(2012/07) Jul 2012

Bodor> thanks for solving my mystery of the lack of V scan haha

Candy> thanks for ur assurance! I think will still stick to my gynae cos e reviews say he's got superb stitching skills. Hopefully can see something when I next visit him. Little sweet pea, grow!

i went for a check yst and realise that im 7 weeks pregnant. a lil shock and a lil happy.

shock cos i have no signs of pregnancy! no morning sickness. nothing!

happy cos i have something which can belong to me.

sad cos i dunno if my bf wants to be responsible for it. so we are in the midst of thinking whether to keep or to let the lil fella to go back to the heaven cos im still quite young (24) and he (31) . we have no plans at all. so now im worried he doesnt want the baby ): how can i convince him?
congratz Priscilla....i believe mommies here will want you to keep your lil precious...and we have Angelia mommy with her second baby now...she is younger than you...can ask her for opinion...

don worry..you hv support from us...
bodor.. dun worry! ur not alone.. i also dun have MS yet.. just the occasional giddy spells.. else am good to go. haha... sad hor.. when u dun feel much.. well maybe we are still early.. so dun worry..

Ourlovestory.. heard deli meats dun eat.. like luncheon meat ah.. hotdog.. dun eat too much cos all processed.. actually for normal human beings.. not good to eat all these also la.. but if u wana eat ham and cheese.., ensure the ham and cheese are heated up.. then should not be a prob already..

LadyDee, Angelia and Candy. thanks for the information!! somehow when u gurls give advise.. i will feel more at ease... haha.. thank u!!

Audrey! welcome...!! and congrats!
Priscilla : how long have you 2 being together? If you two are not prepared than why no precaution? I think you got to talk to him and let him know about this pregnancy. He is 31yo, i believe he can think well.. Yess although, 24 are still young. But age is just a number. The problem is have you prepared yourself to be a mother? I'm 23 this year, i gave birth to my
Precious princess on March2011, and now i'm pregnant with my second child... I was pregnant at the age of 22! If i can do it , why cant you? Sorry if i sound hush. But i very disagree for abortion. Every kid is a god gift. Some ppls want also dont have. And since you and your bf have sex without precaution, you all should know that chances of pregnancy is there! I guess you go have a good talk with your bf bah.
tell him, this is a life! Not a toys...
Priscilla...Babies are God sent...some ppl tried very hard to get pregnant..we must precious what is given to us...talk to your bf...tel him how u feel n discuss about your future plan...i had friends who did simple wedding before hitting 5 month pregnancy...when the tummy really can't hide..
thanks all for the reply.

i feel very emotionally unstable when he blames me for planning this. i really didnt ): you bet i kept crying since yst. as though it is my fault for wanting this baby to come so early and unprepared.

now im starting to worry for my lil one cos i took contraceptive pill, had a sip of beer, we still had sex, and etc. so now i dunno hows my lil one doing inside?!!

i understand that the both of us are currently very lost but like what candy said, some ppl tried so hard to get pregnant and they still didnt manage. as i have irregular menses cycle hence i nv thought i would get pregnant so easily.

i have already told him i want this baby and we will discuss this weekend cos i heard from my GP that no point going to my gynae now as they cant do anything till the baby is few weeks old?

do advise me cos it is my first time being a mummy.
Dear Priscilla...

Just my own opinion... If ur bf really loves u & wants to spend the rest of his life with u... He will wanna be responsible for u n the unborn child...

If he suggests abortion... giving excuses like too young or not ready... Then I dun think he will ever be ready to settle down with u...

That was wat happened to my fren's fren...

In the meantime... Take good care of urself... Really pray & hope he will wanna be responsible & wish u both well...
Thanks smalleyespy! It seems like i have been eating all the "no-no" food for the past few days as I have not visited my gynae yet and do not know what not to eat! Thanks for all the tips, mummies!

@Priscilla, I have tried very hard to have a bb after marriage and i am at the edge of giving up already due to age so this little one is really an unexpected gift! I hope you and your bf can consider it again.

In fact, i regretted not getting married earlier so that can start planning early!
We have dated for too long ** waste time ** ha ha ha...
smalleyespy> You're welcome! Although I'm not sure what advise I gave...haha. I guess that's what we're all here for; to seek comfort, support and assurance!

Priscilla> You said, "we are in the midst of thinking", so I guess you already told him? What's his reaction? What did he say? I'm not for or against abortion as I understand everyone's life and situation is different. But whatever decision you make, remember you have to be responsible for it and it's irreversible.

You sound like you want to keep it. So you should really have a good talk with your bf. You should start having plans.
Angelia..i just saw your 11.11am post...ya lo...dono its the previous pui ba or the baby lei...but now can feel pants tight liao...hee
Pristique : what you should do now is keep calm... Be strong dont cry.. I know say is easiler than done but still try! Cause you have to keep a clear mind and discuss with your bf... Crying doesnt solve anything! Yup! I agree with smileyLOTS ! If he really love you. He wouldn want you to go thru that abortion pain and most important is the mentally hurt. Somehow i have friend also like that. But they just get married and let nature take it cause. 走一步看一步.
We are tgt for a year plus and he has been very nice to me. Just that sometimes im too demanding for him to handle.

His reaction was blaming me for planning this. Omg. I cant believe he said that hence i cried non stop.
Smalleyespy> high five! Now I also regret not getting married earlier. My hubby, then bf, wanted to marry me when I was 23 and when he was 27. But that time, I think I'm still so young, still wanna play. Not ready to be responsible to my own life and still wanna be my parents' "baby". Haha. Now regret leh...wish can be like Angelia, young mummy, so next old Liao, kids also old liao, can relax.
Candy : okay.. So not i think too much. Haha! My hb keep saying that i have small tummy liao!
so sad sia!! I wonder is the bui ba anot. Ahaha! You told your parent or inlaw already? Hahaha! Are you stress? Like etc, they will expect #2 to be a boy? Cause both pf #1 is girlgirl worr!
yep...i agree w Angelia...
and if he is your life partner,discuss future plans...what's done is done...and your motherhood life just come a bit faster n unexpectedly...hee...communication is most important now...

pls start taking folic acid...can buy from ntuc unity...much cheaper..n get some multi vit for pregnancy....don worry about the beer...i rebond my hair when Im preg...but i also din know Im preg that time..
Pristique : why would he say you plan for it when you just now say that you took the contraceptive pill? Have you tell your parent?
Candy : we both naughty sia!!! Hahaha!!! I remember last year December i also rebond .. This year December i am going to rebond again. Opps!!! Ahahahah! =p
Angelia..my mom knows..but still in denial stage...cos gap too close...hee...my mil still dono...

i think mine maybe boy...cos old ppl say my #1 look boy, next one is boy...then my maid said look at the crease on the thigh of #1..both side got 1 line, means boy...if 2 lines, its girl...then mine so qiao also one line...lastly,i follow Chinese gender predictor,also boy...so if not boy this time, then maybe all things will not b proven...Haha...

you faster check check your girl thigh...see still got crease anot
Candy : ahahahaha!!! Same! My mil dont know! But my mum know... She is the one ask me go test de. Cause Cherelle have been really sticky and sainai toward me... End up tio! Hahahah... Mygirl also look like boy and guess what!!! I also got see the thigh !!! Also got crease! Lol !!! My mum mostly should be boy.. Hahaha!!! Another saying is the bb heartbeat is faster also might be boy! Cause my gynae say my #2 have a strong and clear heartbeat. But!!! My hb want another girl!!! Hahaha! He love girls... =.=!!!
He doesnt believe that i took. And he said in trying to use this triumph card to tie him down? I was so emo that he actually tot im such person!

Wat kind of folic acid should i get?
Pristique : oh dearr.. He actually say that? Erm... I'm afraid he might not want it worr.. From the way he reply/say to you... =\ hmmm... folic Acid only got 1kind.. Just go Unity Pharmacy and ask them for Folic Acid.. It's in a purple box with 100tablets @ $3.19... Should be highlighted on blue.. If they practise this in all store.
Yey...dragon boy...jie jie can look after Di Di mah...my girl also become a bit whiny nowadays...but i dono becos teething or this...she still bo gay...kinda worried...

n now Im weaning her off bm...cos my supply drop very drastic...feel so sorry for her...tot can breastfeed her til 1...
Candy : ah! You still BF ar? I stopped on 1st Sep @ her 6month... Hahaha!!! Hmm.. I think you should slowly wean her off.. Cause now with #2, and bf actually very siong leh... Little beannie need the calcium. And bm also need.. =\
Dear Pristique...

If ur bf really dun wan the baby & force u to abort... Dump him... He does not deserve ur love anymore... >=(
prestige: maybe he needs time to think...cos things happen so unexpectedly...but he think this is Hong Kong drama meh...what triumph card....man!!!!

both u really need to talk n discuss...he shouldn't hv blame you...if u were to make a choice, pls make one carefully n will not regret for life....
Like Angelia shared... My sis-in-law also have young people in her village & her own younger bro whose gfs got pregnant... They took up the responsibility and got married... "let nature take it cause. 走一步看一步."
sorry ny stupid phone dictionary replace your nick...Pristique

Angelia..ya lor...all fighting for nutrients...nothing left for myself...no wonder Im getting forgetful...
Yea! I agree with Pristique ! If he want you to abort just DUMP HIM !!! He is not worth for your love!

Candy : ahaha!!! Slowly wean Caitlyn bah... If not later you will weaker leh... Anyway, do you have any nauseas? Got any different when you have Caitlyn?
Angelia...think got lei...for Caitlyn, my ms very bad until i landed in hospital 2 times n put on drip...so now Im abit scare it happen...n maybe Im too pre occupied w #1...this ms still manageable for now....shoo shoo ms away...
Candy : steady leh you!!! I handle Cherelle & MS now!!! Wapiang vomit die me! =\ yesterday i go toilet vomit , never close door cause i alone with Cherelle.. Than she sticky till she follow me to the toilet on her walker and cry outside of the toilet lo.. Keep wanting me to carry her.. Alamak! Headache manz!!! Luckily now hb still jaga her abit.. But still she see mood.. Almost everything still want me.. =.=!! Yesterday hb still to make her sleep but still epic failed! Lol !!!
Angelia..our babies still prefer mommies...mothers are most wei da...poor Cherelle outside toilet waiting for you...but maybe she knows she won't b getting all attention..that's y now seeking attention..hee..that's what my mom says..
I will nt abort. Thank god my family quite well to do otherwise i may hv trouble bringing my baby up alone should my bf doesnt want it.

Im worried he is going to say no this weekend. )):
Candy : yesss!!! She is seeking alot of attention now!!!
poor her... I feel sooo bad toward her lah... Cause hb ask me try not to carry her often! =| haisss.... Anyway!! Have you think of names for #2 huh? I very kiasu leh!!! I think liao.. Ahahaha!!! Will yours start with C for #2?

Pristique : i'm glad that your family is good that will support you... Dont have to worried so much.. As i said... 走一步看一步 bah... "IF" he really say No.. I believe you have a answer in you whether to keep or abort. Anyway, pray for you for a good outcome this weekend alright... Meanwhile. You just take good care... Keep us update! Dont buried yourself alone alright!
don worry Pristique...be prepare of what you going to tel him...if need,reherse...and also prepare for all kinda of answers he might give...but no matter what, Im glad you had choosen motherhood...good family support is also important...JIA YOU..YOU CAN DO IT!!wish ya good luck..hopefully God can change his mind.
Thanks to all for ur concern and well wishes!
I have a miracle baby! Last Friday gynae (Dr Phua) says sac is 1 week smaller then should be, no baby seen and no heartbeat.. pregnancy may not be viable..

But today we finally got to see Dr Ben Tham, baby measures 6.3mm at 6w3d!! And we heard baby's heartbeat at 130!!

Hubby and me was sooo happy that we both wanna cry.. we were sooo worried about the outcome of the scan today, I couldn't sleep the whole of last night! Dr Tham says baby is very ok!

I hope baby heard all my pleas for him to be strong and healthy and all the ppl who prayed for him everywhere! EDD 14/07/12!

Sticky babies for everyone!!!
Angelia...hee me also think liao...but way before I know Im preg with #2...i will start with K..cos girl girl will follow mine..boy boy will follow daddy 'K'...sound something like Kayden..haven decide how to really spell it..haiz..when the time come, the worry..hee..what about you?
Hi Everyone,

Truly babies are God's gift to us. Its a life that we all should treasure and love.

Can some one please advise what is "CL"??
Pristique> you're very brave to want to keep ur bb. Dun worry so much abt ur bf's decision.. The ball is in his court now.. There's nothing u can do nw except to pray that God will somehow change his mind

Fluffy> congrats! Wow what an encouragement to us all
may I ask y u change ur gynae?
Fluffy : finally you're at ease!!! And great!!! You saw your little beannie!!!
Woohoo!! Your EDD is one day earlier than me!!!

Candy : ahahah! Mine will still start with "C" , #1 is Cher-elle , so if #2 is girl will called Cher-nise or Cher-rene.. Either one... Than if boy boy will called Ca-vier or Ca-yien... ^^
audrey...cl is confinement lady...
we employ her during our confinement..she will help to cook confinement food for you...n look after n bath baby...for that 1 month..if lucky,some cl will help out in household...

for me,my mom does my confinement..easier to tell her what i want to eat hee hee...
Hi Seoulover
Actually I din change gynae, I booked the earliest appt(22nd) available for Dr Tham once my pregnancy was confirmed. But last week i had very bad cramps on 1 side so I needed to see a gynae immed. Unfortunately Dr Tham's nurses(or should be WC Cheng associate's nurses) refused to let me go earlier just because I am not bleeding nor spotting.

So thru other recommendations I saw online I called Dr Phua who was able to slot me immediately so I went to see him last week.

Just now I told Dr Tham what happened last week, and he said sorry few times that the nurses refused to let me go in. So he said next time i feel uncomfortable, just walk in straight, he'll make sure he see me.

I got to say both gynaes are very patient and nice. Especially when I have a unstable pregnancy, they handled me very well and make me feel I'm good in their hands.

Hi Angelia,
yes finally!! Was so depressed past few days!! I hope u r getting well too?!!

Fluffy : nah.. I'm not!
my nauseas getting worst!!! And i keep kenna the giddy spell! Urgh!!! Hate it.. Now hungry also feel like vomitting. Eat liao still feel like vomitting. More jialat than before!
