(2012/05) May 2012

mei80: I bought Earth Best (from organic shops) or you can try Healthy Times from supermarket. Dolly mention we should start with rice cereal as its easier to digest.

Dolly: what brand rice cereal you recommend?

yes. now pumping 11am and 2pm. can yield about 100-120ml per pump. will try 10.30am, 1.30pm, 4.30pm. knock off 5.30pm and latch on 6.30 after i pick her up. hope to share good news in a few days.
Hey mummies just returned from pd visit. My boy took his 4th jab today. He's 7.4kg and 64cm and is exactly 4 mths today. Pd says he's way above average. Haha... Tried feeding him Gerber banana purée on Tue and he didn't like it. Cried really loud after the 2nd spoonful so I stopped and gave him milk. I also bought healthy times brown rice cereal guess can only try at 5 mths.
My boy's neck has this red line and pd days he has sensitive skin because that area less ventilation. He looks as if he doesn't have a neck. Pd says just apply nappy rash cream. Does your babies have it? What do you do or use?
Phyllis: Your baby must be very chubby and his double chin make it look like he has no neck. pd is right, use normal diaper cream will do. I use Pureen. Try not to use powder as will make their nose sensitive.

My girl turning 4 months tmr and just went for her 6in1 and rotavirus on Tuesday
shin_mummy (nefib) : baby does not know how to "eat" so got to train first, be patient! I'm not the one feeding though, I leave it to my nanny. And yeah, my gal will try to use tongue and push out the food cause that's the way she do when she latch
So first few feeding times is food all over the place except the stomach

FAAA: Yeah, mine sweat a lot too!
Using the 2 packets of Rafferty's Garden organic baby rice which my cousin gave me. But it's not sold in SGP. After that I'll switch to Healthy Times. I'm buying a soya bean machine online as well, which can be used to make rice cereal.

I always buy CB from SMH! It's cheaper, got one seller Vin from overseas spree thread, she stays in SengKang so when I need, I'll just msg and buy from her. $31 for a big 4oz tub.

Phyllis: yeah, can try putting CB also! I put CB for everything
Dolly the calendula cream also $31 only. Last time I so stupid but from Watson. So expensive.

I like earth best cereal but sometimes not convenient so I also buy healthy times
Mummies who bottle feed, how much does yr baby intake daily? Today I bottle feed entire day to calculate my baby intake and only 470ml..like very little leh. Before that I fully latch. Average like 90ml for 5feeds.

Do we need to seek PD clearance before starting solids? Those nestle cereal mix good? I saw this friso cream product, what's that?
Yes Faaa he's chubby but I didn't know he's that chubby until I ask pd about his growth rate. He said he's growing very well and way above average but it's fine. No need to worry or cut feeds he'll lose it. He's not drinking much actually. 6x a day 110ml only. Will try nappy cream currently I'm using the lotion powder. I find the dry powder good for this butt, inner thighs and penis. He doesn't get nappy rash. I bought a powder container from kiddy palace and it has a net inside which acts as a filter, it makes the powder finer. I'm using a sponge (looks like press powder applicator) to apply the powder, don't puff but just glide over.
Today he had his second Pneumococcal n second rotavirus. Next month doing 5in1
Faaa, cereal you use bottle feed or spoon feed? My friends told me spoon feed better than bottle feed, isn't correct?
Mei80: I only start cereal at 6 months for my elder boy. Cos by then shd be able to sit then feed using spoon. U can also mixed cereal with milk and bottle feed
I bought organix whole grain cereal and four grain cereal to try.
Hv to mix till very runny right? Now 4mth + can't eat like thin paste texture yet?
Mei80:my gynae suggest spoon feed.

Stop cereal today cos she vomit 3 times last night. Think she has phlegm n dunno how to cough to get them out.

My gal at 5mth weighed around 7kg. Ruhee got a chubby boy!
My boy just increased to 160ml x 6 times a day but mostly dreamfeed. He was 6.75kg and 60cm at 4 months. Pd said he's above average but he seems to be the smallest here! Lol....

For mummies still using Yaolan, how long do you use it a day when do you intend to wean? My boy can't get to sleep without it.

I'm starting work in a week's time nd my tummy is still visibly big! Sigh... Wonder if it'll ever reduce to prepreg days. Have most mummies managed to regain your prepreg figure esp the tummy alrdy?
My gal is 61cm, n 7.2kg at 4 mths. Nurse says her length is 50 percentile, but weight is 75 percentile -_-!!

Im almost back to pre preggy weight n can wear all clothes try wearing corset, it helps. Im always wearing, even during night time.
berrynaq: Pumping will need to be established. And sometimes when stress or when sick, there will be less milk. So just hang on for a few more days and hope for the better! Continue to keep us update on your progress huh!

rabbitz: At first just 2 tea spoon will do. Just for baby tasting, not really to "feed" them

My pumping normally will "halt" during weekend where I exclusively latch. However, lately my gal has been losing appetite during day time and will only start drinking by late morning. So I'll see if I can "steal" a pump in between

Esteelin: My nanny uses yaolan for my gal at her place, I've one yaolan at home too, but found that she dun likes to sleep inside. So at home I put her on bouncer or bed. My #1 sleep in yaolan till he's around 2yo, but at nanny's place only. My tummy was so visible when I start work that people give me seat in MRT
Anyway, hope that by busy working = snack less = lose weight?

ak: Wow back to pre-preggie weight! I've not get back to that since #1! haha, my medical checkup shows that I still got 9.5kg to lose. Incidentally my ideal weight is my pre-preggie one... how come last time always think I'm too fat leh?

Ruhee: 5kg is easy lah! With my TRA program, I managed to shed around 3-4kg so far, but still got 9kg+ to go leh!

My TRA progress seems to slow down a bit, perhaps the easy fat has gone and now tackling the tough part! Those persistence fat since my #1 must be hard to lose since they cling around my body for so many years
Brought my boy for his jab yesterday, my boy weighs 7.8kg, within 75 percentile. His growth seems to slow down, used to be in the 90 percentile.

Finally managed to buy Bellamy's baby rice online. I have been looking around for it. I couldn't get it from cold storage, NTUC and even organic shop.

Esteelin, according to the scale, I still have 3kg to shed but my tummy is forever protuding and flabby. Baby and housechores really tired me over, I just cant find the time and engery to exercise.

Yingzz: how's your boy? Any fever after his jab? Mine had slight fever last night but he is fine this morning.

Dolly: does feeding cereal at early age cause phlegm? Im still comtemplating when to start. Can u share your TRA program?
I fed one level tablespoon with 5parts milk. Baby seem to like took almost everything till last 3 spoons sit in bouncer too long got agitated maybe too hot and refuse to continue.

So excited, another milestone for baby. He kept kicking in excitement when I feed and want to grab my hand.

Anyone tried Thomson TCM baby tui na massage? Duno if it will hell improve my baby appetite to drink more. I'm applying ru Yi oil every few hours to see is it tummy got wind so he bloated don't want drink milk.

I got irritable these days as my mood meter seem to follow baby milk intake. Inspected my EBM and duno is it cos too much foremilk? It's abt 1/4, normal? Now I express and throw away first oz foremilk, hope to give more fatty hind milk.

After entire night, first feed in morning baby only took 80ml but I console myself cos he took a bit of cereal.

Cereal feed how many times a day?
My baby still doesn't like to take rice cereal yet, but she likes to lick on apples and other foods. Going to buy a blender during the baby fair next weekend and make apple/sweet potato puree for her to try.

My girl has always been in the 50 percentile. Last I measured when she just turned 4 months last Friday, she was 60cm and 5.4kg.

She's going for her next inoculation next Wednesday and the nurses will measure and weigh her again. She didn't have any fever the last time, hopefully will be the same this time round.

She's starting to drink more milk these couple of days. Used to drink about 100-110ml per feed every 3h, except last feed (dream feed about 60-80ml). These few days she can drink 150-160ml on some of the feeds, but still drinks so so so slowly. She has to drink and rest, burp, rest, drink, rest, burp a few times, and it takes an hour to finish her milk. She only drinks fast when she's half asleep. So I reckon it's the reflux. But she's already so much better than before. Can only hope her condition improves quickly so it won't be so hard on us.

But I'm very thankful already that she sleeps well through the night. Usually wakes up at 7am in the morning. We dream feed about 1130pm at night. This morning she woke up at 750am! After expressing at about midnight yesterday, I had 7 1/2h of good sleep! So shiok!

I've long lost all my preggy weight and way below my pre-preggy weight, though still got a bit of tummy, probably just another inch to lose, but can wear all my pre-preggy bottoms, even those that I couldn't wear before (coz I put on some weight when I was trying to conceive). But I can't wear those buttoned tops coz now breasts much bigger than before pregnant. Only wearing those more stretchable tops / tshirts. Hopefully after I stop breastfeeding, the breast will go back the size before, or else I need to buy new tops!
rabbitz: when just started on cereal, feed only once a day until baby got used to it. Shd't throw away the foremilk cos its supposed to quench baby's thirst?

Slowly u can try feeding purée apple, pumpkin, banana.

Esteelin: it's hard to lose the tummy totally but binding and exercise will help. Unless you are slim by nature, it's hard to lose all the weight especially the tummy. I managed to go bk to pre-preg weight but tummy still visible and I am those big-sized woman. But I'm looking to lose another 3-5kg cos I'm going to 'close shop' . Hehe
Liang2: I didn't taste the cereal so not sure if it's the cause of phlegm. But just stop for a while as precaution. Anyway I give only bm on weekends.
TRA=The Right Approach, a 3 mth program which helps to steer towards healthy lifestyle. Together w supplements, shake and cream, which help in reduce cravings, reducing fat, increase muscle. Through the program We should lose weight nicely without rebounce. I took it up cos I really dun want to live with overweight issue, I had high cholesterol and family history of diabetes, so really got to watch out my weight

rabbitz: Better starts cereal with once a day first

It's very easy to go emotional with milk.. but most of the time problem is with not enough supply. Yours is a special case! I ever cried during #1 time, cos the bottle leaks while I pump... and I had "just enough" supply then, felt so wasted I wrote a very long mail to Medela

Anyway, if baby dun drink, can't force also! My gal can go without milk in morning, that's why I try to "steal" it by pumping out this morning. Too bad, my old shield is a bit broken, so can only pump 50ml.

HuiYuin FAAA: so good! Can go back to pre-preg wt naturally! My wt is a combo of #1 +#2! Anyway, since only the tummy, apply tummy cream and do sit-ups might help?
And yeah, those button up shirt is hard to wear now, especially on top of our full bust, we wear breast pad as well!!
Dolly: I believe the latching on really helps. With my #1 I don't latch so weight stayed and tummy was huge!! This time round I latch more plus I try to bind my tummy at night (if I remember). And also I put on little weight during pregnancy.

How often do u change your gal's diaper? Is it heavy? Do u think she will not have enough to eat if I just latch her on weekends?
metro having baby fair now, buy $50 n get goodie bag! Refer to the photo I post on fb

FAAA: my boy latch for 21 mth n I din lose loh
also bf exclusively bf 6 mth. Think we only need to buy formula after 21 mth, save a lot of $$$. But din lose much weight
FAAA: My gal poo very often... and sometimes I think she latch in order to poo (maybe give her more strength). Sometimes she fart and also will have some poo inside. So I normally only change her diaper when she poo except before bathing.
For example, just one night from 8pm alone can change 3 times if she's gamed to poo

Her diapers can be light or heavy, cos sometimes she just poo without peeing.

I dun "guess" if she has enough to eat, I just latch her if she seems hungry. So if she latches to sleep I would take it that she has enough
Dolly: U mention a slow down in your TRA program. I guess most slimming programs are like that. U see a difference in the first couple of weeks and then slow down cos of stubborn fats. Be patient!!

Yesterday brought the kids out. My gal din nap at all from 3pm - 10pm. I also try to latch her on often but sometimes she doesn't look hungry if not she will refuse to open the mouth.
I brought my baby out alone ytd evening, she slept better outside, guess the aircon AND the moving stroller helps! I can slowly pick out the sales items

Yeah, I've reached my #2 pre-preg wt, now got to lose the stubborn fat since #1! And I've been eating fast food since Thurs everyday... I know I hv to control. But was happy that my high cholesterol disappear, so kinda "celebrate" by eating unhealthy stuff ....hahaha

I have 2 brand new tommee tippee teats (3M+) medium flow to give away free.

Let me know if any of yr baby needs them
Liang2: Thanks! I did exercise by taking staircase up in the office, once in morning, once after lunch

My gal has big thigh! So chubby, but she is only 7kg at 5mth+ leh. Do I need to worry abt that now? Or are babies all the same? Hahaha

She's very kepo too, will er er er to catch attention. But will get louder n louder till she cry out. Will stop crying immediately once carry her up
I read here that someone mention about her baby drinks better just before sleep. So ytd I decided to try to offer bottle to baby and surprise that he took a bit, although jus within last 3in he refuse the balance inside. I done this for all prior sleep time.Then gradually today baby actually took one whole bottle. I was delighted and for once my boy broke record.

I'm thankful to not had missed the tip shared my the mummy. I hope I can slowly get my boy to drink more and up his weight to reach 50%tile. Mummies with more tips pls share with me.
Dolly: my gal also very kaypoh. When my hubby, sin and myself having dinner she will funny noises ask us to carry her do she can join us. When we go out, her eyes wide open taking in the surroundings that she can dont nap for the whole afternoon.

Bet nowadays due to time restrictions I can only pump 20mins max in the office. I still pump at 12 and 4pm. Now getting between 120-130ml. I just threw away the formula milk. Decided not to open new tin and just dip into frozen supply
There is a baby fair this weekend at Expo. Is it worthwhile to go or more suitable for those preparing the arrival of new baby?
Any mummy knows if there will be any upcoming weaning?
Can share any FB page name or websites to get updates on baby related events or workshops?
rabbitz: Glad to hear that u find a way to help let baby drink more! BTW, dun simply throw away the milk, use it to soak your feet ... very smooth one!

FAAA: Drink some HOT milo before you pump and see if it helps?
Dolly does drinking hot drinks really help? I take more water before pumping though. My gal still drinking only 120-130ml per feed so just enough for 2 feeds. Usually I give a bottle FM but now decide to use frozen milk cos it's from August but troublesome for me cos I packed in 150ml bag so got a little extra.

Btw my gal also very chubby. Muscular thighs. She also started laughing a lot and loves to play/suck her fingers
At least for me, drinking hot milo sometimes will cause my bust even more full... so won't dare to drink if I'm outside and can't pump
FAAA: Milk supply still maintain, pump twice and get around 300 to 400ml in total.

My gal can drink very fast from bottle if she want to! Like 50ml in 2minutes! But when she dun want, she just dun wan loh... tough
My milk ss suddenly drop a lot, I can only yield 60ml per session. I usually get around 120ml for every 4 hour interval. Why must it happen now when I only have a few more weeks to go :S
