(2012/07) Jul 2012

apple: rcv-ed =) hehe

i hv problems sleeping at night, slp on the side too long my backbone the two protuding ones one side will feel a sharp pain whn i sit up, is it due to the epidural i had whn i had #1? feeling hungry all the time. today whole body feeling so bubbly. im wearing my maternity pants today. haha. feels nice, but i maciam too kiasu bought M sized. so its not thigh hugging. but my colleagues loved it so much! they say i don have ostrich legs today. look much better. & they din know its a maternity pants till i lifted up my shirt. HAHAHHAHAA! im gonna eat 红枣棉线 for lunch. YEAH!

Juz went for Oscar test at TMC. Started from 8.30 n backany 9.30. Quite fast. Bb very incorperative at the beginning but luckily sonographer very patient in waking up bb to move. Took about 45 mins juz for tat. Lots of mummies today n end up she refused to check gender for me as quite rush..
... Cost at $318 with GST.
Btw, anyone interested in buying those bottled condensed bird nest? My hubby bought 30 bottles for me and my sis also bought another 6 months supply of bird nest for me. Now i have too many!!! My hubby bought the 30 bottles at a discount because he bought so many. Original price $30 per bottle and he bought them at $18.50 per bottle. It's from Fu Hua. Anyone interested? I'm willing to let go at cost price, i.e. $18.50 per bottle.
Ya weather very hot, can c from my window.

rykiel, my khaki on leave cannot eat snake with me. i feel like drinking kopi to keep me awake.. @_@
SG_SC, that day I also just walk 1 round 20mins then give up, all almost the same, and nothing much so boring....at Chinatown.
Hi Tanny, yea I also heard cannot take too much. My mil say take too much bb might get asthma. But I dunno how true. Just to be safe, dont take too much!!

I think once a week should be safe! I also intend to take once a week. I'm planning to start taking soon, coz I also heard can only start taking after 3 months. So to be safe, I decided to start when I am week 16, which is this week. Heh.. Then every week take once for baby to have good and smooth skin!!

Do u work tanny? If u do, I can always pass u ard CBD area. I work ard CBD area.
Ourlovestory, r u the one same 16 weeks as me? Have u seen ur gynae? Can see gender alr??? My appt is this sat! I can't wait for sat to quickly come and baby pls be guai guai, show us ur gender!!! Haha
Hi cookies
U dun hv to see doc ban choon chan frequent so once a blue moon thing shd be fine.. I see him only once per mth n no need see him at 3rd trimester..
Hi all
Just did my oscar at tmc.. So happy to see them again.. Bbies are good n cooperating (no need go in n out of room).. Sonographer meassure them in one hr.. Pray hard results all will turn out well..Wonder will i get any call fr tmc? As they say will give the result to my gynea n my gynea ever told me if no call means all r fine.. But i still hope to hear the positive news fr him to feel assure.. May i know usually is tmc fetus assessment unit call u separately to inform u results or ur gynea??
Joanne, o ya.. I think u can call Gynae clinic n ask. May be can call up tomorrow evening? Coz like my case, they told me ytd, they have faxed over the info right after my test to my gynae n it's up to when Gynae reviews them n inform us the results. I shall call my Gynae tomorrow if no call received today. Juz to have a peace of mind b4 cny..
Ya lor QQ.. I oso want piece of mind..;) how big is ur bb at yesterday scan? I go at 8am plus n finish at around 9:50am today..
Hi all, y like so quiet these few days ah? Am waiting for hb to go lunch with me, so sian I lunch alone everyday de....

I dowan to stay bk tdy, will
Joanne, i didn't manage to really look at bb n asked about bb.. My bb so naughty ytd. Hb told me tat first, slept face down, then turned here n there n played hide n seek from left to right.. My sonographer a bit impatient initially, but she still managed to hold her temper n try not to ask me going in again. Can heard she complaining tat time. Then finally, bb lay still in correct facing n took 1-2 mins done. But the whole scan took 45-50 mins. I went there at 8.30 n back at 9.30. For the last few mins, she said it has taken too long time n we should be very rush n she said not much time to let me see slowly bb n can't check gender for me.... Sad..
Didnt they give u a scan photo of ur bb? It state the length there..;) i got asks the gender but she dun want to tell me.. As she say too early to confirm anything now.. Say 20thwk detail scan will know.. Btw, u pay how much yesterday? Is it u pay as a package? Means include the 20th wk detail scan payment too?
No photo given..
. I didn't pay for the detailed scan. I pay 318 incl gst juz for Oscar test. I heard from Gynae detailed scan $90. I also dunno why Gynae didn't choose the package Oscar + detailed scan. Will ask him during next visit at 31 Jan.
Hi Ourlovestory
Detail scan is to check more detail. Will be doing it at wk 20.. Will be able to know definite bb gender by then too..

I got three print out photos.. Maybe bec i request.. If package will be cheaper ba so i straight away sign up both..;)
My package is the Oscar+ the scan at week 20 (to check the organs as per the nurse) requested by the Gynae. $400+. the sonographer also gave me 3 pic during the Oscar.
We requested for pics over Oscar but was told will be attached together with the report which is printed a A4 paper. Paid for the package too....anyone scheduled date for 20th week detailed scan le? Ours on 28 feb.
lovestory, mine is also $450.

My gynae called and inform me of results (which is ok!) and say will pass all information to me when i go down for next check up. not sure if he is gg give me any photos though.

weather is v hot.. or m i starting to feel hot now cos preggy?
lfc, yes im much better nw, although sometimes siao siao still will pain alternate days... thk u

still hvnt try to venture going out by myself. been a mth plus liao.. hmm but duno why i stand 5 min then no strength n nausea n all sickness will kick in.
next wk time to start wk. bit nervous on how my body will adapt though, but need face reality liao.

lovestory, they tell me mine include, i tink 5th mth scan. before my turn at registry, i gt hear some other mummies paying this amt too, so i guess shd b correct?
Btw QQ, can i check with u when the sonograpger did the scan for u, is she pressing very hard on ur tummy? Wonder is it normal as i feel pain at tt instant.. Then after measure awhile, she go asks another sonography to measure my bb another two area.. Wonder is it she inexperience n dun know how to measure..;( pray hard my scan result all normal else maybe i shd request for rescan? Not sure whether she scan all correctly or not.. As this is my first time do oscar so unsure how it shd be like..
Ourlovestory, mine also 400 plus 500.. Mine is at a clinic at mt E.

Joanne, I didn't feel any pain during the scan but my gynae pressed harder than usual also..
Joanne, yup she pressed quite hard. Emm, she pressed the sensitive area is it? For me, felt a bit painful at lower part. But these few days, I have tat pain as well, on n off. Think not really becoz of tat scan.
I think should no need do rescan unless they asked. Coz, they do take pictures from many angles, n those are evidences for the results. Your Gynae sure will analyze them as well. Coz, do heard that TMC nurse did say they will send pics over as well.
Joanne, by the way, 20th week detail scan is the most important one. I heard from my friends, they can detect bb with ds as well. So, no need to worry.
Joanne, my detail scan will be done at my Gynae's clinic. Done by my Gynae at cost of $90++. That's why he didn't recommend me to take the TMC package. Juz do Oscar test only at TMC.
My scan was a lot of measurements on my little beanie and it was not painful. I thought is a one time payment so not sure if this includes the detailed scan later? Or it will be another payment?

I do not have much strength and I really walk like an old lady!! Am I too cautious or you mummies are the same too???
I see Julmum n QQ.. Thk u for ur advise..
Ya, is the lower part tt hv some pain.. Hope she didnt hurt my bbies..;) oh no.. I didnt asks my gynea whether will he do detail scan for me n straight away sign up as a package.. Siao liow.. ;p hope he will asks me go dnstair do detail scan too...
btw, do ur hv a lot of excess saliva ? i hv a lot esp at nite..so hard to swallow.. n sometimes just spit out.
and hw frequent do ur go toliet at nite? i can go like every 2 hrs..sometimes get so frustrated s need wake up to go toliet when u r sleeping so soundly
