(2012/07) Jul 2012

got....but i never take pic of it. i asked gyane to give me that scan because hubby was not with me then. And it is really very obvious, becos the stick is like quite long out. if it is alittle out, maybe hard to say becos at this stage girl or boy all have the same shape. Plus my EDD has been pushed forward by 5-6days i know should be boy already.

This is your #1? So you hoping for a kuku bird? heheheehe

Last time during oscar, my gynae said her guess is 80% girl becos no stick out, then next visit at 16wks she said can see already. So maybe grow out later. hahahahhaa

Do you have hairy tummy (more fine hair around your tummy)? I do have.
Last time i read somewhere from SMH forum the symptons of boy or girl. Heartbeat is also one of them. Not sure if it is boy, the heartbeat is less than 160 or girl is less than 160.

I have more or less the same symptons as #1. Not much ms but i did not put on any weight. in fact i lost abt 0.5kg. Do not know why so.
manunited, im fine either way... hubs think it is a girl i think it is a boy... hahahahahah

eh i realised i got more fine hair near my pelvic area not tummy though... whats the symptoms of heartbeat like?? i thought i put on weight cuz belly pop out liao but turn out still the same. overall lost abt 2-3kg from pre-pregnancy =)
regarding the heartbeat is, it is likely boy if heartbeat is less than 160 or more than 160. i cannot remember which is which.
My sonographer can't tell whether it's boy or gal yet. Anw, bb not v cooperative so she jus focused on taking the critical measurements.

Audrey: try to eat something or drink to keep urself hydrated. Know u very xin ku.... Hang on. Think positive too... Ms means bb growing well.

Thng: u received 3 books? I Tot they combined into 1 book Liao? That's wat the receptionist told me. Goody bag still in car so I haven chk.

Re:Walk-in gynae/ emergency case
The previous time I had a fall, I couldn't get an appointment w my gynae and I decided to walk in at another gynae near my area. I walk-in at his clinic, no q and I got to see him in 10min. Scan and consultation only $80, cheaper than KKH.
Dr Phua Soo Mear @ Blk 211 Hougang St. 21, # 01-289 Singapore 530211
Tel: 62828960 / 628261606

Consultation Hours:
Mon-Fri: 9 am -12.30 pm, 2 -4.30 pm
Saturday: 9 am -12.30 pm
Night Clinic: Monday, Wednesday 6.30 -8.30 pm
I got 3 book from Thomson I post the photo at fb.

Had a hard time today,morning discover I bleed lucky bb is ok now vomit straight after dinner I'm so exhausted.
Pass my Oscar test - 1: 7000
. But can't tell the gender yet. Baby guai guai let us scan though I coughing badly. Then stretch his hands n lift his legs.
Winningstar: Congrats!

Thng: ya, confirm 1 book only called "guide to childhood medical conditions".

Bambi: I think better not put hot bottle on tummy.
Hi Angelia, I've added my info into the google doc..

Hey Jul mummies..I did my OSCAR test yst pm too... was quite an emotional experience for me as it's the first time me & my hubby saw our baby moved.. i was so touched i actually teared a little.. hehe..i'm jus prayin that everythin will b fine..

BTW, does any of u experience terrible gum pains?? I have been suffering fr gum pains for the past 2 wks, i couldn't eat much at all..plus the MS doesnt help.. i lost 2 kg so far..
Janet : after you add me, do sent me a msg in fb stated who are you.. If not i wouldn add into the secret group...

Sherlyn : hmm... Maybe implantation bleeding? Abit only right?
Not too sure, m on my 12th weeks nw...1st time see tis brown discharge, not a lot but jus like end of mense. Nurse just did heart beat detection ok, nw waiting to see Dr and scanning
Thanks, jus back from kkh, bb is fine from the scanning, active n strong heart beats...

Was given a progesterone jab for stabilising.
Feel so relieved
Morning! Gg for Oscar test today and bringing #1 for 15 month jab. Didn't manage to get full day leave and still fuming mad with my mini boss for rejecting it.
Confinement time besides the 3 meals, for tea breaks and supper like at 10am, 4pm, 9pm; what can we eat? Do they cook special confinement type of tea break or is it just Milo n bread/ biscuits type?

mom of 2, have fun looking at bb this morning! but to squeeze Oscar and jab at the same time a bit tight hor...

13th week today!! woo hooo!!!
Hi Tanny
Usually is eat biscuits with Milo for afternoon n supper tea break.. Last time my confinement auntie make noodle soup for me for breakfast.. I hate it as cant bath but still eat so hot stuff...but i didnt stop her as i dun want bread only for breakfast..;) r u going for ms wong prenatal class? Any idea When can we sign up n how much?

My #1 bb also 15th month. Are you going to bring your bb for MMR jab today? I suppose to bring my bb for MMR jab today as well. But after i read some of the article, many encourage postponing the MMR to later part. Alot of my friends' baby having high fever after MMR jab. Haiz, i will bring her after CNY. In case, the jab affects her mood for new year celebration.
Manunited : Added !


Thank you !
I finished Oscar n blood test liao. Scan is normal so I got to just wait for blood test. Got a copy of #2's scan as well.

Tinggy> yes I'm bringing #1 for mmr today n chicken pox. I rather risk the fever than him (touchwood) catching any bugs.
i just went parkway east for oscar yesterday too... so cute to see the baby moving.

r yr ms getting better? how to tell? still on medication?
So good to receive copy of scan on the spot.

Peapea, we will receive some scan pics (i think at most 6) when we collect the report from our gynae.
Gd Morning all mummies & mummies to be

Havnt been in a thread for the longest time since 2007. Anyone happened to be from Mar 2007 thread as well?

Can i asked if anyone has recommendation for gynae in KKH? I have CSC card, so thought this time round I'll go for gov hospital to reduce cost.

This is my 3rd one btw
peapea, i think i saw u at TMC on mon cos i recognised your miumiu pink col bag! i saw that bag when i was walking past to leave TMC. YOu were seated at the last seat of 1st row, near to the counter there. Hehehee...but i dont really see your face, but saw the miu miu bag.
how's everyone's M/S so far? got improvement?

Mine is.. 2 days okay, 1 day bad... that kinda on and off..

but these days got "pattern" one... morning when wake up, vomit once the gastric juice.. then late afternoon/evening will vomit some leftovers from lunch.


(Well, at least compare to last time 5/6 times a day, now is 2 times a day.. i should be "happy"??)

manunited! really??!!! hahaha omg i cant believe it! you actually recognise me by my bag!!! does this mean our detailed scan might be same day? mine is 17 feb
I hv 3 books from TMC for signing up FBI
- guide to childbirth
- guide to breastfeeding
- guide to childcare

Lfc & yumei
My vomiting get worse in the night from 8pm onwards I feel terrible sometimes wan puke but nothing comes out.
Last nite sit at toilet for a while nothing comes out force myself go sleep & place a container near my bed incase I wan puke.
