(2012/06) Jun 2012

sunbelle: i wash everything. esp those brand new clothes.. cause from factory. not clean. at least hand me downs, some ppl will wash and keep nicely for u.

most roaches, if they r big in size and slim, they r female roaches. only female roaches can fly. so those come into houses via open windows.
for the fat n flat ones, those r male. they crawl into houses. mostly from rubbish bins or from neighbouring flats.
so if your house suddenly have roaches, most probably are flown in. close windows at night. esp now humid, they come in to avoid the weather. all sorts of insects also have.

nattan: ya. ants die in thick liquid. same like most insects. but the idea is to bring the poisoned food back to nest to poison the queen.. once queen die, ants will either scatter away and find new nest with existing queen or die away.
1 nest only 1 female queen. all are worker male ants mah...
my house ants don't attract solely on food lor.. very siao 1. bathroom walls also will have ants. so i'll track n see hole i'll seal. kinda like forcing them to a corner. they chew i reseal. hope they starve in their nests. i can't do much since my house so old liao. bound to have ants even if i clean actively..

hi petrina, yes i am thinking of washing them too cos u are right from factory so dun noe whether clean or not lor hehee
esp these few days the sun is quite co-operative hehee

my fren jus popped and 5 weeks earlier..so i getting a bit anxious and pre - delivery jitters hahahah
hehehe normal? are you all having these huh?
sunbelle: yes, excited yet feeling the fear as the day gets closer.

used to be happy and relaxed going for gynae appointments. now no longer feeling so.. :/
Kadice, I also have the occasional roach in my home, but my cats are good at catching them :p Else I just call on hubby to kill them.

Petrina, actually nowadays I seldom see ants anymore, so just pray they have moved to another location.. hehe...

Sunbelle, I will wash everything la.. cos even if the clothes are from the factory, they also have dust from storage and some have a chemical smell from the dye or print, so it's good to wash them. I'll just separate the coloured clothing, put everything into a laundry bag and throw into the washing machine, then hubby will hang them.

BTW, I bought 2L Tollyjoy detergent from Carrefour cos I was getting them to deliver my plastic drawers, so didn't really bother to look for better deals. Anyway, only about $14+.
aiyo..time is passing so fast. I am getting nervous about popping too. Don't think I am mentally prepared yet. Weather is so hot nowadays that I can't even sleep well with the fan full blast. Can't imagine during confinement cannot on fan. Desperate to get a aircon fast for my mum's place.

Experienced my first BH during the weekend i think...just a bad cramp with a very hard tummy. Got me so worried cos i was in malaysia then. Was prepared to ask hubby to rush me back to hospital. But thank God it did not last very long. If BH already so painful, really scares me to think about labour.

Just did my round 1 of washing yesterday too...so cute to see the tiny booties and mittens hanging around. Glad to be back at work where i can enjoy free aircon. Hee
its gd to wash all bb clothes, new or old. Cos bb skin vry tender n sensitive. Clothes fr factory r mostly thrown on the flr. So nt clean lor, although its suppose to b new.
Prettibride, I think BH is not really painful... just a weird tight feeling, but it goes away quite quickly. Think positive thoughts and don't worry too much about the labour process. I also can't sleep without the aircon... poor hubby caught a cold after 2 nights of sleeping in the aircon room..
<font color="0077aa">hopecg! i am going to do my own confinement too. i've ordered 28 days lunch only package from natal essentials, and going to order normal tingkat for dinner so hb and #1 can eat. btw, anyone who is going to order from newbaby, i have $50 voucher. let me know if u want.

i am 35 wks now! likely going to be induced on either 23 or 29 May. 3 or 4 more wks to go! can't wait
hi kadice, why u say no longer feeling so in goin for appointment huh? yeah i oso feel these jitters leh.....

hi nattan, you are rite..i will wash everything....yeah when sun is bright and sunny, then will go wash them and sun them hehee
yeah Tollijoy is good too....

hi prettibride,yeah i have been getting some information on c-sec in case baby din turn. cos c-sec recovery period is longer n also 3 nites stay. yeah have to be mentally prepared as c-sec involved a urine catherer too. BH is relatively common at our stage now ..yeah so long as it did not last longer than an hour.

yeah chris agreee with your saying hehe so decided to wash all...

hahah nattan, mi too cannot sleep without the aircon leh....

i am reading the Jan thread seem like lots of them c-sec after trying natural delivery...hmmhmm wonder why..

have you all went to buy all the tonic herbs and also confinemnet herbs for bathing huh? those bathing herbs no need fridge rite? cos my fridge not that big leh
Sunbelle, I guess people want to try c-sec after natural delivery cos can choose the delivery date and less labour pain. But the recovery will take longer, so there are pros and cons. I still think natural is better...

I don't intend to buy those tonic herbs for bathing... just going to use normal shower gel. Herbs should be kept in a cool dry place away from heat and moisture or else mold can grow on them, esp after opening the package.
weird tat ppl plan for csec if they can natural. up to individual anyways.

i m still very anxious everytime go appt. happy to see baby grow in size and age

i hope she can stay in me till edd. i dun wan her to pop early. i prefer to let her fully develop her lungs n all. so i told gynae to leave me alone if movements r good.
<font color="0077aa">sunbelle, do u mean they went into natural labour but ended up c-sec or they chose c-sec right away? i should think it's the former? well, i guess a lot of times it really depends on whether the mummy has dilated or not. if yes, then success rate is usually very high.</font>
yeah nattan and petrina, i oso prefer natural delivery too.. but if baby din turn, then bo pian i guess..baby well being is the most important tin here...yes pertrina i tink the lungs will be fully developeed by week 35.

hi sapphaire, yes, they try natural labour first but later found cannot dilate, so bo pianz emergency c-sec lor....yes u are rite leh..if easily dilated, there should be no problem in having a natural delivery lor..
groovy2009: U went robinsons sale ytd? I went too and bought my clarins powder since 10% off. I wanted to get some babysafe things but super long queue i decided not to. Might drop by today after work coz i am sure it will be less crowded. Bought the same sorella seamless t shirt bra to wear at home during confinement.

Office reno is super bad!!!! Dusty and my sinuses act up. Eyes watery and nose is probably coming off from the runny nose.
Sucks man!

Hopecg: Hope u feel better too and that things can be settled with your hubby. Sometimes we get more hormonal.
I cannot wait to pop as this last tri i am getting a whole load of things. I suspect i have preggy rash and it on both legs and thighs even. I look like a diseased preggy legged woman now
fleur: babysafe no additional disc.. dunno regret or not i bought the mattress yesterday. $135 less $5 only.
i am not going to check out prices at motherhood fair for babysafe otherwise will sure regret.

sunbelle: ya. most impt if naturally baby turn then all is well. just find it weird some ppl choose csec from the start.
u doing exercises to turn baby? since i found out baby turned up, i was doing exercises. then very happy monday check up baby turned down again le. hope she stay tat way.
Unfortunately, labour is really something we cannot control, whether we dilate or not, or if labour doesn't progress as we want, ultimately as long as mother and child are safe and healthy, we jus have to go with the flow. Trust your own body and your baby's instinct.

I can totally emphasize on the nervousness given that it's May now. I keep telling myself to take one day at a tIme.

Heading off for my checkup now. 34 weeks! Let's see how things are. Will also settle my pre registration today.

I also very kan Cheong during each visit but I always don't have much questions to ask.

So u bought yr Babysafe items finally?


Hopefully things get better at home for you. Did u get to speak to yr son over the phone?

Maintaining good spousal relationship really is Tough. Sometimes it's not just abt closing one eye, need to totally
Close both eyes. Sigh.

Sun belle

Keep doing those exercises to help baby turn k? No harm
Trying. Nothing to lose.

Nah, im not getting those shower herbs. Will
Use my normal ones. My MIL will be
Going to get the logans n red dates for me this month. Just need to store in a cool dry place which is tough cos lately so humid!!
<font color="aa00aa">Did my GTT today at Mt E. The laboratory was crowded &amp; I only finished the test around 1pm. Went to Robinsons after lunch &amp; bought some baby clothes (5 for $10), a set of pj &amp; Hot wheels toy for #1 &amp; a Babysafe playpen mattress (to my disappointment, no 20% discount). Bought some bakeware too. Now waiting for hubby to fetch me.</font>
hi petrina,

yes, started on strolling now hehee so hopefully baby can turn and go for a smooth and natural delivery.

Smilez, guess the nervousness is experienced by all 1st mums to be heheh ..yeah cos keep tinking are there tins which havent buy etc.....yeah will do some exercises to help turn baby....

so ladies, are you all asking confinement ladies to wash undies or should i buy whole month supply of disaposables huh?hmmhmm
i read that if induced, chances of going c-sec is higher. not sure how true. of cos best is natural and can dilate fast. any mummies started exercising? suppose to help in the delivery process but just too lazy to get my butt moving.
sunbelle, can try the rock your bump exercise. it works for me cos baby's head is down after i did this exercise the night before. to keep him there, i play music near the pelvis area every night. my maid washes my undergarments..so i only bought 2pkts of disposables..but have a feeling this is not enough.
Petrina, what size mattress did you buy? I remember paying around $200 for 1 52" x 28" mattress, 1 x full sheet mattress protector and donut pillow from Babysafe at their BabyCare Fair booth.

Prettibride, if your maid washes your undies why do you still need disposables? I got 25pcs cos lazy to wash. BTW, what kind of exercises are you referring to? Normal exercise or prenatal exercise? I stopped my normal exercise since week 26 due to flu, but I still walk a lot everyday. In terms of prenatal exercise, I do it now and then.. no fixed routine.
Petrina, then correct la.. mine is 28" x 52" x 3", mattress cover was $25 and donut pillow around $16, if I remember correctly..
If have a choice between c sect or natural best to go natural.

My 1st csect due to breech. For #2 my due date is 18 june but I am in hospital bedrest since 32 wks due to the old csect scar thinning till only left 1mm to hold bb. High risk of uterine rupture. Doc hope to prolong till I am 35 or 36 wks before csect again.
So I am envious of those who could go natural.
merydith: how ur gynae know ur old csec scar thinning? tummy skin stretch?
when u delivered ur #1?

nattan: hehs.. ya. i supposed if i wait for baby fair probably will save 20%.

but i can't wait le. in case i deliver @ 38weeks.. stress manz...
Petrina, I calculated 30% savings during the fair.. but if you cannot wait, then just buy first la. Can save in other areas...

Merydith, 1mm sounds dangerous! Good that you're on bedrest now.
sunbelle: im still excited to see baby during gynae visit..but now also filled with fear loh..dunno whether gynae would be doing other examinations anot.
And gynae said that baby head is a bit bigger (higher percentile) so most likely he might want to induce early so easier to give birth naturally..if cannot then must c-sect. And i heard induce would be more painful...so getting all the jitters as the day is closer. dunno what I would end up doing..no choice but to let nature takes its course.
Kadice, perhaps you want to try doing the perineal massage to prepare for your baby's arrival? It will help you to stretch more to accommodate the baby's size. Actually is induction necessary? I would prefer to let baby decide when is the time for him to come out rather than induce, unless there is danger to his health or if the water bag broke already.
cos paiseh to ask maid to wash blood-stained undies (if any). so i bought some disposables to standby lo. Ya, i am referring to normal exercises like walking or swimming. its good that you're already walking a lot..i need to start doing that too.

so you're in hospital until edd? dun worry too much about c-sec, most impt is baby's safety. pray that your baby will stay in there.
<font color="aa00aa">petrina
I saw your post only after I bought. Anyway, just buy la since I was there already. Heavy &amp; too tired to shop around.

Please take care.</font>
Nattan, I dun dare to do the perineal massage la. Agree with u, I also dun prefer to induce, hopefully gynae wun do that. But I heard my gynae has the tendency to induce. Hmmm

Prettibride, they can tell from the scan, think there are some measurements which he can tell.
Kadice, then your gynae can do an episiotomy for you to accommodate the baby's head. But if you don't want your gynae to induce, better say so early. I personally don't like doctors that are not pro-natural...seems like they're in a hurry to get it over with and move on to the next patient? :p

I'm on MC tdy coz had loose bowels yest night. I suspect it's due to the honey i drank but GP says no known allergy to honey that shd give diarrhoea? Anyway i shall lay off the honey for a while. Gave me a scare... The tummy ache was at the menstrual cramp area n felt like it could be labour pains lol

Just spent a couple of hours digging out my pump, steriliser n bottle warmers. Fwah! Steriliser is dirty man. One round of lemon juice din quite clear it. Waiting for 2nd round now. If still dirty, gotta get vinegar liao. Managed to get my warmers cleaned. Hopefully the steriliser works well n i dun need to send it for servicing. Gotta send my pump for serving tho. Dun want it to break down or operate at suboptimal.

Oh n am now washing my brestfren cover n manduca carrier n zaky hand. My old brestfren cover zip is kaput! Luckily i bought another cover during taka fair.
Hi ladies...

Had another scare today. I've been spotting on and off the past 2 weeks but this morning I had a lot more and it's like choc snot (sorry TMI). I can't help but feel really worried.

Anyway, I've googled and think that I've lost my mucus plug. But when I call my gynae's clinic, she had no idea what I was talking about. After describing it to her, she decide see me again today. After some checks and monitoring, I'm relieved to say that my baby is fine. Doc says I may have yeast infection. My blood pressure had risen. No contractions but still on bedrest. C-sect scheduled on the 30th of this month.

It's confirmed, my c-sect clashes with my hubby's reservist. Yet he refused to defer. Sigh. I can't push back the date bcos my gynae will be going away then.

He said that he will get himself excused for the c-sect and go back camp that night. Frankly, I'm unhappy with his decision but I chose to let it go bcos I just can't afford to stress myself over petty things anymore.
Anyway, I usually feel better after I rant here ;)
Petrina: yah man no discount for babysafe!!!
waste of time to chk out today. I need infant pillow &amp; bolster case as spare when I wash the current and playpen mattress but not so urgent yet. If you know GSS hv discount anywhere like kiddy palace/takashimaya/upcoming baby fairs/ robinsons. Do let me know k.

Natural vs c section
I heard walking and exercise helps with dilation but I hurt my pelvic so cannot walk much
worried !
U think getting intimate and increasing the oxytocin will help?

Sel: bring your HP or iPad. If u need support after your c section just post here k. You will need him more during the C section ... After that u will bond more with baby and need rest. Don't b too upset and have a smooth c section k.

Jul: you are sick too? I'm on 2 days mc tmr n fri. I feel bad being on mc so often ... Sigh! Don't know if company will black mark me but the dust caused my nose tap n eyes to water plus scratchy throat and aggravated my rashes!
I take my hat of Nattan who survived hers!
Hiaz... Steriliser still a bit dirty. No choice, gotta get Hubs to get me some vinegar from MIL's to super-descum it. Hope MIL has some.


Aiyah I was gog to check out Robinsons 2moro for Babysafe mattress. Since no discount, maybe I'll wait. See how lah. But qiuite sickening coz I wanna get it over with

Not really sick. Tummy upset. I've got quite a weak tummy. Feel bad to keep gog on MC but really no choice leh. Who asked me to have weak constitution


Hmm.. if your HUbs decided not to get a deferment, can't be helped.

But you'll need him more during the admission, waiting, procedure etc. As for at night, you'll either be too shagged out &amp; resting to really know if he's there. Or u'll be busy with baby, posting here, chatting with frens etc. You could use the time alone as Me time, which you will NOT have after discharge lor.

Hubs was saying that I shd just go to the hosp myself, get admitted &amp; then he;ll join me. I was like WHAT???? No way. He has to be there coz the last time round I was in such pain I had to be wheelchaired. Who's gonna take care of me?

But I told him he shdn't stay with me at night coz No1 needs him more. Besides, I'll either be posting, reading, resting, BF-ing... dun really need him there. And I'm not scared of being alone in a single room in the hosp anyway.

Anytime u need someone to talk to, we're all here. At least I hope to be here at month end, &amp; not sweating it out at home during confinement hah!
Just did my mani and pedi...feels good to get rid of dead skin and have smooth feet
I got free French tips for the mani too.

Sel, thank God your baby is fine. Did your doctor give you something to clear the infection? Anyway have lots of rest ya.

Fleurfleur, I got over the reno only cos I could hide in the pantry, but got sick soon after that. Now recovering after a week. Are you able to take anti-histamin for your rashes? If not, can ask to work from home to avoid the dust? I don't care so much about getting black mark for taking so many days MC. Baby's health more important right? Take care and get well soon.

Since your hub doesn't want to defer, nothing much u can do.
. Will anyone be able to keep you company other than him? Maybe parents or siblings? Just to give u moral support?

In any case, if u are able to log on, we will be here to keep u company somehow.


Can't be the first time u are having honey right? I have been having wet stools a lot lately leh, like mild diarrhea. Quite scared also cos I heard that that can be a sign of early labour??


Most ppl say being active helps in labour. Dunno how true. I have been active throughout. Still working out regularly and doing stretches. Doing housework, caring for my dogs as per normal actually. I hope it helps me somehow.


Went for my checkup today! Baby is now 2.5kg. Phew. My total weigh gain stands at 14kg now. Doc says to maintain and best to keep it not more than 15kg so I need to be watchful with my diet and keep up with my exercise. :D. Seriously put
On a lot of weight over the last 2 months man!

Next visit in 2 weeks time. Wanted to do pre registration but doc asked us to wait. She wants to do the swap test next visit ?

In any case, head is still down facing - no change.
I was thinking of letting #1 stay with me leh.. And hb.. Quite fun right? Haha..

Kadice: ya manz.. Chris also suggest inducing me again.. I told him no. So he said as long as i fufill his criterias, he agree to leave me alone. U btr dun let him induce.. 1 thing will lead to another. He not super pro natural. But i'm used to him. So i dun bother to change gynae this time.
So i m very insistent le. Tat time i shld have stood my ground..

Jul: heard it's common to have loose bowels when u r near term. Maybe u will deliver ard 38wks?

Sel: infection lah. Not mucous plug gone? Though some ppl tend to lose their plug earlier.
Frolick have 1-1 yogurt still. So i'm eating 2 cups every 2days.

I got a feeling i'll deliver in first wk june.. So i'll ask my fren to buy goon for me from motherhood fair. I think i won't go le. I dun wanna go into labour during the fair!
So no disc i just buy.. Wasted didn't buy at previous fair though.
Fleur: if u can still walk then u wait for fair. Otherwise taka fair is on 25-27may. Also very near my edd..

If ur hb dun wanna defer then bo pian. But hope he'll take leave on that day since u already choose date for csec. Instead of just a few hours. U'll need emo support from him..

Jul: if ur sterliser still dirty then u have to get a new one bah.. Otherwise dirty cannot clean bottles too.
Sel: actually sometimes the reservist can be quite relaxing, so it's better to get it over and done with now and not when baby is older and require more help. After your delivery, how long more will he be away?

Hopecg: my husband can be like that too. Thinks he and his parents are better than me and my parents in looking after my son. Now my son is sick, they refused to let him go to my parent's place. My mum wanted to see him, but they say he fell asleep. I need to be more assertive for no. 2 and don't make same mistake even though I don't really like looking after babies.

Anybody got flatulence problem? It's embarrassing when I am in a quiet area with other people and just have to let go.

Me me!! I keep farting like no body's biz. Very pai sei. Seems like very gassy inside.


U are getting a single room right? Your boy so kuai, I'm sure he will be excited to stay over.
Haha mine was in first trimester!!! Poor hubby almost fainted.
But now I suffer with his!!! Told him I rather have that and bomb him then get my rashes and aches and flu
Ok, god is playing a joke on me. While I was at the doc's, she checked and there was no more bleeding. She inserted a tablet for the yeast infection and warn me of heavy discharge. But I had thick red snot on my TP just now. What is going on?!

I don't know if it's mucous plug or not. But when i googled, the texture and color really looks like mucous plug. After the incident this morning, i took pic of my TP with the bloody discharge. Just in case, at least I can show pic vs trying tlo describe it.

He ends his reservist on the 1st. Just nice to help me discharge from the hospital. Actually hubby's a medic so it's like a paid holiday to him. Plus, he's trying to clear it asap. After this he's left with 1 high key and 1 low key.

I can understd why he wants to go thru with it lah. I guess just my hormones getting the best of me. Nowadays, i think i'm more sticky to him. Like keep yearning for his care and attention. It's very unlike me.
Thanks for the well wishes.
Petrina, my Gynae saw a gap of 1.3cm in the uterus and only 1mm lining holding bb in.

Prettibride, yes have to be in hospital but they want to csect me at 35 -36 wks because of the risk...


I did have 3/4 cups of honey lemon yest coz the weather was so hot. I norm drink 1 cup. Maybe OD?

Petrina, smilezz

Yeah loose bowels could be a sign. But i've aws had a lousy digestive system. Alternate between hard n loose stools. So not really accurate for me

I don't mind labour at 38 wks. I just dun want earlier coz gynae not ard n CL not ready!


Er... Most of the scaling is gone. Just wanna make it sparkling lol. Gotta buy vinegar coz mil doesn't have any. Drats!

Taka fair? What taka fair?

Wah! Pls! No1 pls dun stay with me. I want my peace n quiet n only ME time for the next 4/5 yrs lol
