(2012/07) Jul 2012

Tracy: I can only feel it but can't see the small lump. Sometimes I don't even feel anything. Any idea to let BB move? I heard drink cold water but it doesn't help for me.

Seems like am i normal as i gain only 2kg??

Hi Tracy
At wht wk of pregnancy tt u start feel the stunt? I cant waut to feel tt too.. Btw, how heavy is ur bb at last scan?

Hi diamond
I see.. I am glad as manage to get a set n will hv it deliver on 21st April so still in time..;)
Joanne: Great! I heard their reserved form is OOS, and they have about over 100 orders waiting so you must be one of them.

Dawn: Oops! Am always on sweet stuffs thus I think BB immune to it already.
Joanne, my scan on last Saturday shows that she's 685gr. I was worried if my tummy is too squeezy for her, but doc said its enough space for two! Wonder how mum with twin will be hehe..

The lump, I felt it last week or the week before, cant really recall.. Especially when I am sitting still.

One time, we happened to play a random African drum song, and my baby was moving so much! I think they said baby would respond to sound between 24-27 weeks..I also tried calling baby's name and she moved, but around 60% of the time only..
Hi diamond
;) i think so.. It is sooo popular woah..

Hi tracy
How many wks r u when u do ur scan last wk?? Cant wait to feel tt too..;)
Gynae just chk, cervix shorten again :'( He suggest explore transfer to govt hospital cos if premature will be very expensive. Mummies know which govt hospital better for cervical incompetence & how to get subsidized rate? Must go polyclinic first or can go hospital A&E or kk 24hr clinic? Tks..
tracy, i think ur baby will enjoy sound tracks from lion king!

yeah i m barely feeling my baby kicks but of course mine is only half the weight of urs hah so just continue to wait ba

hah and i dont have a name for my baby girl yet hehe
QQ: mine took v long hor! wahlao , bb refuse to lie on the sides to let her c the backbone =( so popi tis friday all go well! jiayou, eat more, i tink we can only eat eat n eat.

apple1234:9KG! powerful leh! hw many meals u eat a day?

been hvin phlegmy coughs in the morning, duno is due to too much ribena or honey. i buy those normal bottle honey. to make hot honey at hm. & i drink ribena often. btw is it ok to eat watermelon? is it considered liang?
rykiel, haha, i take breakfast (2 slices of bread) with milk, tea break (1 slice of bread), lunch (normal), tea break (1 slice of bread), dinner...that's all.....:p Is it a lot? Haiyo... Really cannot imagine that i put on sooooooo much....
most pple will say it is liang ba, just dont take it too often? Once a week?

i find papaya work best for constipation, but also considered liang hah
apple1234: fwah, abt the same diet as i do, but u put on alot leh! me is morning bread nt enf one. must eat kuehteow soup or those 经济米粉 thn 10+11 hungry again ill stuff myself with either bread/milo or chocs, 1230pm normal lunch, 330-4pm milo or nestum or milk?, thn ard 6-7pm dinner!!!, ard 10+ ill eat again, at times go dwn eat prata, eat roti at hm or make milo, or eat cocopops, or sara-lee the chocolate pound cake.

b4 preggy i was 44kg. hehe

linggie: thn i tink i overdosed it. i take abt 2-3pcs a week. thanks! =D

babymallonline wise i tink JJ just got her purchases! u can chk with her.

planning to open the next taobao bp, maternity wear, bb clothings, anyone?
haha u are really petite then Rykiel, can afford more ba, i see my colleague very petite also, doc said she can put max up to 18kg which she did hehe
apple1234: 5kg only, nw 50kg. hehaho. i wan put on more weight. cover my big boney hipbone.

linggie: i got protruding big n bulky hip bone. must wear low waist. cos my high waist all too high! wah.. that time i had #1 i only put on 15kg
you girls so so slim to begin with!!! Geeesssh... no wonder my 6.5kg is like humongous to lotsa guys in office.

kawaii, so what's the plan now? KKH should be cheaper and more gynaes than other govt hospital right? How to get subsidy? medisave? how long more you need to be in hospital?

btw, funnily, this dragon girl super active. making lotsa stunts as compared to my boy last time. last time #1 was gentler and only 1 kick per time. this girl is multiple kicks, pushes at different ends simultaneously. e.g. can feel one kick on my left and one on my right at the same time! i'm not enjoying it but daddy was super super pleased. once daddy starts to talk to her, all movements stopped. then daddy goes to sleep, baby girl starts again. really favor right from young liao. tsk tsk. no wonder daddy wants a girl so much. so ah... sometimes feel good tat at least she's there and healthy with all these punches but so far quite neutral in general leh...
Hi Joanne & dragonmum,
I also only gain 2kg. Baby is only 331g, gynae says an average size baby. She also says need to put on 10kg more. I was like how could it be possible, she says I will be surprise. Later stage we will eat a lot. While some this is my first one I shall wait and see.

Liligal, i also feel my bb gal quite active leh. Tot gal will be more gentle =p hehe but my mum says when I'm in her tummy I'm also like tat. Haha while, it's better that baby is moving right =)

Oh I'm also having very bad constipation for last week. Gynae just gave a laxative & some fibre sachets, safe for pregnancy.
Joanne, i gotten my result today and my gal is ok. So happy and i am so relieved

Kawaii, which hosp are u in now? Govt Hosp i can think of only KK.
apple1234, think it's becos u take lotsa carbs so that's why u gain weight faster....maybe can try to replace the carbs with proteins? JJ organized a spree at the website that mentioned, saw that a lot of mummies are happy with the purchase so shouldn't be that bad

rykiel, wah....so gd!!! Can put on so much weight....I'm heavy to begin with so right now when I put on abt 4kg it seems that a lot wor...luckily I know the weight had gone to my bb as she is 621g at 22 weeks 3 days :p

Qin, happy for u! Glad everything is ok for ur bb gal so now u can worry less alrdy....
Gynae only operate from mt a. He let me out of hospital to do bed rest at home today. Not sure under what situation adult must go back hospital but if bb premature, hospital cost for bb will be very high. Govt hospital got kk, sgh, nuh? If get referral from poly then can get subsidized rate at B2/C.

Baby is 600g at 22+wk!
Hi Qin
Thats a wonderful news receive..;) so happy for u.. But did u asks gynea why scan cant see n fluid result can test hv nasal bone?? So does tt mean scan result may not be oways correct?? When is ur last scan n how heavy ur gal now?

Hi kawaii
Did ur gynea do anything like stitch up? Will be gd to choose kkh which has best facilities.. Take care.. U n ur bb will be fine..
qin, congrats! so happy to hear!

sblbee, 4kg is nothing leh.... but u r right, i think carbs matter alot and i shud cut down too. keep eating biscuits and breads.

kawaii, i think best is not to worry about costs now. most imptly is to get the best treatment for both u and baby to ensure safety. so what did gynae say? when shud u go bk to check? wait until u show?
now my biggest worry is chicken pox!

i went to a group meeting recently i.e. 1.5wks ago. yesterday i started having headache and today feeling a bit under the weather like slight fever. just now friend messaged and said 4 kids kena chicken pox!

usualy it takes 10-21 days to show up! waaaahhhhh.... really scared liao. i hvnt kena before in my life! hope everything will b fine and for baby as well. pls pls pray k?
Bought 5 maternity dress from gmarket not delivered yet. With the bed rest, dun think will be wearing..

Realised hospital dun believe in liang, they gave me del monte banana & later switch to papaya for all meals to prevent constipation.
No stitch, just bed rest. Next Monday go back measure again. Not sure at what stage need stitch. Read online that stitch is best done 14-16wks, but gynae say if emergency need to do can still do? Also read that stitch could trigger labour?
apple1234, I'm trying to curb the desire cos I realized that I've been eating lotsa rice and bread as compared with the past....don't want my bb gal to be Michelin bb :p

lili gal, I felt bad especially when I see my colleagues eating more healthily than I do....then one of them asked me if I do watch and control my diet cos I'm eating as per normal....the unhealthy type of food :p
Jiayou!!! Hope u can overcome the virus!!!

kawaii baby, docs believe that papaya will help to reduce constipation....but I thought its known that we can't take del monte bananas cos they are "cooling" in nature???
Joanne, my gayne said the amnio test result ok but did not say the result said show nasal bone. She said she got a patient scan show absence nasal bone but come out to be ok. She said most probably it grow at later stage or bb nasal bone is short. Anyway as long as confirm bb is healthy, i am already happy and dun wan to ask more already
My gayne didn't tell me the weight of the bb but she said abt 22 weeks +.

Kawaii, I agree with joanne that kkh has the best equipment and facilities. Perhaps the gayne there will have different opinion and perform a stitch for you.

To aid constipation, everyday i eat papaya and guava and oranges. My mum only tell me to avoid bananas.
Yes Qin.. Agree with u.. U rest for how many days on the bed after take the fluid? It must be a hugh relief for u now..;) hv u start shop for bb stuff n when is ur edd?

Take care liligal.. Did u ever take the immune jab for chicken pox? Dun get too stress k.. My collegue wife get chicken pox when pregnant too n she n her bb is fine so no stress too much k..;)

Btw ladies, the carbs u gals refer abt is rice??
Joanne, i do the amnio test on 1 mar and was given 2 days mc. But i try to rest and dun carry heavy stuff for 2 weeks. After the test, nurse said cannot push too hard when gg toilet poo poo and cannot eat raw food. So far i havent bought anything for my little gal. My husband is very pantang and e said will buy when nearer to the date.
Joanne: Carbs refer to rice, noodles, bread, potatoes, basically any starchy food...i also have not really gain much weight yet...pre-pregnant about 51kg, then drop to about 48kg, now just slightly above 51kg at 22 weeks...
apple, i bought from babymall before, the quality is quite good. just that maybe bcos angmo sizing, seem quite big (long rather)for the age indicated
qin, same here but the pantang one is my mother haha i been to taka fair a few times, tempted to buy the baby cot though but also looking out for 2nd hand at the same time.
Hello! Follow Mummies... Going for a holiday before THE DAY?

WTS: Rimowa Salsa Deluxe series luggage in Brown color, 82L

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Only use it once to Tokyo and once to UK.

Retail price at $1,300+

Letting go at $850. It's a used item, scratches are expected.

Serious buyers only. SMS Winnie @ 9005 8165

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Rimowa desc
Rimowa.tiff (86.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>
hi ladies,

has anyone bought any good children cabinets huh? looking for one now to store the baby clothings.

J03, Dr din say how heavy and happy to know everything is okie heheheh ....

yo, linggie, i tried ordering but lots of tins are sold out hehee what did u order huh?

Qin : happie for you. cos the constant worrying can stop now...not easy journey as few of my frens same as you....
Letting go of my ultra beloved 1 yr old STOKKE Xplory Blue

Perfect for a boy. Imagine your 3-mth old baby at the same height with you are dinner table. Or your 9-mth old able to see the noodle chef at Ding Tai Fung open kitchen.

Mothercare price $2,209

Selling my love for $1,600

Serious buyers only. Interested parties, pls SMS Winnie @9005 8165

It's a used item, do expect normal scratches.
thanks folks. I dun think it's chickenpox. so far quite ok liao. guess i needed more rest cos at night can't sleep well.

btw, what has patang gotta do with buying stuff? don't get the full patang story leh...

try to eat wholegrain and wholemeal bread instead of white (yes i also like the taste of white bread haha), it will make u feel full longer and provide fibre as well

hah easier said than done! jia you!
