(2012/06) Jun 2012

Hi all ..was super busy lately with my work got no time to follow up the threads until my lady boss on leave today then I got some time to read through the threads. Moving vy fast as i noticed that i missed out the G market sales on pampers

I am at week 27 too now..just to check have most of you done the booking of hospital ward for delivery with your gynae as I have yet to make any booking and not sure whether am I too kan cheong or too late. Anyone chosen Mt. Alvernia for delivery as my gynae only have 3 hospitals for selection. Mt. E, Mt. A & Thomson.
ssmilezz, I found a recipe for pumpkin and barley soup! So you can use your ang mo barley to cook with soup. I think it's also used in dishes like chowders.

I've not exercised for 2 weeks
ever since I got this dreaded flu... But I've been going out and walking a lot.. so hopefully that still counts as having a bit of exercise!

I'm ok to meet for lunch or dinner on weekdays, but not weekends as I have family and church commitments.
BubblyVal, I've booked my preferred room type through my gynae's clinic during the last visit (about 1 month ago). So you might want to check with your clinic in your next visit.
Oic...thanks Nattan for your quick advise. Ya, i got to check with my gynae on tomorrow's visit. Which hospital did you confirmed?

Anyone here..going for MT.A which is under renovation right now. But, i had decided to go for it as I had signed up the Mt.A ladies card already...didnt know they are under renovation until i signed up the card...
Busy but cannot resist peeping in & quickly browsing through.

Ikea Sale

Alamak! Did I miss it? I wanted to buy a small sofa for nursing too


Frankly speaking, I never exercise. Think my weiht gain is still in the acceptable range. besides, I'm wary of unstable first tri, & early labour, so even if I wanna exercise, I prob shdn't overexert myself

Booking of Hosp Rm

My gynae said just bk at weeks 32. It's true that no pt booking so early also, coz it deoends on the availability for that day.

Meet Up

Oooh that'll be fun. Hubs can look after #1 on both weekdays or weekends, so I'm fine with either.
Yippee! My breadmaker has been delivered! Haha so terrible lately. been buying lots of ahsoh things... steamer-blender, breadmaker.. Then also did delivery for FM, Taka Fair.. Think my neighbours are wondering whether I hit jackpot or struck Toto haha

Just a thought.. my Indian neighbours have been quite nice to accept a couple of deliveries for me recently, & a couple of times in the past. Wanna get some small token of appreciation for them, but not sure what to get. Any suggestions? Don't ask me to cook or bake bread hor!
hihi ladies ... gathering sounds good but my april seems quite tight. I will try to make it if i can ok! (weekends is quite hard for me)

BTW i ordered the La leche brand of nursing bra but its like a strapless band type and can be flipped up. S$29.00 Hopefully when it arrives its good quality etc

though I will only enter my 3rd trimester this weekend but i am alrdy feeling bulks of tiredness at different times in a day.
BubblyVal, I booked at PEH.

Jul, you ordered so many things huh.. If you want to thank your neighbours, I think home made is always much appreciated, but if you find that too troublesome, then maybe some nice seasonal fruits? Like a hamper of mangos, strawberries, etc since these are in season right now.

Haha.. I think it's perfectly ok to exercise in 1st trimester unless you have a history of miscarriage or bleeding. Even so, walking is a good exercise that is not too strenuous. Now that you are stable, all the more can exercise. No more excuses hor?? ;)

It doesn't mean that u have to hit 3rd tri exactly on that day then the symptoms start coming. Plus or minus a bit of time.


Yeah rememebr my big spending at Taka Fair & Carrefour? haha

Hmm.. not that troublesome, but I suck at cooking/baking. I dun wanna cause them food poisoning leh! What a way to thank them hahaha

yeah 've had 2 m/cs in the first tri, so absolutely no exercise, no sex, no overexertion for me. I also had history of early labour haha, so cannot overdo it now. Nvm all my shopping, packing, etc is exercise haha
Jul, that would be funny (in a tragic way) to give food poisoning to your neighbours who helped you! Hahaha...

Talking about Carrefour, I still haven't ordered the plastic storage yet cos I don't know what else to order to make up the $150 for free delivery??? Any ideas??

Wah.. you seem to be very unstable in the 1st trimester. Then better rest lo.. I've been doing everything as per normal, but since 2nd trimester, hubby doesn't want to get intimate anymore cos he's worried for the baby :p Sianzzzz...
I'm with Mt A too.. Nearest hospital, less than 5 min drive away.. Hehe. I spoke to my gynae last fri about the preference of rooms n he asked me dun kan Cheong.. Haha! So I'm gonna leave it for now till he asks me. I have the Mt A card too.. Wad benefits huh? Took it cos went for pre natal class for #1..

I'm ok for weekdays.. Fri would be Gd since next day no work =)

Thanks Nattan for Ma Guang! Am contemplating to tiao the body for #1 cos he seems to get sick easily! =(

No wonder I fell worse whenever i drink water after bread! Din occur to me! But cos I thot water will help to push the food nw better so drank water for relief

Diapers? Electronics? FM for later? Wet wipes? Toiletries? Mine I have no prob hitting $150 coz I buy FM.
hopecg, is your #1 attending a childcare centre? It's easier for him to get sick in an enclosed environment. Maybe you can feed him Scott's cod liver emulsion or capsules, and also vitamin C to build his immunity? My parents always feed me that and Seven Seas multivitamin when I was little.

Jul, I don't want to order diapers cos already ordered Pampers on Gmarket. Need to try out before buying more in bulk. Maybe I'll order some formula to standby and baby laundry detergent

Yeah buy heav stuff lah. U can order 1 big pack of S-size diapers just to standby also. Baby detergent is good, coz it's heavy!
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Booking of hospital bed
The clinic nurse has asked me the room type during the 20-week scan and said she'll book for me. Pre-registration at the hospital will be done in the 8th month.

Re: Gathering
Seems that it's hard to gather all for the gathering. I can't make it on weekends as they're "family days". Maybe we can list the slot we prefer? Below is what I've gathered (in alphabetical order of Username):

* asrias - weekdays &amp; weekends
* fleurfleur - weekdays
* gdmaimai - weekdays (dinner)
* groovy2009 - weekdays ok?
* hopecg - weekdays
* jol82ene - ?
* nattan - weekdays (lunch or dinner)
* ssmilezz - weekdays (lunch)

* asrias - weekdays &amp; weekends
* jol82ene - ?
* ryan_mummy - weekends

Which design did you order? Is it like a bandeau?

I have a bread maker at home too but I seldom use it now. As I don't use bread softener, the bread can be quite dense and harder than commercial ones.</font>
Anyone received the Pampers from Gmarket yet? I got an email a few days ago saying there may be delays in delivery due to the large volume of orders received.
Nattan, fm? For baby or tod?

Pris, my ex colly i recommend u.

Jul, best to cook something neutral for indians to eat. Try a dish u're best at..
Hi Petrina,

Sure, can u pm me the contact? Thnks.


Not sure if jL or Robinson still on sale, u may wanna check it out. Manage to stock up detergent and other baby stuff with great disc.. And more the $150, free delivery..
Petrina, for baby to standby in case 1st few days no breast milk.

Jul, just don't cook curry.. hehehe...

Priscilla, I think JL sale is still on... at least it was on when I passed by on Sun. But I want to order from Carrefour cos I also plan to get the plastic storage drawers from there. If I exceed $150, I may go and buy the extra stuff from JL.
Moi: how you make the words bold and colour. On my iPhone work and home I cannot.
Yes the one I got is like a bandeau but based on pic when lift up its a hole.

Nattan: you can buy groceries like heavy bulky detergent, drinks, toilet paper to add up the $150 for Carrefour to deliver over.

Isn't Taka bb fair already over? I thought last day was Sunday?


Har?? Dun scare me. I just bought the Zojurushi mini maker.

petrina, nattan

I honestly can't cook for nuts. I think I'll go buy some fruits or something for my neighbours haha


The more expensive brands are Enfa &amp; Similac. According to the doctors &amp; LCs, all FM are the same. Just that some brands have more of the DHA, ARA, dunno what As. More As, more expensive haha. But my PD's nurse did say before that Enfa &amp; Similac taste most like BM so may be better if u intend to BF?

<font color="0000ff">Weekdays</font>
* asrias - weekdays &amp; weekends
* fleurfleur - weekdays
* gdmaimai - weekdays (dinner)
* groovy2009 - weekdays ok?
* hopecg - weekdays
* jol82ene - ?
* jul - weekday dinner / weekends
* nattan - weekdays (lunch or dinner)
* ssmilezz - weekdays (lunch)

<font color="0000ff">Weekends</font>
* asrias - weekdays &amp; weekends
* jul - weekday dinner / weekends
* jol82ene - ?
* ryan_mummy - weekends
Just went to spend USD50+ at Old Navy coz they're having 25% discount. Bought some shorts &amp; a tee &amp; a jacket for #1.
Jul, ok maybe I'll order enfa or similac to standby.

Ya, fruit is always safe. What if your indian neighbours are Muslim? They won't eat what you cook.
I giving him Childlife, Sambucol and BioGaia.. But that time e Pd still commented abt his sensitive airways and gave him singulair.. Colleagues mentioned that he needs tcm to tiao better.. But I'm also abit lazy la.. Hoping to go somewhere nearer.. In e past he go monthly trips to the kembangan one called Yu Guo

Thanks for compiling!! I'm ok w dinner k..

Nope they're not Muslim. Confirmed. And not vegetarian either. But to play safe, I think it's best to buy them some chocolaets or fruits - something neutral lor.


Issit? Most people tell me Nan tastes awful.
Wow. The thread is moving really fast, was so busy the entire day &amp; have no time to read.
Jolene: what I meant is I have not received any hand me downs as of now. Not complaining abt the quality. Haha. Btw I agree with nattan, do not buy any feminine wash off the rack. Might really cause pH imbalance and worsen the itch. My gynae sold me a kind of body wash that is not sold outside. Initially I was still thinking he was trying to earn $ but it's really quite good!

Prettybride: Johor premium outlet has nothing much to buy. Things are not that nice &amp; not that cheap too! Vincci &amp; Cotton-on are cheaper there though.Dun worry there is no jam &amp; a rather smooth drive there.

Anyway so I gathered that I would only be entering my 28th wk -3rd trim next week
It would be great to have a meet up. Weekend is not too ideal for me. If anyone wants to lunch in town,we can arrange

Get fruits la, mangoes in season! I'm sure they will enjoy it.

If your body is quite weak and u never exercise regularly, I'd not advise u to work out la. Just to be safe.


I was thinking of similac. Will get it later on just to standby.

Quite easy to top up to $150 actually. Get your household products at the same time la. Sure can hit the free delivery amt!

I ordered the pampers too but at a higher price. $4.30. Just ordered last night but my Gmarket account says items have been delivered? So odd!


Thanks for compiling! Let's just agree on a date and then see how the attendance is like. No harm right?


Yup! Don't eat n drink at the same time. If really must, just sip. Else very bloated!
hopecg, where do you stay? Ma Kuang has a few branches which should be quite convenient whether you live in the east, west, north or central area.

ssmilezz, yeah it's not difficult to top up to $150 but I also don't want to buy somethings which I may be able to get cheaper elsewhere like toilet paper or laundry detergent.

Oh I just received my Pampers diapers
Hi all... I m a new member to tis forum... Oh but my edd in jun too! :)

Juz wondering, anyone facing uninary infection? I had 2 rd of antibiotics but dun seems to help... During serious period, I can visit toilet for almost 30x thru out the nite!!!
Nattan, I will be buying the Algo storage drawers from Carrefour too. Will top up the free shipping amount with household stuff....should be pretty easy to hit $150. Btw, I have received my 8 packs of pampers from Gmarket this evening already.

Pampers sales
Just went to Gmarket earlier and they are still having the offer of $ 4.30 per pack of 24pcs NB pampers, though no longer $ 3.30 per pack but still cheaper than you will to get it from supermarket plus free shipping if you will to purchase 6 packs and above. Link as shown below if you gals are interested.

Just purchased a pair of flipflops from Gmarket at $ 54 inclusive of shipping. Gonna buy the maternity back support belt from Gmarket at $ 50 too, cos of my serious backache. Just bought pregnancy support &amp; feeding pillow from Isetan at $112 inclusive of pillow case ($129 before sales). Saw they are having sales for Philips Avent steamer cum blender bundle at $199 ($271 before sales). Is it a good deal to get them?

Prudential agent
My hub's friend, Jeffrey has been working for Prudential for quite sometime and he is very diligent in following-up. His contact is 9698 0529 if you gals are interested.

I will be free to meet up during weekdays, but not on weekends. Lunch or dinner will be fine. It will be quite a sight to have so many preggie women in the same restaurant. Heehee...
HI astro, welcome!

I used to have UTI as well. Yours sound quite serious. Are you still on antibiotics? You can relieve the pain with Citravescent, available at Guardian or Watson's pharmacies. Most importantly, have to be very careful with your hygiene.. wipe from front to back only, change underwear regularly and keep the area dry. Be sure to drink more water to flush out the bacteria. I know UTI is a real pain! Hope you get well soon!
Re maid

First day today. So far ok, though she likes to leave the lights and switches on. Must tell her. Vacuum floor never bring the vacuum cleaner to each room but just drag, so I told her. She ironed the clothes. Played with my son for a short while before he went back to PILs house. quite good with him. He was quite comfortable with her. Hope she is good with baby too.

Many filipinas have degrees but can't find jobs there. Others study half way and drop out coz no money. Being a maid is actually good money for them.

When she left the agency today, her friends wished her good luck, and frankly I need that too. Anyway, she asked for directions to nearest catholic church and also bus to town.

Her Cantonese is really bad. Doesn't understand a single thing, me not canto but in laws are. Anyway her English is good enough. Tomorrow then show her how to use my rice cooker and hopefully she can start preparing dinner!
Re gynae appointment. I just managed to meet my gynae's target for weight gain. Placenta has moved up! Baby 961g at 27 weeks and fluid level ok. Just paid 1k deposit. Heartpain. Must get money from hubby back.
Dragonb, the algo storage drawer i saw cost $ 55 for a stack of 4 drawers which i will be getting 2 of them. It's not cheaper than Toyogo but definitely look nicer.

Glass, you can't push too hard on maids not matter how experienced they are. It will be better for you to write down the duties you wanna her to perform and go thru with her. Some of them take weeks and some may even take months to remember all the tasks given to them. This maid has been with me for more than a year but will still forget certain things I have told her or I should say too complacent / lazy to do what she is suppose to do. Take it easy!!
glass, first day must give chance la
Can get along with your #1 on the first day already not bad. Must continue to motivate and encourage her. Sometimes must emphatise that it's not easy for them being away from their families for so long. My parents' helper has been here for 20 yrs already, since I was 15. It was very hard for us to get used to having her with us and I wasn't exactly easy to get along with also, being a teenager that time :p Over-time we accepted each other and now she has served for 20 yrs!! Time really flies... Sometimes I think she takes on the role of the good daughter since I'm hardly around with my parents :p BTW, she also has a nursing college diploma. So we're really fortunate to have her for so long and for taking good care of my mum all these years.
ladies, i read that many of you still exercise these days. I used to exercise a lot, jog long dist...but stopped. Now walking is my only workout. Just curious what form of exercises are you all still doing? Some of you still going gym?
Anna and nattan, I never complain to her, just gently remind her and tell her, and also show her. She's quite a fast learner. I let her rest at 9.30pm while I'm still slogging away. Anyway, she only came at 5.30pm. I had given the agent the list of duties, and she has a copy, but I didn't write in detail the schedule.

Now me just worried about her lunch tomorrow, coz I didn't show her how to use the rice cooker and stove. Hope my in laws can come earlier tomorrow.

Nattan, 20 years with the same helper? Wow. My friend's Indo maid has also been with them for decades.

I allow her to use the phone discreetly after working hours, so I sort of heard her talking on the phone. Hope she can adjust well, because her record in Singapore is really not good. In fact, she just got sent back by her Br employers after 2 days before I took her. I'm her forth one here in months.

I think first few days is very important to set the tone. I must not make the same mistake as with my previous 4-day maid. My mother was too nice to her, letting her sleep in on the first 2 days, telling her she would buy her children xmas present, and never give her any rules. That's why she used the phone non-stop, even when she was actively working.
kadice: no exercise at all since I was pregnant. At most walking. I still walk quite briskly, but I get out of breadth when I climb staircases.
glass: hope that you would get used to your new maid soon. I would be employing maid as well, arranging for her to be in around July but I have not started sourcing yet.
kadice: if you want new maid, must start looking, coz the agencies that i've encountered are not very 'on'. Then sometimes the other side takes a long time, esp if they fail some test, or the maid changes her mind about coming, then more delays.

If transfer maid, then no need so fast as they are already here. But will you be able to cope with training a new maid while you are busy looking after your baby?
That's why even though I don't really need one right now (actually I do coz housework is a bugbear for my husband and me), I decided to get one right now. In case it doesn't work out, I still have time to train the new one.

Kadice, yeah I went to gym since the beginning (I was already exercising regularly before getting pregnant) till 2 weeks ago when I caught the flu. I go to workout on the elliptical trainer and lift weights. I hope to go back this week, but still feeling a bit tired and blah. Hope I don't get re-infected, at the same time wondering if I should continue into my 3rd trimester... If not I could probably exercise at home as I have free weights, a yoga mat and a swiss ball, or I can go for walks in the evening. But I know myself.. If I don't go to the gym, I'll probably end up on the couch watching tv when I come home! :p

glass, yes we have the same helper for 20 yrs and she is our first and only one so far. My dad allows her a lot of privileges after all these yrs since she earned our trust. She can use the phone any time as long as she completes her work and her priority is my mum. She can even take more than 1 off day a month to go out with her friends or go to church. Sometimes she cooks food and brings it to share with her friends. My dad has even allowed her to return to Philippines to visit her family a few times already. All these is possible cos of the trust that is built over the years.

My hubby doesn't like the idea of having a helper, anyway we have no space for one :p But we may have to engage a part time cleaner to come in weekly to help with the housework during the confinement period so that hubby can just focus on me and the baby.
