(2012/07) Jul 2012

haha wear hat lor... if really cant grow out in time.

my hubby also has no sister hah

indeed endless worrying since the test kit was positive!

SG-SC, u worry too much..my son also got few hair during his 1st bday celeb but still cute..lol, infact until now also..haha..but got good point cox is more cooling for him since he sweat alot..my friend's son who got lot of hair, needs to go salon everymth n wash hair 2 times a day..

haha..i think depends on "xin yi"...but again, heard cannot buy shoes for ppl one..haha..
linggie..well said..totally agree..endless worrying from the first day we knew we r pregnant..i told my hubby, i m so worry my son esp when he sick..i cant imagine if 2nd out, how am i goin to become n handle myself.."养儿一百,长忧九十九"。。
The gugu myth is so interesting...my SIL did visit and bought my boy shoes...but then my boy was born so botak that when he was dropping hair at 4th month, we can't see whether there is any bald patch...Think he dropped almost all his hair that ppl thought we shaved him when we did not...LOL! The good thing about being botak is easy maintenance and he has this babyish look even till toddlerhood...

This time round expecting girl - hoping she will have more hair but genetically, both hubby and I were botak babies as well...think i shd eat more kiwi and black sesame...and perhaps a little green bean soup...
linggie- tat reminds mi. gotta 'force' #2 wear those accessories from young, coz jiejie waste all my $$...bought all the nice n cute headbands, clips, ribbons, hats all let her throw onto ground..she hates things on her hair..sigh..everytime sweat hair so suan..hehehe

qing-er - urs boy boy stil ok, macho looking ma..prolly put those big flower headband over it n she can act cute too hor..hmmmmmmm....*rub chin*

yes, endless worrying. no wonder wrinkles n white hair become more since i became mommy. less stress less stress less stress...
Mrs C - lolz..the way u describe ur botak boy so cute..

mummy lee - nope i be at TMC, but trying to liase wif my gynae if she can deliver st Mt A instead, coz i heard good reviews icnluding food n svc at Mt A. BUt my gynae only delivers at TMC lei...#1 at TMC n i dun really like the place, hoping can try Mt A tis time (where i was born too!)
i guess if mummies who sign up for the TMC loyalty program, make good sense to deliver at TMC since got discount huh?

My gyna also TMC but i m opting Mount A also.
linggie - tats true...completely slipped my mind i got the SBI card. issit 10% off delivery/room charges ah? aiyah, but i realli wish to try out Mt A tis time..diao..u see la, worry again..heheheh

so good ur gynae can deliver both places...mine previously also, then now strictly TMC only..
means if i have #3, will change gynae le...if she cant fulfill my wish
i also very lucky got to choose NUH to do oscar, zero waiting time, service is excellent! hopefully DS experience is equally good!!

anyone working in orchard area? hehe

sorry i do not have the card so unsure of the perks! aiya not worry lar, is undecisive hehe
ooh u haven do DS yet? wen's ur EDD? i did mine 2 weeks back le n my EDD is 27 July..tot im oneof the latest here.

Lunchtime jus went taka fair recce 2nd time, bought some items tat HB rejected last round. Make mi xin itchy, now i finally an xin le...heheh...

saya work Tanjong PAgar..any mommies sama sama?
Mine is end July, doing ds at 22nd wk,waiting for my hubby to come bk fr business trip.

Pink piglet, yellow kiwi is in season now, I just bought 1 box hehe
Sg SC...my mum is contradicting herself wif the theories...must buy shoes yet she dun allow my child to wear shoes till 1yo! Buy for the sake of significance dun sound wise rite..lol

Think SBI benefit for room charges is pegged to the room selected e.g 1 bedder - xx amount. If ur gynae is included in the program then 5% off professional charges.
Icic...enjoy ur scan!

Piyobaby- haha..my mum also dun allow bb wear till 1 yo, so ask gugu buy shoes for > 1 yo n keep for a yr since birth loh...Lolz...heee

Jus nw I ask my mum Abt shave hair she dun agree. Say snip abit can Liao, dun shave all..duh..
Qinger, hahaha not power lar. My friend told me once cold food u eat go down to the bb, by the time it reach, it is hot already. Lolx...

Linggie, thanks. I was wondering when will the yellow kiwi season. Hehe... Gonna grab more. Kiwi has to most vitamin especially yellow.

Joanne, yeah green color kiwi if store for 1 week, it will be very sweet and will not feel sour
When i buy, i like to store in fridge for 3 to 4 days den cut. Hehe...
Hmmz i got to eat less junk food coz got constipation. 1 day never poo, my stool harden. Anyone encounter? I eat alot of fruits already, like one day 3 servings include guava, papaya and oranges, drink 2 litre of water per day and yet still constipate. Haiz...
Oh I must buy yellow kiwi too.. Just bought grapes and dragonfruit yesterday to munch. Junk food I ate twisters crackers last night while watching tv. I also ate some chocolates and cheesecakes the other days..

I'm also end July ie 30/07. Gender dunno yet bb shy.

So what's the pantang theory of not buying bb stuff? I also did not get anything yet till now.. Weekend I just laze at home... My mom say wait until mth 7. Wohoo dunno then got enegery a not. For now I'm v lazy to go crowded place.. This weekend I feel like gg to get durian cakes to eat.
Tanny, yah my last resort is to drink prune juice

Hmmz i aso lazy to go shopping. Maybe by the month 7, can go gmarket shop for baby clothing
Hi Qin,
I hv the same problem after starting taking multivitamin n calcium. Two days of pushing in the toilet. But I solve my problem by adding more fibers into my diet. Fiber to be taken in-between meals not together. For example:
Morning empty stomach: one big glass of warm water. A plate of fruits (apple, peach, kiwi, dragon fruit,...), a glass of juice or milk with 2 teaspoon of pylium husk (Chinese physian recommend). Rest for 30mins, eat breakfast.

11am: a plate of fruits: Prunes, strawberries (higher fiber), salads, mini sweet tomatoes.

12noon: lunch (with more vegetable)

3pm: a plate of fruits n salad (refer to 11am)

7pm: dinner with more vegetables.

I m back to normal now. Very happy but my fridge is full of fruits n veggy n salads. Good luck.
linggie/SG_SC: what is DS?

for my gynae, he's always encouraging me and i'm sure his other patients to eat healthily. Take oats in the morning with fruits.. and snack healthily! he told me to snack on fruits and veg..

personally i find it quite hard..
can i check wif u gals how do u book the massage lady since we may not know when we will due?

Do u have to get any cofnirmation or deposit with them? I called up mine, she just asked me to call her when i give birth the same day. i m not sure if thats confrimed or wat?
Qin - same. stool so hard until can feel anus expending big big, then later sure bleed one...ewwwwww

mummy lee - DS = detailed scan usually done ard 20 weeks

Ettan - yes, then ur massage lady shld be confirmed le. She said ok for ur EDD thereabts rite? MIne also same, say give birth give her headsup then she will plan, coz depends on whether u're by normal or c-sec. No deposit required till she realli comes down for the sessions.
haha ya my ML also told me the same thing, when give birth, then call her.

even my CL told me the same thing, she didnt ask for deposit from me also, haha so i know how u feel!
i missed 2 days of post! tmr gg back for my detailed scan again cos last week bb din turn to show his backbone despite me hanging ard kk for more than 5hours. ytd had brown stain spots. got worried sick. called kkh ask a nurse n she asked me to use pantyliners thn keep monitoring to c if get better. so i lun whole day, end of wrk i went hm found a clean white sheet. really scare the freak out of me. read online n saw many diff reasons, inside expand old dirty 'blood' comes out, vagina xpands n 'tears' so will see some brown stains. its like those bai dai but in brown brown. felt bb kicks ytd tt y i din go dwn to A&E, thank goodness i had the fb page to turn into. alot of assurance n comfort and advise i got there ytd. felt so lost at wrk ytd. =( wonder if its im too stress recently as #1 has been sick for more than 2wks. fever diarrhea n vomitting. nw diarrhea abit n coughing badly. will faint. he nw skinny like a guitar.

how u ladies? im in wk21 today! =) counting down counting down, but i HAVEN bought anything for bb yet. hurhurhur! shall start the BP this weekends!
Rykiel, hope everything's fine for you and baby..
Actually, I've been experiencing something like pelvic pressure once everyday. Its because I need to cross an overhead bridge to get home.. whenever i walk up, i feel like baby is pushing down. Any second/third time mum can advise if its normal? The feeling will go off after 5 mins or so..I googled and it says only near DD that you will start having this pelvic pressure thingy..

On buying baby stuffs, i saw this booth in cityhall selling carters body suit, $22 but they dont have all the sizes (mostly 12 mths). Are you gals ordering online?
Qin, I like ur theory..hehe..

Hazie, welcome..u can go to bugis, opp the guanyin temple..got 1 shop (at the corner, near d toilet there) selling bb stuffs..very cheap..u can find the clothes to wear at home..but they sell in half dozen or a dozen..

Rykiel, hope u r fine n all d best for ur ds
sorry, hvnt collect d things from u..if courier, how much i need to pay u?

SG_SC, go for Mt A if u can..hehe..my first at Mt A also..i like d food there..service is good too..last week just went to their cafe to hv mee rebus, yummy! Now they r renovating, the front part will be ended abt mid june but carpark will tk abt 1yrs+ to finish..but think it doesnt affect us..i dun like tmc too after done my oscar n ds there, d parking system is sucked..
Hi Hazie - actually taka fair got lotsa cheap bb wear...got 4 for $10 kind too...wear at home or sleeo also gd. Else, last time for #1 time, i went to this shop at Rochor, tink is queen st (behind the big temple) corner shop got sell lotsa cheap bb stuff. BUt cant remmebr addy..heeee

Rykiel - oh dear...issit coz u carried ur boy too often wen he sick tats y got brown stains...pls rest more k. Kids sick sure lose weight one, bobian. recover oredi slowly fatten him up again!
i have crave for chocolate too!

The addy for the rocher rd bb wear is blk 269 queen street #01-246.... opp the guan yin temple.
great, i can go buy golden kiwis le...
now mango is quite sweet too, but think can't eat too much, sore throat already

my gynae's nurse are quite efficient, yday receive a sms from Mt A that my booking is done liao haha...
Hi rykiel
Rest well n dun forget u r pregnant too..;)

Hi manunited
Thks for the address..

Hi gals
Am abit surprise when my tcm who i just see say i may pop at 34 wks due to bbies bigger..N tt will be mid of June.. Hmm..I havent prepare anything much yet.. House still messy with no bed for maid n CL.. Suddenly feel time not enough.. But cant wait to carry them in my arms too.. ;) My boy has been asking me everyday whether they kick me n say gd night n flying kiss to them every night.. Feel so touch n can see he will be a gd brother..;) i start to feel diffcult to sleep.. If i sleep on left, my twin two will kick me like i compress on him, if i sleep on right, another will protest too so can only sleep face up.. Now still ok but later may not be able to breath well...;p

Time flies faster pls..;)
SG_SC: yah my ideal target was to gain like 12-15kg for e pregnancy.. But im not even in third trim n it's alr so much! I guess no hope. Before preggy I was never a sweet drinks person. Loved coffee with no sugar, n diet coke. But because of caffeine, while trying to cut down on that, turned out my alternatives are way sweeter like sprite/root beer (yes I knw I shldnt even drink heh but I took some occasionally).

Rykel: take it easy n try not to exert/move too much if u can help it..

Joanne: yeah I heard abt it too, firstly it's not ur first kid so already possibly deliver earlier, and even those whose first are twins, it can be be as early as a mth.. so add 1 mth plus 1 or 2wks.. 34 wouldn't b surprising I guess?
hazie, like what the mummies here mentioned the store at queen st opposite the guan yin temple is selling the bb clothes at wholesale....I think can get 12 front button tops and 12 bottoms at $50, or 6 pcs of tops at $12 and 6 pcs of long bottoms/shorts at $13/$12....as they are v cheap, do take extra care when u r washing them ok?

pink piglet, yah I received the sms last mth on the confirmation of delivery at Mt A too for the booking on 18 Jul....it's either they are efficient or my gynae assistants are KS :p

Rykiel, hope that ur scan tm is ok....don't worry too much, maybe ur bb is playing hide and seek with u....do update us on the progress after ur scan ok?
Hika- haha..no choice bb WANs to eat we accommodate lor, but so long as in moderation it shld be fine one!

Any mommies taking ginseng now? Be it american ginseng or Korean or Chinese kind? Issit ok ah?
Hi hika
Oh no.. I want them to be healthy before born n discharge together with me as i feel tedious if c sect n still need go hospital daily to deliver breastmilk n see them... Pray hard tt they will come out at least at 36 wks..

How much weight u put on already?

Hi sg
Dun dare anyhow take chinese herbs now as worry bbies too bu n grow bigger..just take birdnest n red date drink for me..;) do u hv any tcm doc? If yes, better to check with them.. Dun anyhow take woah..
SG_SC: Yeah, must be cautious with chinese herbs. I remembered my gynae mentioned no dang gui and ginseng...better check with TCM or gynae...
Pink_piglet & sblbee, u guys so fast made d booking with mt a? My edd also 18 july, should i make too? not too early rite?
wow..3 of us hving same edd..really hope can see u guys there..let 3 bbs know each other since born..haha..

but for my case, usually earlier..cox #1, 1mth earlier than edd..my #2, gynae said if full term n his weight abt 3kg must go for induced due to my petite size..bb cant be too big..hopefully i can carry him at least 37 weeks..
Brand new 400g similac stage 1 letting go at $12. Good for standby for 1st few days after bb born where BM supply not in yet. Expiry on 21 Sep 2012.

Collection at Sembawang MRT at evening time only. Or at my blk at Admiralty Link.

PM me if interested.
qing-er: thanks thanks, im feeling much better now w/o seeing lotsa stains! hehehe. no worries. how ur #1? better? courier is $6 taqbin =)

excited_mtb: i din carry him wor.. hubby doin the job, my #1 20kg, sick liao 18kg i cannot carry also. wait exert too much force. i tink stress? or as wad google says maybe is inside changing?

joanne: thanks girl. slowly prepare the essentials like bed bottles some clothings for them. i hvn bought anything also as yet. planning buy bottles pacifiers diapers than stop. whn i start buying la. than slowly stock. no scared nothing to buy, scared no $ buy. tis wad my hubby keep telling me, cos my bod quite weak de. he ask me try to buy later as advised by my MIL. i also keep niaming faster time flies so can deliver n enjoy my ML!

apple1234: thanks babe! =)

hika: diff dun move. rch hm aft wrk do laundry. lucky i got dryer all throw iinside gaodim liao. thn later fold clothes, see to #1. hehe but glad the spotting is gone now lor. *phew* hehee.

sblbee: yaya! hide n seek. turn here n there jiu shi dun wan show his backbone. i tink they hv to measure it is it? tt y hv to go back for scan. appt later at 3pm, nw at wrkplace hoping time pass faster but its like CRAWLING!!! *roar*!!!

oh ya mummies, ask a more pte question here ar. do u all hv discharge aft being pregnant?
i read increased discharge is normal according to baby center. mine not really mucus kind, i only see yellowish stains on my panty for now.

mine is end of July, also planning to choose Mount A, ya no booking is done, my gyna said dont need book yet leh haha
JOanne, Mrs C - actually my gynae also say not those concentrated kind like in pills form. But like ginseng chix soup once in a while is fine. Again everything in moderation, but i went Hock Hua and the lady said TCM actually encourages ginseng consumption then bb cheeks be rosy rosy...western will say no, TCM will say yes. So i also dunno yes or no...so tat time i made some paosheng to drink, prob once a mth ba...not too freq to play safe?
Rykiel - enjoy ur scan!

re CM, i do have abit, but is drier kind of yellowish mucus, no longer those wetter versions during early trimester...
Hi meiling,
wow ur gynae's nurse even faster haha...

Hi qing er,
i think it's not early to book now, cos my original EDD was 30th July...but think will deliver early too, cos bb's head on the big size currently, maybe will deliver at week 38. if not might need to c-sec too :X

qing-er and soulsista, yup really looking forward to seeing u gals if our EDD is really on the same day. Cos when I went to sign my gynae package, I told my gynae that I had confirmed where I wanna deliver my bb :p

Rykiel, so how did ur scan go? Yah they need to measure the bb's backbone so that they know that ur bb has no spinal deficiency....this is uncommon now cos they just need to be sure of that!

Pink piglet, I might deliver earlier too cos of the size of my bb, it's bigger than the normal range at 621g when I'm in my 22 weeks 3 days. Haha now trying to cut down on my carbs and sugar to reduce the tummy circumference as its the 95 percentile :p
