(2012/07) Jul 2012

Jas : haha! I got married at 2010 May, got pregant on May end.. Than Give birth to my #1 on March2011, than BF till Sept2011 and stop. Than hb want another Dragon, so tried.. End up November2011 tio. Than this #2 July2012 lo... Lol... Fast fast chop chop than i can go back worklife!! ^^

yup. Night outing is a nono since gave birth to my Girl... But everyday see her also happy.. Never see her, i will feel weird instead.. Haha! Like sometime hb wanna go Movie, i always wanna fast fast finish and rush home see mygirl., now hb say he like stand no place in me.. Lol!

Hmm... You also got married at quite young age hor.. Any reason why? Cause alot of ppls tell me that hardly got ppls like us wanna get married early leh.. Ppls will assume ShortGun for early marriage... =.= but my case cause me and hb paktor for 6yo, and hb think must get marriage and change the relationship to husband and wife than gf bf.. Lol ! Lame hor! =\
Angeli: wow 6 yrs mean u dated him when u were 14-15? Very sweet! Actually 2006 we ROM just nice before my 23rd bday then plan for wedding in 2007 just nice after i finish my course.. 2007 I was 24.. Same age as my mum when she got married
then got pregnant shortly and gave birth before 25th bday.. Confused?

We didnt want to wait to have kids so number two came along in 2009.. Wasnt exactly planned or unplanned was like God's plan coz my son wean off thats why can get pregant.. Nature's way..

Actually we wanted four but looks like three is good enough for me! We got married then at the same time start our jobs.. Bank no money, cpf no money also managed somehow bought our own home n car.. Maybe young has advantages more energy to do part-time jobs!! I worked alot during pregnancy.. Now also work two jobs
Jas : yup! We dated for sometime... Was back to Secondary school den... Haha! Hmmm... Ya, good to have energy to work 2job! I also want! But hb dont allow me to work now.. So currently jaga-ing my#1 and this #2... Previously #1 is taken care by me... Now #2 come along bobian.. Hired maid... Actually i wanted to go back work life after i stop BF de.. But who knows so fast tio again... After this #2 than relax finish liao i wanna after go back to work force! If not i feel sooo
Weird lo.. =\
Angelia: Im in teaching so second job is tuition. It pays me
more than my full time job so cant bear to
give it up le.. So far used up all the fees to
buy stuff for my kids.. cant stop if i wanna
save some and my tuition kids with me for couple
of years and parents expect me to commit also.. But tuition everyday very xiong and travelling takes 3hrs to n fro! Kinda crazy ah.. Sometimes i see my kids an hr a day or so
so feel guilty then start buying them toys so my place can fight with preschools.. For toys part..

I wish I can stay home and be with kids also but cannot afford.. U are lucky! Can always find a job later now that govt also encourage mothers to return to work. So u gonna get maid then will there be anyone around to supervise? Two kids can be quite tedious also... More help is always good.. I'm lucky i have MIL and her sis around so plus maid is three adults to two kids...
Jas : oh!!! You are in teaching line as part time? Great!!! I use to teach tution when i was in Secondary... My neighbour pay me for teaching her 3kids! Hahaha! But now cAnnot lah.. Got kid, i bu fang xin to go teaching too.. Eventhough, it's few hours thingy... =\

Hmm.. Me already got my maid ler. Now she taking care of my #1 lo... So now #1 is quite okay with her and can manage her well.. So more or less i get to rest... ^^

Haha! I feel you totally about the spending wise!!! Me also keep spending! My #1 is girl, i buy lagi more! Hahaha! All the HelloKitty stuffs... My hb see liao also headache! Hahaha! Now this #2 is ahboy.. Seem like nothing much to buy liao leh... Hahaa! =\
Angelia: Im teaching both full time n part time.. Resigned from MOE and joined a special school.. Very different but it's enjoyable! Mine opposite haha i spent more on my boy and girl just share brother's toys and some of her own but my son has alot more expensive stuff like his thomas trains... bicycle, scooter, tricycle, motorised ride, little tikes rides... Aeroplanes, remote control cars.. Basketball set, soccer set., golf set..Lego..blocks..tools.. Basically nothing left in toy store for him.. I dont buy those transformers or power rangers type

Your husband must be young too! Very good can be sole breadwinner n have maid too.. Not easy eh. Double income we still struggling
Jas : wah!!! You really buy alot leh! Hahaha!!! Cham lah.. Cannot jio you shopping liao.. Lol! Later keep kenna tempted! =p

Hmmm.. My husband is 1984 de... He working on his family business together with his mum...
selling secondhand Rolex watches and doing polishing repairing all this lo...
Hi jas
As someone is passing down to me the basket so can save few hundred.. See how.. Still considering...;)

Hi jas n mrs C
The coe very ex now so not advisable to change car now.. So delimma..;(

Btw all gals,
Need ur suggestion n advise as no experience in hiring maid..
I went to this agency which just nice hv a transfer maid (she looks experience with bbies and soft spoken) and heard she works 5mths for the previous owner but due to tt owner is fr China n temper not so gd so dun want her (not sure true or not) i tempt to get her but we hv to hire her by end march when i only need on May.. Agency say we can just pay for the levy n start the maid only on may.. While they help to feed her etc.. Some of my collegue suggest we shd take her now since already pay for levy but i dun know what can i asks her do now since bbies not born yet n we hv to start pay for her salary... How?? Shd i take her on march or wait till May then asks her come?? If u will me, what will u choose?? Got so many household chores to do mah? Hmm... Thk u gals..
joanne: that's great if u can use the seats given?

regarding the maid, hmm if u getting maid in May, perhaps u can let MOM know.. then the levy will commence only then. Doesn't makes sense to pay for levy when u haven't get maid and I think it can be worked out with MOM.. If u need only in May, then u gotta pay two months extra from March..

As for car, we got second hand car so the COE isn't high..

Diamondfericia: Car seats come in different sizes, mostly by age 0-9months, 6mths-3yrs, some even 0-7yrs.. do take note of the weight limit too.. the difference is the different padding and structure for different stages.. best is when u go to the shop, do get help from the sales staff then later on u can source for second hand ones if u wish to.

Angelia: your hubby is in very niche business and a young entrepreneur... u can help him with admin matter, even marketing!
Hi Jas
Dun think can woah as she is a transfer maid n if we dun pay for her levy in 21 days, she will hv to go back... Sigh.. Oso, i realise tt if we change maid.. Got to repay the $270 insurance fee.. Xiong hor so we cant suka suka change maid as waste few hundred dollar neh??
Joanne: I got my maid when my baby was two months old... so the first month my MIL and mum helped out plus I was on leave.. so wasn't so bad.. then later when we are settled we got the maid..

So u gotta see when u really need. Maybe u can wait. I'm sure there are many others available..
Jas, do you chat in dec 09 tread before or only recently? Like never seen your name before..not familiar....we all more to on fb to know one another happenings.

This is your #3? Your #1 & #2 is 1 boy and 1 girl?

Sorry, i also inactive here cos more in fb now....so dint read your earlier earlie posts.
Manunited: You read my first post.. hehe.. This is number 3, #1 is boy and #2 girl.. I kinda like the forum better than Facebook =p
Hi jas
I cant wait till after bbies r born as having two babies, i worry cant cope n will go crazy if all come at the same time n if maid not suit will be another headache..So all my friends say i shd get it before bbies r born...
Joanne: forgot u r having twins. Best is to discuss with hubby and all other family involved in primary care. Consider costs and timing.. No matter what im sure u can manage! Woman power!
Joanne, I agree with Jas. Better discuss first with hubby on who is the primary caregiver i.e. parents or you or maid or others. I kind of think that it's better to let maids handle more housework stuff than babies but help you when necessary. also, it might be better to get her one month earlier than your edd so as to assimilate her into your life or world and vice versa. You might not like her at all as this kind of relationship is very subjective.

tough choices. used to have maids when I was living with my extended family. there are alot of issues to handle and sometimes it boils down to chemistry. which is also why i just couldn't bring myself to have a maid yet but might do so once #2 is out for a while.

few cents worth. all the best. let us know how it goes k?
jas & angelia, on hindsight. i think i shud have married younger cos now it's definitely more tiring to play with kids, energy wise. but then.. i doubt i was so emotionally stable then! hahaha.. still partying very hard and playing the field at the age that you folks got married.

but it's so interesting to read your stories!
Jas : haha! Nah... No need lah... Their business after all! =\

joanne : if i were you. I'll let the maid come earlier... Let her get use to the housechores, and prepare herself and letting her know that 2bbies are coming soon! And for the time being, you can see whether is she suitable anot.. Come earlier can train and see whether both are comfortable anot... If come in a later month, i scare later *touchwood* buay gam than you have to find again than you lagi headache...

Lili gal : haha! Yup! Alot of my friends still partying at my age... That's why i say got pros and cons lo...
now i suffer abit first... 3-4years later i still can go chiong mah! Hahahaha! =p
Liligal: I was from poly n started working much younger than peers who went to uni.. Maybe that made a difference too! It's a good thing to have children younger so can retire earlier. Hopefully!
Angelia: Just a suggestion.. Haha maybe u should just relax.. Or u can look into a career in childcare seems like 200 more centres will be setup.. And it seems employee's kids get discount.. Then can see them at work. Quite good wor

Today i felt the contractions but not regular..
Suddenly i have an idea.. Shall we have a gatherig where we exchange clothes? Like i have baby girls' clothes that are in gd condition, some even new.. We could meet up and exchange with those who are expecting girls and vice versa..Maybe applies more for second time mummies.. Like that can save money!
hi joanne, i agree its better to have a maid earlier before your edd while you still have energy to train her. I got my maid in feb and she is helping to look after my mum and taking care of housechores..really helps a lot especially when we need help with housechores. But one thing about transfer maid is, there must be a valid reason why her previous owner rejected her. Did you try to ask to speak to her previous employers to find out the real reason? Agencies always try to cover for their maids saying its the employer's fault but it may not always be the case. Usually its becos the maid herself has attitude problem. So be careful if you're really getting that transfer maid. I got a fresh maid who has worked as a maid in her country...and glad i found her cos she is already experienced with housechores and looking after kids. Just need to do simple coaching. The last thing we need now is more headaches.
Jas, not too bad an idea. But nt sure if it's a fair exchange on my part cos i usually dun buy so many stuff and not much of hand-me-downs to give at all. and at that time when i buy for my boy, i kinda made sure it's unisex-able so that I can reuse! hahaha...

i dun mind receiving hand-me-downs for bb girls tho.
Jas : hahaha!!! I already pack some of mygirl's clothing for some of our Forum mummies liao... They are more active in the Fb.. ^^ i use to plan outing for our july Forum month ago.. But currently getting lazy... Maybe i will plan one soon and ofcause update the forum here!
Jas, that's a gd idea but I'm expecting my #1 so only got new bb gal clothes....can consider if it's my next bb :p

ourlovestory, I got several types of bb bottles....Tommie Tippie, Nuk, Medala and Dr Brown....don't which my bb wi like so I just bought a few each to try....

Angelia, yup yup it's v nice of u....I'm one of her benefactors from the FB forum cos need a few pieces of hand me downs for my bb gal :p
angelia, me onz! nd hand-me-downs for girls. all ages welcomed!

ourlovestory, i am totally sold by Tommy Tippie. Loved it to the core after trying so many in the beginning. Key is it takes effort to drink from it, much like BF milk. the simulation is the same as BF.
Sblbee : i'm too use to call you BL in fb lah... Make me think awhile, whose this nick is! Hahaha! No lah.. My #2 ahboy than my #1 soo many pink clothing than didi how to wear? Lol !! I rather pass down than to throw lo... Soooo pretty clothing lo!

Lili gal : haha! Let me arrange arrange arr!
I thought the popular brand is avent, but it seems like tommy tippie has won!!
tommy is the board neck type of bottles right? How do you pump to the bottles?
Angelia....yup think when I close my factory....would rather pass the clothes down to other ppl than throw away....though have new clothes for her but need some hand me downs so that she can be guai guai :p when my bb gender not 100% confirmed then I started buying lotsa pink stuff cos can't resist the temptation then I told my hubby that boys can be metrosexual too :p
I'm so envious.. Any hand me downs for baby boys? I think i have some to give for girls.. But im so scared later if #4 come and girl then didnt keep any..
Hi mummy,

I'm fm nov 2011 forum. Is anyone Looking for baby car seat "maxy-cosi cabriofix". Its only $200 + free infant chair in blue cover and extra pink cover. Message me if anyone interest.

Very brand new and only used less than 5 times.
Thks gals for ur kind advise...;)
The transfer maid tt i want is taken so i no need delimma now.. Can take my time to choose n asks the maid to come in on May.. ;) all of u hv been so helpful..;)
Hey have anybody tried making bread while pregnant? My mum has this theory that pregnant women can't make bread rise. So far, the 4 times I tried it has been like this. So upset! I really doubt it but after 4 times, now I'm feeling it. Last night failed again.

Is it true for you too?
Warded yesterday.. Sigh.. Just when I started prep the day before visiting baby fair & making first baby purchase sterilizer.. Hope everything will be ok..
Liligal : i dont get you... Make bread rise? =\

Kawaii_baby : oh noo... Why warded? What happen? Hope you are feeling better now...
morning mummies..

Jas, the inflatable house looks great! How much u bought it? Where? Still thinking wat to buy for my son for his birthday gift..

lili_gal, I think i heard from my mum b4 too..very pantang for pregnant woman..cant "fa" one..why u wan to make bread? Should rest more now..
Kawaii_baby: Oh dear, hope all is well. Rest well & take care!

Detailed scan: Finally did my detailed scan yesterday at 21 weeks. Triple confirmed is a girl! Third time seeing the 3 lines, cannot be wrong, right? Gonna start shopping soon. ;) Gynae’s DVD recorder broke down, so no more CD of the detailed scan for me this time round…

angelia, oh... i.e. when you bake homemade bread from scratch, you need to knead and then proof it i.e. leave it there to let the yeast work. that's when the bread "rises" and double it's volume to reach the fluffy stage that we want when we bake it.

kawaii, oh dear... so what happened? what's the diagnosis?

qing-er, really ah! so it's not just my mum! i love to bake so sometimes itchy hands want to bake something. it started from the last maternity leave... i was so bored and started baking. then got hooked. i prefer breads to cakes but just can't seemed to get it right now. even use breadmaker also fail! can u believe it?!

joanne, hehehehe.. i was just thinking about it too recently. are they identical? remember to tell us!

mrs c, so many girls now! congrats!!!! your #1 boy?
