got place to sleep
I am still a maid at home, not a queen yet coz my hubby is still in shock! hahahhaha...

i hate the bloated, painful tummy and nausea feeling!
Hui chinz> yeah, I'm sure u will have a good trip n enjoy yourself with hubby. U wanna share recipe for ur lunch? Really looks yummylicious!

Giantress> actu not true that we'll be grounded. Many parents bring their little one w them when they travel.. Although a bit troublesome haha
Sherlyn, I cannot tahan the puke feeling... I never liked to vomit... yucks.. so i got no choice but to tahan... I scared once I start vomitting.... that's it... it will continue for some time...

HuiChinz, I used to prepare lunch for myself at night then the next day bring to work... but now.... TOO LAZY.... Too lazy to cook, wash...

What's going on?? Are we suppose to be lazy?? Things changed...
but are they good changes?

Peapea, u only 7 weeks nia... I only 4 weeks lor... haha... who else is only 4 weeks like me???
Audrey> me! I saw gynae on mon n asked him if I'm 5 weeks. He said 4-5 weeks. So far, I'm feeling good. The last time I puked was several days ago.

I have following BRAND NEW items for sale:

1. Pigeon wipes with casing (x8): $4.90
Usual: $7.90

2. Tommee Tippee 0-3m Pacifier (x1): $4

3. Pigeon Milk Bottles (x2): $13 each
Wide Neck, Peristaltic Nipple, BPA Free, 240ml

Collection at Sengkang MRT.
Pls email me at [email protected] for photos.
seoulover, at least u abt the same with me. Last week my nurse told me I was 4 weeks so this week should be 5 weeks. My next appt is 9Dec. Week 7 by that time...

I am feeling OK but just the vomit feeling only...
Good day mummies & mums-to-be... :D

I can barely catch up with all the postings... So fast... *huff*puff*

My first gynae appointment will take place this evening... Pray for positive outcome... Kekeke...

Oh... My colleague shared with me... To poo poo smoothly or prevent constipation... Take a glass of magnolia fresh milk 1 hr before zzz every nite... No more food after the milk at nite... Next morning will be able to poo poo easily...

If constipated... pls rem not to force the poo poo out too hard... Not good for preggys... Slow and softly yeah? ;)

No coconut juice until final stage of pregnancy for smoother delivery... (I had a little brown discharge on Mon nite & tummy ache on Tue morn cos' drank some coconut juice but Thank God! Kanna scolded by hubby & colleague too... *LOL*)

Take good care all dearies... *Hugz*
LadyDee- cannot eat Bak Kut Teh cos of the herbs ah... hmm.. ya.. then i think better dun,. cos i just read someone saying after drinking BKT.. then have spotting... DANG GUI is like the no no... aiyo.. but i duno wats dang gui.. wahahaha...

HuiChinz- Your Lunch looks Delicious and COLOURFUL!! hahahaha i feel like eating that CHICKEN nowwwwwww hahaha.. should be very yummy!

and i am travelling too! hahah. this fri i say sayonara to work already! lol...

Any idea wat stretch mark cream is good? buy from where ah.. think better start to apply first PEAPEA... cos i think we are all expanding.. so better start!!!

Etan- I have a maid now.. lol... ya la.. i am quite the spoilt brat.. lol.. ... i duno how to do housework and cook .. so if my husband wants a clean house and wana eat good food... he has to employ a maid.. i buay hiao all these.. lol....

and if ur thinking of hiring a maid now, also good... so that u are familiar with her, build bond with her.. so that when ur BB comes, u trust her and have lesser worries...
Ops... Sorry... I mean take the magnolia fresh milk out of the fridge 1 hr before... So that it will not be cold... drink 1 glass before bedtime... Next morning should be able to shit more easily...
OOh.. maybe that's why I can go toilet well now coz i started drinking a glass of warm milk before sleep now! It works!

Btw, any mummies has an recommendation for part timer helper please?
I'm still the maid too. Doing housechores like washing/ironing/folding clothes, cook, sweep etc. But last weekend my hubby offered to sweep the floor for me! hahaha...

thanks! I hope so too! hehe...

Here's the recipe for the simple herbal chicken soup:

- Any herbs(or even powdered) u like (I bot mine from NTUC/wet market pre-packed herbs)
- Chicken drumsticks or wingsticks
- Mushrooms
- Carrots
- Potatoes
- Wolfberries
- One small tomato
- Chinese parsley (Optional)

1) Boil the herbs in water with some chicken stock for at least 45mins (I bought this bag for boiling stuff one so all the herbs go in there for clear and 'za-free' soup)
2) Throw in carrots and boil for 10mins
3) Add potatoes and boil for 10mins
4) Add chicken and boil for 20mins
5) Add in tomato (for that slight sour taste - optional)
6) Add in mushrooms and wolfberries and boil for 10mins.
7) Add salt/sesame oil/pepper to taste.
8) Add chopped parsley and serve hot with rice.

Done! Very simple


heheh..i totally understand! I used to cook at least 3x a week during weekdays but now, if once a weekday considered good liao! hahaha...but weekend I sure cook one day

Eat outside food until damn sian.
mommies help~

i just had brown spotting first time today... i know it's common and im about 5-6wks. should i go n see a doc later to get med?
yea eat it with white rice. Power! LOL. The soup looks little in the photo cos spilt abit when bringing to work la. Hahaha..if not can 'guan the tng' hahaa.

hahah this simple soup can make me very happy liao hehehe
Dear mink... If ur brown discharge is quite alot... followed by tummy cramps/pain... Or u dun feel well... Best to call/consult ur gynae bah... To be on the safe side...
Ya. Home cooked is the best. I feel like ordering tingkat for lunch but cannot... most of them do not deliver to town area.

Ourloverstory: I have a pt helper but she has gone back to her hometown for holidays for 3 weeks. She's staying in the East. I let her know when she's back... are u very in need of helper?

Anyone getting confinement lady to help?
The soup looks good! I myself cant finish the whole pot cos I am e only one drinking. My hubby not a big fan of soup at all. Haiz.. think might be better to buy from those soup stall.

I shall see how,will try to get my mum to take care and if she cant handle then get a maid to help out. I dont really like the idea of staying wif us. Furthermore no extra room to stay plus the horrible stories of maids.. abit scare..

I kiasu..already lookin out for stretch cream to use in my next few weeks..I saw my fren's stretchmarks.. pretty bad.. *scary*
Thanks audrey! I do not need an helper immediately now but i guess I will need one soon with the housechores else I do not know how my hubby is going to cope with all the washing and cleaning coz it has always been me doing it! Btw where is your helper from? Malaysia?

Hui Chinz, your soup is fast and cooked in less than an hour!! ** amazing!

This super rainy weather is making everyone sleepy!!
Ourlovestory, she's from China, those "pei tu ma ma" my mom and i have been using her for quite some time. She's automatic one. That time she heard that i wasn't feeling well, she bought a box of chicken essence for me...

Feel like eating my EXPENSIVE sweet potato...
any mommies happens to know what is the opening hours of Dr Adrian Woodworth @ Sengkang branch? called whole day nobody ans phone..
Japanese Sweet Potato. bought at Isetan Shaw... it shows 2.50 per 100g I bought 2, paid $10. My colleague says, Ur baby eating expensive sweet potato...

ourlovestory: she charge $15/hr
ourlovestory, i get her number from my hubby first then give u. u nego with her the price. some times she see the location one...

Sweet potato sweet and nice but expensive!
eating mr bean's rice ball + beancurd now... yum yum... i know not supposed to eat too much beancurd but its been a while since i last consumed it... ha

oh ya, i spoke to a dietician before and she advised to take nutrisoy instead of soya bean from mr bean, market stalls etc cuz nutrisoy soya milk is better so fyi for those intending to drink soya milk
audrey, the dietician said sth about the ingredients etc makes it better and also can choose the lower sugar content one... since she is a snr dietician, i trust her words... ha! cuz im lactose intolerant and i asked her for tips on what can i consume to replace my calcium intake and she said nutrisoy is the best

ourlovestory, this kind of weather good for tang yuan! heee
