(2012/06) Jun 2012

I have been eating a lot of sweet stuffs lately. I think I have to skip the Swensons’ deal.
Coconut water is supposed to make the baby cleaner when they are born. Not sure how true, but many people are telling me that it’s good to take (in moderation of course).
Movements wise still ok, I have to be really careful when I bend or squat now. Also also when I sit on the floor and get up. I am even more conscious of my posture and my back at this point.
My eyes feel ok..maybe cos I wear specs all the time?
But I noticed my fingers (esp the thumb) feels a bit tingly at times. Weird, at first I was worried it’s cramps but no leh..fingers?! Is there such a thing as restless fingers?! Hehe
Try to finish up earlier to go back home. Else you’ll be surely very tired by end of the day.
My family also has this tradition – my parents will celebrate with a meal and a cake for us all the way till we hit 21. Nowadays, we typically just meet up for makan outside and maybe get a small cake but it’d not be on the actual day.
I can understand that without a car, it’s hard to travel up and down to go back home even though Singapore is small. Frankly, we only bought a car like maybe a year ago? We still don’t go back for dinner on weekdays. It’s mostly office and home on weekdays. We hardly go out to eat on weekdays too. But on weekends, the car does come in useful so that we can pop by parents’ place and run errands, etc. Having a car is really hard to justify and given that we stay right beside a MRT station and I can take train to work (Raffles Place) and my hub can even walk to work daily (which was what he did previously).
Full Month
Seriously, I haven’t given a thought to what to do. My SIL used Neo’s Garden and has some discount thingy. So maybe we’ll just use the same. They ordered cupcakes from 12 Cupcakes which was really ex – for the guests to bring back. I don’t think I’ll do that. One thing for sure, I intend to have the full month at my ILs’ house. Hehe..I asked them for permission already. They stay in a landed place and have more space for the guests to mingle. It will be hard for me to have any clelebration at my house given the space and not to mention, all the guests in and out of the house will drive my dogs nuts.
Popped by Robinson just now – the Sorella’s bamboo panties are not available. I thought Hush Puppies’ bamboo panties instead. But the colors super OBIANG. Aiyoh…but no choice, my current undies feels tight. I think my butt has grown bigger over the last month. ARGH

Full Month
Since its my first baby (and not even thinking about another one anymore or even for few yrs) I will do one at our place. Just that we realised our home can comfortable accomodate 20-24 persons (seated down) at each point so i will split the timing to first 2 hours and next 2 hours and total pax should be approx 40-45

Will cater from Neogarden, get Ang Ku Kueh and order a cake (as opposed to cupcakes)
nattan: my BIL earns a decent living. but he lives off my hb with minor contribution of $100 per month that he has trouble paying each month.. My hb is his creditor! every mth muz chase for the $100.
he doesn't buy anything for the house at all. not even his own toiletries. Toiletries r purchased by me and my hb pays for regular bills regarding the house. So i can't wait to get out of here.

Bfing Qn
u can do that. it's a myth abt nipple confusion. just give baby time to adapt. but i'll suggest u swap. daytime bottle, nighttime latch. so after u go back to work, baby gets the routine.
i understand u want hb to bond
first month ok lah.. subsequently, best to swap. otherwise daytime caregive very mafun.

fleur: i hope my BIL don't get married soon. otherwise MIL will compare till siao!

Red Eggs
if u put in fridge, i'll suggest u use kitchen paper and lay in between each layer so absorb condensation. i dunno abt not putting in fridge. but i think just overnight, eggs won't spoil if u put outside.
sorella bamboo undies
wait for JL sale? 2 boxs of 5pcs $35. 3rd box @ $10.
per pc $3.. dunno robinsons got sale like that or not.

smilez: yeah. so when i see my bro upload video like very nice.
but sad we can't join. so i m always happy when actual day falls on weekend.
now we only celebrate MIL/Mine/Hb/Son's bday at home on actual day.
Petrina: if your BIL wife is worse than you then ur MIL may like u more but if the opposite happens then comparison will happen.

MIL: The funny thing i noticed is that the 2 sisters (married & older) ... their hubby don't even appear on family gatherings especially reunion dinners from the time i was his gf until now. So what does this actually show? There were some conflicts btw my ILs and the Son in law such that the only time they appear for family stuff was our wedding and our hse warming (coz i am quite friendly with my BIL who is quite a nice man). Other than that ... no show.
Maybe that's why through my own experience ... MIL will complain behind back yet will not try to bind the family together. This way it actually causes alot of strain in the marriages of her kids (which she doesn't care)

I have heard that if drink coconut during the last month the baby come out will be cleaner ... not so bloody. Given the hot weather and that our body is heaty last tri ... i am more than happy to drink it.

BF: its always a challenge ... i really have to wait and see how my supply vs baby moods and acceptance to latch vs bottle.

Skin to Skin: Gleneagles patient outfit is back tie right? Then when we deliver isnt it quite troublesome and revealing that we have to remove the top half in front of the gynae midwife nurses?
Fleurfleur, I think it's ok to keep the eggs in the fridge. Still safer than leaving outside. If you take them out a bit earlier, the condensation should evaporate and you won't stain your fingers. Can wear gloves and spread them out on newspaper to dry before distributing.

Ssmilezz, I don't glasses or contacts so dunno why my eyes are so dry... but better after I put some eye mo..

We used to have a car also, cos I worked very far from home, but now that I work in town, and there's Circle Line, it's not financially savvy to keep a car lo..We sold it a year ago. It may be more useful when baby is here, but the current high COE, maintenance and parking costs just doesn't make sense for us to get one.

Petrina, I prefer day time latch so I can catch some sleep while hubby bottle feed leh... :p Will baby remember whether he got the bottle in the day or night and does it make a difference to caregiving?

My 2 BILs were also like that lo... stayed with us 1 yr, never contributed to anything and mess up the room, made it so smelly I can smell the sweaty odor every time I walked pass their room! MIL used to buy us some groceries to share but a lot of it is not fresh food but snacks that the BILs like to eat.
fleur: usually new wife come in will be nice lah.. it's after a few yrs or after children come out then trouble start. mine happened after she resign to take care of my boy. otherwise she was working, we seldom see each other or talk..
my MIL will say she dun wanna strain our r/s. but alot of times she will say or do things tat actually strain.. so i guess most MILs r like that. only the lucky women get a nice MIL

Hospital Gown
GlenH is tie back. but i usually wear the other way around. just tie at waist to secure. then shoulders i dun tie. just overlap so when bfing, i'll just open. i dun wear bra in hosp too. just stuff small square towel on the leaky boob. anyway first few days not much milk to leak.
hey mummies, I am going to start my maternity leave from next monday, and since I am on leave tomorrow, that's only 3 more working days for me, yeah!!! can't wait to start my leave as I am sick of taking MRT daily.. and 2nd pregnancy seems to be tougher as i keep having contraction pains and other pain around pelvic area esp at night although i can sleep well still..

this time round I am not taking coconut drink.. last time took 2 times a week from 34 weeks, baby come out super duper clean!!! So i kind of believe there's a good reason for it.. but then my friend told me coconut drink will make the labour process longer, i really have no idea how true but the fact is it took me 17 hours to deliver #1 so i decided to try without coconut drink this time... LOL will update you all if baby is clean or not after i pop..
Afternoon ladies...

No word from Jul on how she is doing? I hope she's recovered.

I think I'm also coming down with something. It started with just back ache yesterday but last night my whole body was aching. Had a bit of runny nose, fever and headache that comes and goes. As a result, I couldn't sleep well last night. I got up just to eat breakfast and went back to sleep the whole morning.

I'm also having menstrual like cramps. I think it's because of my constipation. TMI but my rectum was bleeding quite bad last night. It's really a lousy start of the week for me and I'm planning to go back to bed asap.

On a good note, my baby is measuring average as of last Fri. She's abt 2.4kg at 35 weeks, still tranverse and placenta is still low. But I've come into terms that she's going to be delivered by c-section. I seriously doubt that the placenta will move up in a week if it hasn't moved at all throughout the pregnancy.

Coconut, I had some yesterday. I can't wait to drink my next one. Actually, if deliver by c-sect, will coconut really have an effect?

Moi, u'll get used to the pain from pricking urself. At least, ur reading is normal. I've had days whereby I watch what I eat and yet still fail the test
It can get so frustrating! Thank god the finishing line is so close. Just have to bear with it for a few more weeks.
Petrina, for my case, MIL was nice while my hubby and I were still dating. After that our relationship soured cos she expected us to take in the 2 BILs to stay with us. Then after 2nd BIL moved out, got married and took in 3rd BIL, she treated 2nd BIL's wife better even though on surface, she was still cordial towards me. And she would ask my hubby to help with 2nd BIL's expenses... unbelievable lo..

Felicia, wow.. all the best for your delivery!
I thought usually people will say #1 will take longer, so maybe has nothing to do with coconut juice?? Did you take the raspberry leaf tea?
I like Marlamade Pantry ones..but they're quite costly..about $5-$7 per cupcake. Sweetest moments ones look pretty but taste wise cannot make it. But their gift boxes look really pretty..so might consider them.

I agree with Fleur, MIL just don't feel like family. I basically maintain a cordial relationship with my mil but just not close to her. Although she has been quite caring during my pregnancy, but i still dun trust leaving my baby alone with her in future. And in times of conflict, can see clearly that MIL will side their son rather then the correct party.

Have been having persistent minor cramps these few days..on and off. anyone experiencing that?

Should be ok to let baby feed from the bottle. Helps to prepare them for the time when you need to return to work. I intend to use both latch and bottle feed methods too..otherwise will have huge headache after ML.
nattan: babies will remember. tat's y ppl say daytime nap muz nap in bright room and nighttime slp muz slp in dark room. cause they have no day/night concept. we muz teach.
otherwise baby will be owl.. since all the movements r during our 10mths pregnancy - nighttime right? then daytime apart from our last lap, we seldom feel movements during the day.
u muz reverse baby's clock

otherwise u bf during day for ML. then after tat do fully EBM?? so baby will be used to bottle no matter what time.

my MIL was also nice to me till she had to resign n take care of #1. i think she is sore abt her loss of income. i can't give her what she earn since she is like cow! working 14hrs a day, earning almost $2k a mth. So i came to terms abt being cordial only. she don't hate me, but i know for sure she dislikes me as a DIL. always saying SON & DIL dun respect or care for her. sometimes i really dunno what she expects..
She also wants us to take in BIL after we get new flat so she have time to sell old flat and buy another resale.. I quarreled with hb over this issue lor.. i think MIL is too much! but unless hb allow me to resign, my MIL will expect us to help BIL financially everytime cause afterall, we cause her loss of income

Felicia: so fast! haha.. my gynae is giving me HL from 4th June if i dun pop by then.

Sel: hugz.. i dun think coconut water helps for csec. cause baby don't pass through birth canal. CW is to cleanse birth canal..
Pray for u that baby suddenly turn.. maybe if partial block, can ask ur gynae try natural if baby turn.. still got 1 more week.
ur gynae schedule csec for u already?
prettibride: haha... yeah. Sweetest moments looks good niah.. cannot take their cake package. take their tarts package with eggs n ang ku kueh n chocolate
Sounds like a good idea to wear the other way round. Must see how it looks like and whether i feel comfy.
Just to check ... when we admit into the hospital and change to the gown, will we be wearing our bra and undies? Or just simply the gown all the way until delivery?

Jul seems quite quiet the past few days ... hope she is resting during this time and that she is fine.

Felicia: When is your EDD? Will love to hear if not taking coconut makes any difference to baby coming out clean and labour hours.

SEL: If you have constipation try to drink more water, eat more veg and take some prune juice. Constipation can be such a pain!

Prettibride: ^5 on what u said. Just that my case is MIL will treat her 3 daughters as bao bei esp the youngest unmarried one whom she spoils until like spoilt brat. I still prefer "less is more" which means see less is better and i def don't trust her with my bb too.

Cramps: No cramps or rather no major cramps that i shld be worried abt at the moment.
wahh..envy those who are starting their ML soon. I just tried to sound out my boss whether i can start working from home in mid june since my EDD is end june. But he doesn't sound too supportive..sighx, and gynea not giving me advance HL...guess have to slog will delivery.

If your MIL is so sore about losing her income, why did she agree to help out in the first place? I thought most MIL would be more than happy to look after their grandchild since at their age, they don't spend a lot either.
Giving S$100 bucks a month is really very little. Your BIL not pai sei ah? Practically living off you guys! How old is he anyway? He sounds really pampered at home.
Your brother and you seem very close! Younger or older? I have 2 younger sisters – we also “chit chat” a lot. Sometimes via whatsapp…else I will skype chat with my youngest sis almost every night.
Noted – but for now should be ok cos I bought the Hush Puppies ones first. No choice cos nothing to wear at this point else I have to walk around bare assed. : D
Yeah, the COE is really high now. It’s not the right time to commit to a car. My ILs just sold their car like 2 months ago. They have been looking around to get another one so that it’s more convenient for them to travel to my SIL & my place but right now, just too ex.
Good for u!! Now u can have a well deserved rest at home before you pop. When is your EDD?

Do you always have constipation problems? Do you take fruits and veg? How about prune juice? Can take?
I have been pooping a lot more lately. Last time, it’s like once a day. Now I can go to the toilet like twice a day and at times, the stools are a bit like wet stools with a bit of crampy feeling.
prettibride: initially she was retrenched. so she was home with me n son for 6mths. then she found a PT job. during the hours she was home, she nagged tat very waste time to have 2 ppl in the house.
she commented that i study so much, young, i should go out to work. so i was literally chased out to look for a job.
after i started work for less than a week, her old employer decided to re-hire her.
I couldn't resign as my company couldn't find a replacement so soon. Then her old employer can't wait for her. They needed immediate.
So she had to give up that opportunity. there started the blaming game...

fleur: i wore hospital paper undies, went braless till discharge day.

COCOMAX - 24 bottles * 500ml = $35.00 abt $1.45 per bottle. anyone keen to share?
Best if we order then during meet up we can share.

Anyone free to meet up for dinner -
Venue: Raffles City - Buffet Town
Time: 6pm onwards
Date: 18 May 2012, Friday
Prettibride, Petrina, ya will have to establish bottle feeding in tandem with latching so that baby can get used to it when I return to work.

Re Cocomax juice, I can share.. 24 bottles is too much.. I can take half. But it will be heavy to lug around huh...

BTW, the website says a minimum order of $S50 is required for free delivery. Otherwise, $S20 will be added :p So how.. we need more orders...
nattan: it will be heavy to lug. if u taking half then maybe deliver to ur ofc? so that u dun have to lug back.
just bring the 12 bottles to meet up. then we'll split the rest.. I'm keen to take about 4 bottles. since i still have 4 in my ofc.

oh. i didn't check minimum order.. anyone else keen?? i can take 6. we muz order at least 28 bottles then..

meet up?? this friday..
i don't mind meeting up on 18th May. But reviews for Buffet Town not that good..perhaps another restaurant nearby?

I am wondering..isit better if we go braless during confinement or isit better to wear a nursing bra? Since won't be going out, figured shld be ok to go braless to prevent blockage, engorgement etc.

guess your MIL is one of those aunty that likes to complain. some MIL dun like their DIL to stay at home cos they always think their son work very hard and DIL should share the burden. my PIL always ask my DH how is his work blah blah..but never bothered about asking me..pregnant but still working..
Petrina, I don't think I can carry 12 bottles la.. how to carry it back even to my office? :p Let me try to figure out a way...

I've never been to Buffet Town... don't mind if it's not too expensive.
Jul! Was wondering what happened to you! How're you feeling now..

Petrina, $46.80 a bit above my budget :p How about Watami, which is just round the corner? Reasonably priced Japanese food and they have set meals for 5-6 pax or more. Went with my ex-colleagues and we ate a lot!
thanks ladies!!! My EDD is June 02 and gynae say will induce me if i do not pop by June 09..

i am just taking ML in advance cuz i really want to treat myself nicely this time.. last time for #1, i work till Friday, plan to take leave on Monday but popped on Tuesday, so only rested for 3 days lor..

this time take a lot earlier and might end up doing nothing at home for 3 weeks.. haha not sure it's a good choice or not though..

and yes i will update you ladies if #2 come out to be as clean as #1 without me drinking coconut milk... i haven't taken raspberry leaf tea cuz gynae said it's a myth. LOL.. but i do pack some honey into hospital bag as some were saying drinking honey water will shorten the labour process, so i will try and let you all know.. LOL..
jul: yeah.. we're just talking abt u

u ok le mah??

nattan: noted. RC have lots plc to eat. I don't mind anywhere ard there.
buffettown weekday lunch is very cheap. it's the friday then dinner. tat's y it's exp.

meet up - so how? any other takers for this friday?
yeah!! you are back!!!
how are you doing there? wondering if you will be the first few to pop soon.. hope you have fully recovered!!

buffet town
went there twice for lunch, really quite wide spread but not cheap for sure.. quite worth it if can eat alot, hehee..
Hullo everyone

This time i really 病地很重。n it's a 怪病 too. GP, gynae all dunno what happened. Can only say got viral fever. No cough, running nose etc. Guess the 39.something temp killed off all the germs liao

Just pity my bb. I was on drip for 48h plus, had 3 doses of antibiotics on drips, one on super darned painful butt jab, panadol every 6h, ponstan in between when temp wouldn't go down, 4 days of antibiotics. His hb went up to 200+ n he wasn't moving much coz he was stressed by my fever. Poor lil fellow. Hope he doesn't get mutated or something.
jul, welcome back!!! How are u now?

petrina, me onz for meetup, agree with nattan..buffet town a bit out of budget. dun mind other rests. around there. can't eat much nowadays..so prefer non-buffet.
Anyone popped while i mia?

Hey i see something abt meet up? Will be gd to meet at ala carte place coz nowdays cannot eat much at one go. Yet get hungry after 2/3 hours! Irritating lol

This friday ah?
Breast feeding
I am thinking of using the bottle during night feeds and direct latch on during the day though.
However was thinking should i start as early as on the 3rd week of when she is born?
As i am afraid she might not want the bottle if i start later,which is what i gather from feedbacks from friends.
Mothers your thoughts please?

Mother & MIL
I love both my mum and MIL. Am close to both and am able to communicate freely with the both of them. They have been taking very good care of me throughout the pregnancy and i totally thank both of them so much.

Both mums also bought my confinement herbs for me, so sweet of them.

Can i check if anyone is showering during confinement month? (Shower withot washing of the hair, i meant)
Venue: Raffles City - Watami? Suggestions welcomed
Time: 6pm onwards
Date: 18 May 2012, Friday

Thanks for your concern. Think i'm better now. A bit weak n blur but i shd be ok in a day or two coz tdy is my first fever-free day.

After 4 days break, i shd be germ-free to meet u gals hor?
Jul, wow.. sounds serious.. but pray over your baby and he will be ok. Did your doc do a scan on him after that? I'm sure your baby is a strong and healthy one, so no worries.

Prettibride, I also have less appetite nowadays and don't know why but my jaw feels a bit sore when I chew, like after chewing gum for too long. Also, I seem to like sweet foods again. I like cake
Been asking hubby to buy me swiss roll from downstairs. Funny lo... cos I didn't fancy sweet foods or desserts in the 1st, 2nd and early part of 3rd trimester.

Adeline, you're very fortunate and blessed to have such caring mum and MIL. Most of us not that fortunate.. haha..

Erm.. I'm definitely bathing and washing my hair from day 1 of confinement lo.. cannot stand being hot and sweaty. My hubby also advised me to bathe for his sake.. hahaha...
haha Adeline i am sure i will shower, with washing hair even lor, did that for my 1st confinement also... just blow dry my hair after that lor.. and use the chinese herbs to shower, helps to get rid of the wind in the body i think..

and you are so lucky to have great mother and MIL!! i am in the same boat.. in fact my mother is more bochap type but i have very good relationship with her, can talk freely on anything de.. And I am staying with in laws now, always find my MIL a super nice lady although my dasao always complains about her.. haha and MIL is nice to me just that aunty being aunty very naggy lah, so i choose to kpo with her and talk to her often, then she's happy lor.. hehee..

I'm showering n washing hair normally everyday. The sweats from no1's confinement r all coming back to me now. N the engorgement, latching, tiredness, lochia mess, bb crying are all coming back to me. Lol


Thanks. Logically n by faith, i know he's ok. But still paranoid lah
Venue: Raffles City - WATAMI Japanese Casual Restaurant
Unit: #B1-06/07
Tel: 6336 2425
Time: 6pm onwards
Date: 18 May 2012, *coming Friday*


Adeline: like what i told nattan, best to swap. day bottle night latch so caregiver won't have much issues. my boy didn't take well to bottle after i went back to work.
demanded latching. he started straw at 8mths. so he nvr actually had bottle at all.

I'll be showering as per usual. hair n body.

Ooh u're starting ML already. So envious! I wanted to start earlier but with my bout of illness, i have lots of wk to clear up so can't go off so early. Hope i can tong till last wk of may to pop
Petrina, I suppose day bottle and night latching can also la.. so long as I can share half the feeding duties with hubby :p He probably doesn't mind wearing baby and feeding him during the day while doing housework, while I sleep...haha :p Your son can drink from a straw at 8 mths?? That's quite amazing.. I didn't know babies can learn how to drink from a straw...
I'm ok for meet up this fri! Yeah! Where we heading??

Swensens ice cream
I received notification that deal is over!! I haven't even smell the ice cream yet =(

I'm ok to join the order! Can they do a few delivery points so we don't need to lug??

So u will b resting at home for now till birth??

Just went for my last facial before popping.. Dont know if can schedule another one before popping! Making plans for things to do prior to delivery le! And no, my hospital bag is still nowhere to be seen haha
Thanks Petrina for organizing! Finally can meet you gals before we start popping!

I am going to bath as per normal (without herbs). Just note to blow dry hair will do.

Try to control your sugar intake since pregnant mummies more prone to GD in 3rd tri. I also crave for sweet drinks lately and hardly take plain water..so worried everytime i go for gynea appt.
nattan: my boy weirdo lah.. he can't suck from bottle.. it's either latch or straw.. till now 4yo, he still take fm via straw. not direct from cup. i bought all sorts of bottles for him. even training mug. he can't drink. lol
hopecg, venue is stated in Petrina's post leh... Watami.

Prettibride, ya, I'm trying to control my sugar intake but it's hard to resist cake esp swiss roll :p I don't drink so much sugary drinks though, except fresh fruit juice or prune juice. I eat ice cream or cake maybe once or twice a week. But I do snack on biscuit at work...

Petrina, maybe sucking from a straw is similar to suck from a nipple?? :p


No lah. I'm gog back to work on Fri - cross fingers! Gotta do a lot of urgent backlog & handing over. Just that at first I planned to leave ard 3rd week of May. But now it's already mid-May, & iI'm on MC for more than a week. How to leave on 3rd wk? Hiaz... sian...

Oh.. my hosp bag is packed except for electronics which Hubs is supposed to throw in for me. But need to schedule my haircut, facial, final BW, final massage etc.
