(2012/07) Jul 2012

Yep v scan can see sac earlier than the normal one..over the tummy kind...

Thou v scan a bit pai seh la...coz they put the probe into there...

Seoulover, don worry....i couldnt see my sac too...but pregnancy kit showed faint line...my lmp is 24 oct...

seoulover.. i did the Vscan and saw the sac.. and only the sac lor.. haha... then saw my ovaries.. left and right... thats all..oh and thats when he saw i have tilted womb.. which i already told the rest of the moms.. ultrasound.. think later part ba.. like 2 weeks time when can hear the heart beat? haha.. i really duno too! hmm.. which gynae u go to? are u comfy with gynae?

haha.. raw meat... is a WELL KNOWN food not to be eaten!! haha.. mian doctor say... all the mommies here will tell u the same.. lol.. thats why.. we will feel guilty! haha..

ya.. mine also say no milk and cheese... oh well.. ya la huh..MODERATION ma... not everyday u eat steak! kekez.. so happy thoughts!!!
Lady Dee> he didn't do.. Didn't ask also.. I read about it b4 but forgot abt it then.. Btw, how much is e V scan?

Just feel that it's a bit of a wasted trip.. My hubby even asked my gynae so is she really pregnant? Haha.. I haven't told my parents n in-laws yet.. Cos I traveling overseas.. Old ppl tend to worry so dun want them to worry n nag.. Thinking maybe after e 2nd visit when I'm prob "more pregnant" then tell them
hello mummies..
wow the thread moving super fast..
welcome all new mummies!!

most likely i will also see the gyane at 7weeks +
my gyane said prefer to do the scan at around 7 weeks..

seoulover - my edd also around end July .. now about 4 weeks+ also..

regarding nausea - until now i only feel abit of nausea, especially while brushing teeth, i still like to eat everything.. haha
Seoulover, my receipt no breakdown so I also dunno how much. Haha. I just paid $152 in total.

I think my in-laws and parents are the most relax one. Haha. They never restrict what can eat what cannot. Instead I'm the one who goes cannot eat this cannot eat that. Haha. They're like, aiya, why so mafan one. Lol. Think they are still in the old sch thinking, like last time they also eat nothing wrong, why now cannot eat.
Bingo, my gynae says those radiation ok de, no problem, not hazards. If wanna prevent, I think very hard. At this age of technology, radiation is all around unless u wear it around ur tummy all the time?

Someone just now mentioned no fruit juice. Why ah? I'm drinking almost everyday leh. How? Must stop?
Bingo> so u haven't seen e gynae yet? Maybe I was too kiasu?

Lady Dee> my bill $187.25.. More exp but no V scan
hee. I also think nothing wrong w fruit juice. I love freshly squeezed juice! Just no pineapples ba
LadyDee.. think only those u buy off the shelves from supermarket.. no good... cos alot of sugar.. and not really fruits.. will be ok if its fresh from the juicer! i also drink fruit juice everyday.. but yes.. freshly squeezed..

oh..always wanted to ask.. GRAPES eh sai bo?
I buy the All Natural brand fruit juice. It's 99.9% juice and 0.1% vitamin c. It's a bit more ex. $8 plus for 2 litres. 2 weeks ago, I ordered apple juice at lavender food centre, I saw the uncle threw away 1/2 rotten apple, and don't know if put the other half into my juice. I din dare to drink after that...
Oh, today I asked my gynae why cannot drink milk? He says it's the first time he heard cannot drink. He ask me check out why cannot drink. Anyone can tell me?
Candy n Smalleyespy> just saw your 9.02pm replies, Hee.. Think we post at e same time just now that's y. Thanks for ur assurance!

Smalleyespy> I went to dr Adrain woodworth. Find him ok lah.. Just wondering y he suggest ultrascan.. Surely he knows can't see anything?

Y u think grapes cannot eat? Should be okay to eat ba
Mai Ne> if I didn't remember wrongly, my gynae says it's not that we can't drink milk... Just that milk will cause our stomachs to feel bloated.. Then prob more prone to experience nausea n gas.. So better not to drink.. He prescribed calcium pills for me
Oh ya... I heard my friend say dun eat things that will "fa Xiao" like cheese... Cos it will create gas... Now I understand. Thanks Seoulover!
Mai Ne : Yakult dont drink too much cause sweet leh.. If you want just drink Vitagen better.. Less sugar bah.. But again. Everything must be moderate. Maybe 1st tri can long long drink once is okay.. But coming to 2nd and 3rd tri better dont drink too much.. Cause scare later bb will have cough or phelgm(dont know spell correct anot! Haha!)
thanks!! My bb grew! The sac grew frm 0.88cm to 1.06cm.. My bb now at 0.23cm I thk.. Almost can see the blinking + sign Liao.. Missed by abit.. God is so gr8!!
am so grateful!

ah!! Talk abt mommies sixth sense! I got a feeling it's u! Cos the rest dun relli look like will come forum one! Hee.. No worries it wasn't too long
I heard gynae say 1st grandchild! Hee ur mommie must b Veri excited! My next appt is on 5dec... Shd be at my 7th week den.. He ask me to keep my bladder full so can scan frm tummy.. Oh he gv me an tai Yao n Y my visits r so near to each is cos I hv a history of ectopic n pains n cysts I thk he also worried for my every case. He said he see my name Veri scared nw.. Hopefully
No need to slaughter me again! :p I'm weak bodied I guess.. Nw I'm like having throat irritation n nose also not comfy feelin feverish.. He gv me lozenges n flu med on standby.. Oh u mean u nv ask him for any med he just give u Liddat? He has nv given me vit b med for when I
Had my #1. Whoa u so good appetite nw ar! Did he say if it's compulsory to eat those vit b pills? I'm so looking forward to hear my bb hb
feeling damn feverish man! Better go
Down more water now..

Regarding Milk
I asked my gynae and he said only cannot consumed milk or cheese tts unprocessed like if u visit farms and those freshly squeezed ones sure no no!! cos might hv bacteria or germs in it!! Our normal carton types r usually processed ones so shd b safe to drink.. Even cold one also can drink. Same goes for cheese.. Those super Ang mo type.. Cream type usually unprocessed..
Hi Bingo, a bit too behind coz can check thread so often and Dr. Tham says stay away from forum haha, I found you guys quite helpful and in fact I'm less worry coz some mummies here also not having morning sickness yet.
I got my foundation fm Watson.
Fluffy, good luck to your check up today, share with us when you are back k.
I know those who see Dr. Woodworth won't got V scan coz his machine is a 2D old unit.
v scan is good for early detection of heart rate...it can detect 1-2 weeks earlier than the normal tummy scan...

once baby can b seen in the tummy scan, doc will continue to do tummy scan...don nid v scan le..
Morning mummies~~

khimmy : great! The little beannie is growing well!

Candy : wahh! You're up early... Anyway, saw that you went overseas yesterday right?

Aiyoh.. This morning for me is a terrible one... I was not awake by my #1, but i want awake by my Nauseas... =.=!!! imagine you sleep half way than feel like puking? Gosh~~ so tired... And the feeling of puking up till now!
i feel giddy too!
Moring all!

Khimmy>Great that the sac is growing. Yup, first grandchild for my side but not my DH. Haha. My next appt 5 days after yours, will be 9.5 weeks by then. I'm also told to keep a full bladder. I also got history of cyst and b'cos of the cyst I only have one ovary left but maybe 'cos it happened 12 years ago so not much of a concern? Haha, I don't know.

Oh ya, talking about feverish. Ladies, my gynae also told me not to let my temp go up to more than 37.5. Meaning no fever pls. If your temp is going up, pls pop normal panadol (not extra or flu) asap. This is b'cos when your temp goes up, you will pump more blood and thus ur bb gets more blood being pumped to him/her and this is not a good thing 'cos their little heart might not be able to take it. So, pls take care and stand by panadol.
Angelia> Yup, I operated 'cos it was 11cm long and had to remove my ovary along with it 'cos it's just too big already and causing me a lot of pain.
Angelia..not work trip na...hee...
for cyst,i understand that if on follow up,its still remain same size as before, doc won't op it..but if its increasing,doc will op...

one thing u may rest assure that,during pregnancy,most cyst won't grow due to a hormone (forgot which hormone) suppressing the "growing" cyst...
Lady dee : omg!!! I'm scare !!!! I have a cyst on my left ovary ! And it's 4.7cm! My gynae say if by 3-4month nv disappear than i might need to operate too !!!
Morning mummies!

Khimmy take care, really must drink a lot of water. Now got super bug flying around.

Angelia, thanks again. Your nausea start so early in the morning?

Ladies, if you having constipation, drink 3 glasses of hot water everyday.

Have a good day ahead!
I m in my 7th week. Have been spotting on n off since 5th week. Heavy spotting since last Sunday, now given 5 days MC again to rest at home. feel so stress when I see the brown discharge on the panty. Seen my gynae on last thursday, Saturday n yesterday to reconfirm baby's heartbeat. I don't face this problem during my first pregnancy. Haiz. Anybody on bed rest now? Aiyo the time is so difficult to pass by.
ourlovestory> Don't worry lah. Should be fine. Stay happy most important! I also forgot and ate soya beancurd this morning. Just remember next time lor. Haha.
Angelia..don worry..i had cyst that time for #1...but somehow it disappear during 6 month pregnancy...i pray that yours will disappear too..

i agree w lady dee that we must keep ourselves happy...A happy mom will hv a happy baby...its true and proven in my #1...everyone says she is a happy baby...

for me,important is take food moderately...no raw no caffeine...last time i still eat pineapple n durian...hee ok de la...just don over indulge...
beancurd not recommended becos its fermented from soya bean..i think fermented food not really good as well ba..and it has very sweet syrup in it..might lead to gestational diabetes..but if really want,don put syrup..put soya milk instead..
and mommies,who want to drink soya bean milk...ask the aunty to put less syrup or tang jiang...
Hi Everyone,

I am late... you all have started the topic so long...

I am a very excited first time mom, trying for 6 years thru IVF in KKH. Finally... I have been tested positive on 18/11 and that was already week 4. Visiting my doc on 9/12 abt wk 6-7

Haven't get full details yet must wait till my next visit to my doc then will know. Expected EDD should be end July 2012.

I only feel abit of nausea after meals and some times when I am hungry.

I have seen some post earlier just need to ask on the below;

1. What is CL??
2. When will morning sickness starts?? (I haven't had that experience yet)

I am a super blur mom to be... need a lot of guidance from everyone here... Please help!
welcome Audrey ..and congratz to you..

ourlovestory: take tofu moderately too...thou its not as sweet as tau huay...and its high in protein..i heard soya contain estrogen...good when having Bb girl...but dono will affect if its Bb

Candy ; ask you arr.. Do you feel that after we had our #1 hor.. Than this #2 pregnancy seem like the tummy show very easily? I can see my tummy liao leh!!!
