(2012/07) Jul 2012

Thanks Bodor! Thanks much for ur concern, hope you have a blessed pregnancy too!!

Thanks Angelia,Seoulover and Candy

My hubby expecting his mom to help out during my confinement, but u all should know, staying with in-laws are difficult especially those "traditional" mother-in-law. Some more first grandchild will be expecting the unexpected...

My mom will be different, she knows what to cook and what I eat and what I like.

Is it alright to have cravings for food? I have cravings but once I started eating a few mouths, I felt full and don't feel like eating. End up getting hungry 2 hours later. Am I normal? Or it's gastric problem. I have been feeling this way since last week even before I know I was pregnant.

I keep burping which I dun normally burps...
audrey, I'm the same. I burp and have nausea and have cravings and can't eat much even though I crave. I didn't have this problem with my first baby
Haha! Mummies.. No worries! I'm in the same shoes with you all.. Keep on burp, having. Craving & Nauseas! =.=!!! i also dont have this for my #1 !
mummies..every pregnancy is different, so not to worry ya..

so far i m okay, can say better than #1..haha..*touch wood*..

welcome to new mummies join our july thread..dragon yr seem lot of bbs, very competitive n start to worry..haha..

pristique, hope to hear good news from u..really hope ur bf will be responsible for what he had done..tk good care of urself n dun cry as is not good for ur bb ya..
Hello Audrey, I have the same symptoms too and i feel especially tired these days..also maybe because i cannot drink any tea anymore now...
yah. thanks all.

anw i have been having cramps!!! hence i tot my menses was coming. why is that so? and how can i minimise the cramp?
Angelia, today I ask Dr leh is it true that nausea means baby healthy.. he says there is no science behind it although it is observed that most mummies who have bad MS, deliver healthy babies

In fact, past 2 days I stop MS, i get worried sick thinking all sorts of things like i not preggy anymore.. so everyday wake up look fwd to puking :p

I just realised something new today.. I walk pass Delifrance or Breadtalk, I'll wan to vomit right away!! Cant stand bread smell!!

and for me jialat thing is while most mummies will feel v tired, some will get sleepless.. I belong to the sleepless category.. I can only sleep abt 2hrs at night regardless how tired I am..
pristique - i never had cramps - call your gynae? i saw various reasons for it online...
but I'm so sleepy i have to keep talking to you gals online so I dont fall asleep at work ;)
At least now I feel normal when most of you having the same issues. I haven't been drinking Tea. The last coffee I had on last Thursday makes me feels nauseas since then.

I have been drinking warm water for the past one month and only a sip of coke when the weather is very hot.

Do you all have occassion cramps? That last only a while?? Normal???

How about sleep? Are you all able to sleep well at night?
Pristique, hving cramp is very normal during early pregnancy..no way to minimise it i think..hehe..me also on n off got cramp ever since i knew i preggy, is normal..in fact, if u google search, lot of early pregnancy symtoms same as menses coming..that's why some ppl duno they r pregnant until very late..
I think we are all having the "almost the same" problems...

Cramps la... Nausea la... sleepless... burps...

haha... Anything else you all have, I dun?? or I have u all dun??
my GP said it is like that when i asked him abt it!

my cramp was on and off. sometimes carry a lil bit of things, it hurts, sometimes dun.

and yes, my pregnancy symptoms same as menses. but i find it weird and got this 6th sense something is wrong!

do u think we still can have sex with our partners during pregnancy?
Fluffy..yeah..me too..haha..my hubby said i think too much..maybe cox during my #1, i got serious ms from started until 5mths..sometimes, i forget i m pregnant :p..but i did feel nausea after meal..and feel so sleepy everyday..

ms means bb is healthy, i hv read it somewhere n my gynae told me abt it also..is smtg about our bb rejecting certain smell/food they dun like or which is harmful for them..so hving ms is good things means they r reacting abt it..
fluffy!! congrats!!!! wow! you get to see ur bb hb liao! so fast somemore! that time i went at 6w2d still need vscan to see the bb and hb.. but not as fast as urs... now im worried

hi audrey! welcome! i keep burping too and i think it is normal? i burp esp when im feeling nausea

tingyy, i was on bed rest last week.. this week back to work liao... just rest well ok... hope everything will be find for u soon

angelia, how are you now??

and welcome to everyone who is new!!
Pristique, it is advisable not to for the first trimester... I can't remember which article that I read saying that it is still not very safe to have sex.
believe ur 6th sense!! my 1 pregnancy got very strong 6th sense..2nd got but just try not to believe it cox scare disappointed again..hehe

better not hving sex in first 3mths..for me, no sex thru out the whole pregnancy..hehe..for safety purpose..let hubby be monk for 9mths..hehe..he needs to sacrifie for it..*bad wife*..:p
Just saw this article, sharing with u all.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy
Is it normal to have some abdominal pain during pregnancy?
Occasional abdominal discomfort is a common pregnancy complaint, and while it may be harmless, it can also be a sign of a serious problem. (Severe or persistent abdominal pain should never be ignored.)

Below we'll describe the most common causes of abdominal pain and discomfort during pregnancy, but don't try to diagnose yourself. If you experience abdominal pain or cramping along with spotting, bleeding, fever, chills, vaginal discharge, faintness, discomfort while urinating, or nausea and vomiting, or if the pain doesn't subside after several minutes of rest, call your practitioner.

hello mummies, does anyone has a good part timer helper to recommend please? I doubt i can do anymore housechores now

I keep going to the toilet at night, is this normal?
Dear mummies,

I have being reading the thread and my case was pretty similar to pristique.. I was pregnant with my first one when i was 21 and my ex bf that time did not really want the baby. I was determined to give birth cause I cant bear to abort when i saw the baby scan.

Then in the end, we did not get together as he is really a bad person. I in the end support my child for these years. Recently i got married with current hubby and pregnant with second one.

Actually its not easy but as mother we cant bear to do that cruel thing. Worst come to worst, we will still bring up the child ourselves. Never underestimat mother's willpower. hehe...

Stay strong, Pristique!
ourlovestory, keep going toilet is normal. our uterus now is expanding and is pressing on our bladder... i have been visiting toilet once every hour lately (except at night)

if you are using iphone or ipod touch, try downloading the babycenter pregnancy app. it gives advice on what to expect
yes i definitedly agree we worry too much sometimes. Last few days was hell for me!!

dun worry abt the speed etc, rmbr some baby develop fast n some slower, but it doesn't mean ur is not as healthy! At least ur baby din give u a scare like mine did, den suddenly grow so fast!

eh about the sex qns.. my gynae today told me it is fine so long fetus is ok.. but.. i advise no orgasm if u can control.. cos I had 1 ard wk 5 and I swear the cervix contracts very painfully and I almost thought I am gng to birth the embryo out. And when last fri doc told me abt the bad results, I totally blamed on that orgasm. I wun even tink about it now. Few mins of high to exchange for hours of pain and days of guilt, I won't ever again.

I wun risk my baby for anything now.
)): i really really pray he will accept his baby. im happy cos he is alr 31 instead of those young chap like 25 or something.

i understand he is lost as he always does things with planning. suddenly a child comes, who wouldnt feel lost? i really hope he will think these few days and see if he wants this kid. cos he once told me he only wants to be a father in his late thirties. and now tadah! omg.


i hope god will change his mindset.
fluffy, i can imagine your anxiety for last few days... totally related to it... i keep having to go back to dr tham for 3 times on emergency reasons... so i can understand ur anxiety....

i think dr tham also said that if experienced spotting, to avoid sex for 3 days from spotting clear then can resume...
ourlovestory, ya my tummy also very bloated... to the extent that i got colleagues coming up to me and ask if im pregnant cuz of my tummy looking big -_-""
peapea, i hope u r stablised now? Oh i can't imagine gng back 3 times emergency.. last friday once i already cannot sleep cannot eat.

i told my hubby, sorry, do whatever u need but baby No.1 now.. u try to tahan 1 more month la.. 1 month only ma.. i carry baby 9 mths leh.. he just laughed. cos just now Dr Tham joke with him when he kept asking Dr Tham what else can he do, when doc asked "have u been taking folic acid?" Hubby asked if Dr Tham is asking him, lol!! Den Dr Tham says
"No, Hubby, ur job is done. In that 2 or 3mins!" hahaha~

Bloated also normal.. dun worry. Vitamin B6 can reduce the bloatedness & nausea if u r concern
mylovestory, sorry for the late reply. Yes Dr. WK Tan is very professional and filled with a wealth of experience.

the clinic is very busy so you will have to call a few times. Her earliest slot should be 1 month from now. Try calling again.
fluffy, dr tham quite funny one... that time when i was ttc-ing, i started to see dr tham. then he asked why my hubby havent gone for sperm analysis yet... so i was telling him hubby busy with work so no time.. dr tham said "huh.. how can no time, this kind of thing very fast one. i can get it done in 5 mins so he also can" then his nurse and i both shocked and covered our ears... ha!

im seeing next monday.. so hopefully by then the blood has been absorbed by the body and everything more stable liao...

masaomi, quite irritating that they all asking if im expecting.. it is like i dont feel like answering them but i dont want to deny too
Hello Karen, as I am already in my 6th week now so I don't think i can wait for one mth for my first gynae visit. I have made an appt with another gynae first so will decide later after the first visit. I also heard a lot of good things about DR WK Tan, you are in good hands!

btw by which visit will I have to start blood test or any other injections please?
wa!!! i went out for one lunch and today's thread already under ARCHIVE! hahaha.. had sooooo much to read... had to pause to PEE also hahaha..

LadyDee! actually it was Ourlovestory who said should marry earlier.. BUT u know what.. i SECOND that 100%% i sooooo envy Angelia.!!! i cannot imagine when my kid is 20yrs old.. i already 50!! lol.. anyways.. nvm la... we are young at heart!!

Fluffy.. u very funny.. haha.. sometimes.. cos i have no particular MS.. i also will be paranoid and wonder if i am still preggers.... so i touch my NEH! hahaha cos its still swollen and painful.. so i tell myself.. YES YES>. still PREGGY!! hahahaha

Priscilla- I feel for you, cos i have many of frens how have faced what you faced.. i see that you seem determined to keep the baby.. most of my frens they gave up and they went ahead with abortion.. Not ONCE but 3-5 times... they lucky cos their bfs then became their hubbies in the end, and they are now all with 2nd child.. but not everyone will be this lucky..

to me.. all the more cos ur bf is ALREADY 31.. he should have been prepared for this... any sex without precaution is a risk.. and everyone has to face up to it.. by even thinking that ur using this as a triump card.. is ultimately hurting...

how lng have you 2 been together? has marriage been discussed? have u told ur parents and frens or prefer to get a confirmation from BF first?

sigh... sayang ok.. i know ur feeling very down... and uncertain and sad.. BUT if u really wana keep the BB.. u have to be HAPPY from NOW ONWARDS... dun cry anymore... BB will know.. and will feel the same..

be strong... no matter wat decision u make... believe in it and dun ever regret it...

and last thing.. dun ever pray for a man to change his character or his mind.... such things wont happen.. men are all the same.. but.. ya la.. some do.. haha.. so u see for yourself ok!!

May God lead you to the right path and give u wisdom and strength!!

ANGELIA!! u gg to rebond hair ah!! okokook!! then i go DYE HAIR le ah! wahahahahhahaha thank u! hahahaha
Smalleyespy : hahaha!! You damn happy i rebond and you can dye right! Lol !!! Just tell the hairstylist dont touch the root there can le...
smalleyespy and angelia, can dye hair?????????? really?????? can do scalp treatment or not? my hair too oily now until i bth... thinking of doing scalp treatment lei
angelia, oh no!!! like that oily scalp how to maintain...!! im dropping more hair lately dont know why....

how are you by the way?? spotting bettter???
Pristique, just happen I met a friend for lunch. She is social worker at HELP, help every lone parent. You can check it out at http://www.helpfsc.org.sg/. In fact, she just told me one of her single parent has text her with a photo of her newborn recently.

I think you can call them up, and they can also give u professional advice and support such as housing, cpf, medisave, baby bonus etc. At the same time, they do some counseling and give great support.

I also had a friend who married a jerk, in the end, she raised her boy herself and is in a regional position now overseas. She did her part time diploma and degree while raising her boy and she was only a waitress last time. I think everything is possible and you are alrdy in a much better position than her. Good luck and take care of yourself.

Fluffy, great to hear you're ok. Sticky beannies to all!
Audrey : herbal should be okay. But still try not to touch scalp..

Peapea : bobian bah. Have to ren awhile lo.. My spotting okokay nia.. Light brown discharge lo... Now is nauseas very jialat nia.. =\

Mai Ne : facial i dont know leh.. Cause i never do facial
For my #1.. Heehee.. I have good skin day all the way for my #1 till i deliver!
Angelia, your #1 boy/girl??

Old people says if boy, mom will look ugly then the opp for a girl, mom will look pretty...

I will check with my therapist before doing any treatment for hair.

I heard Brazilian Wax has to be avoided.... true??
Audrey: Brazilian usually they only will allow you to do after 5th mth. but im going to do it this sat (Bought the voucher don wanna waste it :p)

Mai Ne: Facial still can do don do those treatment that need machines (if u worry let them noe u r expecting they will recommend u which treatment suits u)

ourlovestory: Mani & Pedi can do don worry ask ur manicurist don hit your sole is a nono thing for preggy)
