(2012/07) Jul 2012

AUdrey, I thot cannot feed baby peanut when born, din noe that shld avoid peanut during pregnancy as well.

So can drink barley?

Rykiel: tps vs clinic a = price and time. Same scan sam doc but tps abt 10-15% more expensive. For docs who r tps, they hv sat n wkday evening options if doc works those timings.

Mahjong: ya after 1st tri can travel, I already go europe and hk in my 1st tri with #1 and #2 for work. I mean how for holiday if I hv to bring #1..
tracy, still got MS but once a day... majority water so it is ok... once vomit finish feel ok liao... nausea on and off, but energy is better! where u delivering?

mahjong, barley cannot. that one my tcm say one... better dont drink liang teh too... wait till 3rd trimster...

well, in the past i heard abt the peanut thing, but after a while, i stop bothering... cuz i feel if in moderation shld be ok la... hahahahahaha
Got a long meeting today, din drink much water n feel so tired. If anything happens , I will say is work related
Barley cannot , chrystantumen (watever the spelling is) cannot....

I recommend only, water/100plus/soybean (both fresh and can from yeos) / Longan tea (fresh cook/allswell/yeos) / Ribena.

Some mentioned prune juice.

I am avoiding green tea also. Tea/coffee can drink but once/twice a week should be ok.
those pokka green tea cant drink? i glup down a few cans these few days. sinful sinful.

so during lunch all the mummies here drink what?
fwah. i dun take juice outside cos i normally blend at hm, thn those outside either too diluted or too sweet.

hmm. suppose i must bring my waterbottle out for lunch liaos!! hehe. gg off wrk ler. bb mummies.

have a great dinner ltr on! im gg to satisfy my pasta craving with DS. hehe =P~
Yesss! Audrey are right on the drink stuffs... As long as got tea... Caffine dont touch better... Especially green tea... Those are too liang already... Scare will harm the bb and some will tend to have white discharge.
i think my avent duo costs $700++. but its v powerfulll..... my friend bot 2 sets of single avents and gave up bf after 1 month. think single motors are not strong enough.

someone asked if any mummies working today ? YES I BLOODY AM....
Winningstar : Now that you are pregnant, it is important to ensure that both you and your baby stay strong and healthy. Though it may be difficult, this is the time to give up all those bad habits, like smoking and alcohol consumption. It is also a good idea to give up food or beverages that contain caffeine. Though you may be hesitant to give up your morning cup of coffee, caffeine has been associated with a number of prenatal risks. When consumed in high doses, caffeine has even been linked with increased rates of miscarriage.

What is Caffeine?
Though many of us don't realize it, caffeine is actually a drug, much like nicotine and alcohol. It is also addictive, which is why so many people crave their coffee and cola! Caffeine, also known as guareine and mateine, is a naturally-occurring substance found in a number of plants, beans, and seeds. It acts as a stimulant on our central nervous system, and is absorbed into our bloodstream just 15 minutes after intake. When absorbed in large quantities, caffeine can cause a number of adverse physical reactions.

Where is Caffeine Found?
Though most of us associate caffeine with tea and coffee, it is also found in a number of other foods and beverages, including:


hot chocolate
various nuts

Caffeine is also found in certain medications, particularly those for migraine headaches, and in some dietary supplements.

What are the Effects of Caffeine?
If you notice yourself feeling jittery after you have has a lot of coffee or tea, there's a good reason for it. Caffeine can cause a number of physical side effects, including:


increased heart rate
increased blood pressure
increased sweat production

Caffeine also acts as a diuretic. This means that it causes you to lose fluid from your body, which can leave you dehydrated and fatigued. If your body absorbs too much caffeine, it is possible to go into "caffeine overdose," which causes symptoms of nausea and lightheadedness, as well as respiratory problems.

Effects of Caffeine on Your Baby
Caffeine is thought to pose certain risks during pregnancy. Though researchers debate how much caffeine is acceptable during pregnancy, there is evidence to suggest than any amount will cause some physical effects on your little one. This is because caffeine passes through your placenta and is absorbed by your baby. Adults are able to break down caffeine fairly quickly, thanks to chemicals inside of our body. However, your developing baby can't do this as efficiently. This means that caffeine will be stored inside of his blood for longer periods of time, and could reach dangerously high levels.

Caffeine also affects other aspects of your baby's health. It is known to increase your baby's heart rate and may affect how much he moves in utero. Because caffeine is a diuretic, it can also affect the nutrition your baby receives from you. Caffeine intake may cause you to absorb less iron and calcium from foods, a possible detriment to your baby's overall fetal development.

Coffee and Miscarriage
Recent studies have focused on the effects of coffee intake during pregnancy. A large-scale Danish study polled more than 80,000 pregnant women regarding their coffee intake. This study found that women who drank large amounts of coffee during pregnancy were more likely to experience a miscarriage. Women who drank more than 2 cups of coffee a day had a slightly increased risk of miscarriage, while those that drank 8 or more cups experienced a 59% increase. This is why it is so important to watch your caffeine intake during pregnancy.

Interestingly, this Danish study found that this considerably greater risk of miscarriage was specific to coffee. Other caffeinated beverages and foods did not present the same significant increase, leading researchers to believe that other chemicals contained in coffee could possibly play a role in causing miscarriage.
Yesterday had lunch at restaurant, couldn't stop taking the steamed peanuts. Then the flower tea so tempting, I asked my mum and was given the green light to drink haha. There was chrysanthemum, osmanthus, jasmine and longan in the tea, very fragrant.
haha..wa... Audrey... the things u say cannot eat and drink all i always eat and drink.. i always eat peanut butter and bread for breakky during weekends... when at kopitiam cos i cannot drink coke.. and duno wat other gassy drinks to order.. so i order barley and drink chrysenthemum tea.. OMG.. haha..

sigh.. but then already xin ku ma.... they also say crab cannot eat. i also ate.. but my MIL gave me a very stupid reason..if eat.. nxt time bb legs and hands will be very active... like to touch things... AND excuse me.. WATS WRONG with that? ACTIVE Ma... bleh.. so i still ate in front of her... haha

SQUID SOTONG she also niam.. why?? cos alot of legs... siao bo!

sigh... duno la.. so sickening.. i only really avoid the obvious... like coffee alcohol and ciggies...

the rest.......... i stil eat... INCLUDING maggie mee.. haha

i am very bad la... but all no medical history ma... BUT there is one thing i blif.. HERBAL soup... that one i scared..
my mil told me for sotong, can eat the body but not the legs, she said no good but i do nto know why...

i have craving for instant noodles too but cannot eat
alamak, I take green tea like every 2-3 days lo...

smalleyespy, I ate everything ur colleague say cannot eat for my #1. He is indeed very active but my cousin-in-law also ate but the ger ok, nt as active, tink no claims one la. Got appetite to eat gd ald lo!
Winningstar : half a cup is okay.. As long as not more than 1cup ya?

Ourlovestory : seldom can lah.. Not every day...

Rer-rer : 不知者无罪! Nevermind! ^^
Hello mummies..
I survived a Christmas gift exchange with a few of my close friends earlier.. Thank God I didn't vomit while having my meal with them.. But they already suspect I am preg cos I have no appetite at all.. Haha! So told them about it..

Since i have been losing weight, I don't think my stomach is very obvious, except certain dresses.. Will look super obvious..
So I bet nobody will give seat for me if I didn't wear those dress that looks preg
Morn ladies, can try drink Sarsi or put some glucose in warm water, Horlicks, Milo... Eat more fruits like apple.

Good day to everyone !
morning ladies!

today half day... hahahah

winningstar, i was told by gynae 1 cup of caffeine per day. this includes caffeine from coke, soft drinks, , coffee and tea... just try to moderate ba... it is ok one...

someone also told me dont eat crab, but my baby wants to eat... how... hahahahahah
Morning Ladies ~~ just eat since bb wanna eat lo.. Hahahaha!! =p

I'm going to have my chee cheong fan breakfast and lunch i wanna eat creamy pasta!! Hahaha!! Craving craving... Even plan what to eat liao...
Peapea : ahahah!!! I lazy to go out lah... Just order Pasta Mania for lunchie later... =p

MaiNe : i always go Toa Payoh Lorong;7 there de market eat chee cheong fan!!! There nice!!! Always long q de... ^^
Good morning ladies!

Peapea so lucky to have 1/2 day. I'll be slogging in the office rest of today since both micro manager bosses are here. Non stop writing yesterday super tired :/

Anyone gets evening sickness? My nausea kicks in in the evening, and the body aches all come at the same time.
Mom of 2 : me lo! My nauseas from whole day now get better abit become evening sickness... Now like got timing de.. 6plus 7plus, i sure puke... And is all out that type... My mum see liao also xia dao... =.=!!!
mom of 2: i also gets evening sickness even with medication....mornin/afternoon can cope with medication...only evening, still pukes. i think the weather gets cold..so body cold?
Today woke up super hungry, took milk and digestive biscuit, after 30 mins, all came out... that was abt 8.30am... i got ready for work by 9am... and fell asleep on bed until 9.45am... oh my! I am at work now, feeling super tired and nausea....
Hi all..been quite sone time din log in!I am 14wks+ now..have went for my Oscar scan..everything is good!I tested @ my gynae clinic!Any mummies here dun feel like pregnant..I dun feel like pregnant..gotta wait till next wed then can visit my gynae..so kan jiong..hope everything is ok
Btw..what secret fb account?Can I join too?
Hi. I've just came back from my Oscar scan n did my blood test n the result will b out tmr. Tat b my Christmas present. I hope it will b a great one ;)

Angelia, did u rec my request to b friend in fb, I hope I send to the rite one, there r 2 angelia tan.
Jerlyn : add me on fb nick : Angelia Mark Cherelle , than i'll bring you to our secret group.. Haha!! After add please kindly pm me in fb with your smh nick...

Baywater : my fb nick is not angelia tan leh.. Is Angelia Mark Cherelle ...
this is my last working day for the year! yay!

almost week 12 now, 2 days to go and suddenly i have MS! weird. my teammates are popping wine and champagne to celebrate end of the year but I can't have any
Today so quiet... My ms not so bad this 2 days too.. 11 weeks plus. My tummy is bulging though! I just say from all the Xmas food.. Hee hee Hee..

Last week of my 2 months leave... Emo~~~

feeling lethargic.. every yr christmas I'll bake goodies for office.. this yr failed one attempt and feeling no energy re-do. Hiaz..

The parties starts today! Gotta watch those sugars..

Merry Merry Christmas July Mummies! Have a good good special one!! ^^
