(2012/07) Jul 2012

hazel, i used to drink orange juice like 3-4 times a week but my mum asked me to drink lesser cos later bb will have more phelgm. so drink in moderation k.

Realised many of u r losing weight.. I have just put on 2kg and now in 14th wk.. Haiz.. just cant bring myself to eat soupy stuff.

1 more day to long wkend! Yeah!!

Other than just body ache.and cant walk for long..get tired easily. i am ok on my appetite/
Morning mummies,

didn't log in for so long as my MS is still following me.. no mood to do things =.=''

Ya, no need to fast for Oscar test. just make sure you don't empty your bladder. And, tell your lil one inside to co-operate with u so that the sonographer can take measurements. I see some mummies have to go out walk walk a while before going in to re-take the test =)
May i know anyone does her oscar scan when bb is at 54.5mm here?? Wonder is it too small for bb to do oscar at this size?
joanne, i did mine when i was in wk12. i dont know how long is my bb as the result is with gynae and waiting for my next appt.
Dear mummies..I went for my appointment ytd!!I am now 18wks..gynae said 70% is princess..so happy!!!My first is a prince!!3wks ltr visiting gynae again for detail scan..will be doing at his clinic!Btw,my gynae said can eat pineapple tart but in moderation cos too sweet!!!
Joanne: I did my Oscar at 11 weeks 3 days, bb was abt the same measurement that u mentioned...it was ok...my gynae very good at scanning, can measure everything...and he insists on empty bladder while most sonographer will ask for full bladder...
Hi manunited n QQ
I did my scan exactly at 12th wks.. Yesterday gynea call say little one doing ok.. Bt oso ok but cant measure bb nose bridge so want me go down again tomorow to do a scan by him.. Worried n now pray hard is due to bb too small to be able to measure the nose bridge.. Sadz.. Praying hard tt can see bb nose bridge tomorow..

Hi mrs C
For this measurement, bb shd be already 12wks according to the table show in baby centre.. U hv a gd gynea...
OOh tks mommies for the tips on OSCAR scanning...dun remember my gynae or nurse giving any specific instructions prior the scan...or prob preggy brain forgotten le..hehehe

Jerlyn, congrats! so nice one boy one gal...wonderful CNY news for u!
congrats jerlyn!

joanne, Oscar test can be done from wk 11- 13, not depending on the size of ur bb. i did mine at Week 11, bb is 5.4cm, my gynae did everything for me at her clinic, so dont have to walk around the hospital. bb was cooperative and everything is done within 20mins.
Chloe, i be 13wk1d tml for the scan but gynae says still ok, is stil within period range..so i trust her lor. seem slike most of u did urs during wk 11 or 12. but i late coz i din wan the slot on fri, 13th last week...>_<
Joanne, no worries.. I read from one the forum thread.. Can't remember when, also can't measure the nose.. Tat mama so worried.. But after she did further test, bb is fine. If didn't remember wrongly, her Gynae or dunno who say bb is too small. Each bb develops differently n they said Oscar test measurement more to AMO length.. So dunno which is the fact. But for sure, her bb is fine. Your bbs will be fine too!!!. As long as you dun have immediate family members with DS.. Muz believe u r fine too!!!! It's more to gene things.
Sg SC....if u always have urge to empty bladder then suggest you drink water only when it's ur turn. I had to wait for 40mins even wif appt and holding the bladder is no joke!
babies? did i read babies for Joanne? We have another set of twins on our thread besides Audrey?!! OOH..congrats to Joanne too...dun tink too much, prob twins will have diff set of measurements?

piyobaby, im used to the "appt" time wif TMC le...normally i still have to wait at least 45 mins though i am punctual for my appt.

Im so excited n happy..hopefully my day will pass by peacefully...then i long weekend le. Tml and wed taking leave for CNY!! cant's wait for 6pm!
Chloe, everything also eat or drink in moderation as orange juice also contains sugar!
I stopped drinking bottled orange juice now, mainly freshly squeezed or just eat orange.

Congrats jerlyn! It is so nice to have a prince and princess! perfect! :D

tomorrow i am going to see my little beanie again! ** excited
Sg SC...I'm expecting some waiting time but apparently it's much longer than w/o appt when we went for #1 scan...appt time is 3pm &amp; bcos of waiting time &amp; bb not cooperative, we finished everything at 5.30pm!
ourlovestory - r u also going TMC? ya the weather is HOT and i dunno y the skies seem hazier these days..or issit jus me?

Piyobaby - wah like tat means im gonna spend at least 4 hrs there coz aft scan be meeting gynae for mthly checkup too...another waiting process...sianz
Mummies.. Happy Chinese New Year. Packing now for tomorrow trip to hubby's kampong. Stress to meet my in laws there but glad as my Holiday mood is on!!! Fully on!! . Next CNY will be the first year receiving Ang Pow for BB... Saying goodbye to lonely years w/o kids this year... Proud to be a mother finally...
I am looking ard for infant care and would like to hear from the rest of the mtb if u have any recommendation? Price range seems pretty high from $1400- $1550 so far..

Care to share what are the things that we shd look out for when doing a viewing at the infant care centre?
Good luck to those gg for Oscar and to those gg to see gynae tmr!!

Cherish, my gynae say dun eat raw food leh. Yu Sheng is raw. So better avoid! But if u REALLY REALLY feel like eating, i think alittle bit without the fish should be ok hor?
Thanks piyobaby, i hope can see little beanie's gender too and it will be a good start of the cny for us!

I think i will avoid yusheng (just in case)
Thks QQ n chloe
After what QQ say, i feel better now.. Will continue think positive for bbies sake..;) pray hard that the scan will goes well tomorow..

Hi sg_sc,
u r so observant.. My twin one is ok, just worry abt twin 2 now...
Thks ourlovestory...
Btw gals, can we eat the mayo in the burger?
Hi cherish
I will cherish my bbies more than anything else so i rather sacrifice not eating any food which can endanger my bb life than just for some yusheng.. We can oways hv it again next year..;)
Joanne: dun worry...ur bbs will be fine...maybe the sonographer not experience enough? I checked my scan pic...bb was 52.7mm when I did my Oscar...so i was 11 weeks plus then, not yet hit 12 weeks...
hi, just went for my oscar today,scan is fine. but baby is size is on the 80 percentilte, so have to try to control my food intake. guess i eat too much during my penang trip, haha...
Kathryn, how do u know ur bb is in the 80 percentile?

Joanne, cannot eat mayo? i never heard before.

Wah regretted ordering so many pineapple tarts. giving my family a bug tub, my pil a small tub and i still have 3 tubs

my tummy is suddenly quite big n harder now. wonder is it my fats or my dragon growing well...
Angelia...added! My initial is ST

Ourlovestory....think we will find out the gender of bb one by one...exciting! Wishing for a prince or princess?

Joanne...by right we cant take mayo bcos it is made from raw eggs without cooking. I steal abit here &amp; there aft 1st tri.

b00ney...try juz recd a comment from 2 person dat my bump is so big for 14 weeks... I luff it off &amp; say partially leftover fats! Hee
Hello hazel.

SG SC, I am doing mine at 13 weeks.

Etan, working mum have abt 600 subsidy so infant care range from around $600 to $1000.

I aso took a bit mayo Here n there.
Thk u QQ.. Praying hard my gynea can see my twin 2 nose bridge today...

Thk u piyobb n mahjong, hv wipe away most of mayo in butprger so consider eat abit too...;)

Gd morning all... Finally is friday n loonnng weekend is here...
Gd morning mummies
I hv Mia quite long at forum
Happy new year !!!

Hi Joanne ur having twins ? Congrats ^v^
2nd mummies in our jul thread got twins.
