(2012/07) Jul 2012

Lil'thing : hahaha! Wahhh cannot forgo the meal hor! Hahaha! Tell him it's still the special day between you and him mah...
yup. Gynae normally will print 1 for their referrence and clip in our profile de. Just tell him to print 1more for you to keep lo.

Wil's mom, mine is 6 weeks 4 days. Super spot-on. The gynae even told me the exact ovulation day and it indeed coincide with my bbt.

I got the scan. The gynae even told us it's printed on thermal paper so it will fade with time. Ask us go home to scan then 30 yrs later put into the wedding album. Lol.
peapea - do you have any brand recommendation brand mineral foundation? i use more of liquid foundation.. i cant live without lip gross too! today i try not putting on.. really no confident i look like sick woman.. haha

BOdor - dont worry.. 5 weeks normally cannot hear hb.. i will fix appt with him on 5 dec, i will be 6 weeks+ then..

Lil'thing - i went to orchard earlier to shop for my skin products.. went there for few hours, only bought 2, 1 make-up remover and toner..check the ingredients over and over again.. so paisei.. the counter girl must be thinking i am crazy...
wanted to buy foundation and moisterizer, but seems like most of it has Dimethicone in the ingedient and i was told is not good to use during pregnancy (though no confirmation from my gyane yet)"faint"
If u see Dr. Ben Tham, bring thumb drive to save scan pic ! Any mummies drink chicken Essence ?
I feel super shagged and hungry all the time!
I stopped make up n only use mineral foundation, mine is Rachel K brand.
Bingo, I'm using mac foundation and the blusher has mineralized blusher too

Using vichy and lancome as my skin care!
bodor - Rachel K brand? where can i get it?
me too.. hungry all the time.. i didnt drink chicken essence cos i am eating TCM medicine as well.. feel like too bu...

peapea - oh so mac has the mineralized series..
will go check it out later.
i realise i check all brands earlier except for lancome.. haha
Lil'thing> ooh so ur bestie was with Dr Adrain Woodworth? Not sure if I'll really like his style. Or will he like me n hubby? Haha, I've already prepared a list of questions to ask him. Hope he won't be put off.

Tmr is my first appt! Did you gals go to GP to confirm pregnancy? I didn't and I only tested once. Won't be false alarm, right? Haha.

Bingo> I think Rachel K is available at Watsons.
Angelia: Of coz cannot forgo! I gave it a long and hard thought..if Bb chooses to join us on 15july, his/her bday will come first definitely. Will also repeat the birth story yearly and request for a push present! Wahaha!

Okie dokie! Will request for a scan during the next visit ;)

Bingo: Nice! At least u got 2. My plan to replace my skin care products was shelved coz we have friends visiting in the noon and decided to have dinner tog
maybe tml..
Ohhh..I totally forgot abt chking my make up. Think will chk
out mineral make up too. Thanks peapea!

Bodor: been wanting to cook with chicken essence too. But not sure coz some say first tri don't "bu". Is chicken essence considered bu? I love cooking with eys red date/wolf berries chicken essence!

Seoulover: yes! She was with dr Adrain. Her boy is gg to be 1yr old soon ;)
Good idea with the list! I totally forgotten to ask all the questions! Definitely not preggy forgetfulness, coz my hubby forgot to remind me to ask too! Haa! Have fun tml!! Everything will be great! ;)
Hello sisters! I vaguely rem someone was saying got a list of foods - what to eat/not eat. Can share?

Some say can eat everything in moderation. But i dunno then anyhow drink herbal soup, now dunno can a not. The dian Xiao Er "shi quan" herbal roasted duck can eat a not?

E tan : Btw, u mean we can't eat sharks fins when preggy? A bit confused by the shark fin talk.
Hi tanny, My TCM doc gave me a list of food to eat and a few to avoid. I need to avoid cold food/drinks, wild meat, pineapple, crab, Chinese barley. When pregnant, I was told by chinese medical hall to stop taking ba zhen which means shi quan should be avoided too. For my own research, I have avoided coffee, shark fins, alcohol, some type of bananas. I'm taking Chinese herbs with every morning empty stomach 1g of cordycep powder form. I'm also taking Utrogestan 100mg, child life prenatal dha, and folic acid now. Good luck.
Thanks BB. I should stop all my cold fruit juices now.

I am not really hungry every 2 hours now, n not so nausea after dr gave me proluten jab last week. Is it normal? But my face really got big big pimples now. N I still have some discharge.

I'm only taking duphaston 10mg x 3 times daily and folic acid.

What are the fruits that we can eat? Which type banana cannot? And is hot ginger lemon honey drink ok to take? Yesterday I was so bloated I mixed some ginger and honey to drink. Can we also use ru yi you ( medicated oil) ?
maine, we sound like the same taking duphaston 3 times daily. duphaston will cause nausea. which in a way cause my lack of appetite. i have been avoiding cold drinks. fruits wise i only take apple and guava...

just came back from HL(hospitalization leave) and realised that a lot of ppl suddenly know im expecting. i think because suddenly took HL during busy period and hence they found out... hai
Hi morning everyone!
I was not the one who says cant eat SharkFins. I think it was someone else in the forum. Anyway turns out last nite wedding dinner, there was no shark fins served. Its kind of funny as we were eating certain dish, i had to give my mom some look "like can i eat this" when she secretly nod..then i dare to pick up my chopsticks.
HAHA.. Not ready to reveal to relatives yet.

I guess no need to stop putting on makeups when preggie. Imagine how abt those cosmetic counter ladies, they still put on makeup to go to work. I'm sure their kids still turn out chubby and cute.
Dont stress out.. So far, I read the books, No mention abt makeup le. Imagine few mths down the road, our stomach is big and with no makeup.. wow.. really look like pale looking auntie le.

Think just restrain on the food intake will be good enough.

They also mention swimming and yoga is good for us.
ladies, need some advice.. I'm on clomid this cycle & we BD as advised by gynae. As i was traveling during O wk so we could only see gynae after i return, which he scan & confirm that egg was released. He told me that my AF shld report over the wkend and i could test today or tmr. But my hands itchy so i tested on Sat (1 day missed AF) and i got a faint BFP. I tested again today (same brand) and it came back BFN(!) how? I am wondering if Sat is a real BFP or I hv chemical pregnancy again

add on.. my FMU looks rather diluted though sorry TMI.. so could this affect the test result?
Mai Ne : thank for your concern! I still having on off spotting. Need to observe for this week lo... =\ my weekend was alright cause hb take care of my babygirl.... And i get to nap and nap!
but still mygirl would come into the room with her walker to disturb me. =\
Good morning!!

Yes Angelia! How are u today?

ETan- I am very glad u said that.. hahaha.. ur right.. later part will be super pong! and if still cannot put make up.. i duno how to face ppl...

Over the weekend.. had 2 weddings.. both had sharks fin!! and though i told myself.. can eat la.. in moderation ma... BUT somehow duno why ... my hand cannot pick up the spoon to eat.. hahaa.. maybe cos deep down know its taboo already.. so cannot pass that line...

other than that.. actually i think i am the most bo chup mother!! sigh.. i never really go and think wat i can eat or not.. i just eat.. of cos those well known banned food.. i refrain...

this morning i had apple and grape juice.. wa..! immediately after that.. i felt so nausea!! lol i duno wana be happy or sad.. cos my pregnancy till now.. only today then if felt this discomfort...

Peapea.. dun be sad ppl know... its ok. cos its a happy thing.. if ppl know already just smile and say.. yes.. thank u.. haha.. i think we cannot hide for long de la

Lynn- hello.. sorry..i cannot help u on ur queries.. haha..cos ah.. i dun really understand ur short forms! haha.. so i shall leave it to the rest to assist you... anyways. hope everything turns out ok for you!! take care!
hi angelia, good to hear you are better... do continue to take care ok. when is ur next gynae visit?

smalleyespy, i couldnt help but ate the shark fin cuz i was too hungry and starting to have gastric problems. but took only half a bowl... ya, i think cant hide for long... just that now everything not very stable yet so not that keen for too many to know... but i think it is written on my face that im tired and moody all the time!

hi lynn, nice to hear from u! i will suggest to test with clearblue. no need to keep glancing at the line to see have or not... good luck!

welcome jenni!
Smalleyespy : reply as above!

Peapea : this coming saturday lo.. Gynae want me to go back for a check.. =\ hopefully no more!
i scare.. Cause DrLim say if still the same must admit me! :/

dr AL Lim right? i think i saw him before for some issues. but dont like that his clinic very long waiting time... did Dr Lim say what cause the spotting??
hello MTBs,

This is my 4h pregnancy but 2nd child (as I lost 2 in Nov2010 and May 2011).. so far so good I must say. Went for my 1st pre-natal last week to confirm all is well (foetus in right position) and hoping for the best! My #1 is 3.5yo soon, so the distance seems just right...

Clothing have been tights around the waist

Been experiencing on-off pukey feely especially during meal times, but so far no vomiting yet. I read that these are all the right signs, means your body is producing enough "hormone" to keep the foetus growing - the past 2 miscarriages, it seems I didn't generate enough hormones, was one jab and pills to help strengthen and not much nausea too... so for now.. the more the nausea for me, the better.. haa haa...

And if you have heavy MS, it may means intelligent baby in the making (again, I read this in some magazine one hor...) but it puts some positive signs for those going through terrible first trimester..

This time around, I'm seeing a new gynae recommended by my ex-colleague, Gordon Tan Wee Teck from GlenEagles level 8.. any mommies here seeing him too??
Peapea : yup! AL Lim lo.. Hahaha.. Ya, his waiting time is power to the max de.. So normally i will ask for the last q no. So i quite late than go. Hahahah! =p
Honey during pregnancy. I have the habit of taking one teaspoon of manuka honey every morning but a doctor told me that honey can some how leads to the baby in the womb to create allegies. I will avoid it.

Fruits. This first and second trimesters, we should be taking more warm fruits. When close to due date, we can start eating cooling ones.

Drink lots of water, it definitely helps to reduce UTI and dilutes our high salt diet.

Spotting. My first pregnancy I had spotting for first 3 months. My girl is 2 yr old now, happy girl. I was very paranoid, dare not go toilet cos scare if seeing blood ended up UTI many times. Mommies with spotting, walk less, rest more, if gynae give you weeks mc, take it. Relax, don't worry. Good luck.
Thanks for the tips BB!
It is my first pregnancy and I really do not know what to expect and my hubby is still in shock! ha ha ha... I have spotting sometimes so I guess should be ok, but I feel nausea and also very tired.. Btw, can I drink jasmine tea?
Halows Mummies!

I just found that I'm ard 5 weeks preggie. this is my 2nd time preggie.

But haven't seen doc yet. I took the home test using Clearblue digital and it says 3weeks+ one the stick which means it's abt 4-5weeks. Anyone in the same situation as me? I wonder when's a good time to go for 1st apptmt with Gynae.
wow clearblue digital tells you how many weeks you are preggers? cool! I just found out I'm pregnant (2nd time) too but i used the cheapo test stick. a friend said to go early so that doc can estimate your edd. but i think you can ring the gynae of your choice and check with them too.
My gynae is not available to see me till another 3 weeks later for my first visit, i do not know what to do and expect now
any advices please?
I just started taking folic acid a couple of days ago once per day... I think i should be 6 weeks now when I visited a doctor and did the pregnancy test in the clinic... Do we count by the last menstration date or which is the date I should start counting?
ourlovestory> You can count by you last menstration date if you are the regular 28 days type. If you know your date of conception, then add 2 weeks to it.

Some dos and don'ts my gynae told me are:

Dos -
Continue taking folic acid
Exercise - Just walking and swimming
Seat belt all the time in car

Don'ts -
No alcohol and sex
No raw food, only cooked food
No airline travel (just a precaution, if can avoid then avoid)
No more than 2 cups of caffeinated drinks (coke, coffee and tea)

Can't remember the rest liao. Haha. Need to go home and dig out the paper.

If you're experiencing spotting/bleeding, pls see a gynae straight away.
Hi masaomi,

Yea apparently there's such thing now to tell you how many weeks preggie. Hahha...but the price piangs...damn ex. Hahaha..i claim from my hubby. LOL. May I know how many home tests you all took to check to confirm your pregnancy?

Ourlovestory, I missed my menses date (supposed to come on the 11th Nov). How much overshot are you?
Thanks Lady Dee! Then I am 6 weeks now and if I get to see my gynae 3 weeks later, I will be 9 weeks already! Is it too late?

I am also going on travel 2 weeks later for a short trip only, so I should cancel it? The doctor at the clinic said it is ok to travel?

I do have light spotting but I do feel nausea and tired easily. Not much appetite but I used to be a big eater and now I do not know what to eat. I also can't stand fish now, but I need to eat fish right?
Hi Lady Dee,

Is it true no sex when pregnant? My first 2 i will reject my hubby once i know i am pregnant, this 3rd pregnancy, my hb insist wan...
Hui Chinz> Just one for me. I waited 2 weeks after the +ve before seeing the gyane. Between the 2 weeks, was tempted to test again. Kiasu...wanted more confirmation. Haha. But with the missing AF and 1 +ve test, I convinced myself not to be crazy and think so much. Confirm is confirm already lah...don't waste money buy kits to test again. Haha
Ourlovestory- hello!! i think for u.. 6weeks more than ready to see gynae already... think at ur 6weeks plus.. able to hear heart beat already leh! so if u can .. then see first.. i read in a magazine.. once u know ur preggy.. go see gynae already... but usually in SG.. gynaes will tell u .. ur too kiasu.. haha.. i used test kit TWICE.. haha.. yes like LADYDEE said.. sometimes its waste of money.. haha just for that confirmation...

I am travelling too... furthermore.. mine is long hours on flight.. but m not cancelling it.. cos gynae said ok... they said.. to walk abit on the plane for blood circulation if ur flight is long...

If you have light spotting.. u have to see gynae soon.. he will give you duphaston!! So called AN TAI YAO..

u can eat fish.. but choose fishes like salmon... Tuna and mackeral.. eat less.. cos they contain mercury! haha.. thats wat i heard la.. the rest like snapper or promfet.. i duno.. but i still eat la.. everything in moderation!
Hui Chinz and ourlovestory> I'm no expert ah...this also my first kiddo. Haha. But I read some gynae only see patients after week 8 'cos that's when can use ultrasound and hear the heartbeat. If you wanna see earlier to get an an xin, maybe can try other gynaes first?

My gynae's recommendation of not going on flights is not that is not safe. He said that it's safe, just that in case of emergency, there might not be anyone who will be able to help you. So he recommend, can avoid, avoid lor.

Jenni> My gynae recommend no sex b'cos it complicates things for the gynae. Haha. Like if you have sudden spotting, they don't know it's b'cos of the sex or other causes. Someone's gynae said can have sex. I guess it's back to moderation and how comfortable you are. Just be gentle I guess.
Oh ok so yea you r preggie 1 week ahead of me ehehe.
I oso travelling in early dec leh...

Lady Dee,
so you went for ur 1st check up to confirm with gynae at 6weeks?
hello Mommies to b...
Congratz to all mommies here..this is my second pregnancy....n i think my edd is on 29july...based on online calculator...

Angelia..mar 11 mommy..we huat together same time for both our babies...hee...

traveling during pregnancy...best to wait til second trimester...when baby is more stable inside...cos the pressure in the air might affect baby...so if can avoid,best to...

first gynae check up...8 weeks usually is the time most mommy can hear baby heart beat...if go too early,doc can't really see or detect heartbeat,then will ask u come back again...so Im waiting for 8 weeks then go n visit gynae....but Im going to change my gynae...first one is in tmc..now want to try government hospital de...hee...
Hui Chinz> Ya, my first check up was at 6 weeks 4 days. But I know my exact date of conception. If you're the irregular menses kind, it might be off by 2 weeks. Like when I told my gynae my last menses date, he thought I'm 8 weeks 5 days le.
Hi Huichinz,
Congrats! i think your EDD shd be ard the same time as mine..coz my menses suppose to be 12Oct too.

I gg for apt at 6.5wks 1st week dec.Most says can scan for heartbeat le. Like u, also 1st time mummy.

The list that LadyDee provides shd be good enough to guide u through. I also stay out of Caffeine since i knew abt test result.

ourluvstory: Congrats to u too! Welcome to our club!
