(2012/07) Jul 2012

Thanks Angelia, I've updated the bb's gender!

Angelia: I updated the gender as girl sometime in early Feb, then these few days went in to kaypoh then noticed it has been changed to boy. Tried to change it back but dunno why cannot lei...

kawaii_baby: Is this your first pregnancy? If first pregnancy, tummy won't be very big or even hardly noticeable at about 5 months...it was the case for me during my #1...bump only became more obvious nearer to 6 months....so, don't worry and compare measurements with 2nd time mummies yah? As long as bb is growing and is healthy, that's the most important...
Babyo : just check, your edd is it 08July ?

Lilgal : yours is 6th july?

Cause both of you key wrongly.. =\

Mummies , for the spreadsheet, you got to key your EDD in the format etc , 14 July 2012, instead of 14/07/2012.
Mrs C, many ppl have been telling me that the tummy size doesn't really matter but hor I can't help but feel worried though everything is fine with my bb....normal size and weight but it just doesn't show especially when I see many mummies' tummies are so obvious ard my EDD (I'm in my week 21)....no one is giving up seats for me in the bus or MRT and even squeeze with me thinking that I'm just fat....so sian
<font color="green"><font size="-1">etan: thx for helping to inform the mummies here. hehe =)

mrs c: mine also got shifted. the gender column got shifted up one row frm my guess? cos the gender i input got smiley face =*) than it shifted up.

lili_gal: btw u doing taobao spree? im also using taobao. u can c the previous bp "HERE"

TGIF! </font></font>
sblbee: Dun worry…first pregnancy is like that…tummy won’t show up so fast…good also right? Easier to slim back later on? This is my 2nd pregnancy, bump started to show up at around 4 mths plus though I have not put on weight yet (lost weight in first tri, now just got back to my normal weight)…now I am wondering how big it will get…perhaps should start shopping soon before I get too big...haven't bought anything yet!

Rykiel: Yeah, I think everyone who keyed in the gender earlier got shifted up one row…coz I saw twin mummy Audrey’s bbs gender are one row up too…
sblbee:Nobody give up seat for me also
eventhough my tummy bery big le. The last time I mesure is 39.5. I so sad I gain so much weight n worrying abt how to lose it later
Sblbee : yup! I agree with Mrs C, first pregnancy normally wouldn show up too fast... This is my #2 preggy, and my tummy show up when i was just 10week like that... Aiyoh!!! =\

Mrs C : hahaha! I think we #2 mummy, our tummy loose liao lah!
so fast showed lo!! =\ your #1 is ahboy or ahgirl?!?
<font color="green"><font size="-1">mrs c: ur also up one row ma? muahhahaa. i tink all up one row leh. i edited mine lers.

dawn: can check out the taobao link i posted earlier. ur tummy all over 35" mine only 33.5 =\ im 19w d1 now. so shud i start worrying?
Thanks Rykiel I would take a look at ur link
tummy is all bcos hb keep asking me to eat n eat...every nite b4 he sleep he wld ask he whether I am hungry or not. When I told him I not he wld say bb need to eat!!
Angelia: My #1 is tiger boy...now dragon girl on the way... :D…yeah lor, the tummy all loose loose liao…can feel kicks earlier also…

Rykiel: I think should have move one row up but not too sure if the person above me got update the gender or not. My tummy 34” at 20 weeks plus…quite similar to yours…
<font color="red"><font size="-1">dawn: hmm for night time i refrain frm eating too full for supper, eg no rice, noodles still i ok with eat, but i make sure 30mins aft than i slp if i really tired, else will feel v bloated. else if not hungry ill drink either freshmilk, or hot milo than i go slp. cos i ever woke in the middle to pee n was hungry. than v diff to fall back aslp. dun worry abt size i suppose hor?

mrs c:should be ok la hor the size wise. i tink it varies from person to person bah. i get bloaty stomach once i eat full full so can swell quite big aft food. else is 33 like that? haha. wah one tiger one dragon. mine is one ckn '06 .. now one dragon '12 .. 6yrs difference. i waiting to see wad wil hppn. haha</font></font>
Mrs C : icic... Haha!!! Yaya!!! I feel the bubbly pop feel as early as Week 12... Aiyoh!! Me now thinking whether to be happy or sad... Imagine, hao bu rong yi, i slim back to pre-preggy, than now kenna #2, waliew... I have to fat one more time! =\ i'm half dead liao lo...
currently still planning for my #1 1st birthday, and now this #2 kick till like no one business... =\ is your #2 very active?!?
my bb no active today
maybe last night too active liao...I heard if eat sweet stuff bb wld be more active is it true?
Dawn : yes! If you drink sweet stuffs, bb will be more active... In fact, our bb in the night active is normal.. Cause usually day time, as we walk, bb is sleeping inside... Walk = shaking movement, so if you dont really feel bb kicking in the
Day as you walk it's normal..
<font color="purple"><font size="-1">actually by when we shud feel bb moving or kicking? i now 19wk. i felt it since last sat. but its like one day a few times. last nite i lie down than ask #1 touch my tummy amazingly #2 kicked him n #1 ROFL. but at wrk seldom feel bb kickin me leh. always is aft i pompom n lie on bed thn he karate me. but not long. kick kick arbo squirm ard thn no more.</font></font>

dawn: ur ribena is tempting me! *roar* i love ribena.. hurhurhur
Hi5 Rykiel, I buy the kind which is less swee cos I find them just nice to me (the rest abit too sweet for me) and bside we must watch out for sugar level.
Angelia, can help me to amend also? Duno how come mine become girl also..is boy
thanks! I cant amend my own, duno why?
kawaii, i'm so so so envious. this is my #2 and which is why it's much bigger at this stage. as long as your baby is healthy,that is fine. agree with Mrs C on this point. you could be slim to start with.

apparently, according to books, our immunity is lowered. I keep getting runny nose and feeling "heaty" but try to counter it with Vit C, coconut juice and green bean soup.

angelia, how do you get your EDD forwarded? thot it was counted based on first day of last menses? oh yah... 6 Jul. Thanks. :p

i had the same thot on the figure as well! I took 2 years to lose to my original weight and was happy about it and then ta dah this dragon girl came. at first quite happy cos 1st tri i vomitted my dinner every night and i lost weight. After that, it's uphill from there. wonder when i'll lose back again since I will want to BF for at least 1yr.

meiling or sblbee (can i use meiling?), when i had my first it's the same! now, i just wear my "MRT" shirt if I need to take the train i.e. one which says "Now sleeping in my mum" ! hahaha... another trick is stand in front of the reserved seat and keep touching or caressing your tummy. so far usually it's the ladies that offer up the seats to me. hence, you might want to stand at reserved seats occupied by ladies. hahahaha...

dawn, i don't really organize spree lah. not pro like rykiel. it's just that i used to stay there and have colleagues who come back to singapore now and then. plus i know of a logistic provider friend who only charge me at cost for the delivery. so... more on personal note.

rykiel, let me know if u want to use the logistic provider services. u can compare quotes.
Rykiel: Yalor...one tiger, one dragon...both fierce zodiac...haha...

Angelia: Haha...nvm...after #2, can still slim back again...i also have #1 birthday to plan in June, but it is his 2nd birthday, so will just do a simple one...

Baby kicking: For first time mummy, between 18-22 weeks can start to feel baby kicks. For 2nd time mummy, can feel as early as 15-16 weeks...same here...i can feel the kicks more at night when i lie down or when i had something sweet...as we progress, the kicks will get more and more when bb gets bigger and there is less room for them to move around...by then you may be able to see the movements as well...i recorded my #1 moving in me last time when i was about 8 mths plus preggie...really freaked those who never see before...Lol!
Qing-er : noted!

Lilgal ; hmm... Dont know leh.. Now i'm fix to 14th July lo...

Mrs C : icic... Aiyoh!! Luckily yours is June arr. if July, you more headache lo...
<font color="purple"><font size="-1">dawn: normally ill dilute with some water first. or use ice. cos the ribena really v sweet compared to those we make at hm.

lili: interested! =)pm wo?

mrs c: really v fierce leh. hehe how abt ur self?
Mrs C: really can see the hands n elbow?? My colleague said can see hands n elbow when they kick n punch u. how amazing
Dawn, meiling: i have asked for the seat a few times on buses and trains.. If the person in reserve seat is men in 20-40s confirm no excuse.. I just say ,"Excuse me, may I have the seat please?" then they sure stand up.. Cannot pretend also.. Try it! Maybe scary first time but u need to be proactive.. Many times people do give up their seat so it isn't that bad.
Rykiel: Me horse...haha...the kids zodiac all garang-garang one...

Dawn: yeah, can see "lumps" which could be the knees or elbows...sometimes the whole tummy go lopsided when bb moves/lean one side...very amazing...but never see footprint or hand palm like this pic (http://www.baby2see.com/development/week37.html)...sometimes wonder whether this is even possible?
rykiel : pm me lah! It's my personal friend's mummy's company. hahaha.... i used to work in China for many years. if you can estimate rough weight or volume on a monthly or per time basis, i will ask them for a quote.
dawn &amp; mrs c: REALLY?!?! my first one can see the bump at the area where he kicked. I took videos. can even see the bump moved from left to right. caused me a lot of pain though fun to watch. This #2 is so super active and violent. kick all the time. dragon dragon.

rykiel : btw, how you ship over currently? which forwarder you use?
Diamondfericia : i received.. Will add you later when i on my lappy okay?
btw, can you add me in FB first? My fb nick is Angelia Mark Cherelle . Than by there , than i can add you in easier...
lili gal: My description of the "lumps" is the same as your "bump at the area where he kicked"...and yes those "lumps/bumps" will move around...gynae told me those "lumps/bumps" are the elbows or knees...but i never get to see footprint or handprint like the pic in the link i posted though...
Same for me...can feel baby moving when I'm seating or lying down stationary. But when I move the baby don't really move, though at times she still does.
My baby's quite active...sometimes I wonder if she ever sleeps -_-"
mrs c, i heard those photos were photoshop-ed. some gynae said it's close to impossible to see that. got one guy even photoshop-ed a baby face on the tummy.. hehehee.....

marie, mine is so active that i'm ignoring her liao. funny is that when daddy put his hand there, she'll stop. definitely a daddy's girl.
Angelia: No problem. Anytime when you are free. Ok. I try to find you, don't really know how to find people using mobile phone FB.

OK. I found you and added you.
Jas, maybe i should learn from you, to ask them to give up their seats… there was once a primary school boy wanted to give up his seat for me, but his mum ask him to sit back down, saying i am not pregnant just fat….. nearly scolded the mum on the spot..
<font color="purple"><font size="-1">mrs c: haha. nvm la. u can 'stable' them =DDDDD

liligal: pm u liaosh... hurhur i using agent der.

at times whn i breathe i feel my gastric side painful. or when i eat ok i walk, tummy will pain, like u know running 2.4 too long than pain that type of tinge. -.-" anyone with this prob?
Dawn , Zhen &amp; DiamondFericia : You're added in our FB..

Hello, May i know is Jasmine C H , one of the mummies here.. ? Cause no PM receive on my FB, and i dont know this ppls... If you're the one, please kindly pm me your SMH nick in Fb... Thank so much ~
Apple : in the first place bah.. Now more or less is fix... My 1-2nd check up is 16July... Than 3rd visit onward fix at 14th July liao lo...
