(2012/07) Jul 2012

Apple1234: My boy's nanny is charging $660, before he was on solids, she charges $600. Mon to fri, 8am to 8pm.
Mrs C, that's quite cheap...

I found one NB with S$700....>_<
Thanks mummies! U gals really make me feel better! Hehe, u mummies are really so funnie but maybe cos of my broad structure and loose clothing so ppl will just think I'm
fat and not pregnant lor so can't be helped....just hope that I can tahan all the standing in the buses and trains....
Gals, the rates that u r paying for a nanny might as well get a maid....with the maid levy subsidy, think it would be cheaper and also u get the household chores done at the same time.
Mrs C, yup, 1st baby. tummy can go lopsided when baby move? so cute! i keep waiting for baby to move, when she's quiet, i start wondering if she's ok.. also, she seems to know when i'm peeping at her coz when i feel her moving &amp; i try to see, she stops :p

lili_gal, green bean is ok to drink? maybe i try tomorrow. i've been drinking LOTS (1 pot a day) of luo han guo for my cough/sore throat, hope it's ok..

strangely, i found it easier to get seats during peak periods compared to off-peak. the working class more willing to give up seats than those who travel during off-peak (but i travelled off-peak only once). works best when i wear my big baggy maternity dress even though i'm far from filling up the dress :p
but there was once in the evening, this GUY wanted me to give up the RESERVED seat to him when the seat beside me was empty!!! only reason i could see was he had a luggage.. &amp; he did look more pregnant than me.. he actually pointed at the reserved sign when he asked me to give him the seat.. last i check, it didn't cover guys with luggage..
Kawaii_baby: that man is classic! Must be mid life crisis..

Dawn: our uterus is actually very safe and cushy for baby.. Can withstand small knocks but do go doc immediately if any pain arises or bleeding.. Hope u r fine!

Apple1234: actually being alone with baby can be very stressful especially if baby is not easy to handle. I have maid but my MIL is around so there is a peace of mind with an elder. Afterall family members will help to 'supervise'.. If really no choice get maid, a more experienced one will help greatly and must look after small babies before. My friend has a filipino maid who have a few kids herself in 40s and can look after baby and young child well. Salary is higher but safer...

Most maids are willing to work hard coz not easy for them to come here alone and if u treat them right, it's human nature I guess that they try their best in a safe environment.

I've never had friends who send their child to nanny.. Maybe it's a dying trade.. Some are very good and charge high fees.. Some I feel have their own household to look after so can't be fully committed...
kawaii_baby: Yes, but now now...at later stage during 3rd trimester...you can look forward to amazing things that you get to see and feel only during pregnancy...

Apple1234: Yeah, same here with me...not comfortable with maid at home alone with bb...also, the loss of privacy and we don't really fancy the idea of a stranger living in the same house...that's why I engaged a nanny...and i am glad i found one with grown up kids (both her kids are 20+ years old), so she is very free at home and is fully committed to my #1...

Jas: That graco stroller looks good...did you also get the matching car seat? I am tempted to get it too...
Mrs C: there is matching car seats but it costs $235 for infant car seat and i observe the prices on the website fluctuates due to change in currency n sale.. So im monitoring since dont need the seat so soon.. Can test out the pram with my other kids too.

I read up the reviews for days for this pram. Seems really promising.. Only cons i see is that the brakes is located in the middle and may kick when pushing but only two reviews wrote that.. Others dont seem to have the problem so apart from that the 12 seat configuration is really good! Very versatile and price seems reasonable. It's new model 2012 so locally dont sell but i think the price will be at $500 or so.. $340 is really great!!
marie, definitely another daddy's girl! hahahaa...

zhen, the mother is so terrible! she should have asked. but then if you weren't preggy and she asked then guess you will be offended. so i suggest next time just tell her u ARE pregnant and she will get it plus a seat for u.

kawaii, local man? middle aged?

rykiel, my friend's mum is now at home nursing the grandma cos she is sick so did not appear in company quite a bit. let me get the quote for u when the grandma gets better. but hor... u'd still nd someone to pay taobao for u. my friend can do consolidation &amp; collect cheaply.
Angelia: Sure, tomorrow no problem! I updated the google doc too... But it didn't reflect the changes. Guess you need to approve first?
i have been online shopping a lot lately.. wanna share some good buys apart from the Graco stroller I posted earlier..

Little Tikes Secret Garden Playhouse (Selling $359 locally - but prubuy priced it at $239)

Girl's bicycle with training wheels 12" (for $49 and really attractive)

That's all for now.. Have a great weekend! Yay, it's March hols!
apple1234, actually I'm thinking of putting my maid with my mum or my in laws in the day time....then they can help me monitor her....night time there's less issue cos I'm ard :p

jas, I bought the set at $1159....I didn't compare much but it's definitely more ex as compared to amazon....had wanted to get stokke from amazon but decided against it cos of the weight and size....
Hi Jas
Oh, u buy already ah..;) i am Interested too but worry get too early le... Do u think the stroller can be be use for twins bbies? Tt means i need to get two basket? If i already hv one basket, will it be compatible to the stroller or only their specific basket? Thk u so much..;)

Hi rykiel
Has our orders arrive yesterday? Can we collect fr u today? Thk u...
Hi all,

I'm currently pregnant with my first baby boy and EDD is 26 July 2012.
Am going for the week 20 scan this coming monday. May I ask if this scan will be longer and more detailed?
Joanne: I am also interested in that stroller but still thinking about it...i think can use for twins but you will need two car seats...you can look at Image 9 of 20 (under "Other views") in the link given by Jas earlier...but hor, when the twins outgrow the carseat, how do you plan to let them sit in it? One have to face front, and one face the back? Front &amp; back seat different sizes...for me, it will be a baby + toddler, so toddler in front, baby behind...

Hi mrs C
Oh.. Cant sit two toddlers ah?? I still hv one single stroller fr my elder boy so if no choice, bring two out.. Lol.. Not sure whether car boot can accomodate both or not..;p When u intend to buy? R u going to buy with the basket too?

Btw, just curious, is it a must tt bbies must sit in basket in car? If adult carry ok or not? Will get fine or not?? Thk u..
Joanne: The back seat capacity is smaller and your twins will be same size...if next time, both big already, then one cannot fit the smaller seat how? I am not sure when and whether to buy or not...coz i also have a single stroller now...wondering whether i should just make my todd (by then will be 2 yo) walk....but if he is tired or want to nap, i am thinking it is good to have a double stroller...

By law, all bbs must sit in car seat...
Joanne: this model can take two infant carseats and still more compact than normal double strollers.. The front seat is meant for smaller child but can still take up to 3yrs old coz up to 40pounds.. And back seat can take up to 50pounds.. Prob 5yr old.. By then your toddler may want to stand.. so it's still possible to use for twins. They sell package with two car seats i think 700+
Michychan: welcome! Week 20 scan will scan for baby's heart, lungs, most organs, limbs, facial features.. Mine took about 30mins. My radiographer was really detailed..
Meiling: amazon plus shipping is about same price. It's really good quality Italian stuff!

Qing-er: I missed your reply on BW.. The name itself sounds so painful... I think i wont dare try

Recently i bought an inflatable playhouse for my kids from little Tikes.. They are havig whale of a time! If ever we organise gathering, the kiddos will love it coz it's so portable when deflated. Can bring anywhere..Shall post pic later
Thks mrs C n jas for ur advise..;)
Hi jas
$700?? Thot last time u mention $500 plus include the basket? Wonder how long is the shipment takes? Maybe will be at 3rd trimester?? ;)

Hi mrs C
By law hv to take carseat but some bbies dun like to sit in it n want cuddle.. How then?
Joanne: Yours are twins? One car seat is 500+.. Two seats will be 700+.. U can browse at the website. Each seat alone sells for $289 in singapore. One of the most popular n good infant seats.. I bought without the car seat and scouting for used one

Shipment is rather quick abt 2 weeks
Hi Jas,

Thanks for the info!

Saw a few mummies commented that baby has to be awake for the scan? Any idea how to 'wake' the baby up? Heehee.. :p
Jas: Wow! The inflatable hse looks fun!

Joanne: That's why we parents have to train the bbs to sit in carseat from as young as possible...it is for their safety also...if they cry, just have to be cruel and tahan the cries lor...for my #1, he started sitting in his carseat from just a few days old...everytime we go out, i will tell him we are going gai-gai, so must sit in carseat and stroller...he hardly fuss about it...nowadays when i'm lazy to put him in the carseat for short distance drive within the neighbourhood, he will auto climb into the carseat himself...
Michychua: I've seen my gynae using the probe to make the baby change position.. So far, haven't come across baby sleeping during scan.

Hmm anyone seen baby sleeping during ultrasound?
Hi Jas
Yes u r right..;) but can we use our own any basket to attach to the stroller? Thx ya..;)

Hi Mrs C
Oh.. Then am real headache.. As i need to hire a maid to take care my twins.. In a normal saloon car, if i put in 2 carseat plus my elder son, me n hubby.. Already full.. How to squeeze in the maid?? ;( so i thot if can carry then i can carry one bb in car but... Hmm...any advise? Thk u..
Joanne: the specifications say it takes graco snugride seats. If u attach any others it might not be secured. U bought seats already?

Regards to child in car seat, my daughter is not used to sitting from start so I had to carry her with me all the time in car n nurse her at the same time too. Now she's older finally she can sit in carseat but safety was always a concern before this. We upgraded our car to 7 seater when we having second child to accommodate all..
Jas - I heard my fren shake her tummy gently to wake her baby up. Hmm, if the probe can wake him up, then i think that shd be fine! Haha..
WTS: New Old Navy Bodysuits for 3 to 6 months baby boys at S$8 each. Images of the bodysuits are attached with the links to website.

The bodysuits are suitable for babies from 3 to 6 months, measuring 23" to 27" and weigh 12 to 17 pounds.

1) http://oldnavy.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=54061&amp;vid=1&amp;pid=897479&amp;scid=897479062


I just received the package from Old Navy and my 3 months old son cannot wear the bodysuits because he is too big. If you are interested, kindly contact me at 96568688 to deal. Collection at Kovan MRT Station.
Angelia: i saw my entry in the list and u r the youngest mum! and #2! Good job! I thought i started pretty young already
Michy, no need to worry. the ultrasound frequency will wake your baby up. Even if he/she doesn't wake up, the scan still continues.

Jas, your house looked very big to accommodate such a huge playhouse! it looked really fun though. does it come with a electric pump? it will be boring for my kid now since he's still the only one with no cousins and no one else to play with.
Liligal: mine's a 5 rm flat.. It comes with a blower.. I meant like if we have a gathering then the kids can play together! It may be the only one in singapore! No one sells it. But i saw a few malaysian toy retailers selling cheaper than what i paid! So if u r keen can go check out

I'm trying to rent it out to earn some extra money hehe..
Jas : haha! Yup... I'm the youngest so far.. =p hmmm.. Give birth early got pros and cons lah... I xi sheng my freedom worr.. Hahaha!

Angelia:I got married when i was 22 few days before bday.. My son was born when I was 24

I think after getting married got more freedom eh can pahtoh anytime we want.. N see each other more... With kids also not that bad except no night outings coz bfing..I enjoy my kids alot like my best friends!
