(2012/07) Jul 2012

Holiday mood......
Have a Merry Xmas in advance Mummies.....Muak Muak...


ya office too. a lot of pple on leave.

11 weeks 5 days now, my tummy still not obvious. but jeans super tight liao. time to start shopping for some maternity clothes!
heyheyhey! hohoho!! haha.. to all those mommies who's tummies are not showing yet... VERY GOOD leh! sob sob.. my tummy is super bloated! haha.. but i dun care.. still eat.. cos usually if i can eat and actually have appetite... i confirm just WHACK first..

My MS more regular already... usually its about 10plus in the morning...drag all the way till before lunch...(LIKE NOW!!) after lunch can stil feel sick.. then after ease..

by dinner.. feel much better... 11pm sumtimes if i am too conscious of the time.. i will feel giddy..

wa.. ytd i ate korean food leh.. very bad cos i ate alot of Kimchi and the soup damn spicy! haha.. told my mama. and she say... wat to do... if BB wana eat.. just eat... WHICH is true! just really dun eat EVERYDAY and dun over do it...

So during this Xmas...I hope all mommies will be able to eat watever they like and keep it in their tummies for their lil beanies to enjoy!!

Blessed Christmas to all of you!!

Muacks Muacks Muacks!!!!!!

Ps: YES i am at work too.. sucks!! hahaaha.. ok now. tata... XOXO
You all good lo... My tummy is already super ming xian now!
those that joining us for gathering de will soon see my tummy! Hohoho!!! =\

What a christmas pressie now! =\

yesterday hb still comment say why your bra seem like so small now huh? Walau.. Make me paisay! I still got to whatsapp him and say "hey!!! Nei nei will become big de hor! " cause relatives are there!!! Urghhh...
lol den good lor no need buy presents.. say "present already inside" keke :D

I oleadi bought bras twice le leh.. oleady spilling out the cups.. gotta upsize le. Else hard to breathe! Time for shopping Angelia~~
Fluffy : yessyess!!! Am going out with hb tomorrow after bringing Cherelle go check up.. Time to wipe *blinkblink* on hb's cc... Hohoho... =p
Aylie, can de. I went around some crazy places when my #1 was less than 5mths. But eh...When they are toddlers a bit more cranky, more difficult.
Pasta on the way~~~ weeeeee~~~ hopefully no puke... Sigh... Say too early in forum just now!!! My Chee Cheong Fan is out already! Urgh!!
peapea, okie noted noted on the barley, I try not to drink, but nothing to dream. Today 1st time I vomitted a bit. Cos I took folic acid with plain water and got chock and stomach started to feel weird and vomitted...The plain water not helping. jia lat.

Audrey, longan Tea not liang? Can? Soya Bean I cannot will LS or go toliet. Guess I will stick to longan tea. :p

Apple and Orange Juice can? Good Good I will drink that also. :p

smalleyespy, I still eating Old Chang Kee Sotong Head. kekek. :p
Smalleyespy, hi 5. Kekek I had Maggi Mee for Dinner yesterday. Assam Flavour. Now NTUC selling $2. Yum Yum.

Aylie, how did you excuse urself from the wine and champagne?
mahjong - where did you go with your then 5 month old girl? i have thought of so many places (TW, HK, US) but i think all have some problems. the only ok place is NZ cos self drive and not that far but it's very hot. i think we are running out of time so most likely will not go.

i can only think of Sentosa right now (!!!) to get a swim, stand on sand take photo, but the weather is terrible!

Oh, i had to tell my team that i was preggers at 10 weeks. bcos i may need to cancel a few of my biz trips and i need to prepare my boss so he can plan for it! so it's open in my office now, i just hope the preg goes on smoothly *fingers crossed* my friends all don't know yet.

have you told your office yet?
aylie - i told my office liao. anyway it's super obvious now..look like 4-5 mths preggers.

angelia - take photos on your outing on the 28th..take the bellies too so I can see how big everyone looks heehee
Aylie, I just told my boss only. I very patang, not telling anyone unless necessary. So only my hubby and my boss and one of my sis know I think.
Mom of 2 : alamak.. You serious bo? Lol!!! Shy leh... Somemore take belly now shy lah. Aiyoh... See how lah.. Hahaha!!! You remember how Fluffy's belly that time? I slightly
Bigger abit! =\
anyone experiencing pain. on off ill get pulls in my lower abdomen. 1st check up on the 4th. i dont even know my edd yet. boo~ but im in this thread cos seems the lmp here is ard oct?
i made a couple of announcements to the team lah, then after they absorbed the news, i just said, "ok i got personal announcement now" and one of the female colleague just said, 'oh are you pregnant again'?

apparently my tummy was showing the other day when i was wearing a dress and they were speculating. but the men were oblivious lah.

mom of 2 - you are cute!

mahjong - don't worry lah, i am sure all will be ok. you intending to tell your colleagues only after 12 week?

BTW i have MS out of the blue yesterday and today! felt like vomitting and ate a whole bunch of sour plums and useless! what is going on?! i told MS spose to subside, esp when i had no MS from start to yesterday. WEIRD. Little bean must be preventing me from having delicious xmas dinner! back to metoclopramide.
hi mummies
what a busy day for me haiz...

i think my whole ofc know i'm pregant le coz sometimes my clothing make my stomach obvious & the way i behave more restricted & NO HIGH HEELS SHOES too they will find it weird.

Christmas round the corner !!
Enjoy ur day!!
So happy today because don't have to work next week until 3 Jan. Yipee. Going for company dinner tonight at LeVeL 33. The beer there is so shiok but too bad can't enjoy the alcohol.

Feeling so sleepy now. Dunno can tong until after dinner anot since I am so used to power nap around 7pm for an hour... Some more now raining. Feel like oinking even more. Zzzzz
Only 1 colleague and my boss know.. And 1 kapo colleague guess after pestering me. These people hor.. Like must know like that.. I mean.. 1st 3 month cannot say, why must still ask leh? So angry.

Really heavy rain today.. I'm gg to take a nap.

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all.
I find that company doesn't really take care of preggy. I ask for transfer to another site as now my current site that I am working in is too far from my home. Boss seems very unwilling. Then y government still encourage us to give birth if we r not given the advantage!
anyone gg for xmas party tmr/ day after? gona b a quiet xmas for me at hm. no celebrations cos too weak to step out of hse..

merry xmas in advanced
Lfc - let's hold Hand together and pass 1st tri together.. Hehe

This afternoon walk in to dr tham clinic cos have brown discharge again.. Sian...
Glad that little bingo is doing great but just that I don't understand y I keep having Brown discharge? Not every day but like 1 week once.. I hope it will stop soon! Freaking me out..
The best thing is the scan is free! Dr said just wanna make sure bb ok... No need consultation and all.. So scan Liao, only ask question for 10 secs.. Then out I go... Scan is free! So good.. But still, I don't wish to see him so often.. Haha
Mahjong- haha scan on thurs bb no wave lei. dr say nw only limp buds not yet grow out n As usual bb sleeping all the way. Tink my womb too cushy Liao!

Last nite my #1 who sleeps Betwn us on bed gave mi karate kick in my lower abdomen, had tummy ache immed aft dunno issit coz paranoid. tis morn wake up poo poo hehe.. Hope all is fine though will monitor n in times like this, I'm praying for MS signs..
Sg_sc : i experience that too!! Mygirl keep on karate kick me when i changing her diapers.. What i do is usually place a small pillow at my tummy there to prevent...
I have a fall on my legs yesterday. Also seeing some slight pink discharge. So went to kk clinic for scan- so sian, go there so often though I get to see baby. I suppose to be at 12th week. But baby a bit small, only 4.6cm. This time he moves a lot - looks mang zhang to me. Don know why he grows at a smaller rate this time... Worried
Winning: dun b too worries. Diff bb grow at diff rates. As long Yr gynae scan ok den ok de.

Merry Xmas to all great mothers !
Hi Mummies!

Just wanna ask around normally by how many weeks does the MS wean off? I'm currently Week 9 and am vomiting almost every night. Had nausea the whole day long
Love ass: not yet. I just use "he" for conenience sake. Next week going for Oscar scan. Think should be able to tell by then.

Merry Christmas to all mothers. Let us pray for a smooth n sweet pregnancy throughout the 10 months
I have to sleep with a pillow on top of me. My #1 likes to climb up on me and sleep on me. I dun understand y she likes to sleep like a koala. I have to remove her when she fell asleep. Sometime, it makes me abit out of breath. But i just bear it a while so she faster fall asleep.
