(2012/07) Jul 2012

joanne, u could either go see your gynae or gp. just double check with ur gynae the med the gp gave u. coz i realised not all gp will know what med is safe for pregnant women though we tell them up front. i encountered once before. take care.

Oh ya gals! Heard b4 dat beyond 12 weeks our uterus will go above our pelvic bones. Was wondering where dat means n how to feel it. Saw this pic dat shows where ur uterus shud b during e diff week preg. Juz for sharing ;)


Anyway, can anyone feel ur uterus? They say its hard but everywhere is hard for me frm above my belly button!
Lim Mai Ne, meiling,

how much is the parentcraft class ah?
only at AMK hub?

so far for me haha, i'm staying in jurong...
duno if hubby wana attend again or not? cos he attended once with me at Mt A for #1
Pink piglet, there are several outlets to choose from....I chose AMK cos I live around that area....
U can register with the hospital that u r delivering as well, though I'm going to deliver in Mt A but I signed up with TMC cos they have more weekend time slots....as I'm a non member so I paid $300+ whereby members pay $200+.
Actually don't think u need to attend again cos they are teaching the same things....most of my friends don't attend after their #1.
hi subelle,
should be okie to do the back and shoulder massage.I did engage a natal masseur before, she says top part of body okie to exert some strength but not on stomach and feet.
I read that massage chair vibration is okie coz when we walk and stuff.. even more vibration. besides bb is protected by our fats..or rather the stomach.

Hi sblbee
I also plan to give birth at Mt A though i seeing doc at TMC. The other way round as u. When are we suppose to start the prenatal class. Other than AMK, which other location can we take the class?
Good morning mummies....

Had to call & postpone my detailed scan as zhun shun hubby out of town! Surprisingly their appts are not packed at all & I could rescheduled to 2 days later!
Joanne...there is this viral infection going around...dun take any chance as vomiting & LS can result in dehydration, take care & speedy recovery.

thank you for your information. how much u pay for the confinement huh? they quote 2050 excluding the maid levy.

E-Tan : yeah cos being having shoulder pains and aches so wonder why. hahhhaah old liao i guess

JO3: Take good care and quickly go see doctor leh.
ourlovestory, thanks so much for sharing the link to the recipe!! I will get my hubby to try maybe next weekend! My mom is so sweet. She called me to tell me she making the black chicken essence for me today and i must go home drink. I didnt expect her to cook bu pin for me coz her health is v bad and i dun wana trouble her. Mothers are always the best!

Anyway, so early must book for pre-natal class and massages??
E Tan, u can start ur prenatal class from week 20 onwards. U can check the locations at the tmc cec registration website.

sunbelle, I'm quoted the same amount as u.

Joanne, take care and go see a doc soon...
Hi all,

Wanna ask around if anyone experiencing bad cramps (similar to period cramp kind) at around week 14 of pregnancy? I've been having it quite frequent lately and am a little worried.
Michy: i hv cramps but more e 2nd day suan suan feeling. Nt pain but juz numb n tired ard e tummy area. Usualli ppl say is uterus growingbut u can call ur gynae to play safe
Mich...it shd b quite normal bcos of uterus growing & moving up, try not to have sudden movements like getting up too fast which does aggrevate the pain. Think you shd check it out wif gynae too since you describe bad cramps.
tis morning i got the mens feeling below. sit down also feel the meimei part like soresore suansuan one. now ok liao. is it the muscles pulling or wad? iyoyo.. i had a sinful dose of kikapoo for lunch =x
ya same as you I will be delivering at Mt A too...was thinking of attending Mrs Wong class cos feedback on her seems quite good & refresh memory cos 2 yrs ago liao hehe..
Piglet...if you wan to attend mrs Wong class gota booked early cos her classes are popular and always filled up very fast.
Hi to all July mommies, I am new here
. Just wondering how much weight have you all gained thus far? Am in my 18 weeks and seem to be gaining more than my first pregnancy.:0
I just gave a call to Mt A on their pre-natal course, they only conduct at MT A itself. I will check with TMC this Friday when I am there.
The bed tour at Mt A has been taken up for most sats.. only March onward available.

Have u ladies book or confirm your bed type yet?
Welcome Pinna. I din gain any weight at all during 1st tri..but now one week into 2nd tri, i oredi put on 1.5kg suddenly! hope it's attributed to CNY bingeing and not a constant gain...

Etan - yalor...i also remember nearing EDD then nurse help book bed type? not so soon one...best is tat day no avail beds then they auto upgrade for you the premium suite FOC
bambi, i feel the same as you. I do sleep better in t1 than t2...now i feel so tired everyday due to the lack of sleep...

jul_mom, your mum is so nice to take care of you!
then you do not need to make your own chicken essence! enjoy! ;0)

i was watching tv last night and the actresses were dicussing about period pain and cold drinks. in general, women should not drink too much cold drinks. when i think about it, i think it is rather true. I totally stopped drinking cold drinks for a couple of months and then i was pregnant! we have been trying for a couple of years already. it is just personal experience to share lah..
now i still slip a few mouths of cold drinks but will try to avoid if possible :D
ourlovestory - dunno y..this preg i like to take cold drinks lei..which i wasn't a fan of previously, or shld i say i more bo chup for #2 compared to #1 days....;p

yah tired n body aches...no amt of sleep helps. I also had the double boil chix essence on sun, but no effect on me tis time (last time i drank oredi felt energised n alert whole nite)
sg_sc, i know we are not saints.. so we still will drink cold drinks especially in later stage when our bodies get really warm! if can don't drink cold drinks, i am sure it will benefit us and our bb! jia you!!
err.. i also bo chup.. i take cold drinks, coffee and tea and coke too.. :p but all moderately lah.. nothing too excessively..

ie. i only drink either a cup of coffee or a cup of tea A DAY. stuff like that.. hehe..
Ashley, I also been eating quite freely. Hahah. :p

meiling, I still drinking cold drinks since beginning. This time round harder for me to control....Not much drink choices.

Pink Piglet, you attending prenatal again for #2 ar?

Jul, ur mum is so sweet.

Hello Pinna
Sg SC... Wat I understand is they will not upgrade foc if the choice of room is not not available, still gota pay for it ar!

Ourlovestory....I watch the variety show too...so curious at the packets of good bacteria for promoting healthy gut!
extracted from a website:

"A pregnant women will be doing a lot of good for her as well as for her unborn child if she resists drinking cold drinks during pregnancy. She must avoid gassy cold drinks, especially the artificial sweetened ones. The cold drinks that contain gases can make a pregnant women nauseous. Instead of taking cold drinks, a pregnant women can take milk and dairy products that provide a large amount of calcium needed to build the babies bones and teeth plus riboflavin and protein."
Hahah can drink cold soya milk rite? No patient to wait for it to cool down and hor, I prefer to drink cold milk or else hard to swallow down.
Glad I'm not the only one having this crampy feeling. Had a miscarriage once (at week 8), and this cramp feeling kinda freaks me out.

And also, my gynae advised me to take a short period off from work and wanted me to rest at home. But, I'm a contract staff, doubt they will grant my request. Sigh, now I gonna chose between baby or work. =/
mahjong, i drink warm soya milk without sugar! but i think a bit of cold is ok la... take in moderation

michy, i think it is important to listen to your gynae. you may want to discuss it with your boss.. stay positive!
ourlovestory - ok, for sake of bb, i will take sips now instead of finishing whole cup!

mahjong, piyobaby - is tat true???!!! OMG! everything at TMC is $$$$$, piang eh...we pre-book and they unable to give us a room of our choice then naturally they gotta "compensate" us in a way mah...prob coz it happened too freq so they feel bo hua? sigh...realli wish to deliver at Mt A lei..but my gynae doesn'y go there anymore
Mich...be positive thou I seriously know how you feel. Take some small breaks in between work?

Ourlovestory....maybe the good bacteria at work?!!

Sg SC...think even they have stopped giving free upgrade from 4 to 2 bedders for the regular gynaes! Doubt for yr of dragon when thr is bb boom, they will bother ba. Anyway Mt A oso dun give free upgrade wor...
I had menstrual like cramps since last night and it freaked me out!! Called the clinic and they asked me to go down today. Glad everything turn out fine. Couldn't tell the gender yet though.. Im at 15 weeks..doctor say the thing seen on screen is not too long not too short..
Ourlovestory....close to edd, gynae will issue an admission letter & pre-booked the choice of room type with the chosen hosp so that on day of delivery they will not need to check wif you again unless the choice is not avail.

If it's bb who dun like, shd be more drastic reaction ba! Hee
lovestory/ashley/Mai Ne, last nite keep telling bb to ask mummy sleep cos need to work...manage to sleep a little after 1, but wake every hr for no reason/pee. tonite will try ashley method to go bed later. just nw after dinner, i was so sleepy.. but if i nap (which i will wake like an hr later), later sure cant sleep.

For those gifing birth at mount A, I heard it is gg thru some renovation? not sure if the carparks are affected. wonder if it will be dusty at the delivery wards. Have anyone went there to check out the place?
Im thinking of mount A too, but people hv been gifing me the above feedback.

Friend say if MS/symptoms v bad, then bb come out v easy to look after, and vice versa. Those who hv #1, is it true?

Finally feeling and witnessing my little baby bump coming out...! Hub keep urging me to buy new clothes.. haha
Bambi...they are renovating the main entrance and the lower deck carpark. I heard dat the main entrance will be completed mid of the yr but not for the carpark. I went visiting abt 3 weeks back, not at all dusty in the wards.
hi ladies,

Do you all experience some mild cramping around week 18 huh? not sure issit I ate satay bee Hoon last nite for dinner. having leg cramp too.

mahjong, I'm trying to cut down on my caffeine intake to max once a day but I still like cold barley, ice lemon tea etc....even ice water :p just feel so hot inside....
