(2012/07) Jul 2012

manunited, dont know lei, the clinic called me to tell me the detailed scan book liao... i paid 400+ on that day i think... including charges for detailed scan...

maine, congrats!! i dont know my exact figure... just know low risk.... ha

peapea - i happened to go see your pics in fb and i saw your miumiu bag. then i rmbr i saw this col bag on that day becos i happened to look down when i walked past you and i tot such a nice col (unique) miumiu. hehehhee..i love bags!!!!!!!

I just called my clinic, the nurse said they will tell me the date at my next visit. I thought you arrange the detail scan at TMC when you paid for the oscars.
manunited, apparently, they arrange it themselves without telling me.. i think they just calculate the date for u and dont even bother to ask if u can make it or not... i was a little irritated!

i love bags too! love heels but now cant wear... sigh... so no choice, turn to 2nd love, bags... getting a push present? hee
I will be going for my oscar test next wed, need to walk in coz they r full le .. Can i ask how long will the test be? what i should be expecting? Abit worried now ..

Peapea - Feb sounds very near! cos jan is a short month. Our company shutdown for additional 2 days during CNY. we have to take force leave.

Don't think will be getting any push gift. I have many bags and the last bag i want is CHANEL!!! Waiting for friends to go europe then heart pain buy 1. Hahahaha
I don't really like heels. Since #1 preg, i stopped wearing heels till today. Only occassionally for certain meeting then i change to heels in office.

what is your push gift?
Wah so fast some of u all get hint hint of gender. I hope doc Cant confirm gender yet cos mostly girls Will only confirm by gynae later. Hide in loo to rest nw... So tired
manunited, i also want forced leave lei... can or not.... im gg for next appt 21st jan (cross finger can see gender)... then after that is 17th feb for detailed scan! so it feels very near!! heee... plus next few weekend got things to do so not so bad...

i also want chanel! but think will wait for #2 then ask for chanel... i just want prada for #1 but hubby dont want to give =(

i want to buy man u romper for bb though... hahahahahahaahha when ur friend go europe can ask ur friend help me buy????
I think so mine is FBI

I try to eat dinner although I know will puke

U got the miu miu bag in pink my first choice of colour too in the end I buy a nude colour

Chanel bag the straps is heavy & when u hv kids dont hv many chances of carrying it le some of our forum mummies all sell away their Chanel bag
I'm just back from Europe in jun Chanel bag is out of stock loh for the 2.55 classic range all china ppl buying like no need $.
thng, actually i dont want that color one lei... hahahaa my hub got me as surprise so he choose the color... i tot pink hard to match, but the color unique la! not really pink... more like coral
So sweet of ur hubby,the pink is nice & nt really pink tone
Hubby forbid me get pink stuff he always comment I got so many pink stuff loh.
My cramp/gastic/vomit/nasuea all get extremely bad at night. Does anyone hv gastric problem?

MC is ending soon. But don't know hw to go to work in such state. Can barely bring myself to walk downstairs, so admire hw u mummies met up for the gathering yest.
How u mummies manage to go work everyday? Any one talk to their boss to take long leave (paid/unpaid)?
Bambi: I am in the same state as u. I am starting work next week also, but like u, I feel so weak. Can't always take hospitalization leave right? I have talked to my boss on this issue n he is working something out with hr. See what he can come out with. Which week are u at? I feel terrible. Somemore I cough non stop n can't sleep well...
Winningstar, same as you. I also commented to hubby how come it feels like just going back to where it started... Vomiting, extreme fatigue and weird taste bud..

I'm also praying for complete-free of ms in 2nd trim.
Hi mummies

I'm viewing this on my blackberry so its slow and small but are u guys talking abt gender already?? Can see at oscar?!? Mine's tmr and ill be super excited if can see loh! I'm already week 12, 5 days now.
Thng- wow channel out of stocks in Europe! The pricing has increased alot. My fren bou abt s$3k in dec 09. Now I think cost at least s$4k if u buy from euro. Medium size. Why they sell away, the classic range pricing keep going up. How much they selling?
winningstar- I'm at wk 10. Gets so bad that I will just cry, which then gets better for few minutes only. When I cough, it sometimes follow up by vomitting.

How did u raise this with your boss? I dont know how to bring it up, since I'm afraid he will think how come other people pregnant still can continue to work like normal, but I have so many problems.
Bambi: u sounded like me when I was in week 7/8.. Where it was my worst. *touchwood*

At first I thought I couldn't go to work too... But I still try... Cus going to work can also take Ur mind off uncomfort ESP when u are busy.. Keep munching or sucking sweets may help..

If u get tired, them request to leave for half day...

Thankfully I got an understanding boss so whenever I feel I cannot tahan anymore, I will leave and go home...

At least I have tried...

First trimester can be very bad for some of us and I am not spared either. Let's just hang on and do what we can manage.

If you really think you cannot, go see your Gynae... Talk about it... Don't be depress about it...
Oh Bambi, the other thing was I called my boss and talk to him about the symptoms, the problems I have and explain it's tough for me to travel to work due to dizziness, vomitting etc... They hear already also will know it's hard to go to work one.. Either see Gynae for longer HL.. Or tell him u willing to take no pay leave...

Sometimes, it's no choice one...
Lol bambi!! I also duno how I drag myself to work everyday! I puke after brush teeth so that makes me feel slightly better.. I dress for work.. The journey to work sucks.. Gag all e way.. Reach ofc.. Relief!! Eat breakfast, then folic n dha n feel nausea all over again.. Ren till lunch.. Anyhow eat.. Back ofc.. Giddy... Stone on pc.. Read fb n forum and!! Knock off!! Journey home same as morning.. Sigh if u ask me.. I m v amazed at myself too.. =..(
Hello - can continue to go facial right?? Just tell the therapist that preggy and she won't do certain massages hor?
Bambi: ask gynae to write a letter bah if needed. I really can't work well since my immunity super low, always catch a cold or cough or headache - all sorts of flu, super buah tahan.
I reaching my 2nd trimester , but symptoms din improve. Gp told me is normal n can prolong till 20 weeks - I wanna faint after hearing it.

I just hope my boss can give me time off. I don mind unpaid leave.
maunited - i bought my chanel classic (medium size) at europe in Sept and it cost S$4.9K..
actually the sales person also told me the size i want no more stock.. but the small one they have plenty..
but i wanna the medium size.. so i thought of an idea.. i re-q again an choose another sales person.. and here comes the size that i want.. haha
dont believe them when they said out of stock.. most of the time they do have stock and they keep it for their own country ppl..
Joanne : orh I din read forum yet. I usually read at 5-6am the whole day thread cos I tend to wake up so early nowadays.. If I wake up late then no time to read. Once I reach office lagi worst- work work all the way. Just knock off at 7pm. I just pop my question on facial on the forum while waiting for my bus at bus stop.. Later I scroll for yr question ya? Now v tired to read with my small I phone.. What's yr question again?
Hi Tanny
I see.. Ok ok.. Take ur time to reply ya..;)

Hi audrey
Hv no time send u an email yet.. Hee.. Will send u later..;)
LFC - Before I was on HL, in office, I was practically hiding in toliet to cry every few hours. It was so tough and I was so relieved when gynae finally gaf HL. He mentioned he can only write a letter to state I'm preg, since he say all these are normal, so I didnt ask since he gaf me the HL at that time.

Yeah, Smalleyespy, u r amazing ! I can barely walk few metres without feeling tired. :p

Winnie, Discussed with Hubs, and I think I will probably inform my boss next wk that I need to take unpaid leave for mth of Jan. Otherwise, I will probably leave. (Hmm.. my working environment is very stressful, so no FB, no internet, any form of relaxation for me. SMS also will kena backstabbed by some coll. Must b alert all times.)
Wish me good luck .. At least I am attemping to try. :D
Can i asked if any mummy delivering in KKH? been reading through forums and online the whole day and yet still cant decide which gynae
kat - yup i'm delivering in KKH. when's ur edd? mine's 8 Jul. if we're about the same date best not to go for the same gynae in case we deliver on same day hard for her to cope.

rykiel - not sure if you've already gone to KKH Clinic A, but what to expect is the same everywhere. basically you go in, feel free to ask doctor any questions you might have, she might ask you a few questions, then go for scan and that's it. before you go in clinic, you have to take routine test (urine, weight and blood pressure). oh yah if there's any medication/ multivitamins, you have to go to pharmacy. if you are at TPS, then you just collect medication when you pay at counter. hope that helps.
Joanne : can u ask yr qn again? I can't find yr enquiry.. I usually stop reading forum from 7am onwards until 8-9pm if free then I pop in.. if v tired I sleep liao, cos office so busy short handed now..
Hi Tanny
Here u r..;) i cant sleep well last nite too.. Keep feel very hot n hv a bad dream.. Scary...;(

Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2011 - 8:33 am:       
Hi Tanny
Usually is eat biscuits with Milo for afternoon n supper tea break.. Last time my confinement auntie make noodle soup for me for breakfast.. I hate it as cant bath but still eat so hot stuff...but i didnt stop her as i dun want bread only for breakfast..;) r u going for ms wong prenatal class? Any idea When can we sign up n how much?
morning mummies!

manunited, thanks for the tips! shall see who is gg to macau to ask them help me get! heee

winningstar, i have my symptoms coming back lately too... but i do find myself having more energy in the day time... hang in there! im 13 weeks now

bingo, 4.9k right now??? omg! maybe i shld tell my hubby so he can hurry up go prepare... whaahahahah
morning bambi!

so you've decided to give up the 4 months maternity leave? if your MS eases, can try to hang in there...i reckon your 4 months mat leave will be a sweet revenge against those backstabbing colleagues! I am so tired this week - and tried to get full day off yesterday (my own leave not mc or what), also cannot! dunno what my boss is so kancheong about.
aylie. thanksthanks for ur info. ill be gg dwn on the 4th=) might postpone if im changing doc. my SIL with june tan but she says she still feels she lack the kind of touch and xplains clearly. up to personal. i might go n see her once, thn decide . hehe .. i with kkh too? which gynae u with?
peapea - i think there is some where online where you can order too. A friend in fb ever posted. If i come across or know anyone going UK or Macau, i let you know k. But abit hard becos they have so many diff types of bb clothings. They have more varities for bb girls than boys. Boys only some rompers and plain plain...the bb girls clothings so sweet and nicez!
bingo, but we agree that it is push pressie for 2nd child lei... hai.... still got some time to go.. hahahahah

manunited, thanks in advance!!!!!!!!! i saw my friend dressing her daughter up in the bb romper, so cute lor!
peapea - i have man u bb romper too...u go my fb see. I bu she de give pple all his man u clothings. Intend to keep until he grows big then show him. Hehehehe

Bingo - Chanel classic got a few models right? also dont know which model to get. heartpain man $5K! But how much is spore selling for your model?
peapea - i have man u bb romper too...u go my fb see. I bu she de give pple all his man u clothings. Intend to keep until he grows big then show him. Hehehehe

Bingo - Chanel classic got a few models right? also dont know which model to get. heartpain man $5K! But how much is spore selling for your model?
