(2012/07) Jul 2012

rer-rer: Mine also left hand. No idea what happened though. According to babycentre, it's called carpal tunnel syndrome but don't know whether it's the same thing we are referring to. To prevent this, try not to sleep on your hand and try shaking your hand until the pain or numbness reduces. It mention that it usually go away gradually after giving birth.

Hi Sunbelle
I checked out the medela pump spree and seller recommend us to buy like 2 mths before our EDD as there is motor warranty etc. I think the cheapest i saw is $500 for Medela freestyle. Tinking of gettig that.

Just wondering..wld that be any change in the gender if we had a scan at 16wks? I hope not.coz i bought a lot of clothes for my bb boy..
sblbee, qing-er.. i'm choosing to deliver at Mount Alvernia.. My doc said mine is 100% confirmed boy coz his birdie was huge.. hahaha.. doc said she already noticed the birdie during my 13th week scan but she didnt wanna tell me yet..

Are u ladies attending the baby fair this weekend? Hubby doesnt want me to buy anything yet as he said it's too early.. so i guess im juz going to look at prices and models that interest me.. then buy them during the Jun baby fair..
joanne : ya, i din log in for a long time. i dunno my bb gender yet. i hv not seen/ heard from my doc since the oscar scan! ha, jia lat right, he din call me and i also din call him - i mean my gynae.. hopefully no call = all is ok lah. my detailed scan is mid march, cant rem what date.. i dun wan to know the gender so early.. thinking of telling the doc not to tell me until perhaps 7mths.. but my hubby & in law like so much wan to know.. haha, dont care, gg to keep them in suspense. my bb 16 weeks now.. yesterday still make me puke water... i always puke water, dunno y.. somemore in the bus..

rykiel : tks! i wanna shop for online clothes!
Excitedmom, yah I think it's impt for both my hubby and I to test the stroller out as we both need to handle it at some point of time....really keen to get the peg perego switch but so many ppl recommended me to get combi or maclaren....so torn :p

Qing-er, really??? My EDD was initially 17th but moved to 18th....what's the size of ur bb now? I think mine is really v small cos it's just 12 cm though my gynae said it's normal in terms of size.

Diamondfericia, yah kinda worried abt the 10% chance as I started to invest in pink items for my princess :p

E Tan, no worries....if that happens then both of us can swap our stuff as I bought lotsa things for my bb gal too :p

Soulsista, I'm delivering at Mt A too, perhaps we will have each other's company if that really happens!!! I wanted to go to the bb fair but wonder if I got time to go or not, I also don't like to squeeze in crowds given our condition....
sblbee mine is also ard 12.3 cm.. so dun worry its not small.. have u felt the kicks yet? mine is constantly kicking but when he doesnt i get worried..
Soulsista, actually I can't differentiate between the bb's kicks and other sensation....I can't really feel anything most of the time and I'm kinda worried too. When I saw the ultrascan, I thought my bb's legs are like frog's legs cos they are so skinny :p
ladies, when is the best time to start taking birdnest? and is it better to consume raw or bottled ones? any recommendations?
Hi wiwigo
My tcm say we shd start bird nest at wk17 when bb lung is starting to grow.. Earlier not of much use since their limbs r growing at tt stage.. U can start at wk 17 n one piece to boil each time. He says eat once per mth for 2nd trimester n eat weakly for 3rd trimester.. I abit kiasu so may eat once biweakly for 2nd trimester.. Boil urself one better as not so sweet.. Whereas bottle one oso can but add some water in it before consume..;)
wiwigo, I started taking bird's near during trimester 1....abt once to twice a week....mixture of cooked and bottled ones but bottled ones are more convenient
@ Joanne, sblbee and spore1982 - oh ok thanks for the info. =)

@spore1982 - I just checked out Dynasty Nest.. Woahhhh they are so cheap!!! How is their quality?
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- BN Playskool busy balls patterns & colours $15
- BN Pigeon breastmilk storage bottles (3pcs) $10
- BN Pigeon S sized teat (standard neck) $2.50
- BN Pigeon M sized teat (wide neck) $3.00
- BN Nuk Anti colic wide neck teat 1 0-6m $5
- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 2 tins of NAN 2 400g (exp Oct'12) $10 each
- 2 tins of Similac 400g (exp May'12) $10 each
- 2 btl Gerber puffs (strawberry apple and peach, exp Sep'12) $7
- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350
- Avent refill 10 cups (240ml) $18

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
Anyone Doc endorse swimming or take up that aqua aerobics class at Kkh? What kind of exercises do they teach? Think I try to do on my own since their classes are so full now.
Hi E Tan
R u refering to tan leng leng spree? Last year the pump selling only at $450.. Now increase another $50 more.. Ya, her leadtime is usually 2mths..r u going get fr her?

Morning gals.. Another one more day to go n will be weekend...
Is the dynasty nest trustworthy?

Will u all let ur CL sleep alone with the baby in a room? my hb is very worried that the CL will handle the bb at night so my mum said let the bb slp with us or dun close the door if the slp with bb.

Time pass so slowly this week....
booney, yha i think they are. I called them up and they showed me their AVA import license and the AVA lab result.
Definitely a bargain =)
soulsista, sblbee, high 5..me too will deliver at mt.a..hehe..my first also delivered there n i like d food n service there..recently my sil just delivered at tmc..she told me she cant choose d confinement food, some got chicken..but in mt.a, we got pork, fish n other variety to choose from..
hope to see u both in mt. a

sblbee, my last check up was on 3/02, bb tat time abt 10cm+ if not wrong..so duno wat is the length now..dun worry, as long as bb healthy is ok..i m very petite so in fact my son also not very tall, he got my gene..although worry but then pd said his height is normal..maybe he needs to hv more sports in future..nothing is important than a good health

birdnest: I just started to consume on mon..lazy to cook..if can, i will try to eat once a week until deliver..thinking to buy the double boil cooker but then still looking for those with timer type..anyone saw it b4? Tried to find at taka, OG but couldnt find it..me too, prefer the cook one than ready made one..sometimes ready made one not so pure as those cook one..
Dear July mummies who are not in our Facebook group.. we are having a meetup tmr

July Dragon Mummies 小龙包 dinner meetup!
Date: 17th Feb, 2011 (Friday)
Time: 6pm onwards
Venue: Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao @ Ngee Ann City #04-27

We have 18 confirmed pax now.. so join us if u can make it! The restaurant does not accept reservations so I'll go earlier to get us the table arrangements. Let me know if u'll like to join us and meet more mummies for some laughs, food and fun.

HAHAH.. slbee, okie..we will swap provided we both have a change in the gender when doing scan.

Hi Joanne, Yes, I am thinking of ordering from her. Outside retail is much more exp. I saw at Mothercare selling at $988.. For hers just get an Int. Adapter and its new. Prob. order late april.
I wil get the Freestyle.. wat abt u?
tanny: am at 16 weeks and still threw up everything I ate last night....think it's getting worse for me (as compared to 1st tri) as the dizzy spells sets in plus I'm a little low blood
Fluffy, I wish to join u guys but I need to pick up my son from cc in the evening..hope next time can join..u all hv great fun ya!!

E Tan, I also aim at the medela freestyle..lot of good comments..during #1, i never invest in pump, passed down from my sil..i just able to pump for 1mth+
..tis time round I hope i can bf longer..do u all consider pre-loved pump, then we just changed all d parts?
Hi Qinger and etan
Yes, same as u, i got pass down manual advent pump fr SIL.. It was so tiring tt i give up after one mth plus.. Hence, think of invest a gd one. Yes, i intend to order the free style one fr her too..
I did tot of buying pre-loved pump but some of them selling ard sgd$350 and some even $400.. i rather add abit more get new one.. The spare parts would cost abt$40 on top of that. Some 350 one they use for nearly 6-8mths le.

I also worried tat i only use for few mths..then decide to stop bf.. coz many ppl tell me very troublesome.. to be bf when u come back to work.
I'm so sorry, i'm gg to ask a mountain tortise qn. =X I rem someone ever posted the spree link on milk pump. (not sure if it's the Tan Leng Leng one) But where did u all find the spree on the medela pump? =X =X =X

I thought i clicked in the link and i saw no warranty...
I can't make it for the dinner tmr, forgot we gotta go celebrate my mum's bday in adv....I m so blur!

Oh yah anyone got recommendations for the massage lady? the lady who did for me quite full n can't confirm n there's 1 my fren recommend but so ex $70 per hr...
Glad to see that so many mummies decided to deliver at Mount A. I can't make it for tml dinner as well. Hope to join you all in the next outing.

I wanna invest in Medala pump too but am afraid when I invest and end up no milk. I know we must be positive and everyone have milk. It's whether you do it correctly.
im delivering at Mt A too! under Dr Ho Hon Kwok! :) this sat is my next visit and i shld be able to tell the gender and next sat is the detailed scanning!! :)

i have recieved the package from Mt Alvernia (maternity package), are we suppose to fill it up now? any one has already done so?
woa..so many of us will deliver at mt. a..did anyone of u visit mt. a as heard now is in major renovation..hopefully by july, just left d minor part..I might visit in may or june to see d condition..

Denise, u dun need to sign d package so early..think can sign at the later stage, no hurry..me probably will sign during May after I visit..u opt for single or double beded?

diamondfericia, my friend also told me the same thing..she said she just invested in normal pump..then got milk flow, then she only invested in medela freestyle..for me, dun wish to invest 2 pumps since is my 2nd, mostly my last too..but bf, really need lot of determination..my office doesnt hv a good environment for me to pump..so i m hesitate also..but at least first 3-4 mths, i can use it during my ml..so dilemma..
qing-er: I heard from my friend that the renovation maybe ending before July. Let's pray. This is my 1st and will be trying for a 2nd one. Mostly likely will invest but don't know when only as I intend to pass to my sis.

I hope that i can BF at most till my BB gal is 1 yr old and that's provided I have. *Pray* Tks god my office have a time out room so should be no problem in pumping out the milk. My ex colleague once pumped in the toilet cubicle, I can even smell the milk when am washing my hands.
Hi ladies,
Have you started to eat bird's nest n cordyceps? It is the right time to start eating them.
My detail scan is on 23 Feb. I do not know the gender yet cos the umbilical cord blocked the view in my last scan.
Normally your gynae will inform you the right time to register with the hospital for the delivery. I will be opting Mt E single bedded. In case my hb wants to stay over, it is allowable too.

One more thing to remind but it might be different in each clinic. Normally once detailed scan result is normal, your gynae will ask you to sign a package with him. From the package, all consultations onward r free including the vitamins n medicines you take from gynae. Take more multivit so that after delivery you can still eat for at least a month.
@ qing er: I bought mine at Tangs but it did not have a timer. Maybe you can check it out, who knows they have a timer one this time..
rer-rer: Mine's even more ex...charging $120 per session for 5 sessions. She uses herbs and not massage oil. My friend and her cousin has used her service and they both slimmed down very fast...and I mean by the baby's full month. Apparently she is very good with her massage. And she is also very eithical. She recommended only 3 sessions for my friend's cousin when she knew that was all she needed...doesn't "over-charge"
diamondfericia, let's pray..hope it will finish b4 july..i duno when will i pop tis time round..hopefully i can "tong" till week 37/38..my #1 delivered 1mth earlier..

spore1982..thanks..hubby also asked me to go tangs hv a look cox they selling more kitchen stuffs there..ur is it toyomi brand?
Qing-er - im thinking of 1 bedder so hubby can stay with me. cause i scared to sleep alone. if take 2 bedder if no one beside me still comes to the same! HAHAH! So i told my ah lao either 4 bedder (which i heard from many not advisable) or 1 bedder straight!

BB (alva) - i have started on Cordecepys with wolfberry double boil say 2/3 times a month and bird nest twice a week! :)
Denise, me too will mostly opt for 1 beded..previously hubby got stayed with me..but tis time round he cant cox we got 22mths boy at home he needs to tk cr once i admitted..1 beded got more privacy..i scare my neighbour is malay..sorry no racist but usually they got more relatives to visit n noise level is high..really cant rest..i m those light sleep type ppl..if not wrong, i spent 5900 for 1 beded, natural w/ epidural in 2010..paid 2k+ cash..so still ok..

u very hardworking n on..i m not so hardworking tis time compare when got #1..and i drank cold stuffs first..first totally dun touch..feel guilty also..
BB, me too..started my package since my 4mths check up..$570 including vitamins..tis gynae very cheap compare my first..hehe..really save alot!
Qing-er -- means it cost about 6k in total normal + epi and Medisave cover roughly how much?

so all in all u just have to come out 2k+ cash for the remaining?

diamondfelicia - i think my gynae also charges that rate, exluding all the multivits and all.
Qing-er, Diamondfelicia, Denise, your package is cheap. Mine should be around few thousands cos it includes gynae delivery fee. That is the only package my gynae has.

I strongly agree single bedded has more privacy especially after delivery, I took a longer time in the bathroom washing n soaking salt so I don't like to share the room. Just hope the delivery day is not a peak day!

I engaged the massage from Paragon, better quality n hv free lessons to teach u to massage ur baby.
BB: Mine does not include gynae delivery. $900 only include the U/S, urine test and consultation fees within the given appt.

I engaged ML called Nadia, recommend by my friend. Said that my friend's friend lost 10 kg in 7 sessions. She used lemongrass oil. Hope can go back to my figure or better slimmer.
Diamondfelicia, your package is quite reasonable compared to me no package n I hv already spent more than $1500 for u/s, urine test n consultation fees as of now. My detailed scan will be at Paragon by dr Ann.

Denise, cordyceps with wolf berry. You can put a little pao sheng with a chicken drum. I eat it alternate week.
Hi denise
Mind to share how u made the cordycep soup using double boil method? Sometime i worry will we get overdose of chinese herbs.. I heard cordycep is real gd but how frequent can we consume it? Thk u..
BB: I spent about $1.1K for my first 3 appts before starting my package at week 14. I find it quite expensive for mine as compare to Adrian from SK. My friend who went to Dr Adrian said that his package starts very early. Should have go there.

<font color="red"><font size="-1"> how's everyone doing? i had my 2nd appt at the gynae on the 15th, m at 15w6d than n bb open leg bigbig. It's A Lil Prince! hehehe, big n clear. bb must be telling us to stop guessing, nw checkup i let u all see. hurhurhur..

seen u all posting abt those herbs thingy. actually what chinese herb cannot take too often that is heaty? MIL keeps blame my parents for making tonic soup for me whn i had #1 as #1 came out with sticky eyes cos too heaty. now ask me not to drink! im like =( cos i like to drink the ckn soup my parents make. wad herb to avoid?

next is to inform that the bp for maternity clothes, nursing wear etc. is up, free go see see =) Rykiel's Maternity Barangs BP#2

i am gg to start shopping slowly for bb as hub keeps insisting its too early to buy, went nex jus now wanted to buy some bottles n pacifier n was blocked. boo..</font></font>
