(2012/06) Jun 2012

fleur, are your colleagues aunties? so mean of them to deliberately alientate u. i had colleagues like that before and i resigned after 3 months. good thing in my current job is my colleagues are nice but due to culture difference (they are filipinos), we seldom talk.

my bosses havn't asked me about my ML. wonder when i should bring this up to them cos i still need to do some handover and work arrangements for my abscence. sighz..

have mummies who're donating the cord blood made the arrangements yet?

Prettibride: how much did you pay and what is their package like? When will U be taking your shots?

My colleagues are ages 31, 39 & 41. They are the newer batch who joined a yr plus. The older batch of colleagues were very nice and we clicked very well ... did online shopping and don't gossip maliciously about hubby, ppl family affairs ... $$$ etc.

Anyway now with my baby i tell myself not to care too much about people who are not going to matter in my life.

If you are planning natural birth ... good to keep walking so if we continue to work still can walk. If we stay home may not walk as much. I am taking one week AL before my EDD to just do last min prep, shopping and also arrange makan sessions with closer friends haha

I better bring extra panties, sanitary pad, bottoms to work and also to put in hubby car. What kind of waterproof pad do we need?

Hi Jul,

what does the pre-admission letter from TMC say huh? did they mail to you or ask you to collect huh?

yo, ladies, do you have any good chinese master to help calculate baby's name huh? yeah looking for one hehee
EDD in Glens
17 June. 1 bedder no physical hairdryer muz request. they have a plug for it in the toilet.
i usually wear their hospital gowns the other way ard. i nvr bother abt covering much since the curtain is always covered.

Smilez: i stained the gown n sheets a few times during my stay though they have the disposable pads on the bed. cause toss n turn. so i definitely won't wear my own clothes.. haha
when i was off the urine catheter i went toilet, my legs were dripping with blood. tat was 2nd day post delivery via csec.
Jul, Mon morning is always busy for GP. With the nice weather, a lot of people will be tempted to take MC and rest at home. Hope that you can get ur meds and rest at home soon.

For hair on tummy I can use my epilator. Plus I barely have any hair on my tummy. Which reminds me I need to epilate my legs as well. haha. I think I have been really neglecting my routine.

Maternity shots, did u guys took any tummy shots? We DIY and I saw unedited shots of my tummy. So sad to see a lot of stretched marks below my belly button that I never knew I had. Damn those carl zeiss lens! On hindsight, should have taken my maternity earlier before those stretch marks appeared.
their maternity+newborn package is $388. StudioLoft charge $250 for maternity alone. So i think this one is quite worth it. I am going on 20th for the maternity shot first. so excited.

you're right, we should not let ourselves be bothered by people who doesn't matter. they can gossip all they want if it makes them happy.

waterproof pad
its like a rectangular pc of cotton with plastic base so that it doesn't leak. can purchase from pharmacies. i actually bought mine from daiso, the pets section..hahaha...figured it works the same way and much cheaper.
Thanks Petrina, u really give a clear picture of what happens post delivery. Hmmm... I don't think I would want visitors then. So uncomfortable and self-conscious with all the bleeding. Maybe only welcome family members like my bros, sis and aunties.
hi ladies, do we need to bring toothbrush n toothpaste for TMC ? yeah i guess now is the time for those whom have yet to have a baby to have as muchie couple time as possible.

for those whm have no. 1, i tink maybe can spend more time with no. 1 so that when no. 2 come out, we definitely spend more time with no. 2.

yeah been going on movie dates with hubby, par toh, went to various shopping centres hehehe trying to go more places before the real confirnemnt starts.

what is the difference between C-Sec with epi and spinal huh? i checked website that says spnial stronger than epi lor....yeah will the nurses shave our hair below before C-sec huh? a lot of questions running thru my mind. at least that time when petrina shared with me on the length of the wound will be keep me more prepared hehee

i strongly believe that all is worth it when we see our baby. was playing with my fren's 5 mths baby gal last nite n she have such a sweet sweet smile leh hehe
@Prettibride I'm going for mine next Saturday. Finally my tummy grew bigger.

@Fleur Do hospital charge extra for hubby staying over?? I doubt so right. Get him to stay over lo. So he gets more involved.

@Sel dont worry about the stretch marks, they are part and parcel of pregnancy, most natural. If you really can't stand it then photoshop lo. I think most maternity shots they do. hahaha.
SEL: Wow carl zeiss lens! these are the expensive lens

Jolene: Yes they charge for hubby staying overnight. not sure how much but probably 80-100 per night. includes 5 meals - 3 main and 2 snacks

Movie Date: Was telling hubby there is a new movie coming out next week - What to expect when U are expecting ... seems interesting and will want to catch it
Just back from lunch with colleagues. Suppose to be a small lunch meeting with 2 colleagues ended up having 11 pax.. haha... Anyway, had beef horfun so it was a satisfying lunch for me..

Jul, what do you mean by hospital will shave your tummy for c-sec? I understand if they shave the lower region, but your tummy got hair?? Or they will shave regardless of how much hair you have, even if it's a few stray, short strands?

Anyway, do have a good rest and get well soon. I've just recovered from my flu although nose is still drippy once in a while. At least I got my sense of taste back :p

Ssmilezz, maybe your friend should have placed her slippers further away...

Prettibride, thanks for reminding me that I can use the pee pads used for pets as well! Haha... good idea!

Sunbelle, I've also been trying to spend more couple time with hubby although he's quite sanguine about it, saying we've had 16 years of couplehood already (including dating) and we can still make time for each other with baby around. I guess it's true since friends are already volunteering to look after baby! Just that I think he won't agree to it!

Re toothbrush/toothpaste, I'll bring my own even if hospital provides cos they usually give those cheapo ones.

Re baby name, hubby and i already discussed names before we found out whether baby is a boy or girl, so we've agreed on one for him already once we determined that it's a boy. We don't believe in getting someone to calculate the baby's name. Anyway I heard some of them recycle the names for different babies...
Jul: Thanks! So what brands do you recommend?

Fleur: He does the swab test for every patient and the cervix check as well. Actually the nurse reminded him then he did it.

Chinese Master for Names
Anyone has any recommendations or who do you ladies use as my MIL will only get the chinese name after she has the date and timing of the baby's birth. Pls help!
Nattan: I was thinking the same thing as you!!! I have a packet of pee pads used for my doggy haha now it will come in use. I will put one in office and at hubby's car
Chinese Names: I don't mind recommendations as my chinese isn't too fantastic so its easier for us to just pick from a list.
Saves the brain cells!

Adeline: Oh then i better remind him on my next visit next week.
Hope my girl will show her face too!!!

My lil one has been moving a lot! She moves quite a bit until i don't even need to check how many movements she makes. Should i be happy about it? Hope she doesn't move to another position coz all this while her head is at my bottom right area and legs near my right ribs
I have not been logged in here for quite sometime. see so many posts on what to bring to hospital, really very close to our big day. But my edd is last day of the month. Guess after you all delivered I am still waiting.

Anyone know where can i find mum and babe shop? the one at tampines 1 closed. I need to buy my medela breastpump spare part
Fleur, hubby lah say want to invest in a good lense before we went on our honeymoon. So really need to use it often, otherwise it's like a white elephant in the cupboard. He's a big fan of carl zeiss lens.

Think I'm going to drag hubby to catch that movie. I know I'm on bedrest but movie doesn't really require a lot of walking :p
Just wondering ... how much weight have most of you put on so far at your 32-35th week?

Sel: Sounds like a good idea. Walk to the car then to the theatre and sit down.
Don’t think u are allowed with contacts?! Just go without your specs cos when they put your baby on you, she will be so upclose and personal. Don’t think u need specs?
What happened to you again? What did the GP say? Better get a MC and go back to rest for the remaining day.
So is your hubby staying over? Actually, I wanted him to go back home so he can help set up whatever is left and prepare before I get home. Then there’s a slight change of plans cos MIL is coming over to my place to help care for my dogs and probably help out the first few days while the CL is here. In any case, going back from GLEN to my home is convenient. It’s like a 10 mins drive only so he can always pop back home etc.
I keep worrying about what’s going to happen at home when I go into labour. Will it be a mess when I get home? Who will wash laundry if it is laundry day and the whole basket is full of clothes? Will my dogs be ok without me? Aiyoh, I dunno la..i think I’m really having separation anxiety. Very silly right? L I’ve been praying to learn to let go and let things fall into place.
So we can request for a dryer if we need right?
U are talking abt those disposable mattress protector sheets? Just in case we stain the bed? Can we “kope” some and bring home? Hehe
Maybe we should put our slippers in a plastic bag? Hahahaha!!
I have been trying my best to spend more time with my hubby. Sayang him more…I’m worried he will feel neglected when baby comes along. Men also need to be loved. hehe
Fleur: Hopefully you would get a 3D/4D picture of her, as it is already included in his package!

My little girls head is also at the bottom and always faces my hubby during our checks and her backbone faces Dr Chan who sits on your right during the ultrasound session.

So at our last visit, we saw her but when we were about to take a 3D/4D picture of her, she moved her face to facing downwards to my hubbys feet which is also to my backbone.

Just curious, so 37week if full term and not 40week? I was planning to make sure everything is in order by 37week. Looks like that will be a little late,right? Gosh so many things to do still.....
Ssmilezz: I bought Molinea underpads which is available at GlenE's pharmacy. Those are for me to use at home in case of overflow as it is easier to discard then having to change the bedsheet.

In the hospital they will provide but i am not sure if they will give you to bring home.

Fleur: You should get your hubby to stay!! My hubby is staying over with me to accompany baby and i. Also to help me entertain family and friends during their visits. Anyways, hubby and i will be bringing our own pillows as the pillows in the hospital are super hard!! My cousin was uncomfortable with the pillow.
Fleurfleur, think I put on about 16kg total :p Not thinking about it.. just going to try my best to lose it all before going back to work.

Ssmilezz, you really worry too much! Just relax... at first we may think all those chores are important, but the truth is, they probably won't matter so much once the baby is here.

I was thinking just put the slippers further away or under the bed la.. no need to put inside plastic bag..

Contrary to you thinking hubby will feel neglected after the baby arrives, I think I'll be the one feeling neglected since hubby can't wait for baby to come and he'll probably want to spend every waking minute with him :p Hah...

Adeline, by right 40 weeks is actual full term, but nowadays the chances of babies surviving after 35 weeks is 99% and also most people seem to give birth about 2 weeks earlier in week 38, so about 37-38 weeks, the baby is considered full term already.
@fluer KK doesnt charge for hubby stay. But that is of course if you don't order their food. Sounds like your hospital is charging for food leh. Don't need la.

And ya same hubby and I can really decide on the Chinese name for our girl, so we are going to YOU LONG ZI for her name. No harm.
Sel: u're most welcome.. #1 delivery n post is still very vivid to me due to the big disappointment i had. i think many yrs down the road i can still clearly remember.. keke

Smilez: yes. i suggest u take everything in baby's bed on the day of discharge. cause they already charge for all those. Even if not charged, they won't last min charge u either.
Glens always keep ample pads *yellow for pillow* and *blue for mom's bed* under baby's cot.

Adeline: it's good that baby face ur butt. cause tat is the correct position for natural birth. if baby face front, the skull will hit ur spine when baby stretch. which makes delivery more painful too. though u will be disappointed not to have a good 3D scan.

Fleur: i also wanna go watch the *what to expect* movie.. looks interesting.

Jul: fever? i supposed by this time u'll be on mc already right? rest at home.. sleep!! haha

My body is already starting to practice post natal style. every little sound also i can wake up. i used to slp like a log!
same for #1 where i basically wake up at the slightest sound my #1 makes. only difference, i dun have to work the next day..

now i'm always so tired in the morning due to the occasional practices.

Jolene: Glens charge lodger once u choose 1 bedded. not sure which hosp u choose. so u shld check out if u not delivering in glens.

Maternity Shots
I bought a groupon for family shots outdoor.
I'll wear tight tee plus pants and ask the photographer to get some nice shots of my tummy at the same time. I took some semi nude photos with hb at home already. *DIY*
Hi prettibride-me too..maternity shoots from psloveyouphotography on last sat..had a great fun!Brw..how did u get to know psloveyouphotography?Isit that time you ask me n I sent u the link?Hehe
Hiaz... Supposed to be on MC but gotta do some work. Bathed halfway boss called. Then internet connection sort-sort, very hard to get to my email. It's not my day leh haha

Doc says it's some viral fever - prob caught it from my No1, coz he threw up on Sat night, n I had that diarrhoea thing on Wed. Doc said it could be the virus, rather than any allergy to honey or what. Sian...

Oh u mentioned before that ur gynae won't give MC for rest b4 delivery right? Oh dear, can't imagine how I'm gog to stand the discomfort till I pop!

U better talk to your boss abt handover soon. I've been slowly completing my tasks & handing them over, briefing my colleague etc. Nvr know when I might pop, esp since the last time I popped at 37 weeks exactly.


My gynae did the booking for me. Then TMC sent me this letter asking me to go online & fill in details which they may not have, such as Hubs' hp number, another next of kin's details etc. Alternatively they also enclosed the hardcopy form & envelope for you to fill up & return if u prefer not to do it online. It says stuff like your particulars: name, IC, age, hp, address, home tel, etc etc. And it states whether u booked a 1-bedder or suite or 4-bedder etc.
Sel, nattan

It doesn't matter how much or little hair u have, they will still 'go over' u with a razor to make sure no fine hairs whatever. U dun want the hair to drop into your womb when it's open & get stuck there after gynae sews it up right?


TMC charges ard $80 or so for HUbs to stay overnight. All meals included though.

Brands meaning? Nursing bra ah? I like Emma Jane & Bravado. Think almost everyone here has bought Emma Jane since I mentioned it hahaha


There's one at AMK Hub & another at United Sq. United Sq definitely has the parts but not sure abt AMK Hub branch coz it's pretty small.

No contact lenses allowed!


Very sian leh. Viral fever this time. Seems like I'm on MC all the time these days. Luckily my pregnancy spans 2 yrs, so I can use the MC quota from both yrs hahaha

Aiyah I'll be sending my Hubs home to pick up things, bring soiled laundry home, take care of No1, do laundry, prepare last min things etc. They are more useful doing tasks, can't help much in the room also except snore & wake me up haha


37 weeks is considered full term. 35 weeks is considered pre-term. Before that, is premature.


I envy u. I'm the wake up at very sound type. When No1 was born, I'd wake up at every lil squeak he made. Then at abt 12 weeks, my body 'broke down' & I could actually sleep thru some of his noise! Imagine that lor! Now Hubs is the one who gets up to attend to No1 in the night haha
Weight Gain

As at 33 weeks, I put on 10kg. Sian... Looks like I won't be keeping to 14kg like last time liao. But I'm not worried. BF-ing will make the weight all melt away. In fact, when I was BF-ing, I was slimmer than pre-preg haha

KKH doesn't charge? No wonder my fren's Hubs mentioned gog to buy Mac's breakfast & I was wondering why if meals are provided. So good! I understand that Mt A charges as well.
Nattan: Thanks for the clarification so i should get everything organized by end May at least.

Petrina: My bottom belly feels so heavy,guess cos her head is there.Will see on our next visit where is she facing hopefully she remains downwards.

Jul: Please take care,get more rest and drink lots of warm water to flush out the excess heat in your body.
I remember the PEH customer relations officer telling that hubby can room in for $70 with meals provided. Anyway, I don't mind the cost as long as he's able to stay with me. Only thing is the cats will be left to their own devices while we're away. As usual, we just leave enough food for them to last 2-3 days. If they gobble up everything in a day, that's too bad... :p

Today my baby is moving so much... very hard to concentrate at work :p My tummy seems to be undulating.. haha...kinda freaky...
Jul: Yea i have been looking into Bravado,currently there is 20% sale online. Might purchase them later tonight.
Thanks again!
Jul, 10kg is so little :p I put on so much
Despite not really eating much more than usual. I hardly eat junk also, so really don't know where the weight came from. I certainly hope that breastfeeding will make the weight go away, if not I'll have to go on diet, but at the same time if I'm lactating, I think dieting will affect my supply?
Really sian just thinking about how to lose weight...
Thanks, adeline & nattan
Funny thing is, my fever seems to have gone without any medication! Weird virus.. I shall monitor & see if it comes back. Just afraid to spread it to my No1, if it turns out he didn't pass it to me.


I like Bravado's Body Seamless Silk & the Original Nursing Bra. I bought a dunno what Bliss for gog out coz it's more padded but it doesn't feel so comfy. Maybe bcoz it feels a bit like underwire, but it's not real underwire. Instead of the wire, they seem to use a soft cartilage type material to give it shape, not sure if u know what I mean?


Little meh? I thought I could stick to the same 14kg weight gain as for No1, esp since I sytarted 2kg heavier for this pregnancy hehe. I do eat lots of junk for both pregnancies though, & I don't have much water retention, so I guess mine is really all fats haha

Pls don't diet when u r lactating. Just eat as much as you need. Trust me, the weight will melt away. It may not be very fast, but definitely by the time baby is 6mths, u'll be slim again.
I really like my new Karmy PJs. Bought the new sleeveless models & I chose the lighter material. It really is very cooling & comfy. And it has enough buttons down the front to expose 1 boob at a time. That's the only drawback lah, not full buttons down the front.
Thanks Jul.. my hubby said the same thing. Hopefully I can get back to exercising soon after the initial 6 weeks to get back into shape. Funny thing is my colleagues and friends don't think that I put on a lot? :/ They said I look "compact" whatever that means.. I guess maybe they don't see the cellulite on my butt and thighs!

How much are those Karmy PJs you bought? I still haven't found nighties with front opening for nursing.
To Mummies who intend to Breastfeed their babies for short-term!
eg. intending to stop after resuming to work

this is also very ideal for mummies who were not sure which breastpumps suits them the most - rent & try it out then purchase a new set! :)

Why pay hundreds of dollars for a breast pump which u will only use for a few months? Consider renting MEDELA breast pumps from us at affordable rates! :)

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Happy Breastfeeding, Mummies / Mummies-to-be! Strive on!

I also get the comments that I look "compact". And of course the cellulite & flabby thighs were not on display haha. Ironically, I actually look better preggie. Coz all the weight is at the tummy, so my arms & legs actually look slimmer & longer. And I dun really have water retention so my calves are very slim in comparison. And it helps that my boobs grow to a decent size too haha

Karmy PJs are super ex! Mine cost $26.90 but I used the $5 Robinsons voucher for them, so feel slightly less heartpain.

I thought u didn't intend to use nighties but to use big shirts & lift up?
Aiyah dunno whether I shd lie down now. I'm afraid that if I fall asleep now, I won't be able to sleep tonight.
I’m at week 34 now. Last week’s checkup weight gain was 14kg. Gynae told me to maintain and don’t go beyond 15kg. She says even if I maintain, baby’s weight will continue to grow well. Baby’s weight 2.5kg. So I have been diligently going back to my less carbs and sweets diet now. Having wraps for dinner and fruits. Continuing with my exercise regime. Hopefully, no major weigh gain by next week’s checkup.
Pee Pads
Actually I do have those at home for my dogs. Haha..I buy them from Daiso. It is quite a good idea to use for myself hor…LOL! Thanks for that brilliant tip! Should put one in the car too.
Feeling very sian today cos there’s a training after work (7-9.30pm) which I need to attend. ARGH. Must go downstairs to buy some bread for my dinner.

Anything viral related don’t play play la..need a longer time to rest and recover. So will u be out of action tomo also? Or only given one day MC? But is your no 1 feeling better or still unwell?
Maybe cos I do most of the stuffs at home and I am very anal about keeping to routines. Certain days do certain chores…etc… like if I have a change in schedule, I feel so uncomfortable!! Haha
10kg is very little!! I didn’t really have a targeted weight gain in mind as long as baby is growing well. But I also didn’t want to overdo the weight gain at one go for my own health reasons.
My friend put on 6kg only and gave birth at 37 weeks. Her baby was 3kg plus! The next day after birth, she was back to her pre-pregnancy weight!
How much are the Karmy PJs?
I am also a very light sleeper. I wake up easily when there are noises, and get fall back asleep really easily. But my hub cannot lor..once he gets awoken up, he gets very upset and cannot sleep liao. I dunno how he’s going to tahan when baby cries at night. Sigh.
Noted – I’ll just bring everything back since it’s already paid for. Dump everything into my cabin bag to bring home.
Now that you mention, I never really asked my doc if my baby’s face is facing which direction. I only know she’s facing head down. I should ask the next round I go.

I was given 2 days MC. I asked the doctor if it's really necessary, & he said YES, So.. my boss will just have to do without me again

10kg was from 2 weeks ago. Wonder how much I put on this time.

Oh I'm anal too. But I'm more lazy than anal. Hubs does most, if not all, the hsework at home hehe.

See my reply to nattan on the Karmy PJs
<font color="aa00aa">Just called a call from the clinic regarding the GTT. My sugar level is a bit high and I was advised to eat less rice &amp; no sugar stuff. Oh, now, I'm really scared of having GD.</font>
Which Emma Jane is good? Any series in particular? I bought 2 but din try wearing yet.. So expensive $60 after discount..

Action Plan for 2nd Time Mummies

How are u all gog to plan your schedule for No1 huh? I meant, as in... if you need to go to the hosp coz waterbag burst or you're having contractions, how do you make arrangements for No1?

1) Call the caregiver to come over?
2) Pack up No1 &amp; send him over to the caregiver?
3) Does it matter whether it happens in the middle of the night or in the day?
4) Do you wake up No1 &amp; say goodbye if it's the middle of the night?
