(2012/07) Jul 2012

Morning mummies,

Joanne - Congrats on twins
I have been taking a lot of MC and 2 weeks of HL :p I'm only in the office these few days....but I do bring my laptop home to work if I dont feel well..... but ya, boss is quite understanding. She kept telling me priority is baby and I...so I am quite blessed.

I didnt know about the mayo - now must take note...

As for yusheng - try to refrain if possible. Pregnant women shouldnt be taking any form of raw food at all...Cherish, try to control k?
Not good for bb!

Infant care - not cheap and also very limited space. Need to register early if you want to send bb to infant care...
Morn mommies. Jus finished Oscar n been waiting for past hr for blood test. Sianz.. Silly mi went to pee coz bladder v full n I dunno wen they calling mi though they said v soon. Then immed aft I step out of toilet nia my turn Liao. Wanna drink water also no time n sonographer say no use nw.

Anyway glad to say all is well for bb but sonographer no sim help mi find gender properly lei... Nw all of them v young ladies not the older experienced ones during #1 time.
SG_SC, gd luck for ur oscar test!

Mummies, any of u feel that ur brain is working slower now? I feel that my brain is working slower. And just now when i was talking to my colleagues, i realised i couldnt find words to express what i wanted to!!! Is this gg to be permanent? I'm freaked out!!

And last night i dreamt that i went to see gynae to find out abt the gender of my baby. I cant wait for tmr to come!! Mummies who went to see gynae today, update us k! :D
yap, agree with Hazel that infant care is not cheap,my #1 now in infant care also, i already book for my #2 cos my child infant care is aready full.
Jul mom- is very common. My memory loss started wen I Preggy wif my gal n it Neva came back aft tat. Nw wif #2, I become worst. Can't even remember Wat I had for lunch yday...must Tink realli hard!! Dunno issit coz too much stuff in our heads Liao. Work, bb, family...
Thk u sg_sc, manjong, julmon n hazel
U gals r sooo sweet.. ;)yes, i hv been toking to my bbies to show me that cute nose bridge later.. Deep breath..
Piyobaby : yup! I accepted you ler!

Yeah!!! I'm lazing around today!!! Haha! Maid came yesterday and i just lie down there and see how she handle mygirl.. Haha! Bad mummy me!!! I'm feeling tired easily!! Abit abit nia than cannot tahan liao! Lousy me!
Hello Mummies,

I just like to share with you that Cordlife is now offering those who sign up (up till 12 Feb 2012) a $100 shopping voucher when you put my name as a friend who has referred you to Cordlife. (I will also receive a voucher from Cordlife, so its a win-win partnership;-)

You may PM me for my I/C and full name to be included when you fill up your registration.

Thank you
Joanne...no worries ok, all will be fine! Congrats

Sg SC did you waited long for the scan? I oso ren until very bad yet dun wan to empty bladder! Haa

Angelia.. Saw it! Quite normal ba...I hv yet to experience the honeymooning phase yet even starting 2nd tri. Tink it's insufficient rest for d past week due to cny preps! Can't run too many errands in a day!
Piyobaby : yup! I cant even go out for long now.. Sure pengsan! =\ even got enough rest i also feel my whole body aching lo.. Damn lao auntie pattern now...
Angelia....slowly la...energy level wiill pick up. Tink it's very different ESP thrs #1 to drain our energy. Pls hor, if u Lao auntie, I timk I will Lao ah ma liaoz!
Ladies, im happy to introduce a little dragon girl! Gynae said 3 lines so its a girl! Im so happy as this is our first and i already picture me holding a beautiful princess in my arm.. And a hot chick in the future!
hi mummies,
thanks for the advise. i think i will avoid the raw fish but maybe eat the vegetables bah..

joanne, congrats on your twins =)
hazel, u have a very good boss.. my work could actually work fr home but my boss didnt allowed me. when told her i still having bad nauseas and feeling terrible, she's like kay kay cant heard me and looked blur to me. *faint*** just hoping all these will go away quick quick..
Piyobaby : hahaha! You make till yourself so old! Heehee! Ya! My #1 really draining me! Now maid come , mygirl still not familiar with her and yet everything also want me! =.=!! walau.. Bth her... Think only when my hb come home than i can really rest.. Mygirl see me not around awhile nia than start looking liao... Hais.. Hopefully she can get along with the maid fast... =\
Hi gals
Thks so much for ur concern... Heres my update abt my scan today..
The waiting time is crazy today.. I reach at 3:45pm but only get to see my gynea at 7pm... By the time i see my gynea, Can see he so tired n couldnt pay much attention on my query until i asks the 2nd time then i caught his attention... When he scan my babies.. He say can see one bb has nasal bone then for the other... Baby is upside down (face looking down) and he is using finger to cover his nose.. So he cant see anything.. Then i was so upset as wait so long and cant see the result... Then he measure the upside down bb and say he is already 68mm.. When i come down fr the bed.. I then realise that he is saying the bigger bb cover face with mouth so the one that he can see nasal bone is the smaller one lor...then i asks him n he say possible that smaller one oso can see nasal bone ler... Aiyo.. Makes me so confused... Smaller one is at 57mm today...then he asks me whether i want do amino test n i totally reject n he says will bring forward my detail scan date by one wk to confirm all again... So how shd i feel now? Still blur... Anyway, i hv to trust my bbies that they r fine... Right?

Gd night all... Lets pray hard for a smooth pregnancy for coming dragon year too...
Angelia....I'm not dat young lor...on the edge of being gao ling chan Fu! Lol tink gota give ur lil gal some time to get used to maid and at tis stage they shd be gg thru separation anxiety which make it worse! Good dat ur hub can relieve you for some rest.
Tracy, congrats on your dragon gal

Joanne, dun worry. god will bless your twins.

Just finish cleaning the house and bao Ang pow. quite excited first time giving ang pow. i even wrote wishes to my parents behalf of hb, me and our little dragon
Piyobaby : actually starting my hb wouldn help de hor.. All is done by me.. I lagi tired.. Than after tio this #2, i tell him he better help (cause he wanted #2 mah!) Hahaa! Sooo now whenever got chance, i just hand #1 to hb.. And mai chup liao.. LOL!!! So far the maid was alright.. Mygirl slowly letting her to carry... Phew... At least i can relax abit... Heehee!!!
Joanne: Yes, have faith in your bbs! Perhaps can consult a different gynae for a different opinion? Don't worry too much.

I think I will start buying bb stuff when I hit 6 or 7 mths. Actually not too much to buy coz some things (cot, stroller, sterilizer, breast pump) have already from no. 1. Things like diaper cream, baby bath, wipes, etc all can share with no. 1 also. Will need to get new bottles, diapers and of course some new clothes.
Joanne.....start buying progressively as soon as you know the gender of babies....it can be very addictive! Dun wait till last min to buy cos by then will be heavily preggy, fatigue set in easily.

Angelia....it's good to hv alternative care giving now and not till bb2 arrives lest #1 feel unwanted. Mine din really help till #1 turn one year old, b4 dat he is not hands on totally!
Piyobaby : hannor!!! I told hb if he really want #2 , i sure cant handle both at such young age alone... So maid is a MUST... My hb is also not a hand on person... But at least now he still can manage my girl... If not everything me, i really pengsan ar... Are you working mum? Who taking care of your #1 ?
Thanks gals..gynae said its 75% correct.. Think i ll wait for detailed scan in Feb to confirm, and start buying then.
Who's next? Please update!
Angelia.....took time off work last aug to be wif #1. plans to return to workforce shelved bcos of #2! gota plan again next year ba
Hihi mommies, quickly poPping in to say Gong XI Gong Xi n may we all continue to have a prosperous, safe n healthy pregnancy in the yr of the dragon!! Let us huat ah!!

Enjoy ur reunion dinners mommies!!
Hi all mummies,
Hereby wish all of u 龙年行大运 !新年快乐。May all of us have a smooth pregnancy and give birth to our darlings with healthy body this year..;)

Gong xi Gong xi!! Enjoy ur long holiday and rest well.. Take care All!!
Joanne, like what other mummies said too, have faith in your babies. They will be fine. all of u will be blessed =)

Happy Lunar New Year to all mummies here!
Gong Hei Fatt Choy mummies! Here's wishing all of you good health, prosperity, an enjoyable prenancy and of course, a safe and smooth delivery this dragon year
Happy Dragon Year to all mummies!!!

1st day of work for me in Dragon Year...

Have you all informed your bossess of your pregnancy?
Hi gals especially for 2nd time mummy
Hv u start to feel ur bb kick or butterfly fluttering?? I feel some fluttering at 13th wk..wonder is it bbies kicking or moving??;)

Hi happyjul
I havent tell my boss yet.. Maybe at 16th wk when i need to wear maternity clothes? U?
BAck to work today but having splitting headache coz yday went visiting relative house till late late...hw i wish i can continue nua at home like past few days...so shiok

Happyjul - haven tell anyone yet. Not even my relatives noe, coz noone asked so i neva say lor..actually got 3 asked but is those casual "so wen is no. 2 coming?"..but i divert topic neva say have.

Joanne - i also tot i felt at week 9/10, but realised cannot be la, coz bb stil one ball like tat, no legs kick mommy yet! But wat u felt prob is lei, coz normally we oredi noe hw it feels like so can feel earlier..
i have already told my boss as i have bad ms. Colleagues already knew it too as they can see my tummy liao.

I'm back to work yesterday and it was so busy, rushing for mth end. Heng tmr will take half day to visit gynae. finally can see my bb again. =)

Joanne - I am wk 17, but haven informed my boss yet. Hoping to delay till early Feb if possible.
But I suspect he might know coz of my dressing and the bump.

Sometimes I feel a little fluttering or air bubbles, not sure if its the bb movements.

SG_SC- during CNY, all my relatives seems to know I preggie. Some of them straight to the point asked me "girl or boy?" or "when is your edd" rather than "Are u preggie?". How many weeks are u now?
