(2012/07) Jul 2012

Morning mummies to be..
May i know at what week u start to wear maternity clothes to work? Hv u start to feel ur bb movement? At wht week especially for 2nd pregnancy..

2 more days to go n is looonnng weekend..

I'm having pain at my lower abdominal. Can't slp at night... Anyone share the same woes? Thinking of seeing doc ltr...
hello yumei, i have the same pain but it is bearable, i think it is because our uterus is expanding. If yours is very very pain then you better check with a doctor soon... take care!
hi ladies,

congrats on having good oscar results.

Joanne : guess once you feel the clothes getting tighter is time to switch esp when u have twins

Angelia : thank you very much for sharing

anyone used avent steam steriliser before huh? which is better huh? pigeon or avent?

yo, ladies there is a baby fair at expo hall on 17 Feb. dun miss it
Hi ourlovestory.. my appointment is this Friday also! Gynae told me that should be able to see gender, haha I cant wait!

Do you take the gender test? Mine all point out to be girl.. few of my colleagues are betting on it hahaha
hi tracy, it is so exciting! i can't wait for friday too! it is like "an xin" just before cny!

what is a gender test? is your tummy showing already? some said by the shape of the tummy and can estimate the gender! ha ha ha....
the Chinese gender predictor, then the babycenter quiz ones.. I just remember they said if craving for sour foods then its boy, sweet then its girl.. anyway this is our first baby so I dont mind boy or girl. Still I think by the time I lie down on the bed for scanning, my heart will be thumping like crazy, haha
hm.. i always have a sweet tooth and I do not crave for anything sour as I don't eat sour plum too! anyway, it is our first baby too so as long as the bb is healthy, we will be happy and enjoy the cny!

Jia you Tracy!! ;)
i tried the baby center link but there is a small font that says it is only 50% accurate! ha ha ha.. of coz only 50% la, not boy then girl already mah! ;p
Thanks! So how much weight have you gals gained so far? I think 1.5kg for me in the last 1 month. I was losing weight before that due to MS..
Because of MS, i lost 2.5kg. Today i just checked and saw that i put on 1kg. Means net, i lost 1.5kg so far. Think the weight gain will start soon... I'm abit scared.. Haha
Jul_mom, you still have MS? take care hor!

I have motion sickness for now and needs to walk very slowly... i did not lose any weight, i gained weight only! ha ha ha...
Hmmz juz these few days i experience rashes at the side of the stomach. Is there any remedies?
Have u all started using stretch mark cream? What brand is recommended?
Hello all!
Am bumping myself up from the Aug thread - edd 30 July.

Jul_mum - I lost 4.5kg due to MS. But kind of happy - LOL. But the kilos will come back to haunt me once I start eating normally
Today is day 2 of normal eating for me....
Ourlovestory....same here but my motion sickness is when in the car.

I hv been putting on weight ever wif nausea & all.....appetite wasn't dat great nw either. Hope the weight gain is gradual & dun exceed 12kg!
Thanks ourlovestory! Ya, still vomit once to twice everyday. Quite sian. But already much better!

Wow, u mummies lost so much weight!!! I v scared i put on alot of weight also.

I think 2 weeks ago, i was still walking v slowly. But now better can walk abit faster. hehe..

Is orange different from gam? I've been avoiding pineapple and orange. i dunno can eat anot leh.. (but i got eat pineapple tarts. haha)
Thanks ourlovestory! Ya, still vomit once to twice everyday. Quite sian. But already much better!

Wow, u mummies lost so much weight!!! I v scared i put on alot of weight also.

I think 2 weeks ago, i was still walking v slowly. But now better can walk abit faster. hehe..

Is orange different from gam? I've been avoiding pineapple and orange. i dunno can eat anot leh.. (but i got eat pineapple tarts. haha)
i still eating oranges and also orange juice as it is good source of vitamin c. As for gam, i am eating one per day because there are just so many now!! ha ha ha.. but my mil said it is very liang, so not too sure if can eat or not?
Gam is heaty. Can eat but dun eat too much. Orange is good in vitamin C and contain folic acid which is good for pregnancy.
Yup, orange is good. But too much oranges also not good. Read that juz a glass of orange juices a day is fine. Shouldn't be more than that.

Noted this: Chen-pi is mandarin orange skin.
In small amounts, chen-pi sooths smooth muscle contraction of the intestines and decreases uterus contraction. It is beneficial to women with irregular menses and pregnant women. Large amount have the opposite effect of increasing uterus and intestinal wall contraction. This increases the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, use this herb prudently and seek professional advice if you are pregnant.

I like kam. If Chen-pi has this impact, not sure will kam can cause the same or not.. Better eat only one a day during cny?
Hello all!
I'm and first time mum and EDD 25 July. Can't seem to concentrate on work due to nausea/gastric pain/uterus pain or just simply no mood to work. Any one else here experience the same thing? Also, I been having diarrhoea quite frequently, not sure if that's normal.
Welcome Excitedmom
i think diarrhea is not common as most of us is having constipation instead!

What causes diarrhea during pregnancy

Unlike constipation during pregnancy, which can be caused by pregnancy's fluctuating hormones, diarrhea tends to be caused by something that originates outside your body — and something that's not necessarily harmful either. Diarrhea may be the result of all that good-for-you food you're now eating, the extra water you're drinking, or even the pregnancy workouts you've begun. Some women find that their prenatal vitamin causes loose stools; changing brands can sometimes make all the difference.

That said, there are things that can cause diarrhea during pregnancy that have nothing to do with hormones or lifestyle changes. Food poisoning, intestinal parasites, or a simple stomach flu may be behind a nasty bout. If you suspect any of these might be the case, call your practitioner ASAP so you can be tested and treated, when possible.
Ourlovestory: Thanks so much for the info! Hope the diarrhoea stops soon!:X

LFCfan: Can't wait for July! or the next checkup to see bb!

Mink: I am 13 weeks now. Just stopped folic acid today and took multi vitamins precribed instead.
mink - i am coz i in week 13 nia...

everyone in office is speculating abt mi being preggy...apparently for past few weeks le...yday and today keep grilling mi. BUt im keeping my mouth shut first. COntinue to keep them in suspension since they so kaypoh. They say my tummy showing...but i've always had that tummy ma...duhz...
I am still taking folic acid but i do not like to take the rest of the supplements!

sg_sc, can tell after 13th weeks right?

excitedmom, get well soon!
Sg SC....tis extracted from wat to expect.com
Because of utrine growth, possible side effect is round ligament pain which feel like achy or sharp pains on one or both sides of abdomen. These begin ard 14 weeks but can strike at any time during 2nd tri.
hihi morn mommies!

piyobaby, tks for the info. Tml morn going for oscar finally!! haven seen my bb for sooo long le, before xmas till now...hope bb's fine so far!

ourlovestory, i also dunno y suddenly keep hounding me for confirmation. Also nothing to do wif them la, if need to say also i will inform boss n team mates first.
Morning mummies

SG_SC - I am also going for Oscar today! At TMC.

I think most of my colleagues are suspecting, only a few dared to ask. Because I have swtiched from high heels to wearing only pumps/flats now. Haha....but my tummy is indeed beginning to show! But it looks more like "fat" than pregnant.

I am still on folic acid....
And I also take gam/orange/orange juice on a daily basis - like the sour sour taste.
My MIL told me pineapple tarts no issue as the pineapple has been cooked
So i whack! *haha*
