(2012/07) Jul 2012

i am attending mrs wong class starting 29th April, 1230pm

actualy i hv been eating cooling stuff more than heaty stuff. cos i keep feeling heaty and tend to get sick. after barley, green bean, coconut etc, i think i'm more balanced now leh....

but after delivery definitely must eat heaty stuff. i felt so chilly last time and eating heaty stuff made me feel better.

so when should the cooly stuff start? 3rd tri?
Hi everyone,
This is Eveline. Shall I expect all the mummies here are going to deliver bb in Jul'12?
My EDD end Jul. anybody going to deliver at TMC ?
Joanne, oic... I see my friend drink ice milo everyday leh. Our body now feel heaty so i tend to drink cold packet drinks, icecream, eat oranges, watermelon, green bean soup... Ai yo realli sinful. I even eat those junk food like lays potato chips, princles, prawn cracker... Each time i eat i feel so sinful lor... Haha i should zip my mouth le...

Yest is the first time i went to kkh private suit. The service is so good (very suaku) and the receptionist even gimme mamil gold milk sample. Anyone drink mamil gold? Now i drinking anmum milk so dun dare to try other milk.
qin, exactly!!! last time normally i dun eat chips at all! now i'm a pringles queen and all other chips e.g. corn chips etc and sometimes even top it with cheese spreads!

u went there for maternity tour? how much is it?
Eveline, welcome to the thread! Yah of cos we will be delivering in Jul cos we are the Jul mummies to be
My EDD is either 17 or 18 Jul....
hey check with you ladies? is it ok to eat pineapples? e.g. those that comes with rojak? i hv been eating quite a bit and then suddenly not sure.
Hi Qin
I drink any free sample milk as these r for mums so shd be all gd..;) better than chips right? Hee.. I am heaty but my babies r too precious for me to risk of so i try not to eat cooling fruits.. I do take cold drink sometimes as my tcm gives me green light say occasionally.. Not daily..;) i dun take green bean or pineapple or coconut definitely..;)

Hi eve
Nice see u here.. Btw, i forget to answer ur question earlier.. Am having two princess n edd is end july but think will give birth earlier for twins..;)

Hi liligal
I dun take pineapple at all as my tcm oso say no to pineapple..
I heard taking green bean soup will make baby have more & thicker hair. Is it true or just old wives tale? My boy is quite botak but since he is a boy, it is ok...hoping that my girl will be born with more hair tough...
liligal, i went there to see my gayne for followup appointment. Normally, i would go to clinic D to see her and collect medicine at the pharmacy. I didn't know my gayne got her own private suit. More comfortable and the waiting time is shorter, service super good and juz pay extra $10 consultation fee.

I still dunno the price for delivery suit but kkh website got indicate the room rates.

Liligal, wah u realli brave to eat pineapple. Although gayne said everything can eat, avoid eating pineapple.

Mrs C, then u try eating green bean soup but not everyday as Joanne said it is cooling
Joanne, yah u r right that milk is better than chips but sometimes can't control eating those junk food and drinks. I should try and control myself liao. Hehe...
Hi everyone, been a silent jul mtb for sometime now cos I nvr got round to setting up my acct heh..Like apple, I unfortunately face a similar problem of exceeding e ideal weight gain: abt 8.5kg at 21wk5d! contrary to her gynae, mine told me I shld start watching what I eat..Sob..it's not gonna b easy! I've always had a small appetite untill I got preggy. Now I'm so used to eating proper meals, n that in itself already resulted in a lot of my weight gain. Not to mention the unhealthy snacks n drinks every few days.... Die lah!!
Hi Mrs C
I heard tt eat kiwi can give bb alot of hair.. I eat kiwi when hv my boy n he really born with hairs but not bushy type.. Hee.. Now he got lots of hair.. Maybe take after daddy gene too..;) never heard green bean soup can hv lots of hair though.. Hee..
hihi mommies - MIA for quite some time liao...me & HB and #1 taking turns to fall ill + workload, find it tough to come in and chit chat...zzz also not enuf le...prob next time wen we expressing bm then i be more active...heeeee
glancing thru just posts on this page...

Qin - hi-five! i tink my #2 is also a junkie lei...likes fast food, fried foods, bryani, chips, cold drinks, sweet stuffs like chocs n desserts! aiyoh, i also worried like tat where got nutrients n i dun take mama milk, jus fresh milk..but i tink different bbs different taste pref so i jus go along lor...or dunno issit coz #2 oredi more relag!

liligal - yes, cooling stuff shld only start end of 3rd tri, prob last 2-3 wks or so, esp the big green coconut, must drink so tat bb come out clean clean...

JOanne - eat kiwi really alot of hair? haha..so cute, neva heard b4, my #1 i din but come out hair very thick, then slowly thru the months, all drop le..now so thin like her dad's.;p if like me good la, super thick but unkempt!
HI Hika, ur bb is helping mommy to maintain a regular diet. lolz...actually i realised that since i preggy hungry cannot wait one, must eat immed else will feel faint. BUt im trying to ctrl my diet coz i dun wanna gain so much wieght tis time. prob 12-14kg max i hope! i stil have 7kg left from #1. SO far i put on 6kg le...

liligal - Rojak: i also have cravings and have been eating it once a week kind coz i love the one prepared near my house, got squeeze lotsa lime and thick sweet sauce wif lotsa peanuts n crispy youtiao...hehehe...i try to avoid the pineapple la coz its not my fav food to begin wif. the others i whack! my mum also neva stop mi so tink shld be fine..

Shave head - is anyone going to shave bb's hair during first month or jus cut abit yisi yisi can oredi?
wow tink now better not eat those cooling stuffs first cos not so good.

agree with J03 that dun eat green beans ..too cooling leh..
Etan - coarse hair so that wun drop so much later? i guess also to even out uneven patches? (such that all hair follicles start from scratch). din do for #1, n her hair was pretty patchy n grew slowly in her first yr so dunno whether to do it for #2 but i bushede shave her bb hair lei
Hi Joanne,
ya curious to know which type of kiwi to eat?
i seldom eat green ones leh,cos sour...and now like seldom see golden kiwis in ntuc?

my boy hair also still very little & fine after shaving few times, hope didi this time can have more hair haha...
SC SC, I shaved my girl's hair at 4th month. I made them into brushes n the Chinese stamp with the umbilical cord. The second I will do the same. It cost around $500 depending on the type of wood for the brush n box n stamp. I hope they will appreciate this wonderful gifts from us.
I shaved my girl hair cos the baby fine cotton like hair started to drop n 4th month is the last specific month for hair shaving.
hi mummies..

taking abt all the unhealthy stuffs..i m eating alot recently..i didnt tk any cold drinks or junk food during my #1 but #2 I ate alot, feel sinful but cant control myself..

green bean is cold..i took once b4..pineapple i took also but in small portion..hehe..

Anyone of u tk ice cream? I eat alot too..sinful sinful..
mummies, anyone of u already book d massage lady? I hvnt book yet..still consider which one to tk..anyone got good comment? Anyone tried jamu massage b4?
BB Alva - oh 4th month still can shave? ya, their hair starts to fall lots ard that period, same as wen my hair started fallin out lots lots too...we ever considered doing the taimao bi like u too at 1 mth but later tot save the $ for her full mth better..hehehe

qing-er - i jus booked mine last week coz she v popular but stil looking out for others coz i din realli like it tat time.

Same same...#1 and #2 cravings totally different!
I love icecream! especially the chocolate one. I know it has caffeine but I cant resist, omg.. I even eat the richest, sinful Dreyer chocolate cake icecream, haha.. Hope baby will forgive me
Oh, remember somebody asked how many wks I am. I am in 24 going to be 25 weeks this Thursday

Btw I heard from colleague that baby weight estimation can be not accurate at all. Her baby was estimated to be 3kg and turned out only 2.2kg..
I m not alone..thought only i m bad mummy to eat all these unhealthy stuffs..haha..

diamondfericia, can i know who u booked? How much per session? Thx!

Tracy, u so fast goin to 25 weeks..I m 23 weeks today..

just now went to april mtb, got ppl started to deliver..sound excited n kancheong..we still got 3-4mths to go..hehe..
alot pple said carrying a girl will crave for sweet heh but my sweet tooth actually not so active since preggers, instead it is sour, sour,sour all the way!

yups i heard the weight is not accurate, even same length, the baby also differ in weight...
Mrs C you might wish to try black sesame too, known for good hair growth not only for bb in tummy but for adults too! I love zi ma hu!

My mom insisted that we can only shave bb hair either full month or 4th mth. #1 had lots of hair from birth till now but we had to shave him at 4th mth bcos he had this bald strip running across his lower head near the ears! Very unsightly,,,
I ate alot of unhealthy stuffs too. Chocolate and sweets the most. Can't live without these stuffs.

qing-er: I booked Nadia and she only accept east area customer. $70 inclusive of transport.

Tracy: Today, my tiny resident is 22 weeks.
diamondfericia, is yours a baby girl?
I will hear about my blood sugar level test in my next appt.. was asked to give urine sample last time. Hope it's ok so i can continue eating sweet stuffs, hehe
Linggie - not true lei..my #1 also gal but she super healthy one. This one ah...totally different from jiejie..

Tracy - my gynae was super spot on...my very last scan b4 i delivered the next day was est to betwn 3.2-3.3kg. Come out my gal was 3.2+kg...very choon!

Piyobaby - yes, dunno y they will have bald strips one...but who will do the shaving? issit our parents, ourselves or baby hair salons?
Tracy: Yes. But as for the sweet stuffs. Before pregnany, I already can't live without these. So no difference for me. I want to cut down but trying to.
diamondfericia, oic..then forget abt it..

SG_SC, there's a myth for bald strips..ppl called it "ko lo" (in hokkien)..means the aunty (hubby's sis aka gugu) never pay d bb a visit..hehe..if not wrong, my sis n sil sons got it too n quite true for them..haha..but it might not apply to everyone..
Sg SC my mom has a myth for it, something to do wif gu gu of the child! But the thing is my son has no gu gu ar! Scientifically might be due to the bb turning their head on the bed/pillow so hair tend to drop easier?!!

Shaving gota be done at hair salon ba unless u r confident of shaving urself, why not.
Qing er, yes dats wat my mum say and something like the gu gu buy duno shoes or wat for the bb can le. Not applicable for my child...
qing-er - wat u mean? issit the same myth whereby the gugu need to buy a pair of shoes for my gal then wun have the bald strip? but she did visit me in hospital then lei..er...then wat abt hb wif no sisters? lolz...scratch head*
piyopiyo..since ur son doesnt hv gugu, means d myth applied to him also..hehe

my family also only can shave during full mth or 4mths..
I need to double check with my mum again..i also not sure abt the shoes thing..cox my son's gugu also never buy shoes for him but got visited him, he got not bald strips..too many myth n pantang..me scratch head also..haha
piyobaby - we quoted the same "theory" ;p
somehow i feel tat me n hb will stil rather dd have bald strips than be bald for some time...their bb hair is really so nice! Then if i shave off at 4 mths, also dunno enuf time for her hair to grow back for 1st bday celeb anot...sigh sigh sigh...i worry too much liao

qing-er - haha..too many hear says liao..as if we dun have enuf things to think n worry abt..tat time i tink we did mention to my MIL casually abt the gugu buy shoes logic, tinking she noes and can add on, but she look at me like im alien like tat...whahaha..
